Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 127 Ancestor Zhao: I Say Yes

Chapter 127: Zhao Laozu: I'll tell you


The ancestral home of Laozu.

The peach blossoms still bloom unfailingly, and the courtyard is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Pink petals float in the air and cover the courtyard.

Under the tree.

Zhao Laozu lies on a rocking chair, with Yu Xian sitting beside him. The two of them leisurely enjoy the flowers, as if everything has returned to the way they first met.

But if you look closely, you can see that Zhao Laozu's face is withered. The once delicate skin is now full of wrinkles, and his white hair has lost its luster, as if he has aged forty or fifty years overnight.

His figure is also weak and frail. The robe that used to fit him perfectly now hangs loosely on him, as if it is draped over a skeleton.

He has aged and become extremely weak.

The injuries from that night have severely damaged his physical body, and he still hasn't received proper treatment.

In addition, Yu Xian has been extracting information from him by digging deep into his heart and lungs, causing him even more harm.

A gentle breeze blows, stirring this still scene.

Yu Xian pours a glass of wine and brings it to Zhao Laozu's lips, with a slightly mocking tone.

"Zhao Dao-you, it's a pity that my soul-searching technique is not yet proficient. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to suffer so much."

The Taiyin Blood Demon Technique is an advanced demonic technique, which not only involves cultivation methods but also various secret techniques and even the methods of refining demonic treasures.

Soul-searching is one of these secret techniques.

But Yu Xian is usually kind to others and just lives aimlessly.

Therefore, he has never practiced this soul-searching technique. It's possible that he might accidentally scatter someone's soul, and even if this secret technique is mastered, it could very well turn someone into an idiot.

Moreover, the soul-searching technique cannot fully obtain the memories of the person being searched, at most just fragments of memories.

Zhao Laozu is already weak, and Yu Xian is afraid that searching his soul would kill him. Therefore, all the information has been extracted from Zhao Laozu's mouth.

When it comes to questioning, it's natural to use some punishment, and digging deep into his heart and lungs is inevitable.

As a result, the already weak Zhao Laozu became even weaker.

But Yu Xian is careful in his actions, allowing him to still hold on and not die.

Zhao Laozu glances at Yu Xian, silent and speechless, not drinking the wine.

Seeing this, Yu Xian sighs and says, "Zhao Dao-you, if you don't drink this toast, I can only make you drink a penalty drink instead. Let me think, how many people are left in the main branch of the Zhao family? Oh, I heard that the second branch just had a chubby baby boy, only a month old, chubby and cute."

Zhao Laozu's eyes widen, and his body trembles as if he wants to stand up, but he ultimately fails.

A few strands of blood trickle from the corners of his mouth, his voice resembling that of an owl, far from the calm and confident Zhao family ancestor of the past.

"Yu Xian, why involve my family bloodline in our grudge? If I want to kill you, there is a reason for it. You killing me is just a debt being repaid!"

Zhao Laozu recalls the Zhao family bloodline that has died in front of him day after day, all fed to him by the puppet in front of him.

Endless regret surges in his heart.

He wanted to pass on the Zhao family bloodline, but he never expected that the Zhao family bloodline would be extinguished because of him.

Yu Xian raises the wine cup in his hand and touches the corner of Zhao Laozu's lips.

"Zhao Dao-you, the Zhao family members enjoyed your glory and wealth, and now they naturally have to pay for your sins. Don't say such things. Come, drink this. It's a resurrection wine that can heal your injuries."

Reluctantly, Zhao Laozu opens his mouth and allows Yu Xian to feed him the wine.

As the wine enters his stomach, it turns into a warm feeling that spreads throughout his body, making him suddenly feel much lighter.

But he knows that he can't hold on any longer.

In that moment of letting go, endless regret fills his heart. If he hadn't been so stubborn, would the clan members who died in front of him these days have been spared?

What is the point of his stubborn persistence?

"Yu Xian, you have already entered the demonic path. The future immortal realm of Shangyang City will not tolerate you!"

At this moment, Zhao Laozu only has curses left to bring him a little comfort.

Yu Xian smiles indifferently and says, "Zhao Dao-you, you don't need to worry about that."

"Let me think, where should we start? Hmm... let's start with the talisman treasures. They really caught my eye."

Yu Xian flipped his palm, and a golden talisman appeared in the palm of his hand, on which a golden brick was vividly depicted.

However, compared to when Zhao Laozu first took it out, the brilliance of the brick had dimmed significantly.

Zhao Laozu glanced at the treasure, regret evident in his eyes, but he no longer concealed it.

"This treasure is called the Skyturning Seal, bestowed by the Dan Yang True Immortal..."

With Zhao Laozu's confession, Yu Xian quickly understood the origin of the treasure in his hand.

The so-called treasure talisman was a division of the True Immortal Gold Core's own magical treasures, engraved on blank high-level talisman paper. Depending on the different magical treasures divided by the True Immortal Gold Core, the talisman contained the power of several strikes from the magical treasures.

For example, the Skyturning Seal talisman contained the power of three strikes.

Zhao Laozu had already used it twice, leaving only one strike remaining.

This method would weaken the power of the magical treasure, so only when the True Immortal Gold Core reached the end of their lifespan would they be willing to do such a thing.

And the power of the treasure talisman was comparable to that of the True Immortal Gold Core. Once it was used, it was almost impossible to find an opponent in the Foundation Building realm.

The treasure talisman in Zhao Laozu's hand was his retirement bonus.

Previously, when Yu Xian asked why he didn't use the treasure talisman during the siege of the demonic beasts, it resulted in him being seriously injured and his lifespan greatly reduced.

It wasn't that he didn't want to use it, but he didn't have it at the time.

The Dan Yang True Immortal had been stationed in Shang Yang City for a hundred years according to the sect's orders. Now that the hundred-year period was coming to an end, the True Immortal was about to return to the sect.

And he happened to be seriously injured, with even his hair turning white. In such a situation, he couldn't bear to leave the clan and follow the True Immortal back to Xuan Yang Sect as a disciple.

Not to mention that he couldn't give up the Zhao family at all.

The Dan Yang True Immortal was a person who valued relationships. Seeing his subordinate, Yu Xian, serving diligently for many years, he decided to bestow the Skyturning Seal talisman as a token of their long-standing master-servant relationship.

Zhao Laozu knew that once the True Immortal left and a new True Immortal arrived, the situation in Shang Yang City would undergo earth-shaking changes.

The Jiang and Lin families, with their deep heritage and strong power, would rely on their many years of influence to stabilize the situation at the grassroots level, even when a new True Immortal arrived.

As for the Zhao family, a newly rising aristocratic family, their entire strength relied on one person. Once he passed away, the family would inevitably have to withdraw from Shang Yang City.

After all, the Zhao family had risen to power in this way.

In order to provide a perfect retreat for the Zhao family, Zhao Laozu not only began secretly selling off the Zhao family's properties in Shang Yang City but also saw Yu Xian, who was stationed in the clan's territory, as a hidden danger.

If the Zhao family's Foundation Building didn't emerge, with the master being weak and the subordinates strong, Yu Xian would inevitably grow stronger.

In addition, the Zhao family's market development was thriving, with a net profit of five to six thousand spirit stones every year.

This profit seemed like a lot, accumulating to fifty to sixty thousand spirit stones in ten years, or five to six hundred thousand spirit stones in a hundred years, which was just the price of a Foundation Building pill.

However, the accounts couldn't be calculated this way.

Because according to the agreement, half of the five to six thousand spirit stones would first be given to Yu Xian.

Then, various expenses within the clan, subsidies for the cultivation of the clan's cultivators, and the hands of various departments would leave very little left.

Finally, when all the Zhao family's industries were calculated, the number of spirit stones that could be deposited into the clan's treasury each year would be around a thousand, which was considered good.

This was the situation of the Zhao family in recent years.

In the past, if the Zhao family's clan treasury could accumulate four to five hundred spirit stones each year, it was already a prosperous year.

After all, public and private matters had to be clearly distinguished, and what went into one's personal pocket couldn't be counted as a whole.

In this situation, the three to four thousand spirit stones taken by Yu Xian each year were particularly eye-catching, as if he alone was equivalent to the income of three to four Zhao families.

If he could capture Yu Xian, not only would he not have to worry about him plotting against the Zhao family in the future, but he could also reclaim the profits.

After hearing this, Yu Xian couldn't help but laugh.

"Zhao Daoist, back then, you generously gave me half of the profits, and now that the market has developed, you find that I'm earning too much."

"But that's fine, now the entire Zhao family belongs to me."

Yu Xian drank a cup of wine and left.

"Zhao Daoist, rest well. I will come to visit you from time to time."

Although Zhao Laozu said that his relationship with the Dan Yang True Immortal had been settled, Yu Xian had no intention of taking a gamble.

So he would wait a few more years, allowing Zhao Laozu to naturally die from his injuries, which would be the best outcome.

In addition, as a quasi-third-rank formation master, Zhao Laozu still had many things Yu Xian could learn from.

Knowledge is wealth.

Now that the fate of the Zhao family was in his hands, Yu Xian wasn't worried that Zhao Laozu would hide anything from him.

After he left, clouds and mist suddenly rose, enveloping the entire courtyard. A vigorous black tiger lay high on the roof, guarding in all directions like a sculpture.

(End of this chapter)

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