Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 129: Rich Harvest

Chapter 129: Bountiful Harvest

Peach Blossom Residence.

This is the new name Yu Xian gave to the ancestral mansion, which also signifies his control over the Zhao family.

The courtyard had a cold pond with schools of silver fish, emitting a chilly aura. Even in the height of summer, it didn't feel uncomfortably hot.

Yu Xian threw a pellet of animal feed, and a silver fish the size of a forearm leaped out of the water and swallowed it in one gulp.

After years of reproduction and inter-tribal conflicts, the silver fish school had its own fish king.

The superior living environment allowed the fish king to absorb the moonlight and cultivate a hint of demonic energy. It could barely be considered an advanced demonic beast, becoming the little overlord of the pond.

"After raising them for a while, I'll have a satisfying meal."

Yu Xian stared at the plump body of the fish king and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, the fish king, who was showing off in the school of fish, trembled and sensed a great terror of life and death, instantly sinking to the bottom of the pond.

Only the unenlightened fish remained carefree in the pond, living a life of waste, waiting for food to be delivered to their mouths.

Zhao Jia, who was fishing by Yu Xian's side, saw an opportunity to speak and immediately smiled, "So, Lord Yu enjoys eating fish. I know of a Golden Carp Lake two hundred miles away. There is a hundred-year-old golden carp king in the lake. It is said to contain a trace of dragon bloodline, and its taste is exquisite. Consuming it has marvelous effects on the body. I will find it for Lord Yu on another day."

Yu Xian had the appearance of a retired old man.

"Raising fish is just a way to pass the time, and fishing is the same. It wouldn't be beautiful to go through all the trouble just to eat fish."

"This trip to Yangcheng has been hard on you."

Zhao Jia hurriedly said, "This is my duty. These are the assets sold by the Zhao family, as well as the books brought back from the Zhao family."

As he spoke, he took out two storage bags.


Yu Xian casually took them and swept his divine sense inside, unable to help but take a cold breath. His lazy body instantly sat up straight.

"There's so much?"

The first storage bag contained nothing else but spirit stones, a small mountain of spirit stones.

A rough estimate revealed that there were over fifty thousand spirit stones, as well as a small pile of medium-grade spirit stones, about a hundred or so. Altogether, it was around sixty to seventy thousand.

He didn't see any high-grade spirit stones, though.

But with just these spirit stones, he could buy all the Foundation Building pills in the next auction.

Zhao Jia's eyes showed a hint of pain.

As the person in charge of the Zhao family's wealth, he was the one suffering the most.

With so many spirit stones, he really wanted to take them and leave. It would be better than being a servant here.

But as soon as he had this thought, he felt a great crisis of life and death. He knew it was the blood contract reminding him.

Once he betrayed the contract, the backlash would be enough to take his life.

"After the Zhao family's ancestor broke through to Foundation Building, the inheritance has lasted for nearly fifty years. Now that all the industries have been sold, having these spirit stones is only natural."

Zhao Jia explained.

"But those clan members who came back with me are clamoring to get a share of these spirit stones. Previously, the houses and shops were given to them by the ancestor to support their livelihoods and cultivation businesses. Now that I've sold them according to the ancestor's orders, they have lost their source of income and are very dissatisfied with me and the ancestor. They are demanding a share of the spirit stones."

Yu Xian didn't pay attention to these trivial matters. Instead, he hesitated for a moment with the storage bags in his hand, then took out thirty percent from the spirit stones.

"These are your spirit stones. I don't want to hear any disharmonious voices from the Zhao family in the future, disturbing my peaceful life."

Zhao Jia's breath tightened as he looked at the half-person-tall pile of spirit stones in front of him, his face showing a hint of excitement.

"Please rest assured, Lord Yu. Zhao will never let idle people disturb your life."

With a wave of his sleeve, the spiritual stones on the ground were collected into his storage bag.

Heaven pity him, even though he had broken through the Foundation Building realm, he was still a poor beggar.

With these over ten thousand spiritual stones, it was enough to completely stabilize his cultivation in the early stage of Foundation Building.

As for the troublemaking clan members...

It just so happened that the clan was lacking people to dig pits and cultivate the land.

If anyone still dared to resist, did they really think that his newly advanced Foundation Building cultivation wouldn't be effective?

Zhao Jia left eagerly, retreating to suppress the rebellious clan members.

Yu Xian opened the second storage bag with his divine sense.

Inside were full of books and jade slips. It seemed that Zhao Jia had emptied the Zhao family's collection.

There were at least seven or eight complete intermediate-level cultivation techniques, and nearly a hundred low-level cultivation techniques, as well as jade slips containing the legacies of more than ten cultivation professions.

Starting from the highest end of the contempt chain, such as formation masters, pill masters, artifact refiners, talisman makers, to the widely applicable spiritual plant masters, food spirit masters, spirit tailors, and so on, there were also some niche professions, such as puppet masters, beast tamers, illusionists, and so on.

However, the content of these professional legacies here was relatively low-level, with most of them at the first or second stage.

But for a Foundation Building family, these legacies were more than enough.

In addition, there were some spiritual arts and secret techniques.

Among them, there were seven or eight intermediate-level spiritual arts, which were suitable for Foundation Building cultivators to practice.

Yu Xian was particularly interested in one of them, the Fire Snake Art. It was one of the advanced spiritual arts of the Fireball Art, with powerful strength that would not diminish even in the later stage of Foundation Building.

The secret techniques were relatively scarce, with only three of them. One was an explosive-type secret technique called the Bursting Spirit Art, which could temporarily compress the capacity of the dantian to accommodate more spiritual power.

One was an auxiliary-type secret technique called the Round Light Art, which could instantly reveal the scenes observed by oneself.

If a treasure like a mirror stone was used as the casting tool, this art could be solidified for a long time, allowing real-time observation, like installing a camera.

When the demonic beasts attacked the Zhao family earlier, the elders observed the scenes in the ancestral hall using this Round Light Art.

One was an attack-type secret technique called the Astonishing Spirit Eyes, which was a kind of mental witnessing technique, almost like a secret technique of divine sense.

It meant that whoever was stared at would become an idiot.

Yu Xian only roughly glanced through these cultivation techniques and secret techniques, and half an hour had already passed.

"Sure enough, when strength is in place, the inheritance of cultivation techniques naturally comes."

"Now that I have obtained the Zhao family's inheritance, it would be easy to start a new Foundation Building family."

"But with the existing Zhao family, I would be a fool to go and develop another family power."

"Next, I just need to select some spiritual arts and secret techniques to practice, and I can completely make up for my shortcomings in combat."

"Although high-level demonic techniques are powerful, most of the secret techniques and spiritual arts inside require various living creatures as materials. If I were to practice them, I would truly fall into the demonic path, with no chance of redemption."

"And demonic techniques are somewhat conspicuous in a place that claims to be the righteous path. At least, up until now, I haven't seen any demonic cultivators."

"Now that I have these miscellaneous secret techniques from the Zhao family, I can at least add some special effects when using the flying sword in the future."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the dual cultivation technique that I need the most."

Yu Xian sighed with regret, thinking of the regret he had here.

The Room Technique he obtained in the secret room of the Fu Wang Mansion had long been digested, but that was ultimately a method of mortals.

After reaching his current realm, the effects of the secret techniques in it were minimal.

So finding a dual cultivation technique suitable for both men and women was particularly important, as this thing would benefit both parties.

Perhaps it could not only assist him in cultivation, but also enhance Yulan's cultivation.

"Wait a little longer. Just because the Zhao family doesn't have it doesn't mean it doesn't exist elsewhere. When my cultivation is deeper and Yulan breaks through Foundation Building, it won't be difficult to find the cultivation technique that I have been searching for in vain."

"I don't believe that all the so-called righteous cultivators are a group of heartless and desireless stone people, with no one studying the path of dual cultivation and the eternal way of yin and yang."

Yu Xian closed his eyes, suppressing his desires.

Time was on his side. There would be bread in the future, and there would be cheese too.

(End of this chapter)

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