Danmachi – Card Wizard

Chapter 22 - Ch.22 Contract (13)

The following morning, Aidan woke up early as usual and gave a quick look at the second occupant of his bed, Ais. The previous night, when he decided that it was time to go back to sleep, she had insisted on joining him, stating that she could only sleep in peace with him around.

Aidan was mainly aware of her circumstances as she had shared it with him a few days before the incident. He knew that she didn't have anyone else to rely on. As such, he agreed. Anyway, these were cold days and sharing his bed with her was comfortable due to her body heat.​​

Getting out of bed slowly, not to wake her up, he went to the bathroom to take a quick shower as today was the contracting day. According to what he heard from the other adventurers of the familia who talked about this quarterly event, there would only be recruits signing a contract and a few dozen other members.

For the ancient members of the familia, the new signing of the contract would allow them to gain better terms for themselves, change their position in the familia or leave the Loki familia. The better terms could be terms such as having more chances to have their status updated each month, having some help from stronger adventurers to help them train a few times a year or even simple personal requests. Members whose contract was completed and wished to sign another could benefit from their years in the familia and improved strength.

The change in their position referred to the role given to them during their previous contract. If, for example, an adventurer had signed as a porter for the familia, they could discuss a new position with their goddess, Finn, Riviera and Gareth, who were the current executives of the familia. The new job could be anything from guard to a member of the attack force in expeditions. Of course, all negotiations depended on their strength and potential. They wouldn't let a level 1 enter the attack force since it would be dangerous for everyone.

Finally, they could decide to leave the familia. It usually happened when the adventurer was getting too old to continue adventuring, didn't see the point in continuing and chose to retire or left the familia for another one since they weren't happy with the negotiations or wanted to become the captain of a weaker familia. Overall, there were all kinds of reasons for the signing of the contract, and everyone who was to sign it again had prepared for a few weeks already to gain as much as possible from the negotiations.

Those were for the older members. As for the recruits, they would have the chance to decide whether they wanted to stay or leave the familia, and if the members chose to stay, depending on their strength, they would appoint them to a specific position.

Aidan wasn't apprehensive for either him or Ais. After all, their goddess had sent the executives to train them, and they could ask for an update of status whenever they wanted. It showed that she believed in their potential and should offer them both pretty good conditions.

As Aidan finished taking his shower while thinking about all of these matters, he quickly dried off and, after seeing the time, went to wake up Ais, who had fallen asleep quite late the previous night.

"Ais, wake up. In an hour and a half, we have the contract ceremony." He said calmly and in a small voice to wake her up as gently as possible.

"What time is it?" She asked groggily, with her hair even messier than the previous day.

"It's 8h30. The ceremony is at 10." Answered Aidan. "How are you this morning?" He asked after answering her.

"I slept better than I slept since I came to this city." She answered with a neutral face, but the corner of her mouth rose, showing her better mood.

Seeing her like this, Aidan mentally sighed in relief as he showed a smile on his face as well. "That's great. Now go and take a shower; you can't go out like that." He laughed as she blushed into realization as she touched her hair and face, which had a slightly dried drool line.


An hour later, with Ais cleaned up and ready to go, they both left the dormitory area as they walked up to the third floor, where they sat in the chairs in a meeting room near the goddess's room.

This meeting room had been opened explicitly for the signing of the contract as there were over a hundred chairs from the back to the room to the front. There were also three slightly more luxurious chairs in front of the others, most likely for the executives and marginally higher than the three chairs and a lot more elegant, undoubtedly for Loki-sama.

Sitting down with Ais in the corner of the room, they waited silently as more and more members continued to enter the silent room.

As the time was getting closer to the start of the meeting, more people came rushing in. A few moments before, the three executives, along with Loki, came in through the door as Gareth closed the meeting room door.

Looking at the room, Aidan noticed that there were about a hundred people in the room, with about a third being new adventurers, which showed through their nervousness.

"Alright, everyone is here; we can start." Said the tomboyish goddess as she sat back on her seat, and Finn stood up.

"Firstly, we will do the contracts of the older members, finishing with the recruits." He said, which garnered the dissatisfaction of a few recruits, but they didn't dare to speak up as the others only nodded expressionlessly.

"According to the contract offered, you will have a certain amount of years decided later to work for the familia. It includes not to betray its members, helping each other, not change of familia during this time, pay the respective taxes and finally, to follow the contract which is to enter the dungeon at least once a month." He continued as he explained the details of the contract.

Seeing everyone nod, he started calling the members whose contract had expired.

"Alright. Arnold Blake, please come in front." Said Finn as he called the first member to sign another contract. "Do you have any requests on your new contract?" He asked as he looked at him impassively.

"Yes, I would like to quit being a porter and become a fighting member of the familia. I would also like to request 4 million Valis for a contract of 10 years." He said as Riviera and Gareth immediately started to go through the paper to report to Finn.

"Arnold Blake, previous contract of ten years. Now aged twenty-nine years old and has been promoted to level 2 three years ago. He has been a porter for the familia until the eighteenth floor and has never joined the expedition force. He enters the dungeon with an average of four days a month." Reported Gareth as he looked through the files.

Immediately after, Riviera picked up. "According to his data and the time he spends in the dungeon, we can pay him as much as 3 million Valis for a ten years contract." She explained as Finn took the information and made a decision. (Note three million for ten years, not three million per year.)

"We can take you to the fighting force but not on expedition. Your current strength is too weak to be part of it. If you want to join the expedition, you will have to be a porter during that time or level up to three. Finally, we will pay you three million Valis, and you will need to complete at least two tasks of the familia per month in the dungeon. Finally, the contract will be of ten years." He finished as he offered the contract to the man in front of him.

"Alright." He nodded after pondering for a moment as he took the contract handed to him by Riviera, who wrote everything. He immediately signed his name on the agreement of ten years before going back to his seat and sitting down.

"Next, Adrien." Said Finn as a slit-eyed man walked up to him while smiling, full of confidence and arrogance.

"I will get the opportunity to train with miss Riviera twice a month, get on the expedition force team starting next year, and I want ten million Valis for a contract of 3 years, no conditions attached." He said, full of confidence over the matter

Finn seeing his behaviour and words, frowned slightly before turning over to the two other executives, one of whom looked at the man disgustedly.

"Adrien, previous contract of seven years, currently aged of thirty-three years old, levelled up to two six years ago and can currently go to the safe zone on the eighteenth floor alone with slight difficulty. He is reported to enter the dungeon once a month and stays in the dungeon for about three days, of which he mostly spends on the eighteenth floor. He doesn't have any team as all the members of his last three teams died after being attacked by monster hordes." Said Gareth in a voice that showed slight contempt.

Turning to Riviera, who had the same expression as Gareth, she answered the curious look of Finn and Loki. "For a three years contract with no conditions attached, we can offer him two million Valis, and he must join all the expeditions of the familia as a porter." Answered Riviera as she looked at Finn.

Finally, the pallum turned towards the arrogant man. "So, are you going to accept my request or not? To mention if you don't accept it, I'm leaving the familia." He asked before threatening them.

As Finn was about to answer, Loki, who had been behind him looking at everything in interest, looked down on him with a cold expression. "No, we won't be having another contract with you. You can leave the familia." She said as she lifted her finger, erasing her mark from the man's back.

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