Chu Muge is cold. If he hadn't heard some rumors, he wouldn't have run to Nianjia today. Moreover, he also needs to tell Nianjia in advance. At the thought of nianyonglin's reaction at that time, he thought it was very interesting, but it's not difficult to guess. After all, everyone thought that he and Nianqi would be the result of water to canal.

However, he looked at the woman in front of him with deep eyes. When she was in trouble, he was worried, but what she thought of was Lu ran, who had never seen him.

"I heard you've done a great thing recently. Nianxi, why do you run back and admit your mistake because you have Lu ranzai? You like to rely on him for everything? He can really help you with anything?"

What does that... Mean?

"He's my boyfriend, shouldn't he?"

Nianxi joked, "listen to you, you mean you don't look up to me looking for Lu ran. What's the matter with men? It's also my ability to rely on men. You think you have to be able!"

This was definitely intended to annoy him. Sure enough, Chu Muge suddenly blacked his face. Nianxi said it righteously. It was clear that he didn't pay attention to him, but it seemed that he was a little amorous.

"Nianxi, you are more and more..."

"You are more and more inexplicable!"

Nianxi didn't wait for him to finish, but he took over the words. He looked at him strangely and wondered, "what are you doing here? You came here just to dislike each other?"

"Chu Muge, keep your distance, you know?"

"Keep your distance. Thanks to what you said, don't you think nothing happened to us that day? You used me as a gun very smoothly. Now you find that I'm useless. You threw me into Lu Ran's arms again. You're really romantic and do whatever you want!"

"But why should I follow your wishes!"

Chu Muge pulled her to her heel and looked at her with forced black eyes. Just when she didn't know how to get rid of it, the person who left suddenly came back.

"Why are you back?"

She was surprised to see Lu ran driving back to nianxi. Even Chu Muge beside her had deep eyebrows and didn't know what she was thinking.

When Lu ran was in the car, he saw the two of them together. Thinking of the gossip they had made before, Lu ran didn't feel a little unhappy.

Open the door and walk down, Lu Ran has a smile on his face.

"President Chu, I didn't expect you to come here. Your fiancee is willing to let you go?"

It sounds funny, but anyone can hear it clearly. He is deliberately trying to annoy others. He clearly knows that there is a problem between Chu Muge and Nianqi to separate, but now

Nianxi glanced at Chu Muge with some worry, and then walked to Lu ran.

"Lu ran, didn't you leave with something? Why did you come back? Is there something?"

"What do you say?"

Lu ran looked at nianxi unidentified. She felt like she had caught their adultery. She was inexplicably proud.

Nianxi lowered his head and said nothing.

Then Lu ran looked at Chu Muge, "President Chu, I don't know what's the matter with you coming to her at night?"

Chu Muge's eyes moved slightly and said indifferently, "that's what I told her. There's no need to tell you."

"No need?"

Lu ran thought it was funny. He grabbed nianxi's ambiguous expression. "She's my girlfriend. I have the right to know about her, especially when talking to other men at night. Can president Chu be indifferent to seeing other men when Nianqi doesn't sleep in the middle of the night? What do you have to meet now?"

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