Chapter 121: When the Plan is Exhausted, the Dagger Appears

The next day.

Yu Xian appeared low-key at the Zhao family's clan gathering.

The clan gathering of the Zhao family was not very exciting. It was just a group of Qi Refining juniors testing each other, showcasing their cultivation techniques, like a martial arts competition.

Of course, the purpose of the competition and the victory or defeat was not the main focus.

They were all family members, so they only needed to test each other briefly. If they were to go all out for victory, it would weaken their impression in the hearts of the elders.

The main purpose of this clan gathering was to distribute benefits to the younger generation of the Zhao family under the guise of the competition.

All clan members who could participate in the clan gathering would receive benefits worth more than ten spirit stones.

After all, it was rare for the ancestors to come back, so they had to bestow grace.

There was also the compensation and rewards for the chaos caused by the demonic beasts two years ago, which this round of benefits could be considered as.

Lastly, the clan gathering was used to select candidates for taking the Foundation Building Pill.

This was not solely determined by martial strength, but rather like a written test and interview.

There were a total of six Qi Refining cultivators under the age of sixty in the Zhao family who had reached the Qi Refining Completion stage. Three of them were selected through a lottery-style competition.

Then, Zhao Laozu would decide one of them and bestow the Foundation Building Pill.

Each of the three elders from the three branches of the family had one vote, and they would vote to select a winner to receive the second Foundation Building Pill.

It was quite a coincidence that the person chosen by Zhao Laozu was a Qi Refining Completion cultivator who grew up in the Zhao family's territory, while the three elders chose cultivators brought by Zhao Laozu.

The appearance of two Foundation Building Pills caused quite a stir.

The two Zhao family cultivators who received the Foundation Building Pills immediately closed themselves off in seclusion within the clan, not giving the Foundation Building Pills a chance to leave the protective formation.

Yu Xian watched the whole process like a wooden statue, only occasionally glancing at Zhao Laozu, trying to see something.

However, he didn't see anything, but Zhao Laozu taking out the Foundation Building Pills made him take a few more glances.

This was his first time seeing the Foundation Building Pill up close.

Golden and round, the size of a longan fruit, the pill had three holes and seemed to breathe in spiritual energy, as if it could breathe.

The clan gathering ended successfully.

The appearance of the two Foundation Building Pills became the topic of discussion in the Zhao family for a long time to come.

Many people were looking forward to the appearance of the second Foundation Building cultivator from the Zhao family.


In the Zhao family's market.

At the Moon True Tea House, in the super VIP room.

Liuzhangmen took out a new set of clothes from her storage bag and changed out of her torn old clothes. There was still a touch of charm on her face.

She pursed her lips and smiled as she tidied up, saying, "Senior Yu, you have come to me for three days in a row, and your temper has been getting worse day by day. I'm starting to get a little scared.

Senior, have you encountered any difficulties? Why not tell me? I am a good listener."

Yu Xian drank a cup of cold tea and sighed, "You wouldn't understand."

Zhao Laozu came and never left, saying that he was here to protect the clan members who took the Foundation Building Pill.

A perfect reason.

Yu Xian couldn't find any faults, but maybe because of his preconceived notions, he always felt that something was off.

But his suspicions were just his own speculations.

To act forcefully based on a mere speculation and make a move against Zhao Laozu would go against his true intentions.

And he might not even be able to win.

Not to mention the cards in Zhao Laozu's hands, just the power of the Four-Colored Youhuang Formation was something he had personally experienced. Zhao Laozu was the original owner of the formation.

So, unable to afford the consequences, he could only hide.

Today, he had already been in the Zhao family's market for almost half a month.

The longer Zhao Laozu stayed in the Zhao family's territory, the more uneasy he felt.

At this moment, he really wanted to shout in Zhao Laozu's ear, "As a disciple under a true immortal, do you know that your true immortal has been absent from work for so many days?"

But Zhao Laozu didn't care, so what use would shouting do?

Feeling annoyed and troubled, it affected his happy life, so he had to add some fun through Liuzhangmen.

He beckoned, and Liuzhangmen, who had just put on her clothes, bent down again.

"Since you're not leaving, don't expect me to step into the Zhao family's territory again."

Yu Xian gently stroked the soft and flowing long hair of the young sect leader, took a deep breath, and made up his mind.

Since he had already brought Yulan out, even if Zhao Laozu wanted to do something, he could just run away.

Of course, before running away, he would definitely plunder the market.

With the current size of the Zhao family's market, plundering tens of thousands of spirit stones would not be a problem.

With this thought, Yu Xian suddenly felt as if the sky and sea were boundless, and all the troubles of the past few days were thrown to the back of his mind.

Indeed, as long as he had the determination to give up everything at any time, no difficulty would be a difficulty.

Yu Xian's spirit soared.

The sound of fabric tearing rang out.

Master Liu's voice murmured in protest: "Don't..."

But how could she stop the grand Foundation Building renovation?

Half an hour later.

Yu Xian left with a clear and refreshed mind, leaving behind the helpless sect leader who looked at her cool attire and heard the words about stockings echoing in her mind.


Another half month passed.

News came from the Zhao family that the first cultivator who took the Foundation Building Pill had emerged from seclusion. He was brought by Patriarch Zhao from Shangyang City.

He failed.

It turned out that he had a chance encounter with Yu Xian before. He was Zhao Jia, who had attended the auction with Yu Xian.

Two days later.

The second cultivator from the Zhao family who took the Foundation Building Pill also emerged from seclusion.

He also failed.

With the help of the Foundation Building Pill, the two of them only suffered minor injuries to their vitality, which would recover soon.

But the difficulty of Foundation Building was evident.

The consecutive failures cast a shadow over the Zhao family, and the messengers from the Zhao family couldn't hide their despondency.

"Master Guest, the Patriarch said he will leave the clan and return to Shangyang City tomorrow. Before he leaves, he specially invites Master Guest to a banquet."

Yu Xian took the invitation and nodded lightly.

"If Zhao Dao You invites me, I will go."

After the messenger left.

Yu Xian carefully read the contents of the invitation again. It seemed to be handwritten by Patriarch Zhao, with a casual tone.

But Yu Xian felt that the invitation was somewhat troublesome.

"Could it be that I'm just being overly suspicious? But what was the meaning behind everything Patriarch Zhao did before?"

After thinking for a while, Yu Xian had someone bring Zhao Shiwen to him.


Night fell.

The main hall.

A figure shrouded in a black robe stepped into the courtyard. Ripples appeared in the air, but quickly disappeared.

"You're here."

Yu Xian was waiting in the courtyard. As the moonlight fell, his shadow twisted and distorted.

The figure lifted the hood, revealing a head of silver hair. It was the only female elder in the Zhao family.

She was the one who had given Yu Xian a handle, a vulnerable female elder whom Yu Xian had long been in contact with.

But it was not appropriate to say they were in contact; it was more like a one-sided threat.

The female elder's face didn't look good.

"Master Guest, I have repaid the favor I owed you last time."

Yu Xian shook his head. "But you gave me false information."

The female elder said coldly, "That's impossible. It was a message personally sent by the Patriarch. I didn't change a single word."

Last time, when Yu Xian confirmed the news about the Foundation Building Pill, it was through this female elder. She owed him a favor for saving her own grandson, using an empty box.

But Yu Xian smiled. "But your Patriarch arrived half a day early, maybe even earlier. Who knows?"

"But I don't blame you. Tell me, did both of the Zhao family cultivators really fail to break through?"

The female elder looked puzzled. "Of course they failed. If they succeeded, we would have celebrated long ago. Master Guest, what do you want to ask?"

Yu Xian asked again, "But did you witness it with your own eyes?"

The female elder shook her head. "I didn't witness it personally, but the Patriarch said they failed. Could there be any falsehood?"

Yu Xian said with a sigh, "Zhao Dao You was able to deceive you once, so he could naturally deceive you a second time."

"One last question, did you intentionally reveal the news about the Foundation Building Pill to me?"

The female elder's face changed. "Master Guest, what do you mean? I haven't even asked you where you got the news about the Foundation Building Pill."

Yu Xian sighed, "Yes, at that time, I was only thinking about whether the news about the Foundation Building Pill was true or false, but I forgot to ask you how you knew about it."

Now that I think about it, the phrase "being blinded by personal gain" is most appropriate for me.

Yu Xian's gaze shifted to a certain spot in the void.

"Zhao Dao You, I have no ill intentions towards the Zhao family. Why did you test me in every possible way?"


The female elder's face showed a shocked expression as she couldn't help but follow Yu Xian's gaze.

They saw ripples in the air, and the formation set up outside the attic had no effect at all.

The figure with white hair, Patriarch Zhao, appeared in front of them.

"Friend Yu, your formation skills have improved. I thought I was hiding very well, but you still found me."

Yu Xian sneered, "So you came to kill me this time?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the air fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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