Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 1 The Immortal Cultivator

Chapter 1: The Mediocre Cultivator

Yue Country, Changning County, Fu Wang Mansion.

Front hall.

A crowd of people held their breath and looked towards the center of the hall.

"Crimson Flame Divine Palm!"

With a low shout, a handsome young man in a green robe in the center of the scene suddenly produced a ball of flames in his palm.

A copper bell stood on the ground, and he gently pushed his palm upwards.


The copper bell was pierced by the flames effortlessly, creating a large hole.

Then, with unabated momentum, flames appeared inside the copper bell, and the bell began to turn red. In a moment, it melted almost halfway, leaving a pool of molten copper on the ground.

"Innate martial skill! He is a martial arts master!"

The crowd exclaimed, especially the martial artists in the scene, who were deeply in awe of the young man at this moment.

Seeing the astonished and amazed expressions of the crowd, Yu Xian raised his chin pretending to be a master, but secretly sighed in his heart.

"The spiritual energy in the mortal world is indeed extremely thin. It took me almost half of my mana to cast a fireball spell. It's pitiful that as a cultivator, I still feel a little proud because I intimidated a group of mortals."

Three years ago, Yu Xian crossed over and took over the original body, gaining the cultivation level of the third layer of Qi Refining.

At first, Yu Xian was excited.

This was cultivation! This meant becoming a sword immortal, traveling to the North Sea and the Cangming, and using a flying sword to take heads from a thousand miles away...

But as he continued to cultivate, Yu Xian gradually realized that something was wrong.

The first major realm of cultivation was the Qi Refining realm, which had a total of nine layers.

Despite being in his thirties, he was still stuck at the third layer of Qi Refining, and his future seemed bleak.

Although Qi Refining cultivators were nourished by spiritual energy, their lifespan was only about twenty to thirty years longer than ordinary people. Living up to a hundred years was the limit.

If something went wrong during cultivation, he could reach his limit in his seventies or eighties. If he were to be injured in a battle, it was not impossible to die in his fifties or sixties. If he encountered a demonic cultivator during a tribulation, he would be dead instantly.

The more Yu Xian thought about it, the more anxious he became.

Since cultivation was a dead end, he might as well lie down and retire decisively!

Yu Xian chose to retire and live in the nearby mortal world.

The mortal world referred to regions with extremely thin spiritual energy and scarce cultivation resources. Cultivators who stayed here not only made no progress in their cultivation, but could even regress in their cultivation if they stayed for too long.

Over time, no cultivators were willing to stay, and it became a realm inhabited only by ordinary people.

Yu Xian exhausted his meager savings, crossed the death sea that separated the mortal world from the cultivation world, and arrived in Yue Country.

He traveled along the way and happened to hear that the Fu Wang Mansion was recruiting worshippers.

Fu Wang was the emperor's own younger brother, who was granted the title of Changning County. Recently, he somehow offended a martial arts master and was attacked by him in the middle of the night. Two out of the three top experts in the mansion were killed, and Fu Wang himself was almost killed.

In the end, the people of the mansion fought desperately to defend, forcing the enemy to retreat, but Fu Wang was seriously injured.

Now that the mansion's power was weak, Fu Wang not only sought help from the court, but also recruited worshippers from the common people with a high reward.

Yu Xian suddenly had an idea about his retirement plan - find a good organization and rely on it for retirement.

So he claimed to be the second generation successor of the Fire God Sect, a hidden sect, and took down the recruitment notice, and entered the royal palace, thus having the current scene.

Yu Xian's gaze fell on the princess sitting in the hall, and he bowed, saying, "This is just a small skill, I, Yu Xian, am showing off."

He did not reveal his identity as a cultivator, but disguised himself as an ordinary innate martial artist.

Spiritual energy is the seed of transcendence. Although the spiritual energy in the mortal world is thin, it does not mean it does not exist.

Therefore, there are mortals with great perseverance who excavate their potential, cultivate true qi, become acquired martial artists, and then temper their bodies with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and advance to become innate grandmasters, similar to the path of cultivating the body for cultivators.

The princess, sitting in the main seat of the hall, was beautiful, wearing a light pink palace dress, with a plump figure. At this moment, she was also looking at Yu Xian, who had a good appearance.

People pay attention to appearances. Cultivators, who cultivate day and night and are nourished by spiritual energy, naturally have a beauty effect. As long as they are not born deformed, they can almost always be associated with a refined appearance.

"Master Yu is too modest. With just this palm, Master Yu is enough to be the royal palace's top-level offering. I just don't know what Master Yu wants?"

When martial arts cultivation reaches the level of an innate grandmaster, they already have a certain amount of power and the confidence of a noble marquis. Ordinary wealth and glory can no longer easily move them.

"I have been practicing diligently for half my life and can't stand the loneliness of the mountain. That's why I came out to seek wealth and glory. Today, I have the opportunity to join the royal palace, which is fate."

Yu Xian stared at the beautiful face of the princess, his gaze open and his expression calm.

"I desire fine clothes and food, luxurious carriages and beautiful women, and extravagant enjoyment, especially beautiful women. I wonder if the princess can fulfill my wishes?"

Perhaps Yu Xian's words were too direct, and the princess blushed slightly, using her hand to cover her mouth and lightly laugh to conceal her embarrassment.

"Master Yu is indeed straightforward, but the royal palace is not lacking in wealth and glory. Since Master Yu is willing to serve the royal palace, everything you desire will naturally be provided."


"Here, Your Highness."

"From now on, you will be in charge of Master Yu. You must serve him well and not be negligent."

"Yes, Your Highness."

A delicate girl walked out from beside the princess, in her twenties, petite and fair-skinned. Although she was not as stunning as the princess, she exuded the youthful charm of a girl next door.

Seeing Yu Xian looking at Yulan, the princess introduced, "Yulan entered the palace five years ago and has always been by my side. Even the prince has never touched her. She is the most obedient maid by my side. You can entrust her with anything, Master Yu."

Yu Xian did not refuse and directly accepted the girl, thanking the princess, "Your Highness is generous. I, Yu Xian, will definitely not disappoint Your Highness's trust and will wholeheartedly serve the royal palace from now on!"

Upon receiving the promise, the princess immediately revealed a smile, as if flowers were blooming, which made Yu Xian stunned on the spot, and doubts arose in his heart.

Do I still have the heart of a thief?

The princess was unaware of Yu Xian's thoughts, but felt that with the addition of an innate grandmaster, the royal palace had gained more confidence.

"Yulan, take Master Yu to rest in the No. 2 building of the offering courtyard. By the way, there will be a banquet in the royal palace tonight to welcome Master Yu's arrival. Please don't decline, Master Yu."

Yu Xian heard that it was a banquet at the expense of the public, so naturally he couldn't refuse.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness. I will definitely attend the banquet on time."


On that night.

At the Wang Mansion banquet, the guests and hosts were all enjoying themselves.

The princess made a brief appearance and then left, using the excuse of taking care of the prince.

As the protagonist of the banquet, Yu Xian received a lot of attention. He also took this opportunity to get to know many lower-level servants of the Wang Mansion.

The Wang Mansion had two levels of servants: heavenly and earthly.

The requirements for heavenly servants were simple: they had to be martial arts masters, as long as they could fight.

The standards for earthly servants were more diverse. They could be peak-level martial artists or individuals with special skills, such as hidden weapons, poison arts, medical arts, tomb raiding, raising insects, and beast taming.

The Wang Mansion kept them around, as they might come in handy someday.

Yu Xian was truly amazed and marveled at the various talents of ordinary people.

After the banquet.

The Servant's Courtyard, Building No. 2.

"I can't drink anymore, really can't." Yu Xian, reeking of alcohol, leaned on the petite Yulan and mumbled as he stumbled towards the bedroom.

Yulan struggled to support Yu Xian onto the bed and sighed, "Master, you were too easygoing just now. Who would keep drinking when others toast you?"

She had been attending to Yu Xian throughout the banquet and saw how he treated others with great kindness. Even when he was drunk, he didn't scold or curse at anyone. He just liked to hold people and talk nonsense, which made him somewhat endearing.

Just as he had said in the hall during the day, he especially liked beautiful women.

That night, her hands were almost rubbed raw.

But that wasn't a disadvantage.

Now that she had been bestowed to Yu Xian by the princess, she would become his servant. The more the master liked her, the better treatment she would receive in the future.

"Master, rest well. If you need anything, just call me."

Yulan covered Yu Xian with the blanket and was about to leave when a big hand grabbed her.

"Don't, don't go."


After everything was done.

Yu Xian felt refreshed, as if he had been completely released.

Unfortunately, as a second-generation person, he felt somewhat embarrassed for the first time.

He had given up the slim hope of immortality and risked his life to cross the Sea of Death and come to the mortal world. His new life began today.

Suddenly, his spiritual sense moved and he sensed a new surge of power flowing within him.

What is this?

Yu Xian was stunned.

The so-called "golden finger" that he had been calling out for so long turned out to be like this?

Damn, this was too outrageous!

Yu Xian took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

In front of his eyes, a green panel appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining Third Layer (28/30)]

[Companion: Yulan (1/1)]

At this moment, Yu Xian looked at Yulan as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

She was now his companion. Although there were no formalities or parental arrangements, this moment was more profound than any guarantee.


The next morning.

After an exciting night, Yu Xian, who had no sleepiness, stared at the mosquito net on the bed.

In front of him was a bright green panel, confirming that all of this was not a dream.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining Fourth Layer (1/50)]

[Companion: Yulan (1/1)]

In the middle stage of Qi Refining, his spiritual sense was subtle, allowing him to see inside his own body.

Yu Xian's spiritual sense entered his dantian and saw that his spiritual power was abundant. Compared to yesterday, not only was the quality purer, but the quantity had also increased by about thirty percent.

Yesterday, he could only use the fireball technique three times at most, but now he could cast it at least five times, with even greater power.

In addition, his movements were more agile, his body lighter, and his speed and strength had slightly improved, roughly equivalent to a peak-level martial artist.

However, the strength of a cultivator did not solely rely on physical strength.

Now he was a genuine mid-stage Qi Refining cultivator.

Of course, he was aware that among mid-stage Qi Refining cultivators, he was considered relatively weak.

In terms of cultivation techniques, he practiced the widely known "Innate Qi Refining Art" in the cultivation world, which had no attribute bonuses. The only advantage was its neutrality, making it convenient to switch to other cultivation techniques in the future. Theoretically, he could cultivate all the way to the Foundation Building realm.

In terms of spiritual arts, besides the small cloud and rain technique for farming and watering, the small golden needle technique for pest control, and the small withered wood technique for weeding, the only offensive spiritual art he knew was the fireball technique.

As for magical tools and spirit talismans, those were not something a poor person could afford.

But Yu Xian was very satisfied. Being able to cultivate cultivation techniques was enough for him.

If he wanted higher-level techniques, he would have to venture back to the cultivation world, which might not necessarily be successful.

Although he awakened the golden finger unintentionally, it only strengthened his determination to live in the mortal world.

The cultivation world was filled with geniuses and monsters, with ancient ancestors and powerful beings reigning supreme. As a small fry like him, he couldn't even withstand the aftermath of their battles.

Staying in this small pond of the mortal world might be insignificant, but it was safe.

Yu Xian pecked the person in his arms lightly and gradually felt drowsy. With beautiful dreams in his heart, he fell into a deep sleep.

From this moment on, sparks of life ignited in his once lifeless existence...

(End of this chapter)

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