Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 125 Suddenly More Exciting

Chapter 125: Suddenly More Exciting

Three days later.

The entrance of the Moon True Sect.

The Moon True Sect is located on a small low mountain and possesses a mid-grade spiritual vein, which is slightly inferior to the spiritual veins in the Zhao Family Market.

After all, the former sect master of the Moon True Sect had achieved the Qi Refining stage and possessed spiritual weapons. They used to be a force similar to the local tyrants in the area.

However, due to the current sect master's past romantic debts, the power of the Moon True Sect has declined significantly. They had to send female disciples out to become slaves and servants in order to maintain the appearance of peace.

Fortunately, in recent years, the Moon True Sect has gained the support of a powerful force in Foundation Building, gradually becoming prosperous.

Especially after the annihilation of the Ghost Tiger Sect, some of the female disciples who were sent out have actually returned.

It should be noted that these female disciples were supposedly married off in the past, but in reality, they were treated as slaves and had no freedom. How could they have the opportunity to return to their parents' home?

But now, their status in their husbands' families has improved.

This is proof of the Moon True Sect's strength.

The current sect master, Liu, who has always felt guilty about the past, has been feeling better and younger day by day.

However, in the past few days, she has been feeling a bit irritable.

Unfortunately, she can't heal herself. She can help someone else calm down, but no one can help her.

"Sister, will Senior Yu be okay?"

In the main hall of the sect, Sect Master Liu grabbed Yulan's hand, looking even more nervous than Yulan.

There's no way around it. It has only been a few years since she attached herself to Yu Xian's thigh, and the Moon True Sect's reputation has risen, but its actual strength has not improved much.

It was not easy for her to stand tall and be a person. She didn't want to bow her head again.

Moreover, everyone in the market knows about the connection between their Moon True Sect and Yu Xian. If Yu Xian offends a powerful person, they will also be implicated.

At this moment, Sect Master Liu realized that she had no good way to deal with the situation except to pray for Yu Xian's safe return.

As for the anxious act of distancing herself from Yulan now, she wasn't that foolish.

No one knows about the news of Yulan being with her. Until she receives accurate information from Yu Xian, Yulan is her talisman.

If Yu Xian wins, she will have contributed to protecting him.

If Yu Xian loses, or even if his body is brought back, then she...

Sect Master Liu remembered Yu Xian's pity for her, even going so far as to destroy the powerful sect, the Ghost Tiger Sect, which had a Foundation Building cultivator.

Sect Master Liu sighed inwardly.

At that time, the only thing she could do was secretly send away Yu Xian's woman.

Although she was attracted to Yu Xian, she valued her own sect more and would not endanger the entire sect for one man.

Although Yulan was also very worried, in front of Sect Master Liu, she still pretended to be calm and comforted her, saying, "Sister Liu, Senior Yu is powerful. Even if he encounters a strong enemy, nothing will happen to him."

The battle between Yu Xian and Zhao Laozu in the market was short but spectacular, witnessed by many people.

But at that time, she had already been quietly sent to the hidden Moon True Sect by Yu Xian, and the news was only heard through some rumors from the disciples of the Moon True Sect, not accurate information.

All she knew was that the Zhao Family Market was in chaos now.

The cultivators of the Zhao Family and Sister Shiwen were in a standoff. If it weren't for Sister Shiwen's powerful brother who had broken through to Foundation Building, they might have been captured by the Zhao Family by now.

Seeing Yulan's confidence, Sect Master Liu couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked cautiously, "Sister, do you trust Senior Yu so much? You know, there are rumors in the market that Senior Yu was chased away that night, obviously by someone he couldn't handle. Even if Senior Yu escaped, wouldn't it be better for him to run as far away as possible? Can you still wait for him?"

Yulan's face was full of confidence as she said, "My husband will never abandon me."

Since they met in the Duke Fu's Mansion, she has been following by her husband's side. Wherever they go, she is an indispensable part of him.

She has also feared many times that she would be abandoned.

But as time went on and her husband spent more and more effort on her, she gradually became convinced that she would never be abandoned.

Clap! Clap!

Applause rang out, followed by a clear voice.

"Not bad, Yulan, you know me well."

A figure appeared in the courtyard, and it was Yu Xian, who had just recovered from his serious injuries.

He smiled and looked at Yulan, slowly opening his hands.

"Yulan, I've come to pick you up."

"My lord!"

Yulan stood up, her skirt fluttering, and crashed into Yu Xian's arms. Her cheek pressed tightly against his chest as she whispered,

"I knew you were fine."

"Naturally, I'm fine."

Yu Xian stroked Yulan's long hair and smelled the familiar fragrance on her, feeling quite pleased.

"You must always believe that your husband is the most powerful person in the world."

Since he had realized that Zhao Laozu might be unfavorable to him, he naturally wouldn't leave any evidence outside. So, after Yulan followed him to the market for a few days, she blended in with the female disciples of the Yuezhen Sect and arrived at the sect's gate.

But this couldn't conceal it for long. The relationship between Yuezhen Sect and him was almost known to everyone in the market. If someone wanted to find him, they would quickly follow this clue and come knocking on the door.

If it weren't for Zhao Laozu accidentally falling into his hands, he would have come to Yuezhen Sect to take Yulan away as soon as he escaped Zhao Laozu's pursuit. But since Zhao Laozu had fallen, he wasn't in a hurry. Instead, he spent three days healing his injuries and observing the character of the Sect Master Liu.

If he couldn't hold on for even three days, then Yuezhen Sect wasn't worth his care. Now, he could give Yuezhen Sect a chance.

"Sect Master Liu, I have a favor to ask of you."

Yu Xian held Yulan in his arms and beckoned to Sect Master Liu.


Sect Master Liu, who was sourly eating dog food, was taken aback but obediently walked over.

While doting on Yulan, Yu Xian smiled and said,

"Sect Master Liu, if someone from the Zhao family comes to inquire about Yulan's whereabouts, I allow you to sell Yulan's information to the Zhao family. As for how much you can sell it for, it will be your reward."

"Oh, and remember to tell them that Guihu is also with Yulan. It has Foundation Building strength, and any ordinary Qi Refining cultivator who comes will die."

Sect Master Liu's heart trembled, grateful that she hadn't harbored any ill intentions towards Yulan. Guihu had been hiding in the Zhao family's ancestral mansion, and she didn't know that Guihu, a member of the Guihu Sect, had also been subdued by Yu Xian. Who knew why Yu Xian would protect a woman with such important combat power in the face of a strong enemy.

She looked at Yulan with a hint of envy in her eyes, once again thinking of that question. Why hadn't she met Yu Xian earlier?


Sect Master Liu didn't ask what Yu Xian wanted to do. Since he had returned, she could only obey his orders and go along with it.

Soon, Sect Master Liu gracefully withdrew, thinking about how to sell Yulan's information for a good price. After all, Senior Yu had said that all the rewards would go to her.

"Alright, there's no one else now."

Seeing the sensible Sect Master leave, Yu Xian lifted Yulan's soft buttocks and lowered his head.

"Let me taste if you've changed."

He didn't suffer any major injuries, at most just being hit by the aftermath of the brick. However, the injuries to his spiritual consciousness weren't so easily healed.

Fortunately, he still had Yulan. The mana he gained from cultivation was just right for soothing the pain in his spiritual consciousness.

Yulan let out a soft cry, tightly gripping Yu Xian's collar. Her face blushed, but she didn't avoid it, just murmuring softly,

"We're in someone else's house."

"Isn't that even more exciting?"

Yu Xian strode into the room and smelled a faint, elegant fragrance, similar to the scent on Sect Master Liu.

Thinking that this was the Sect Master's boudoir, a burst of heat rose within him.

Indeed, it was even more exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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