Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

186.Chapter 185 Gold Core Ceremony (Part 1)

Chapter 185: Gold Core Ceremony (Part 1) (600 Monthly Votes + Extra)

The Wu Residence was adorned with lights and decorations to celebrate their ancestor's Gold Core Ceremony.

People were coming and going at the entrance of the residence, and from time to time, the steward of the Wu Residence would publicly announce the names of influential figures carrying valuable gifts, causing exclamations of surprise.

"The Jiang Family presents 100 catties of Red Blood Spirit Rice and a top-grade spiritual weapon, the Red Scale Armor!"

"The Lin Family presents a pair of top-grade spiritual weapons, the Male and Female Flying Swords, and a high-grade sword technique!"

"The Chen Family presents three second-grade Breaking Restriction Talismans, one second-grade high-grade Frozen Seal Talisman, and twelve second-grade talismans!"

"The Zhang Family presents a lower-grade spiritual instrument, the Profound Fire Refining Dan Furnace!"

"The Wan Family presents a top-grade spiritual beast egg, a third-grade exotic beast, the Ice Crystal Dragon Egg!"

"The Li Family presents 500-year-old spiritual medicine, the Dragon Transformation Ginseng!"

"The Zhao Family presents a second-grade lower-grade formation plate, the Bamboo Grove Formation, and 1,000 spiritual stones!"


One influential force after another appeared, all giving face to the newly promoted Gold Core cultivator, and most of them were specialties of their own forces.

The previous eight major cultivation families, the Jiang, Lin, Zhang, Wan, Chen, and Zhao families, all presented generous gifts.

However, the Zhao Family had already declined and could only offer a meager second-grade formation plate, along with 1,000 spiritual stones.

As for the Zhou Family, they had offended someone they shouldn't have and their main lineage was wiped out overnight, leaving only a group of elderly, weak, and disabled individuals struggling to survive on their ancestral land.

"The Zhou Family presents... presents five top-grade spiritual stones and several specialties from the clan!"

The steward read the gift list, barely able to catch his breath.

Five top-grade spiritual stones!

One top-grade spiritual stone was equivalent to a hundred middle-grade spiritual stones, which was ten thousand lower-grade spiritual stones. Moreover, in the cultivation world of Shangyang City, it was almost priceless and usually had to be sold at a premium of twenty percent to be exchanged. In case of urgent need, it could even be priced at half its value.

Five top-grade spiritual stones were almost equivalent to sixty to seventy thousand lower-grade spiritual stones.

It should be noted that when Yu Xian sold all of the Zhao Family's assets in Shangyang City, he only exchanged them for such a small amount of spiritual stones.

With this generous gift, the Zhou Family practically gave away almost half of the Zhao Family.

Sure enough, as the steward finished announcing the names, the cultivators who had gathered outside the Wu Residence to watch the excitement were all astonished.

"Damn, five top-grade spiritual stones! Is the Zhou Family trying to end their days? I heard that someone exchanged one top-grade spiritual stone for a Foundation Building Pill."

"Doesn't that mean the Zhou Family directly gave away five Foundation Building Pills?!"

"Don't forget there are also several specialties. With five top-grade spiritual stones as a foundation, these specialties are worth at least several thousand spiritual stones."

"Wow, I've heard that the Zhou Family is the most money-making family among the eight major families, but I didn't expect them to be so wealthy, like a thin camel that's bigger than a horse."

"I heard that True Immortal Danyang only destroyed the Zhou Family that night and didn't plunder their wealth, so most of the Zhou Family's wealth was preserved and taken back to their ancestral land by the remaining Zhou Family cultivators. Now it seems that the rumors are true."

"No wonder the Zhou Family has been favored by robbery cultivators in recent years. They don't dare to leave their ancestral land casually. Now that they have revealed their wealth again, it's probably even more tempting for robbery cultivators."

"I think the Zhou Family is issuing a challenge. Instead of being trapped in their ancestral land with spiritual stones, it's better to take a gamble and leverage their relationship with Master Wu. No robbery cultivator would dare to provoke the Zhou Family."

"The Zhou Family is really going all out."


A group of cultivators who were not qualified to enter the Wu Residence were discussing outside, their eyes filled with envy as they watched the gifts being sent into the residence one after another.

Just the gifts announced on the gift list were worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones. Adding the gifts from some small forces, it was estimated that they would receive two to three hundred thousand spiritual stones just from receiving gifts.

It was in this lively atmosphere that Yu Xian, accompanied by Yulan, entered the Wu Residence through a side door.

If they wanted to enter through the main entrance, they had to present a gift first.

Yu Xian had Yulan casually present a lower-grade spiritual stone, wrapped in a jade box and tied with a beautiful bow, giving it a high-end appearance. It was just a symbolic gesture.

After Yulan presented the jade box, they entered the residence and found a relatively inconspicuous place to sit down, quietly waiting for the banquet to begin.

Her current identity was the captain of the Taxation Department, a Foundation Building cultivator. She could even sit in the inner courtyard for the banquet, and there was a chance to personally meet Master Wu.

If it were an ordinary small family clan leader, even if they presented hundreds or thousands of spiritual stones, they could only sit on the outermost edge, enviously watching others.

"Sir, can this really work?"

Yu Lan felt like she had done something wrong, both excited and nervous. A blush appeared on her cheeks, complementing her delicate and flawless skin, making people want to take a bite.

Yu Xian leaned close to Yu Lan's ear and whispered, "We're here to give him face. Although it's just a piece of spiritual stone, it's more precious than any gift."

If no one else comes, Master Wu would probably not be in the mood to hold any grand ceremony, but rather worry about his own future.

Yu Lan's ear itched, and her body unconsciously leaned closer to Yu Xian, showing great intimacy.

"Lan, it's been a long time. You've become even more beautiful."

A gentle and polite voice suddenly sounded beside them.

Yu Xian turned around, looking somewhat surprised. "It's you?"

The person who came was Wu Yi, who had been captured by the law enforcement team a few days ago. At this moment, he had a smug smile on his face, the typical appearance of a villain. He lowered his voice and said, "I told you, the law enforcement team can't control me. You shouldn't have angered me. Now it's your turn to be afraid and scared. In no time, you will kneel down and beg me. Hahaha..."

After speaking, he turned around and left without giving Yu Xian a chance to speak.

"Sir, do you know him?" Yu Lan asked in confusion.

"He bothered me a few times before at the Taxation Department. After the Wu family was besieged, I didn't see him again. I didn't expect him to be alive," Yu Xian nodded helplessly.

"Yeah, he's an idiot."

If nothing unexpected happens, Master Wu, who received his message, will perform a show of righteousness and exterminating his own family in public today, followed by the anticipated climax of appearing holy in front of everyone.

The arrangements were clear.

There had never been a local Gold Core cultivator in Shangyang City, and they were not familiar with the formal procedures of a proper Gold Core ceremony.

So this Gold Core ceremony was more like a feast for a hundred-year-old birthday celebration.

As the guests entered, a variety of delicious dishes were served on the table, and the drinks were unlimited.

However, not many people touched their chopsticks.

Although the food on the table was delicious, there were very few that could be considered spiritual delicacies, and it was not worth losing their composure over.

The people who could attend were not lacking in this meal.

Yu Xian also only tasted a few bites and didn't touch his chopsticks much.

With his current strength and status, he didn't need to make any unique actions to show off his personality.

On the other side.

Wearing a green outer robe with various vines and flowers embroidered on the lining, Master Wu, entered amidst the anticipation of the crowd.

He first greeted the familiar cultivators before stepping onto the prepared main stage under the gaze of everyone.

He smiled heartily, like a child who was almost two hundred years old.

"I am very grateful that all of you fellow cultivators could come to attend my Gold Core ceremony. On this occasion, I have something to announce."

As soon as his words fell, the whole venue fell silent, and a heavy pressure unconsciously filled the air.

Because they knew.

What Master Wu was about to say next would determine the future situation of Shangyang City.


Master Wu's smile disappeared, and his voice suddenly became heavy.

"Next, those whose names I call, please come up to the stage."

"Wu Feng, Wu Yong, Wu Yi, Wu Wenbo, Wu Liyuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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