"Do you understand what I mean?"

"If you still love her, you don't torture each other anymore. Lu ran, you also see that it's not a thing. How can he be good to nianxi? You really want to see nianxi betrayed by others before you know how to cherish it?"

Chu Muge looked moved. Seeing that he had said so much, Chu Muge couldn't help asking more.

"Do you know why she left me?"

"When she left, she didn't even leave me a reason. Do you think I can't get it back? She didn't give me a chance."

"Then give up?"

Qi Yifan disagreed. "In short, I told you what kind of person nianxi is. Don't let me know. As a friend, I hope she is happy. If you are destined to miss it, maybe I'll have to fight. You see, I'm not afraid of Lu ran. What are you worried about?"

Chu Muge laughed at his words. Naturally, he was not afraid of Lu ran. What he was afraid of was her refusal.

"Come on, it's too late if you don't chase."

Qi Yifan dragged him out. Fortunately, it's not good to take a taxi now. Nianxi is still standing on the roadside. Qi Yifan said to Chu Muge, "go quickly, the opportunity is coming."

After saying that, the others dodged. Chu Muge walked over and stood for a while, then looked at nianxi's puzzled expression, and he thought.

"Let me see you off."

"What did you say?"

Nianxi was sure that after she left, they must have said something else. They looked behind him and couldn't see Qi Yifan's shadow. Nianxi frowned suspiciously.

"Nianxi, why do you have to leave me?"

I didn't expect Chu Muge to ask so suddenly, but nianxi was stunned. He had been chasing for the answer to this topic long ago, and he hasn't forgotten it until now.

"Nianxi, look at me and give me a reason. Is it because I didn't do well enough, or is there any other reason why you have to leave me? I can't figure out why all this is. Obviously we were so good at that time. I thought we would be together all our lives."

He as like as two peas in the past, but how did he tell him that all this was just his own hoax at the beginning?

He will hate himself when he knows.

"Chu Muge, let the past pass."

"How can I get there? Can you make it? Or do you think I can make it?"

Chu Muge doesn't obey. What is in front of her is her happiness. What is horizontal between them and why is her hesitation.

"Nianxi, give me a reason, a reason you can let me completely give up my extravagance. You know I haven't put you down for so many years. You know I won't marry Nianqi, don't you?"

Reason, he just wants one reason. OK, nianxi is out.

"Are you really ready to know the answer? Chu Muge, you know that the most hurtful thing in the world is the truth. Maybe you will subvert all your persistence after you know the truth. I just don't want you to be so sad. You haven't done anything wrong. The wrong person has always been me. I'm sorry for you."

"Since you have to have an answer today, I'll tell you. At that time, I actually approached you on purpose."

Nianxi's eyes glistened with tears. She bit her lips and didn't dare to see him. Chu Muge was a little surprised.

"Why deliberately?"

"Because I want to take away a person's happiness, I know she likes you."

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