Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

180. Chapter 179 Leisure Days

Chapter 179: Days of Leisure

The sky was just beginning to dawn.

On the peak of Shangyang Mountain.

Yu Xian stood at the highest point, overlooking the entire Shangyang City, feeling a sense of emptiness and confusion that he hadn't felt in a long time.

After breaking through to the Gold Core stage, his strength had greatly increased, making him the undisputed number one in Shangyang City.

He didn't need any backing, nor did he need to rely on anyone's reputation.

Standing here, he was invincible.

A true Gold Core cultivator, with a lifespan of five hundred years, he was a genuine ancestor. In his previous life, he could have witnessed the rise and fall of two or three dynasties.

Even in the cultivation world, he was a pillar of the major sects and had a certain degree of influence.

But he didn't feel too excited.

Human desires are an endless abyss.

Although Yu Xian often chanted the phrase "contentment brings happiness," he was actually always greedy.

He wanted higher cultivation, longer lifespan, better enjoyment, more women, more beautiful scenery...

He wanted too many things.

It's just that his previous strength didn't allow it.

If he had been satisfied with a peaceful life, he would have stayed in Yue Country and might have even become an emperor.

A lifespan of over a hundred years would have been enough to enjoy what most ordinary people couldn't in their entire lives.

But he still came back.

Because the things he wanted couldn't be satisfied in the mortal world, just like the current cultivation world in Shangyang City couldn't satisfy his needs anymore.

Let's take a simple example.

There are hardly any female cultivators in this city who can attract him anymore.

In the end, it's because the place is small and resources are scarce, and the ceiling for the quality of female cultivators is there.

It's like how in a small county, beautiful women are few and far between, while in a big city, beautiful women are everywhere, with high quality in terms of education, ability, and appearance.

Now Shangyang City has become a worthless backwater from the immortal city he once envisioned.

It made it difficult for him to find a woman to sleep with, and even when he did, he wasn't satisfied.

He could eat poorly, dress poorly.

But when it came to sleeping, the quality couldn't be low. Quantity alone couldn't satisfy him anymore.

Otherwise, what was the point of his hard cultivation?

The morning sun rose in the distance from the plains, and the warm morning light spread across the earth.

Yu Xian slowly raised his head, looked into the distance, smiled faintly, and ended his introspective journey.

Confusion is a terrible thing. It can erode one's will, waste time, and make everything worse.

Only by knowing what one wants can they determine the path they should take.

"But if I want to leave Shangyang City, I still have to cross the Wan Yao Mountain Range. Even if it's just a small branch, there are still dangers."

"Moreover, I have to bring Yulan and Luo Han with me."

"So it's best to take advantage of the Xunyang Sect's commercial convoy when they come. It won't be more than thirty years."

"Now that we have the third-level Gathering Spirit Array and the pills that Luo Han refined with demon cores, we don't have to worry too much about their cultivation progress."

"Besides, while Shangyang City is still under my control, I can also take the opportunity to let them hone their skills."

"These two are just as arrogant as me, delicate flowers who have never experienced a real fight. Breaking through to the Gold Core stage in the future will be difficult for them."

"And the Heavenly Tribulation doesn't discriminate. Without some strength, they won't be able to withstand it. They're not like Chen Yi, who is a monster."

Upon careful consideration, he realized that they might be struck by lightning in the future.

Yu Xian suddenly shivered, thinking that he should be prepared for this.

Although Yulan had poor aptitude, he had almost prepared the best conditions for Foundation Building, but she still failed to break through.

Later, she had to go to the Moon True Sect to train for two years before her temperament and mana were refined enough for a successful breakthrough.

This incident proved that even with abundant resources, it didn't guarantee a successful breakthrough.

Temperament, belief, and opportunity were all important.

After all, not everyone was as confident as him.


Taxation Department.

Everyone discovered that the archives room had inexplicably gained a gentle and beautiful female cultivator. She had a gentle personality, treated people kindly, and was also beautiful. She was like a breath of fresh air to everyone she met.

Within a few days of her arrival, she quickly rose to the top three of the unofficial ranking of female cultivators in the Taxation Department.

Of course, that's not the most important thing.

The key is that this female cultivator is said to be Vice Director Zhao's good sister. Some people have seen them leaving work hand in hand, very intimate.

This is a big deal.

Who doesn't know that Vice Director Zhao is the head of the Taxation Department? As long as she raises her hand, she can decide the fate of a Foundation Building Pill.

It is well known that Vice Director Zhao is cold and ruthless. In the past, there were people who pursued her without fear of death.

And Vice Director Zhao only rejects once.

If there is a second time, the pursuer will never appear again, and even their family's elders will suffer varying degrees of consequences.

After a few lessons, Vice Director Zhao no longer had any pursuers.

But this new female cultivator is different. If she can be pursued and won, then she will be connected to Vice Director Zhao.

Even the regular employees of the Taxation Department are very tempted by this.

On this day.

At the entrance of the Taxation Department.

A handsome young man with a shiny face and powdered complexion waited at the door and hurriedly approached the girl who came out from inside.

"Miss Lan, I heard that there is a food spirit master at Wei Xian Lou who specializes in a dish called 'High Mountains and Flowing Water'. I wonder if I have the honor of inviting you to taste it?"

The girl had a petite figure and seemed to always have a faint smile on her face, especially her eyes, clear like spring water, with a touch of innocence and beauty.

Surprisingly, it was Yu Lan, who was using the alias Lan Yu.

Seeing the young man being so bold, Yu Lan frowned slightly and shook her head.

"Thank you, but I don't know you."

The young man smiled faintly, "We'll get to know each other after having a meal together."

Yu Lan politely declined, "I heard that it's difficult to make a reservation with that food spirit master."

"It's alright, my Wu family is one of the owners of Wei Xian Lou, no reservation needed."

The young man casually revealed his background.

"Wu family? The one from the Alchemy Department?"

Yu Lan asked.

The young man smiled proudly, "Exactly, I am Wu Yi, the great-grandson of our ancestor."

Yu Lan looked at the young man with a strange expression and said,

"I already have a husband."

Ignoring the suddenly frozen young man, Yu Lan walked past him and headed towards the commoner district.

"Miss Lan, I really have sincere intentions to be friends with you."

The young man caught up with her.

Yu Lan no longer paid attention to him and just walked on her own.

The young man didn't give up and followed closely behind Yu Lan, constantly showing his attentiveness.

As they walked.

Yu Lan stopped in front of a small courtyard.

"Miss Lan, you..."


The courtyard door closed, and the young man was blocked outside. He almost bumped his nose and couldn't help but look at the door, remembering the house number.

"You can't even afford to live in Lianfu District, what's there to be proud of!"

"If it weren't for your connection with Vice Director Zhao, I wouldn't dare to refuse me! Once I find out your background, I'll make you kneel and beg me."

In his eyes, a cultivator who lived in a house in the commoner district was nothing to be feared. She was probably just a friend of Vice Director Zhao who used connections to enter the Taxation Department.

Even if she really did something, Vice Director Zhao would at most handle it lightly for the sake of the Wu family's face.

Power does not exist in a vacuum.

The new city lord is a puppet without any intelligence, allowing his subordinates to do as they please. The true leader, Yu Xian, doesn't take care of matters, and Zhao Shiwen, who is in charge of the tax department, is overwhelmed.

As a result, most of the power in the city is divided among the major aristocratic families, who are naturally rushing to secure benefits for their own people.

Even in the eyes of many young people from the new generation, they only know about the aristocratic families and have no knowledge of the city lord's mansion and the chief steward.

Only those who truly understand know that they offer their annual earnings to someone.

If they don't feed someone, they won't have their easy and carefree days.

Coincidentally, the young man is a newly recruited temporary worker in the tax department, planning to mix in for a few years, use connections to become a regular employee, and cultivate to the Foundation Building stage.

After all, it's a public benefit, so why not take advantage of it.


A small courtyard.

As soon as the courtyard door closes, it feels like entering a private little world.

A lazy young man lying on a rocking chair, with a fishing rod next to him, and a small white tiger lying at his feet, already the size of a wolf dog.

Several silver-white fish swim in the water pool where the fishing hook hangs, enjoying the coolness under the lotus leaves.

Seeing that Yulan was somewhat unhappy returning home, Yu Xian put down the fishing rod and smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yulan didn't hide anything and told Yu Xian everything that had happened before, word for word.

"Lord, maybe I should just come back. Now, someone comes to the archives every day to talk to me in various ways, making it impossible for me to work. I've already said that I have a lord, but they still bother me."

Yu Xian held Yulan in his arms and sat her on his lap, resting his head on her shoulder, smelling the pleasant scent on her body, and smiled, "Doesn't this just prove that you have charm? But since you find it annoying, let's transfer you to the combat team in advance and start the operation early. The archives were originally meant for you to familiarize yourself with the situation. When Miss Lan and Miss Yu show their power during the Foundation Building stage, they will back off. If there are still some fools who don't know their limits, Shiwen will help you deal with these small problems."

Yulan showed a sweet smile and nodded, "That's right, we'll surprise them."

"Ah, if I weren't worried that you wouldn't be able to overcome the tribulation in the future, I would really want to keep you like this for the rest of your life, so I wouldn't have to worry anymore."

Yu Xian sighed.

Yulan quickly said, "It's okay, Lord. I know you're doing this for our own good. And the two years I spent in the Moon True Sect before were not in vain. These little troubles won't be difficult for me. I can handle it."

Yu Xian pinched Yulan's chubby face and encouraged her, "I've always believed that you can do it. In order to motivate you, I won't give you a spirit stone now, and you'll have to take care of me. Whether we eat porridge or meat in the future will depend on you."

Hearing this, a sense of responsibility surged in Yulan's heart. She clenched her small fist and said earnestly, "Don't worry, Lord. I won't let you down."


The next day.

Blue sky, white clouds, and sunny weather.

Yulan changed into the black combat uniform of the tax department, which was specially designed for women. Even though Yulan was gentle and weak, she looked a bit more heroic in it.

She looked up at the plaque with the words "Wu Mansion" and waved her hand.

Now she is already the deputy captain of the third squadron of the tax department's temporary workers, with three squads of ten people under her command.

"Go and bring them in, the rebels..."

Yulan hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Kill without mercy."

Having experienced the years of fighting in the Moon True Sect, she knew that being too merciful would only cause harm to her own people.


A group of temporary workers, fierce as wolves and tigers, directly broke open the gate of the Wu Mansion.

"Tax Bureau business, avoid idle people!"

For temporary workers, completing tasks and obtaining achievements to become regular employees is the most important thing in the world. Apart from that, everything else is nonsense.

"What's going on?!"

The old gatekeeper was first surprised, then angry.

"Which team are you from? Don't you know where this is?"

This familiar scene reminded the old man of the time when the Tax Bureau broke into the Wu family more than ten years ago. In the end, under the intervention of the ancestors, they left in embarrassment.

The old man suddenly gained confidence and his voice became louder.

"Who is in charge here? Come and talk to me!"

Yulan was still hesitating about how to respond when a middle-aged man next to her drew his sword and stepped forward.


A bright light cut through the air.

The gatekeeper only had time to activate his magical weapon, but the protective force field on his body shattered like glass, leaving a bloodline on his face.

This middle-aged man turned out to be a powerful body cultivator.


The gatekeeper looked at the middle-aged man in astonishment, his eyes filled with disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that he would die like this.

But he couldn't say anything anymore.


The old man's body split in half, and blood gushed out.

In close proximity, it was easy for a body cultivator to kill an unguarded cultivator of the same level.

"Disrespecting Shangguan is a capital offense!"

The middle-aged cultivator bowed to Yulan and said, "The roadblocker is dead. I am Wang Wu, please give me instructions, Captain."

Yulan was stunned, her voice somewhat dry.


She hadn't even reacted to the middle-aged man's sword just now.

Of course, no matter how fast his sword was, it couldn't break through her protective spiritual power. This was the gap between different realms, and speed alone couldn't make up for it.


The middle-aged cultivator roared and drew his sword forward.

"Everyone surrender, or face death!"

With this loud shout, hundreds of cultivators, including five or six Foundation Building cultivators, suddenly rose into the air, surrounding the Wu family.

Not to mention the hidden cultivators.

"Tax Bureau business, resistance is punishable by death!"

The overlapping voices echoed like thunder, resounding in the sky above the entire Wu family. Even the residents around the Wu family were alarmed and came out to watch the commotion.

"What's happening?"

"Are you blind? Can't you see the big sign of the Tax Bureau? The Wu family was flourishing just a few days ago, and now they have been targeted by the Tax Bureau. They might not die, but they will definitely suffer."

"I think it's more than that. Judging from the Tax Bureau's posture, they might even confiscate the family's assets."

"Impossible, what status does the Wu family have? They are the top cultivation family in the city. Wu Patriarch is in charge of the alchemy department, and his cultivation is said to have reached the peak of Foundation Building, just one step away from the Gold Core stage.

How powerful can the Tax Bureau be to move against the Wu family?

I heard that Deputy Director Zhao hasn't even reached Foundation Building yet."

"You don't know, behind the Tax Bureau is a real person. The Zhou family's huge family business was destroyed overnight by a real person in the past. I heard that the Zhou family's territory was almost taken away by someone. These years have been quite difficult for them."

"No matter how strong the Wu family is, how does it compare to the Zhou family back then?"

"In that case, the Wu family is also in danger?"

"It doesn't matter who dies, I just hope the pills I buy from them will be cheaper in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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