"What are you talking about?"

Nianxi doesn't understand very much. How can she not understand the words in the clouds.

"You and chumuge."

Read son Yang point to the end, read Xi instant heart movement, pick eyebrows to see, with exploration and puzzlement, just don't say a word.

"I know between you..."

Nianziyang thought about the wording. He didn't want to appear to be busy, and didn't want nianxi to doubt his intentions. From beginning to end, he cared about her, even though she didn't appreciate it.

"Between us?"

Nianxi sneered, "Ziyang, how do you know and how much do you know? Do you come to me today to threaten me? Do you think I will be afraid? What do you care about Nianjia's face?"

"You don't care."

Nianziyang is very sad. Nianxi's feelings for Nianjia are too indifferent. For so many years, the resentment in her heart is still accumulating in her heart. If so, will Nianqi's guess be true.

"Nianxi," nianziyang hesitated, "you come back this time," he didn't know if he should ask, "what are you coming back for?"

Nianxi knows what he is thinking. It doesn't matter whether he answers or not. Nianziyang doesn't say he knows her entanglement with Chu Muge, so he has reason to say it because he is jealous or unwilling to destroy their feelings.

"Why don't you talk?"

Nianziyang asked, "do you really want them to separate? Do you really want to go together with him? What about him? It's also because of you that he insists on separating from Nianqi? Nianxi, are you unable to accept it because you love him or because he is Nianqi's fiance?"

Nianziyang's question didn't get the expected answer. Nianxi just said that he sent him away when it was time to go to work. Nianziyang sat there alone for a long time. During this period, Nianqi called and complained.

Since nianxi can't get an answer here, he can only find another party, Chu Muge.

"President Chu, a Mr. nianziyang came to you outside and said he had something private to talk to you about."

Lele came in and said to Chu Muge. The man on the office chair was very quiet and asked him to come in.

"Long time no see, Mr. Chu."

Nianziyang came over with a smile. Chu Muge also smiled. Although they were only limited to understanding, they still appreciated each other.

"I heard you held an art exhibition abroad. How's it going? It's not bad."

Chu Muge politely leads him to sit down. He won't come to find himself for no reason. It must be because of his sister. Oh, it's really a good understanding of his family. So he wants him to marry Nianqi?

"Mr. Chu," nianziyang didn't intend to go around with him and opened the door to the mountain, "listen to Nianqi say that there is a problem between you. Is it serious? Should you withdraw your marriage?"

"I've told Nianqi about this. If two people are not suitable, they can't go together. Fortunately, Nianqi and I still have a choice."

"It's not appropriate for you to talk about your relationship for many years now. Do you think this reason is tenable? President Chu, you know how much she loves you. She can do anything for you."

"I don't need her to sacrifice anything for me. The payment in her feelings is never proportional to the report. I have considered the matter with Nianqi for a long time and made this decision very seriously. This is responsible for each other, because even if she marries me, I won't be happy. I don't think this is what you want to see."

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