Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 117: The Great Formation To Subdue The Demon

Chapter 117: Ambushing Demons in the Great Formation

Green, blue, ink, red.

The four different colored bamboo joints represent the four formations of the Four-Color Youhuang Great Formation, and they are also the core of the four sets of formations.

Once Yu Xian took hold of them, his powerful divine sense spread through the entire formation via the four bamboo joints.

In the past, when he looked at the Great Formation, it was like seeing flowers in the mist, unclear and blurry.

It was like being a member customer at a bank, with the privilege to enter and explore the interior, but the core area was locked and inaccessible, not even a glimpse was possible.

But now, not only did he have the keys and passwords to the bank vault, but all the security guards and surveillance became his own people.

In an instant, he understood the structure of the Four-Color Youhuang Great Formation.

This was the largest formation he had ever seen, covering almost the entire Zhao family's territory, spanning tens of thousands of square meters.

Once stepping onto the Zhao family's territory, it was equivalent to entering the formation.

The Great Formation became an extension of his hands, feet, and eyes, and the entire Zhao family's territory seemed to become his domain.

"Hiss, such clever techniques..."

Although Yu Xian's formation skills were not yet at the level where he could independently set up a second-grade high-quality formation, he could still imitate it based on the finished product in front of him.

As long as he had enough time, he believed he could imitate it to about sixty or seventy percent.

Under such a mysterious formation, he couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

Time passed bit by bit.

In the ancestral hall, the elders watched as Yu Xian gradually refined the four formation bamboo joints, then closed his eyes and meditated, seemingly completely immersed and unable to extricate himself.

With the change of the formation's core, the protective Great Formation that guarded the Zhao family's territory inevitably showed fluctuations and flaws.

The two demonic beasts that had been attacking the Great Formation would never miss this opportunity.

The silver-backed violent ape, standing three zhang tall, lifted a large tree from the waist, its silver fur shining brightly, and a mysterious character faintly appearing in the center of its back.

Then, an even larger shadow of a violent ape appeared behind it, with both arms raised high, howling at the sky.


With a roar from the silver-backed violent ape, it used the tree as a spear and swiftly stabbed towards the Great Formation.

The large tree, which required several people to embrace, emitted a piercing and sharp howl, and the treetop burned directly due to the powerful energy, causing a huge shockwave to ripple through the air.

The treetop was like a siege hammer, fiercely colliding with the Great Formation.

The swaying green bamboo forest suddenly froze, and then shattered inch by inch. In an instant, a large area of bamboo forest completely collapsed.

The Great Formation that enveloped the Zhao family's territory instantly collapsed.

The Golden Crowned Eagle followed closely behind, spreading its wings.

A huge tornado appeared in front of it, countless thin wind blades wrapped within the tornado, sweeping towards the center of the Zhao family's land.

Without the obstruction of the formation, this tornado was like a natural disaster, unstoppable by anyone.

Along the way, houses were destroyed, land was devastated, and many members of the Zhao family were unable to escape in time, being swept up into the air by the strong winds and turning into a mist of blood in just a moment.

Silver Backed Violent Ape, Golden Crowned Eagle, Swift Wind Wolf, Blood Stained Tiger, Earth Rock Boar...

Led by two second-order demonic beasts, dozens of first-order demonic beasts had already rushed into the Zhao family's land.


Several elders saw this scene through a water mirror and couldn't care about anything else, all shouting in shock and anger.

"Lord Guest!"

"The formation has been broken!"

"We can't stop them. While we still have time, let's run as much as we can."

"As long as the green mountains remain, we won't worry about firewood. With our ancestors here, our Zhao family will eventually make a comeback."

After a brief discussion, several elders gave orders to the Zhao family members who were with them, planning to escape.

They understood the principle of preserving people while losing land.

"Why panic?"

Yu Xian suddenly opened his eyes and coldly snorted at the elders who were preparing to flee.

"Organize people to hunt down the first-order demonic beasts that have entered, and leave the two second-order demonic beasts to me."

"This is the trouble you brought upon yourselves. Even if you run away and lose the ancestral land and ancestral hall, do you think Zhao Laozu will spare you?"

As soon as his words fell, Yu Xian's figure had already risen into the air, surrounded by four bamboo joints, like the most loyal protector.

At this moment, he had completely mastered the Four-Colored Ghost Bamboo Formation.

It was precisely because he understood the power of the formation that Yu Xian had the confidence to play the role of the savior. Otherwise, he would run faster than the elders.

Seeing that Lord Guest took the initiative to confront the enemy, the elders hesitated for a moment and followed suit.

"Spread the order. All Qi Refining cultivators in the clan who are at the mid-stage or above must confront the enemy. We must not let those demonic beasts harm the women, children, and elderly in the clan!"

"Everyone, we can only fight with all our might."


"Silver Backed Violent Ape, Golden Crowned Eagle."

Yu Xian stood in mid-air, lightly tapping the bamboo joints with his fingers, and then slightly sensed the reserve spirit stones in the formation.

Perhaps because they wanted to hunt down the second-order demonic beasts, several elders had stored at least a thousand reserve spirit stones in the energy storage room of the formation.

In addition to the spiritual stones and formation flags originally placed on the large formation, as well as the energy supply from the first-grade spiritual veins underground in the clan's territory.

Nowadays, the energy of the large formation can be said to be abundant.

"Activate the illusion formation!"

A sky-blue color spread out, and bamboo leaves fell from mid-air, quickly covering the entire Zhao family's territory.

As the bamboo leaves fell to the ground, they instantly grew into full-sized bamboo.

A Zhao family cultivator who was about to fight a fierce battle with a monster saw bamboo shadows flickering in front of him. The wolf monster that had just shown its fangs at him was now spinning in place.

"What a great opportunity!"

The Zhao family cultivator mobilized his spiritual power, condensing ice spikes that shot towards the wolf monster.

The wolf monster was mesmerized by the illusion formation and didn't have time to react. It was directly pierced by the ice spikes, leaving several ice holes in its body.

The wolf monster was provoked and started slashing with its claws, but it was just a waste of effort. In a short while, it was pierced by several more ice spikes and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

"Did I kill it?"

The Zhao family cultivator looked at the wolf monster's body in disbelief.

It should be noted that the momentum displayed by the wolf monster just now was at least at the mid-stage of the first rank, while he was just a Qi Refining third layer cultivator.

The Ice Spike Technique was already his strongest offensive spiritual technique.

Naturally, he wouldn't think that this was his own strength. Thinking of the bamboo shadows just now, he looked up and saw a figure enveloped in four-colored radiance.

"Who is that?"

This kind of scene happened all over the Zhao family's territory, relieving many pressures for the Zhao family cultivators.




The silver-backed violent ape and the golden-crowned eagle, who were enjoying their food, quickly noticed the troublemaker Yu Xian.

They abandoned the fresh blood right in front of them and attacked Yu Xian from above and below.

Yu Xian spread his arms and allowed the attacks of the two monsters to hit him.

But his figure burst like a bubble.

"A small monster dares to be so arrogant."

"Activate the formation!"

Yu Xian's voice came from all directions, and then the bamboo forest grew rampant, seemingly endless.

These bamboo forests were no longer straight and tough like before, but like tentacles, countless roots spread underground, causing the earth to emit terrified cries.

The roots drilled out of the ground and bound the violent ape's legs. The violent ape struggled and the roots kept breaking, but it had no effect.

Soon, it was wrapped up like a big ball by the seemingly limitless roots.

The color of the roots changed from green to red, and a ball of flames ignited, as if it were a pill furnace, starting to refine the violent ape.

The trapping formation and the attacking formation merged perfectly at this moment.

The golden-crowned eagle had the advantage of flight and narrowly avoided the sneak attack of the formation.

Seeing its companion trapped, it had a golden light in its eyes and the countless bamboo shadows in front of it disappeared instantly.

It was its innate spiritual technique - Eagle Eye, which had long-range vision and a certain ability to see through illusions.

It quickly found the culprit.

He was less than a hundred meters away from the violent ape, his body radiating four-colored radiance, and countless roots spreading from under his feet like the mother body of tentacles.


The golden-crowned eagle swooped down with its claws, like an eagle catching a rabbit, and a huge shadow descended on Yu Xian's head.

"You dare not run, I'll take you."

Yu Xian smiled at the golden-crowned eagle, lightly tapping a green bamboo node floating beside him.

The bamboo shadows transformed, concealing the scene within hundreds of meters in the bamboo sea.

A sense of danger rose in the golden-crowned eagle's heart. It saw a red light continuously enlarging in its pupils. It was about to dodge when it felt its body stiffen.

Lowering its head, it saw a figure covered in black armor holding onto its claws with one hand.

That hand seemed like a hand that could hold up the heavens. No matter how it struggled and flapped, it couldn't move an inch.

It could only watch as the red light revolved around its head, splashing sparks, and then found a weak spot, drilling into its eyeball, causing chaos.

A faint golden inner core was picked out from the golden-crowned eagle's head, gently held in Yu Xian's hand.

Then, the colors on the golden-crowned eagle quickly faded, its flesh and skin shrunk, as if it had been vacuumed.

In the end, only a dried-up powder remained.

Meanwhile, the person in black armor was bathed in blood-red light, and his aura became noticeably stronger.

Yu Xian's face stiffened as he calculated in his mind.

"Only a second-rank monster can give the Blood Puppet a slight enhancement. How many second-rank monsters do I have to kill to make it reach the third rank?"

Those are all spiritual stones!

A single monster is worth thousands of spiritual stones, ten monsters are worth tens of thousands, and a hundred monsters are worth hundreds of thousands.

He still hasn't accumulated more than ten thousand spiritual stones.

There's no way around it, the more you earn, the more you spend.

(End of this chapter)

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