Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

166. Chapter 165 Ambiguous Alchemy Learning Course

Chapter 165: Ambiguous Alchemy Lessons

Since facing the pressure from Patriarch Wu together, the relationship between Yu Xian and Luo Han has significantly warmed up.

From being just friends who followed the rules, they can now engage in intimate gestures and playful jokes without going too far.

This is exactly what Yu Xian wanted.

He went through great lengths to stage a play with Patriarch Wu, just to further advance his relationship with Luo Han.

In his previous life, he had heard of an experiment called the "Suspension Bridge Effect."

The Suspension Bridge Effect refers to when a person crosses a suspension bridge with fear and anxiety, their heart rate naturally increases.

If, at this moment, they happen to encounter another person, they may mistake the increased heart rate caused by the situation as a physiological response to being attracted to the other person, thus developing feelings of love.

Many innocent girls on campus are deceived and mistreated by delinquents from outside the school, yet they still willingly accept it, thinking that it is love.

It is because the delinquents bring them a sense of excitement, leading them to mistakenly believe it is infatuation.

Of course, there is also the innate maternal instinct in women, as well as the sense of redemption for the fallen, which is another perspective.

This can be further extended to activities such as watching horror movies or going on roller coasters and haunted house adventures with female friends, all of which are considered real-life applications of the Suspension Bridge Effect.

Patriarch Wu's threat is like a swaying suspension bridge, causing the two of them to involuntarily unite closely.

That's why when Yu Xian touched Luo Han's hand, she didn't resist like she did last time. She needed Yu Xian to give her the courage to resist and also wanted to support Yu Xian with her own strength.


On this day.

Mount Shangyang, Cave No. 2.

Alchemy room.

A three-legged round-bellied crimson alchemy furnace was emitting white smoke, and through the small hole on the furnace, one could see the blood-red flames inside rising.

Several different medicinal herbs were melting into liquid or turning into powder under the heat, or extracting their essence.

Under the influence of invisible forces, the refined essence of the medicinal herbs began to merge and sublime, transforming into spiritual pills under the effect of spiritual energy.

At this moment, Luo Han was teaching Yu Xian alchemy.

"It's now!"

"Use the method I taught you to collect the pills."

"Reduce the fire by two points, let the residual heat merge and cool the pill liquid, and the last step must be done slowly..."

Yu Xian followed Luo Han's instructions, continuously forming hand seals, and his powerful divine sense controlled the formation of pills in the alchemy furnace.

The flames in the furnace slowly extinguished, and round milky-white pills the size of peanuts gradually took shape.

The pills in this furnace were successfully formed!

But Yu Xian continued to do the final finishing work without stopping.

Until the last wisp of flame extinguished.


The lid of the furnace was lifted, and there were more than a dozen milky-white spiritual pills lying at the bottom of the furnace, but unfortunately, most of them had gray streaks on them.

Those were impurities that couldn't be completely refined from the pills.

In other words, the pills with gray streaks were inferior quality pills.

The efficacy of inferior quality pills is not as good as that of genuine pills, and they are highly toxic. Taking one is equivalent to taking several genuine pills of the same kind.

However, as long as they are spiritual pills, there is no shortage of buyers.

For cultivators without spiritual stones, they would love to buy more inferior quality pills. They can't afford genuine pills anyway.

It's just pill toxicity, making it seem like they take them regularly.

Yu Xian pointed his finger, and the pills at the bottom of the furnace seemed to be attracted by something, flying out in a queue and falling straight into a jade-green pill bottle in his hand.

Then he activated a seal to prevent the leakage of the pill's medicinal power, which officially completed the alchemy process.

"Seven genuine pills, six inferior quality pills."

"Although they are just ordinary Qi Refining pills, this is my first successful alchemy work. I want to give them to you."

Yu Xian handed the pill bottle to Luo Han.

Luo Han seemed absent-minded, only coming back to her senses when the pill bottle was shaking in front of her.

"For me?" she was somewhat surprised.

"Of course, without your guidance, I wouldn't have succeeded. Or do you despise my Qi Refining pills and don't want to accept them?"

Yu Xian pretended to be displeased.

Luo Han smiled gently and took the pill bottle. "No, since you're giving them to me, then I'll accept them."

"That's more like it. If you don't accept my things, how can I have the audacity to ask for your guidance later?"

Yu Xian's lips curled up, looking quite pleased.

Because of the recent increase in their feelings, he naturally proposed to learn alchemy from Luo Han, in order to spend more time together at a higher frequency.

This is similar to developing feelings with a female classmate through group study projects.

Being alone together, daily friction, and sparks flying.

Yu Xian couldn't help but think of when he was in college in his previous life, studying in a group with a female classmate.

Damn, he only knew how to play games, leaving halfway through class every time, and then copying other people's lab reports the next day.

If he had a little more sense, he wouldn't have been single for four years.

"Oh, by the way, I felt that my finger technique was a bit off just now, and the firepower was a bit out of control halfway through. Otherwise, I think I could have produced a few less inferior products. Can you take a look for me?"

Yu Xian demonstrated the alchemy technique he had just used in front of Luo Han, with a humble and inquisitive expression.

The alchemy furnace ignited once again.

That was Yu Xian's Foundation Building True Fire, transformed by Foundation Building mana, comparable to a second-order earth fire.

Luo Han also adjusted her mood and focused on Yu Xian's fingers and the flames in the alchemy furnace.

After completing a set of finger techniques, Luo Han began to give instructions.

"When it comes to the third set of finger techniques, this is the technique for regulating the flames. You made a mistake here, and the furnace fire naturally went out of control. You were basically cheating with your divine sense just now."

As she spoke, Luo Han demonstrated it in front of Yu Xian.

"Do you see it clearly?"

"So that's how it is." Yu Xian followed suit and did it again. "Why do I still feel like it's not working?"

"Maybe there's a problem with your mana control."

Luo Han pondered for a moment, her face slightly red, and said, "Alright, how about this? Later, put your hand on my arm and sense the flow of mana in my hand, and how it reacts to the alchemy technique."


Yu Xian readily agreed and stood behind Luo Han, placing his hands on her arm. His divine sense covered his hands, seemingly able to sense the flow of blood beneath the skin.

This is why he only proposed to learn alchemy together after their relationship had warmed up. Without some kind of relationship, Luo Han would never have agreed to this kind of close physical contact.

Luo Han felt her heart racing, but she didn't reject this contact.

"Pay close attention."

Luo Han practiced again.

Yu Xian didn't make any other movements, just honestly followed the flow of mana in Luo Han's hand, learning the alchemy technique.

After the practice was over.

Luo Han didn't dare to turn around. She didn't need to look, she could feel that her face was very red, and even her voice was trembling slightly.

"Did you learn it this time?"

Yu Xian breathed hot air into Luo Han's ear and said, "You should have learned it. If you don't learn it now, I'm afraid you'll catch fire."

Luo Han withdrew as if she had been electrocuted, taking several steps back, feeling quite embarrassed.

"How can you be like this? I'm teaching you alchemy, but you're just thinking about teasing me."

Yu Xian laughed helplessly, "Where did I tease you? I'm really studying seriously."

As he spoke, Yu Xian practiced the alchemy technique again.

This time, the flames in the alchemy furnace didn't go out of control anymore.

"Now do you believe me?"

"Are you really learning, or did you already know it before?" Luo Han looked skeptical.

Yu Xian helplessly said, "You taught me the finger technique one by one. Don't you know what I was like before when I was practicing alchemy? Or do you think someone can pretend to be a beginner in front of you, a quasi-third-order alchemist?"

"Seems like it." Luo Han nodded in agreement.

"I don't care, we'll stop here today. You'll come back... no, the day after tomorrow, yes, the day after tomorrow." Yu Xian looked helpless.

"Alright, since you're my master now, whatever you say goes."

"But, I feel like you wanted to tell me something earlier. Is there something wrong? Although you're my master in alchemy, I can still give you a little help in other aspects."

Seeing Yu Xian's concern, Luo Han was stunned for a moment, then hummed with a barely noticeable excitement, "I don't have anything. Don't overthink it."

(End of this chapter)

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