Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 110 Destroying The Gate (200 Monthly Pass Plus Updates)

Chapter 110: Annihilation of the Sect (200 Bonus Votes)

After a moment.

The cries for mercy and the sounds of killing outside the main hall gradually subsided.

Lei Xiaohu pressed his ear against a stone wall, holding his breath, listening to the outside world in the most primitive way.

This was the escape room hidden beneath the main hall.

The entire escape room was built with original spirit stone ore, capable of shielding various divine senses and detection spells, and had excellent soundproofing.

Therefore, the only way to mine spirit stone ore was through the most primitive manual excavation methods.

And most of the spirit stone mines were controlled by the major sects. This also led to many legendary stories in the cultivation world starting from spirit stone mines.

It was usually someone who obtained a magical treasure while digging a pit, rising from obscurity, causing a great slaughter, and then being recruited by a major sect.

As for those who were not recruited, they mostly ended up dead.

Lei Xiaohu was fascinated by these stories and even had the idea of sending himself to mine spirit stone ore.

It was similar to some people intentionally committing crimes and going to prison, wanting to cultivate in seclusion.

"Dad, it seems like there's no movement." Lei Xiaohu remembered the scene of destruction just now and couldn't help but swallow his saliva, asking softly, "What exactly happened?"

The old man in the black robe slammed the table angrily and roared in a low voice, "You're asking me, who should I ask? Damn it, you came just at the right time, when I was about to break through Foundation Building."

"No, I'm the only one who knows about my breakthrough in Foundation Building. Could it be you?" The old man in the black robe looked at his only son, his eyes filled with ferocity.

Lei Xiaohu quickly waved his hand and shook his head, "Dad, I'm your own son! If you break through Foundation Building, won't I also benefit? How could I betray you?"

The old man in the black robe naturally knew that it was impossible for his own son to betray him.

Although his son indulged in all kinds of vices, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't have a happy life.

So he had always been obedient, and there had been almost no rebellious period in his thirty-odd years of life.

Except for a period of time when he seemed to be possessed by something evil and wanted to become a mining slave in the spirit stone mine, but his legs were broken by the old man.

After that, he became obedient.

But then he thought of something and asked again, "If it's not you, did any other disciple cause trouble and use our Guihu Sect's name?"

"Um..." Lei Xiaohu's eyes dodged, and he answered vaguely, "There shouldn't be."

"Really?!" The old man in the black robe grabbed Lei Xiaohu's collar, almost lifting him off the ground, his eyes seemed to want to devour him.

"Didn't I say that the mountain was closed for two years and no one was allowed to go out? Tell me! Who was it?!"

"If we can survive this disaster, I will definitely flay him alive!"

Lei Xiaohu indulged in debauchery on weekdays. If it weren't for his cultivation, he would have long been ruined, but his body was weaker than cultivators of the same realm.

At this moment, being angrily lifted by the old man in the black robe, he suddenly felt his breath being restricted.

He quickly explained, "It's not like that, Dad. I just asked someone to inform the Yuezhen Sect to send their female disciples according to the rules this year.

You also know that I've long been tired of the women on the mountain, so I just wanted to play with some new ones.

As for the others, I really didn't do anything, Dad!"

The old man in the black robe saw that his son's eyes had rolled back, and he softened his heart. After all, he had raised his own son for more than thirty years.

He angrily threw him to the ground, pacing back and forth in the small escape room, lost in thought.

"The Yuezhen Sect? That sect full of female cultivators, their sect master is called Liu Yueru, but she's only at the seventh or eighth level of Qi Refining. How could she provoke such a terrifying enemy?"

Lei Xiaohu, who had survived the calamity, climbed up from the ground and quickly agreed, "Yes, Dad, it's the Yuezhen Sect. Their sect master was deceived by a male cultivator and lost the sect's hidden treasure, causing them to lose both their people and wealth.

Now they're barely surviving by sending their female disciples, and they pose no threat at all. They couldn't possibly be the mastermind behind this attack."

"I remember now." The old man in the black robe recalled some memories. "It was her who angered her own master back then.

That incident caused quite a stir. The Yuezhen Sect completely declined after that."

"But..." The old man in the black robe wasn't so easily fooled. He continued to ask:

"All the disciples in the Moon True Sect are beautiful women. Perhaps some of them have gained the favor of influential people and established relationships with important figures.

That's why I left them a way out, so as not to exterminate their sect.

No one knows if any of the previous generation disciples have formed relationships with important figures.

In recent years, I have focused on my cultivation and have not concerned myself with worldly affairs.

Do you... know?"


Lei Xiaohu swallowed his saliva and didn't dare to continue acting. Nervously, he replied,

"I heard that the Moon True Sect seems to have established a connection with a guest elder from the Zhao family.

But I specifically sent someone to investigate in the Zhao family's market, and they don't have any relationship. The guest elder from the Zhao family just likes to go to their teahouse... to drink tea."

A gust of wind struck, and Lei Xiaohu didn't dare to dodge, he could only tightly close his eyes.

But the black-robed old man's palm stopped beside Lei Xiaohu's face, gently patting it, sighing,

"My obedient son, you've caused your father's death."

"If we can survive this disaster, you should stay at home in the future and not go anywhere else. Help our Lei family have a few more offspring."

Lei Xiaohu timidly opened his eyes, only to see his father's face pale and defeated, even more sorrowful than when his mother died.

"Father, could it really be the Moon True Sect?"

As if seeing through everything, the black-robed old man shook his head with a calm expression.

"Does it still matter now?"

Although there was no evidence, the black-robed old man had already basically determined that it was his son who had caused trouble for the sake of his own desires.

What could he do about the pit his own son had dug? He could only lie down and wait.

"Wait, the food and water here are enough to sustain us for half a year. After half a year, we can go out again."

The black-robed old man thought of the possibly deceased Ghost Tiger, without the assistance of the spirit beast, the effectiveness of his Foundation Building secret technique had diminished greatly.

At his age, forcefully breaking through was almost the same as seeking death.

"After we go out, we'll change our names and identities. There will be no more Ghost Tiger Sect in the future."

"When we entered the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range back then, we luckily encountered the Ghost Tiger that gave birth after breaking through. We used its son to forcefully sign the blood contract that became our Lei family's inherited Tiger Taming Blood Contract.

That's how our Ghost Tiger Sect had twenty years of glory.

Now that the Ghost Tiger is dead, everything is like a dream, and it's all scattered.

Perhaps our Lei family will no longer have the fortune of Foundation Building."

Saying this, the black-robed old man flipped his palm and took out a puppet that resembled the Ghost Tiger, with faint traces of blood shimmering on it.

"The Ghost Tiger isn't dead?"

"Father, Little White Tiger is also becoming restless."

Lei Xiaohu took out the water bubble that trapped Little White Tiger, only to see the Little White Tiger suddenly open its eyes, filled with anger and hatred.

"Not good!"

The black-robed old man suddenly woke up.

"The escape room can shield divine sense and detection spells, but it can't isolate bloodline connection."


A loud noise came, and a large hole was blasted in the stone wall of the escape room.

The black-robed old man looked up and saw a fist rapidly enlarging in his pupils.

"I should have given my rebellious son a slap earlier."

As soon as the thought arose, his consciousness was forever plunged into darkness.

As for Lei Xiaohu, he didn't even have time to react before he was instantly killed by the shockwave.

And thus, the Ghost Tiger Sect was annihilated.

From beginning to end, they never even saw their own enemies.


Yu Xian controlled the Xuanjia puppet to search the Ghost Tiger Sect, then quietly dissipated the large-scale Cloud Mist Formation.

Until several days later.

The news of the Ghost Tiger Sect's annihilation gradually spread, reaching the Zhao family's market.

But this news didn't cause much of a stir in the market.

Because an even more sensational news had emerged.

The demonic beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range were becoming restless, with more than a dozen demon-hunting squads being wiped out. According to the escaped cultivators, a large group of demonic beasts had gathered, indicating the arrival of a beast tide.

(End of this chapter)"

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