Chapter 192: Subduing

"Wan Shou Zhen Ren."

The calm voice of Yu Xian echoed in the cultivation room, his tone indifferent yet resolute, as if he already knew that Wan Shou Zhen Ren was still alive.

"No need to hide, come out and talk."

After a few breaths.

No response.

The air gradually became awkward.

But Yu Xian remained expressionless. As long as no one knew, then no one would know about his embarrassment.

Besides, it's not illegal to deceive someone.

The demonic cultivation techniques were strange and dangerous. If Wan Shou Zhen Ren had any secret method to possess another body before dying, Yu Xian didn't want to suffer from it.

"The queen bee outside has already been subdued by me. Apart from me, no one else can enter the cave."

"After I leave today, I will destroy the cave. You will be forever buried in darkness, never seeing the light of day. Your great vengeance will never be avenged, and your enemies will continue to live carefree, gradually losing all their power until they die."

"So, are you still going to delay with me?"

Yu Xian continued to speak towards the air, his gaze firm, as if Wan Shou Zhen Ren was really standing in front of him, without revealing any flaws.

Still, there was no movement.


Yu Xian chuckled softly, then turned and walked away without hesitation.

He went straight to Wan Shou Zhen Ren's treasure room.

Surprisingly, the treasure room was empty, with nothing inside.

Wan Shou Zhen Ren had been operating here for many years, and the storage room was filled with various spirit stones and rare woods. It was impossible for the treasure room to be empty.

Moreover, there were no other people in the cave, and the entrance was guarded by the queen bee.

So Wan Shou Zhen Ren's treasures must be on his person.

Yu Xian stroked his chin and pondered to himself:

"I wasn't very sure before, but now I'm fifty percent certain that Wan Shou Zhen Ren is still alive. The cultivators who can enter the cave must have some understanding of Wan Shou Zhen Ren."

"This is a formidable cultivator who has hunted down many demon kings. How could his legacy only consist of some worthless stones and wood?"

Yu Xian admitted that he was tempted.

Even though he knew that there might be traps set by Wan Shou Zhen Ren in the cultivation room, the rewards were too tempting.

Yu Xian turned around and returned to the entrance of the cultivation room, his gaze falling on the tattered Soul Banner.

"The interior of the Soul Banner forms its own space and can be used as a storage magic treasure, so it's highly probable that Wan Shou Zhen Ren's legacy is inside."

Yu Xian walked to the cushion in front of the Soul Banner and grabbed it. The tattered Soul Banner lay in his palm.

"If I want to obtain your legacy, I have to refine this Soul Banner."

"Although I don't know what traps are inside, as long as I'm not greedy, I won't fall into them."

Yu Xian flipped his hand and took out a jade box.

"This is your last chance, Wan Shou Zhen Ren. I'm about to seal this Soul Banner in this box."

"Even if you have some secret method to prolong your life, since your physical body is dead and only your soul remains, your power will only diminish over time."

"A hundred years later, I will still be young. When the time comes, I will open this box and refine the Soul Banner. Your legacy will still be mine, and you won't have to worry about any tricks."

"Wan Shou Zhen Ren, you have lost."

Yu Xian opened the jade box, about to throw the Soul Banner inside.

"Hold on!"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded, and the tattered Soul Banner in his hand suddenly moved. A wisp of mist-like smoke rose from the Soul Banner and transformed into an illusory figure in front of Yu Xian.

It was a middle-aged man with graying temples and a troubled expression, his eyes filled with an indelible melancholy.

"My physical body and soul have completely merged with the Soul Banner. Even a Nascent Soul True Immortal would only see me as the main soul of the Soul Banner. How did you discover me?"

Yu Xian was very frank. "I'm naturally timid and afraid of death. If I didn't know that you were dead, I wouldn't have come to your cave. So even if there was no remnant of your soul in the Soul Banner, I wouldn't have touched it."

"Of course, maybe I couldn't wait for a hundred years. Eighty or ninety years would be enough. By then, your power would be almost gone, and I would probably have reached the peak of the Gold Core stage in my cultivation, so I wouldn't be afraid of your schemes anymore."

"After all, good things are worth waiting for."

"Everything you said just now was a bluff?"

The expression of Wan Shou Zhen Ren, the middle-aged man, became even more troubled.

"Yeah, bluffing you isn't illegal."

Yu Xian shrugged, very shameless.

"This is an extraordinary magic treasure. Aren't you tempted at all?"

Wan Shou Zhen Ren still couldn't believe it.

Yu Xian said, "I don't need to come back and tell you so much if I'm not moved. I just don't want to take unnecessary risks.

Well, now that you're here, if you have any last words, please say them quickly.

Because, I'm going to kill you next."

However, Wan Shou Zhen Ren remained calm and said, "I have already merged with the Wan Shou Soul Banner. If the banner is destroyed, everything inside will fall into the chaotic space.

Let's make a deal. After it's done, I'm willing to exchange the treasures inside with you."

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian immediately smiled and reassured him, "I was just joking earlier. Speaking of which, the cultivation technique I practice now was obtained from you. If you think about it, you owe me a favor in passing on your skills.

I can be considered your disciple, so it's only fair for you to pass on your inheritance to me.

I'll also fulfill your last wish while I'm at it, which is also reasonable."

Wan Shou Zhen Ren was speechless.

"I have never seen such a shameless person like you."

"Well, now you have."

Yu Xian didn't care at all. After all, there was no one else here, and his image in the outside world was positive enough.

Although he was greedy and ruthless, often wiping out entire families, everyone knew that he was actually a good person.

"Zhen Ren, what is your last wish? Let's finish this quickly."

After a moment of contemplation, Wan Shou Zhen Ren said, "My request is simple. Go to the main city of Xuan Yang Realm's Dong Hua and find someone for me."

"My former lover?"

Yu Xian smelled the scent of gossip and became interested.

Wan Shou Zhen Ren paused for a moment and smiled bitterly, "You could say that. I want you to help me kill her."

"Lovers turned enemies, tsk tsk... I smell the scent of a melodramatic story."

Yu Xian really wanted to hear the love-hate relationship behind it, but considering the feelings of the aggrieved party, he didn't delve into it and simply agreed, "Okay, but there's no fixed deadline. I can't go up against a stronger enemy for your intangible inheritance.

Also, you have to pay me a deposit first."

Wan Shou Zhen Ren said, "Okay, what do you want?"

Yu Xian said, "First of all, I want the tokens of the Queen Bee and the Old Ape King outside. Also, you killed several Demon Kings back then, so I want two third-grade Demon Cores. Is that too much?"

The tokens of the Queen Bee and the Demon King's cores were things he must obtain.

The former might allow him to obtain two Spirit Beasts at the level of Demon Kings, while the latter would help him solve an urgent problem that needed experimentation.

The Demon King's cores were the main ingredient for refining the Five Elements Pill.

He wanted to try again and see if he could achieve the same effect as before when he obtained the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi.

The significance of this was self-evident. It would be his greatest confidence in catching up with those peerless geniuses.

After a moment of contemplation, Wan Shou Zhen Ren bargained, "I can give you the tokens of the Queen Bee, but I can only give you one third-grade Demon Core."


Yu Xian agreed without hesitation.

Wan Shou Zhen Ren: "..."

He had actually raised the price.

But he wasn't the kind of person who went back on his word, and he didn't have the capital to do so in reality.

"You have to make a solemn vow first, and then I will give you the tokens and the Demon Core."

Yu Xian immediately became unhappy.

"Wan Shou Zhen Ren, everyone knows that I am a man of my word and never go back on my promises. If I have to make a solemn vow, it would be an insult to my reputation as a gentleman.

I won't have face if this gets out. Anyway, I will do what I promised you, but making a vow would be an insult to me."

Wan Shou Zhen Ren, suppressed by Yu Xian's momentum, said hesitantly, "I don't know you, and you just said you are timid and afraid of death."

Yu Xian confidently said, "Is being timid and afraid of death contradictory to being honest and trustworthy? Can't a timid and afraid person be honest and trustworthy?

Wan Shou Zhen Ren, don't look at people with a discriminatory gaze."

"Now, immediately, give me the tokens and the Demon Core, or we'll call it quits. Anyway, I won't lose anything.

But some people will never be able to avenge their grudges."

Yu Xian's cold words made Wan Shou Zhen Ren itch with anger, but he still held back. He knew that if he didn't offer some benefits, he wouldn't stand a chance against Yu Xian, who claimed to be his disciple.

His secret technique could only be activated when Yu Xian fully integrated the Wan Shou Soul Banner. He was no match for Yu Xian in his current state.

Although the two of them were talking nicely now, he had no doubt that if he continued to oppose, this cultivator who claimed to be his disciple would betray and kill him on the spot.

"I'll trust you this once."

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts had a thought, and then saw a small vortex open on the Soul Banner, followed by two red and black tokens floating out. They were made of some kind of spiritual wood and had animal patterns on them.

One side was a terrifying and fierce tiger-headed wasp, while the other side was a strong and muscular ape pounding its chest.

In addition, there was a dark golden demon pill the size of an adult's fist.

The third-grade demon pill was different from the second-grade demon pill that Yu Xian had handled. The demon pill was similar to the Gold Core of human cultivators, both being a fusion of essence, energy, and spirit.

However, the demon pill did not have the same divine inscriptions as the Gold Core, and it was promoted from the inner pill. The main component inside was the condensed blood and qi of a demonic beast, so one could feel the immense blood energy contained within it as soon as they held it.

Yu Xian satisfactorily put away the treasures, then apologized in a low voice.

"Friend of the Ten Thousand Beasts, I apologize for the offense."

As he spoke, he formed hand seals with both hands, and a blood-colored flying sword flew out of his storage bag, emitting a shimmering blood light with a scent of evil and blood.

"What do you want to do?"

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts' expression changed, thinking that Yu Xian was going to kill him after using him.

"You don't want the remaining treasures?"

Yu Xian helplessly said, "Friend of the Ten Thousand Beasts, you are a Gold Core cultivator, and you may even be a powerful one in the later stage of Gold Core. You have countless secret techniques and methods. I am really afraid. If I keep you by my side, what if one day you plot against me? I won't even have time to cry."

"So I'm sorry, rest assured, I will leave you with a trace of remnant soul to be reincarnated, and I won't let your soul scatter."

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts, in extreme anger, laughed in response, "In that case, I have to thank you."

Yu Xian said, "Of course, if the friend doesn't want to die, there is a way. I am mainly afraid that the friend will cause trouble for me, and I also have some secrets on me. It would be inconvenient to have you with me. If the friend can become one of us, then I won't have this worry."

Yu Xian pointed at the embryo of the Blood Demon Sword's magic treasure and said, "This sword was once my blood sacrifice magic weapon. Later, after being blood-sacrificed in a large formation, it absorbed the blood essence of millions of demonic beasts and became the embryo of the Blood Demon Sword's magic treasure. The Blood Demon Dao treasures are all one entity, devouring and growing stronger together. If the friend can let go of their defenses and actively let the Blood Demon Sword merge with the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, then it will be a win-win situation."

Yu Xian had revealed his true intentions.

Although the Blood Demon Sword was powerful, it was ultimately still an embryo of a magic treasure. To promote it to a magic treasure, it would require a great deal of killing and blood sacrifice.

On the other hand, the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul Banner had already been refined into a magic treasure by the True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts. Even if it was slightly damaged, it was still a magic treasure.

Since they were both used as main battle magic treasures and not intended to be their life treasures, it didn't matter whether they used a sword or a soul banner.

Moreover, with a wave of the soul banner, the Ten Thousand Beasts would follow, which felt quite cool.

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts said coldly, "You want to refine me as a soul slave, aren't you afraid that I will backlash against you in the future?"

Yu Xian smiled shyly, "That's because my strength is insufficient, so you can't blame me, friend. Besides, you are the main soul of the soul banner, and my magic treasures have all been invested in it. You don't have to worry that I will go back on my word in the future."

In the future, as I invest more and more in this treasure, I will be even more reluctant to destroy it."

Directly refining the Soul Banner of Ten Thousand Beasts, I don't know what traps Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal has set, and whether it will pose a danger to him.

But if the Blood Demon Sword is the main focus, even if there are any means, there is the Blood Demon Sword as a firewall. Coupled with his strength, he is not afraid of any changes.

After all, in the end, Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal is just a Gold Core True Immortal, at most two small realms higher than him.

Not to mention that now there is only a trace of remnant soul left, his strength is greatly overestimated.

Otherwise, why would he be trapped in the cave and not go out to kill the Queen Bee who dared to betray him?

Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal said angrily, "What if I don't agree?"

Yu Xian pointed at the Blood Demon Sword and calmly said, "Then I can only ask the True Immortal to fight with this sword."

"Don't you really want my inheritance? Inside, there are three third-grade demon pills, more than ten thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, and even a five-thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum. There are also bronze ore, ten thousand forging mysterious iron, Taiyi refined gold, and millions of spirit stones!

Don't you want any of these?"

Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal tried to tempt Yu Xian.

Yu Xian released his mana little by little, and the Blood Demon Sword emitted blood light, gradually approaching Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal.

"Please make a decision as soon as possible."


The sound of the sword rang out as the Blood Demon Sword pierced into the Soul Banner, and two streams of blood light began to compete.

A trace of pain flashed across Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal's face.

In order to survive, his physical body and divine soul had merged into the Soul Banner. If the Soul Banner was injured, he would be injured as well.

If it were in the prime of the Soul Banner of Ten Thousand Beasts, a mere embryo flying sword that hadn't even reached the level of a magic treasure would have been swallowed by the Soul Banner long ago.

But the beast souls in the Soul Banner were greatly damaged when resisting the attack of the Demon Emperor that day, and he had also consumed a lot of them in order to maintain his physical existence over the years.

Now, there were only two or three small cats left in the Soul Banner. How could they withstand the fierce Blood Demon Sword?

He could already feel his soul slowly dissipating.


Ten Thousand Beasts True Immortal gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Don't think I don't know your plan. Once your Blood Demon Sword merges with the Soul Banner of Ten Thousand Beasts, my soul will no longer be autonomous. Sooner or later, it will be eroded by the endless blood qi in the Soul Banner, becoming a mindless soul slave under your control.

That's why I'm giving you a hundred years. If within a hundred years, you can't fulfill my request, even if my soul is scattered, I won't let you have your way!"

He persisted until now, just for a faint hope.

The person in front of me is despicable and detestable, but he is perfectly suited to survive in the cultivation world.

Moreover, judging from his vitality and blood energy, he is very young, yet he has such cultivation. In the future, there may be a possibility of helping him seek revenge.


Yu Xian nodded lightly. Even if he couldn't fulfill his promise a hundred years later, it would still be a hundred years well spent.

Of course, if the enemy of Wan Shou Zhen Ren is no longer a concern to him by then, he wouldn't mind helping with the revenge.

"Wan Shou Dao You, after getting to know me, you will find that I am actually quite good."


A drop of Gold Core's spiritual power dissipated, and countless blood energy surged. A black and red flame rose in the air, which was the demonic spirit fire - Crimson Blood Demon Flame, most suitable for refining blood demonic treasures.

The sword and the Soul Banner slowly merged within the demonic flame.


Half a year later.

In the cultivation room, the demonic flame extinguished.

A Soul Banner with a dark red background and countless beast souls painted on it was reborn, hanging on a soul pole that looked like a stick but not quite, like a sword but not quite.

The originally fierce and evil aura now had a hint of sharpness.

Yu Xian held the Soul Banner in his hand and with a flick of his wrist, the appearance of the Soul Banner changed. It turned into a white background with black characters, with four large characters written on it - Iron Mouth Straightforward.

"Not bad, not bad. I finally have a prop to impersonate a fortune teller."

On the Soul Banner, a figure flickered, and then the voice of Wan Shou Zhen Ren came out.

"Yu Xian, don't forget what you promised me."

"Yang Dao You, rest assured, we will have a pleasant cooperation in the future."

Yu Xian responded warmly.

In the state of refining and merging the artifact for half a year, the two of them chatted with each other, and he roughly understood the basic situation of Wan Shou Zhen Ren.

Wan Shou Zhen Ren's original name was Yang Ming, a descendant of a beast-taming family. It was said that their family ancestor was once an elder of the inner sect of Xuan Yang Sect and had once been prominent.

However, life has its ups and downs. The Yang family gradually declined and reached Wan Shou Zhen Ren's generation.

Wan Shou Zhen Ren had extraordinary talent since he was young and was regarded as the pride of the family.

Then, Wan Shou Zhen Ren, who should have led the Yang family back to its peak, caused the family's downfall due to personal emotional issues. With the sacrifice of the elders of the family, he escaped alone. Later, he encountered the inheritance of the Blood Demon Art and embarked on a magnificent journey.

And then he encountered the biggest obstacle in his life.

It seemed highly likely that he wouldn't be able to overcome it.

Yu Xian played a few tricks with the Wan Shou Soul Banner, then returned to a serious state, and the Soul Banner shrank into a small pendant hanging from his waist.

Currently, there was only one main soul of Wan Shou Zhen Ren in the Soul Banner, along with a few weak beast souls that were almost powerless.

When the Soul Banner could accommodate thousands of beast souls, it would regain the true power of a top-grade treasure.

Yu Xian walked out of the cave and saw dark clouds gathering in the sky, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

A silver-backed violent ape, over five zhang tall, raised its hands high in the sky and roared in excitement. It was the old ape king who had experienced the Thunder Tribulation.

Speaking of which, the old ape king could also be considered a protagonist among the demons. As a demon of fortune, he not only successfully cultivated the Blood Demon Art, which had a success rate of one in a hundred, but also should have been trapped and died in the valley behind the Violent Ape Mountain. Yet, he encountered this great benefactor.

Now, after less than two hundred years of cultivation, he was about to step into the realm of a Demon King.

It should be noted that the lifespan of demonic beasts is much longer than that of cultivators of the same level, but their cultivation speed is also very slow.

The old ape king had actually already passed the Thunder Tribulation, but his demonic soul was incomplete, and he couldn't break through the final step.

Now, after half a year of adjustment, his demonic soul was complete, and he naturally achieved the realm of a Demon King.

Of course, the price the old ape king paid was being controlled by him for a hundred years.

After all, once the old ape king became a Demon King, living for a thousand years was not a problem. It was more than worth it to exchange a mere tenth of that time for this opportunity.

The old ape king felt that he had gained.

Yu Xian also felt that he had gained.

This was a win-win situation!

"Queen Bee, have you considered it?"

Yu Xian looked at the beehive hanging from an ancient tree and said,

"It's just a hundred years. I have always been honest, treating everyone equally, and I will pay you a salary every year without exploiting you.

Now that the old ape has broken through to become a Demon King and I am about to leave, if you don't agree, I won't make things difficult for you, but I won't return your demonic soul either."

Inside the beehive, the queen bee looked at the old ape king bathing in thunder, the old ape king who used to see it as a little monkey had become a Demon King, and it was still standing in place.

It's just a hundred years.

The queen bee's heart finally wavered.

The thing that humans and demons fear the most is comparison, especially when someone who used to be inferior suddenly becomes better than oneself. That kind of resentment is enough to make a person lose their sanity.

"I agree."

"A wise decision."

Uh, I'm not a high school student. Even in high school, I still yearned for innocent love and couldn't write such a book.

(End of this chapter)

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