Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

176. Chapter 175 The Demon King Attacks And Nine Suns Immortal Sect

Chapter 175: The Attack of the Demon King and the Jiuyang Immortal Sect

The tall and solid outer city walls of Shangyang City seemed indestructible.

However, these stone walls, which were continuously reinforced by earth-based spiritual arts, were covered with disposable seeds of thorny vines.

These seeds were specially cultivated by spirit plant masters. They remained dormant most of the time, but once triggered, they could grow for several years in a matter of breaths, becoming mature plants.

And these seeds were the entire defense mechanism of the outer city walls.

The densely packed Toothed Rat group, skilled in digging holes, served as the vanguard of the beast tide.

As they advanced, the ground became filled with small and large pits, and the soil became loose.

The seeds on the outer city walls were instantly triggered, and green vines quickly climbed up the entire wall, resembling ivy. Some seeds swiftly burrowed into the ground and, when pulled out, revealed dead Toothed Rats poisoned by them.

Toothed Rats were about the size of adult wild rabbits and had a pair of large incisors like a gate. They were experts at digging holes.

Despite the vines blocking their way, faced with an almost endless swarm of Toothed Rats, the underground was quickly hollowed out.

Once the foundation was compromised, cracks quickly appeared on the city walls.

The several zhang long Earth Moon Rhinoceros raised its horn fearlessly and rammed into the cracked city wall.


Countless rubble tumbled down, and the city wall was torn open with a gap tens of meters wide.

Such scenes were happening all over the outer city walls.

For the demon beast horde, there was no distinction between main and support attacks; they were all main forces. The outer city walls, which had only been built a few years ago, couldn't withstand even a moment and turned into piles of ruins.

Countless low-level demon beasts flooded into the outer city area.

The smell of blood spread in all directions with the wind.

The slaughter had begun.


Yu Xian was enveloped by the power of the third-order array, and his consciousness spread throughout the entire city through the array, giving him a feeling of omnipotence.

He seized this rare opportunity and eagerly absorbed insights about the formation path.

At the same time, with the help of the array's power, he diverted a part of his consciousness to observe the situation outside.

Slaughter bloomed all around.

However, no one noticed that the blood flowing on the ground was seeping into the earth at an abnormal speed.


A massive shadow descended from the sky, like a dark cloud covering the sky.

It was a majestic Golden Peng Demon King, with wings spanning nearly a hundred zhang in width.

The demon race truly deserved to be a race blessed by heaven. Regardless of their magical powers, relying solely on their formidable physical strength, they possessed the power to destroy cities and uproot fortresses.

The air seemed to solidify like amber.

Under the enormous demon claw, a golden light shield splashed with rapid ripples, like a giant stone thrown into a lake, causing a stormy wave.

The third-grade medium-quality Xuan Yang Golden Light Array was on the verge of collapse under this claw.

Yu Xian was greatly shocked.

This was not the power an ordinary Demon King should possess.

He suddenly woke up.

Yes, since three unprecedented Demon Kings had appeared from the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range, what guaranteed that these three Demon Kings were still ordinary Demon Kings?

They came for revenge, for counterattack, so naturally, their strength would not be weak.

Empiricism kills.

From the beginning, he seemed to have assumed that the Demon King on the opposite side was in the early stage of being a Demon King. But the probing attack of the Golden Peng Demon King shattered his beautiful dream.

Yu Xian watched as the light shield in the sky continued to sink, and he began to have thoughts of retreat.

Although the city defense array had blocked this Golden Peng Demon King, there were still two more.

Chen Yi had just recently broken through. Could she withstand them?

While Yu Xian controlled the power of the array to resist the Golden Peng Demon King, he also gathered the power of the array. A dense golden needle slowly condensed behind him within the pillar of light.

Just at this moment.

"Daring monster!"

With a loud shout, a fierce figure soared into the air, and a tremendous momentum rose like mountains.

It was Chen Xiao.

He had somehow acquired a peculiar dark-colored battle armor, which was seamlessly integrated and had no gaps, as if he was wearing an iron can.

Mysterious patterns lit up on the battle armor, and invisible power was activated.

Chen Xiao's momentum instantly broke through the third stage.

A surge of malevolent energy gathered from all directions.

The recent slaughter had intensified the malevolent energy at this moment.

A massive amount of malevolent energy converged and formed a ferocious phantom of a war general, holding a somewhat illusory malevolent energy spear, enveloping Chen Xiao. It was somewhat similar to the Qi and blood power of body cultivators, condensing a Dharma image phantom.

"Xuan Yin Fighting Soldier Body!"

The war general phantom controlled by Chen Xiao reached a height of nearly ten zhang. Although there was still a slight difference in size compared to the Golden Peng Demon King, it was not too small.

Seeing that a human cultivator dared to resist, the Golden Peng Demon King also sneered.

"Overestimating your abilities!"

Its wings flapped, and its massive body suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The next moment.

The air had already been torn apart.

Its figure seemed to teleport and appeared in front of the war general phantom, striking with its claw.


As soon as the spearhead made contact with the metallic gleam of the claw, the air burst open with a white shockwave, and a gust of wind swept in all directions.

But obviously, the war general phantom controlled by Chen Xiao was no match for the power of the Golden Peng Demon King.

As the airflow surged and exploded,

The war general phantom kept shaking, and the malevolent energy spearhead disintegrated directly, leaving only the handle quickly crumbling and dissipating.

Seeing his eldest brother taking action, Yu Xian didn't stand idle and decisively followed up with his killer move.

"Golden Light!"

The golden light needles condensed behind him suddenly enlarged, turning into a golden beam of light that pierced through space and instantly appeared in front of the Golden Peng Demon King.

This was one of the killer moves of the Profound Yang Golden Light Formation, and it was also the most powerful individual attack. It was created by imitating the fourth-grade Gold Core divine ability 'Profound Yang Golden Light Finger' passed down by the Profound Yang Sect.

The Profound Yang Golden Light Finger condensed the Great Sun True Fire, turning it into a radiant golden light. With a single finger, the power was concentrated, possessing the ability to break laws and exterminate evil.

Although this imitation golden light killer move was not to be underestimated in terms of power, even a late-stage Gold Core cultivator would suffer a great loss if they were accidentally hit.

However, this one move drained the energy of five backup power sources of spirit stone arrays.

It should be noted that one spirit stone array was worth ten thousand spirit stones, so five arrays were worth fifty thousand. Adding the energy of the second-grade superior spirit vein itself, as well as the accumulation of Great Sun True Fire in the formation on ordinary days, it was like charging with solar energy.

This move was basically using spirit stones to attack people.

And even if they wanted to attack, they had to see if the accumulated Great Sun True Fire in the formation was enough.

Because the previous beast tide had just ended not long ago, the accumulation in the formation was simply not enough. Once the accumulated Great Sun True Fire was used up, this killer move would enter a cooldown state.

After Yu Xian finished using it, he carefully sensed it and immediately took a cold breath.

Damn, he just threw in a year's worth of income. Who could bear that?

Fortunately, it could be reimbursed.

Seeing that the formation cost was so high, they had no choice but to make their subordinates suffer a bit more.

Raise taxes! They must raise taxes!

Not to mention Yu Xian's sudden inappropriate thoughts at this moment.

On the other hand, the effect of the "Golden Light" was extremely gratifying.

The Golden Peng Demon King, who was about to completely suppress Chen Xiao, suddenly felt a warning in its heart.

Its body instantly emitted a brilliant golden light, and each feather seemed to be cast from gold, giving it a sculptural beauty.

However, the next moment.

Several broken golden feathers stained with blood fell tragically, and a fist-sized blood hole appeared on its cloud-like wings.

The edge of the blood hole was still shining with a reddish glow like magma.


As the flames roared, the blood hole suddenly tore open, and the feathers within a dozen zhangs were covered in a hazy flame.

The penetrating wound was only the first half, and the true power of the Great Sun Incineration was in the latter half.

The Golden Peng Demon King was attacked by the Great Sun True Fire, and even its soul seemed to be burned by the flames, emitting a mournful cry.

"Great Sun True Fire!"

Its body flashed with golden light, and when it reappeared, it had already retreated ten li.

Then, the Golden Peng Demon King spat out a white jade bottle, which floated in the air and poured down a shower of sweet dew.

The flames on its body quickly extinguished, the previously unhealed wounds quickly scabbed over, and the charred golden feathers regained their shiny luster.

It looked fearfully at the defensive formation and descended towards the rear of the demon beast horde.

In a flash of light, the previous Golden Peng had transformed into a young man wearing a golden robe, with a cold expression and a hooked nose.

He landed on the shoulder of a giant ape as tall as a mountain and coldly said to the girl who was covering her mouth and secretly laughing, "What are you laughing at?"

The girl smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen Brother Liu in such a sorry state."

"Brother Liu, you always look down on human cultivators who rely on external objects the most, so why did you secretly hide a bottle of Yangzhi Ganlu made by a human cultivator?"

"I've always said that if our demon race wants to become stronger, we must learn from the human race."

The young man's face turned angry and said, "Enough talk, why didn't you take action just now? If you had, I wouldn't be in such a sorry state."

The girl shook her head and said, "We came here to reason, not to fight. It's because our demon race is primitive and doesn't understand etiquette that we have fallen behind the human race and are trapped in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains."

"Human cultivators always use diplomacy before force, and we should learn from them."

The young man angrily said, "Don't forget Father's orders! The human cultivator with the Gold Core killed a demon king under Father's command and took the pill. This time, we must teach them a lesson."

The girl shook her head and said, "I think this must be a misunderstanding. We've been living in peace for so many years, why would someone suddenly appear and kill our demon king?"

"Perhaps Father's opponent is trying to sow discord and wants us to fight the human cultivators."

"I still think we should talk first."

The young man grew tired and waved his sleeve, saying, "I see that you've been made foolish by the Nine Yang Immortal Sect. I shouldn't have sent you there in the first place!"

"If we have to learn everything from the human race, then are we still demons?"

But the girl confidently said, "Brother Liu, you haven't seen the true scenery of the human race. If you could also visit the Nine Yang Immortal Sect, you would know how powerful the human race truly is."

"Our demon race should not oppose the human race, but integrate into it. Otherwise, why would we take human form?"

"And Father sending me to the Nine Yang Immortal Sect is proof that he also thinks this way."


The young man's voice choked, saying, "I don't want to deal with you. No matter what you say, I won't listen to you. The human race must pay a price!"

"All you know is killing! You have no civilization at all!"

The girl stared at him and patted the giant ape beneath her, saying, "You big fool, let's go talk to the human cultivators."

The giant ape nodded, "I'll listen to you, little one."

The young man was thrown up by a force.

He stared at the true form of the giant ape demon king walking towards the city wall, as well as the girl on its shoulder, in silence.

Since a thousand years ago, when the Phoenix Demon Lord proposed the plan to learn from the human race and reached a communication and cooperation agreement with the Nine Yang Immortal Sect, more and more demon races like Little One have admired the human race.


"What's going on?"

Yu Xian caught his front uncle, who was beaten and dispirited by a move, and looked at the fleeing Golden Peng Demon King, wondering, "He's running away just like that? Wasn't there supposed to be three Demon Kings?"

Chen Xiao's battle armor disappeared, revealing a pale face.

"It seems that I have overestimated myself."

The main role of a high-level Daoist soldier is not individual combat power, but the ability to connect and gather the power of the group, relying on quantity over quality.

Therefore, in a one-on-one fight, Chen Xiao does not have the advantage. Faced with a senior Demon King like the Golden Peng Demon King, he could barely withstand a single move.

Yu Xian comforted, "Uncle, change your mindset. You are still a second-stage body cultivator, able to contend with a third-stage Demon King. That's already impressive. So go find your sister quickly."

Chen Xiao almost broke his waist from Yu Xian's sudden change of topic. "Uh, huh?!"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Yu Xian spread his hands and said, "Isn't it obvious? We barely managed to scare them away by taking advantage of their carelessness. If two more come, how can we fight them? Let your sister come out, and we can sit back and watch her perform."

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly, "Xiao Yi will come out when the time is right, and do you think she doesn't know what's going on now?"

Yu Xian took a deep breath and sighed, "It seems that I have to take action myself at this moment. Regardless of how Xiao Yi feels about me, for the safety of the people in the city, I must go see her."

Chen Xiao was astonished, "Why do you suddenly care about the lives of the people in the whole city again?"

Yu Xian replied irritably, "Times change, Uncle. People change. Obviously, I have become kind-hearted now."

'Can I say that I'm afraid of death and reluctant to sacrifice the blood ritual array underground, and that it's easier to encounter a Demon King head-on when I go out now, so I can only ask your sister for help?'

Yu Xian thought to himself.

For a moment, Chen Xiao didn't know what to say.

Just then, a clear female voice came from the ruins outside the city.

"Jiuyang Immortal Sect, Jiuyang Academy's 96th student, Yue Xiaoxiao, requests an audience with the resident immortal."

"Jiuyang Immortal Sect, such a familiar name."

Yu Xian patted his uncle's shoulder and asked in a somewhat dry voice, "Are you familiar with it?"

The land they were standing on was called Jiuyang Domain, Xuanyang Realm, Shangyang City, the world of cultivation.

Chen Xiao pondered for a moment and said solemnly, "If I'm not mistaken, this Jiuyang Immortal Sect is the true dominant sect of Jiuyang Domain, the Jiuyang Immortal Sect."

Yu Xian smiled insincerely, "Thanks for the reminder."

Why are there always monsters in the newbie village?

On the top of Shangyang Mountain, a rainbow turned into a rainbow bridge, winding in mid-air until it reached Yue Xiaoxiao's feet.

A cold and obscure neutral voice sounded.

"So it's a disciple of the Immortal Sect, please come in."

Outside the city.

Yue Xiaoxiao saw the rainbow bridge extending from the city and her face lit up with joy.

"Big fool, I was right, wasn't I? Father asked us to investigate the truth behind the Demon King's murder. Sixth Brother, that violent man, only knows how to kill, and he even drove so many monsters to attack the city. Let's go and ask him ourselves, then we'll know. Wait for me here, I'll be right back."

The giant ape held the girl in his hands and stepped onto the rainbow bridge, his voice booming like thunder.

"Xiaoxiao, I'll wait for you."

I've had a cold for the past few days, and now I feel even worse. I don't feel like writing at all, and there's a bit of writer's block. It feels like I've written a pile of crap. But as a struggling writer, I have to update every day, otherwise my book will lose its only exposure. Although no readers have scolded me yet, I apologize to all my readers in advance. A 360-degree bow. This boring plot will be resolved quickly. As a preview, the protagonist will soon break through to the Gold Core stage, Chen Yi will escape, Yu Zhenren will truly live up to his name, and Yu Zongguan will enjoy the life of an ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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