Chapter 138: Pill Refinement

The destruction of the Zhou family was not a trivial matter. It was like a bucket of cold water poured on the enthusiasm of the auction.

Many cultivators chose to leave. No one wanted to invite trouble for an inexplicable reason.

But there were still many people who stayed. This time of the year was when the most Foundation Building Pills appeared. They couldn't give up on their own path.

Cultivation was never smooth sailing; encountering some difficulties was inevitable.

But it was obvious that the market was much quieter, and people were waiting for the auction to reduce other activities.

Especially the black market in the slums, it was directly shut down.

Even if they earned fewer spirit stones, they didn't want to actively provoke trouble. It seemed like they were ready to close their doors. Obviously, some people already knew why the Zhou family was annihilated.

In this low-pressure and awkward atmosphere, three months passed in a flash.

The auction began.

On Mount Shangyang, in the cave of a certain master alchemist.

The grand formation opened, and a beautiful woman with the lingering fragrance of pills walked out. She looked at Yu Xian, who was waiting at the door, and said,

"Friend Yu, I have not disappointed you. This is the Foundation Building Pill you wanted."

With a wave of her hand, a jade bottle floated lightly in front of Yu Xian. Inside it was a golden Foundation Building Pill.

Yu Xian took the jade bottle and scanned it with his divine sense. He found that it was almost identical to the Foundation Building Pill brought back by Zhao Laozu. He confirmed that it was genuine.

"Thank you, Master Luo."

The beautiful woman's name was Luo Han. She was in the early stage of Foundation Building and was one of the three alchemist masters in Shangyang City who could stably refine Foundation Building Pills. She was also the only female alchemist master.

She owed a favor to Zhao Laozu in the past.

Although Zhao Laozu had already passed away, his family and descendants were still alive.

Yu Xian was worried that there might be unexpected incidents at the auction, such as real experts fighting, which would harm the onlookers.

So even though he knew that this was the last time Master Danyang would have a clearance sale, he restrained himself from taking action.

However, although he didn't go in person, he sent a steward from the Zhao Family's commercial firm to the auction house to secure at least one pill, preferably two, and three pills would be even better.

At the same time, he represented the Zhao Family and used the favor owed by the deceased Zhao Laozu to present a demonic pill as the main material, asking Master Luo to refine a furnace of Foundation Building Pills.

As mentioned before, there were three sources of Foundation Building Pills in Shangyang City.

The first was the auction held once every ten years. Each auction would inevitably have Foundation Building Pills and Foundation Building spiritual objects, but the quantity varied.

The second was the purchase of demonic pills in the market. Two second-grade demonic pills could be exchanged for one Foundation Building Pill. The advantage was that there were enough demonic pills, and Foundation Building Pills were also sufficient.

But generally, not many people were willing to do so.

Apart from unexpected beast tides, the only way to obtain Yao Dan is to venture deep into the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range, where even Foundation Building cultivators can easily perish.

The third is the alchemy furnace of the alchemy master.

This is also where the most Foundation Building Pills are produced in Shangyang City.

If you can gather enough materials for the Foundation Building Pill, you can ask the alchemist to open the furnace for alchemy. The alchemist will take thirty percent of the finished pill as a benefit fee, or exchange it for a generous amount of spirit stones.

If the alchemy fails, they won't take a single cent, at most just apologize.

However, gathering enough materials for a furnace of Foundation Building Pills is not an easy task, even for Foundation Building cultivators.

Once failed, it could mean decades of effort going up in smoke.

So it's understandable that alchemy masters like Master Luo, who can consistently refine Foundation Building Pills, are very busy with their business.

The business of having her refine Foundation Building Pills has already been scheduled for twenty years later.

This is the meaning of Zhao Laozu's favor.

Jumping the queue for alchemy, exchanging Yao Dan for Foundation Building Pills.

"When I first arrived in Shangyang City, I had no relatives or friends. It was Zhao Daoist who took care of me. It was also a promise I made to refine Foundation Building Pills for his descendants.

I just didn't expect that our last parting would be a final farewell."

A trace of sadness appeared on the face of the young female alchemist, deeply affected by Zhao Laozu's sudden passing.

Yu Xian only realized this now.

It turns out that Zhao Laozu's "Fuwang Consort" is not in the Zhao family, but in Shangyang Mountain.

But thinking about it, it's understandable.

As a true immortal, her daily routine and schedule are tied to the true immortals. She can't go anywhere without Shangyang City, and there are only so many people she can interact with.

And as a Foundation Building cultivator who rose from the bottom, Zhao Laozu had his own pride. Most women probably wouldn't catch his eye.

Master Luo, who lives in Shangyang Mountain, was the first to benefit from the proximity.

But the relationship between the two probably didn't go beyond friendship, not yet lovers. Some feelings ended before they could be expressed.

Of course, it's also possible that it was unrequited love.

After all, when Zhao Laozu mentioned Master Luo while being squeezed for his remaining value, he simply said that he owed him a favor and could seek his help when necessary.

"Master Luo, please accept my condolences. Zhao Daoist suddenly fell ill, but that's how fate is. Fortunately, he passed away quickly without much suffering."

Yu Xian comforted him.

Luo Han was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yu Xian with a strange expression. It just didn't sound right no matter how he listened to it.

But now that Zhao Qingfeng is dead, a furnace of Foundation Building Pills is enough to sever her ties with the Zhao family.

With this thought in mind, Luo Han's expression returned to normal, even a bit cold.

"The favor has been repaid. Yu Daoist, please leave."

Yu Xian didn't expect this woman to change her mind so quickly. He quickly called out to Luo Han, who was about to return to the cave.

"Wait a moment."

Luo Han stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What's the matter?"

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Before, it was Zhao Dao You's personal matter, now it's my private matter."

As he spoke, he flipped his palm and took out a second-stage late silver-backed violent ape demon pill.

"I have a virtuous wife at home, who is about to reach Foundation Building. So, I would like to ask Master Luo to refine another furnace of Foundation Building pill. As per the usual arrangement, I only need one pill."

Luo Han looked at the demon pill in surprise and said, "This demon pill is extraordinary. There are many alchemists who can refine the Foundation Building pill using it as the main material."

"But I only refine one furnace of Foundation Building pill each year. This time, I made an exception because of Zhao Dao You's face. Yu Dao You, please find someone else."

Alchemy cannot enhance cultivation, and refining a furnace of Foundation Building pill takes one to two months.

Luo Han naturally couldn't devote all his energy to refining the Foundation Building pill.

Yu Xian had anticipated this and said, "I wonder if Master Luo can recommend an alchemist?"

Luo Han smiled, and it was as if the ice and snow melted, and flowers bloomed. Yu Xian secretly marveled at how Zhao Lao Zu didn't understand a woman's mind.

If it were him, this Master Luo would have already had three children.

"Yu Dao You has been waiting for me here for a long time."

Yu Xian had a good appearance and temperament, coupled with Zhao Lao Zu's face, Luo Han's first impression of him was not bad. At this moment, he didn't mind doing a favor for someone who was unaware.

"Mo Dao You from Cave No. 3 has reached the second stage in alchemy and has experience in successfully refining the Foundation Building pill."

Luo Han handed out a name card and said, "Yu Dao You can take this name card to find him. With such materials, he will definitely agree."

"Thank you, Master Luo, for your help."

Yu Xian bowed and left decisively.

Alchemy masters who can refine the Foundation Building pill are treasures in Shangyang City.

If he dared to make advances a few more times, regardless of whether he could succeed or not, he would become a thorn in the eyes of many people.

Moreover, in a certain sense, Luo Han had already become a forbidden fruit in Shangyang City.

Although her status was high, even Foundation Building cultivators had to flatter her, she had little chance to leave Shangyang City in her lifetime.

Otherwise, as soon as she left, she would be locked in a secret room of a certain cultivation family and become a pill refining machine for the rest of her life.

And this Master Luo had a good temperament and appearance. It was possible that she would also become a breeding machine.

After all, her alchemy talent was excellent, and her cultivation talent was not bad either. The offspring she gave birth to might inherit some of her talent.

Yu Xian never overestimated human nature.

Luo Han alone, with his early Foundation Building cultivation, couldn't guarantee the interests she represented.

She must have understood this problem, so even when news of Zhao Lao Zu's passing came, she didn't take a step out of Shangyang City.

With Luo Han's name card, Yu Xian quickly found the cave of Mo Dao You.

He was a middle-aged man who looked quite sloppy and had a nerdy temperament.

When he heard that Luo Han had introduced him, he immediately became spirited and looked at the name card with a faint fragrance.

After seeing Yu Xian's demon pill, he confidently stated that within a year, he would definitely gather enough materials. At that time, he would refine the pill in front of them, and Yu Xian could choose first.

This was the rule for most joint alchemy sessions.

Everyone would contribute materials together, and after the furnace of Foundation Building pill was successfully refined, the person who contributed the most materials would have the first pick.

After all, a furnace of Foundation Building pill could generally produce two to three pills.

Yu Xian's second-stage late demon pill was enough to be the main material.

As for why Luo Han didn't wait for a year to refine the pill, it was because as an alchemist of her level, she could easily gather enough materials to refine several furnaces of Foundation Building pill during her usual alchemy sessions.

This was also an unspoken rule among alchemists.

Everyone knew that as long as the pill was successfully refined, how much could be retained was a matter of skill.

"Haha, if Mo Dao You wants to find me, you can send a message to the Zhao Family Trading Company. After I receive the message, I will come as soon as possible."

After reaching an agreement with Mo Dao You, Yu Xian bid farewell without any hesitation.

After Yu Xian left, Mo Dao You called his disciple and said, "Inform those who wanted me to refine the pill before. Someone has obtained a second-stage late demon pill. I will definitely be able to refine a furnace of Foundation Building pill this time."

"Yes, Master."

The disciple was a simple-looking young man who obediently replied.

"Do you really understand?"

"Inform them to prepare the materials for pill refining."

"And then?"

"Whoever offers the most benefits, I will agree to them."

"Very good, my obedient disciple. Don't say that I treat you unfairly. You will get eight parts of the benefits, and I will get two. Go."

Mo Dao You dismissed his disciple and took out Luo Han's name card, looking at it with joy.

"Luo Fairy, sigh..."

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