Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

198. Chapter 197 Flying Dragon Sword, Gold Core Inheritance

Chapter 197: Flying Dragon Sword, Gold Core Inheritance

"Remember what you promised me!"

In a dimly lit room, a roar echoed.

Lin Zhanlong's blood and energy surged, as if he had experienced thousands of years in an instant. The smooth and delicate skin of his youth lost its luster in an instant, turning into the wrinkled skin of an old tree.

Finally, only an elderly man's head drooped in despair, devoid of any breath.

Only a faint golden Gold Core emerged from his dantian, transforming from illusion to reality, illuminating the dark space like a lamp.

A shadow stood waiting in front of the corpse.

In the next moment, a blood snake-like rune flew out from Lin Zhanlong's body, piercing straight into the shadow without any chance to react.

"It seems it's still not enough."

A slender and fair hand reached out from the shadow, gently catching the Gold Core. In the faint light, a expressionless handsome young man could be seen.

Surprisingly, it was Yu Xian.

"Damn it, even suicide is counted against me. Why?"

He had coerced Lin Zhanlong into condensing the Gold Core inheritance, depleting his vitality, essentially causing him to commit suicide.

In this situation, he could still be held responsible. It was simply unlucky.

The shadow of the Beastmaster condensed beside him, somewhat gloating, saying:

"It's impressive that you could come up with such a method. But it's also thanks to his concern for his clan that he was willing to be threatened by you.

But as I've said before, blood curses involve causality. He died because of you, and this causality remains with you."

"I always have to try."

Yu Xian smiled, not caring about the blood curse on his body. He was mentally prepared to bear the consequences when he took Lin Zhanlong's life.

He began to examine the Gold Core left by Lin Zhanlong.

"It truly deserves to be a secret technique produced by the Supreme Sect. The divine inscriptions on this Gold Core are still clear. If a cultivator who practices the sword path were to comprehend the sword light division technique through this, they would definitely be able to travel a thousand miles in a day."

"Although it cannot be guaranteed that the same Gold Core divine ability can be condensed after refining the Gold Core inheritance, breaking through the bottleneck of the Gold Core in the future will undoubtedly be much easier than for others."

"This is the foundation of the Supreme Sect."

"No wonder generation after generation, the inheritance continues."

Within the Nascent Soul sect that had been passed down for thousands of years, who knows how many Gold Core inheritances like this were preserved. How could ordinary wandering cultivators compare to cultivators from sects?

Upon hearing Yu Xian's sentiment, the Beastmaster said:

"If the inheritance truly continued without interruption, it wouldn't be the year 5603 of the Jiuyang Calendar, but the continuation of the rule of the previous Nascent Soul sect.

This is enough to prove that even with the existence of Nascent Soul ancestors, it is impossible to guarantee eternal rule.

The only thing that remains unchanged in this world is change itself.

You don't need to belittle yourself. With your talent, there is still a chance for you to become the ancestor of a sect."

Yu Xian looked at the Beastmaster strangely and said:

"When did I belittle myself? I only envy others for having better conditions, but that doesn't mean I feel inferior.

Sects may be good, but there are too many rules. I have always believed in the principle of eating as much as you can and excreting as much as you can. Sect cultivators have their own rights and advantages, but they also have responsibilities they must bear.

Whereas someone like me can go wherever I want, be a villain if I want to, be a gentleman if I want to.

Unrestrained freedom is the true elegance of cultivators like us."

He stored the Gold Core that Lin Zhanlong had condensed with a secret technique into a jade box, and then with a flick of his finger, a flame fell onto Lin Zhanlong's body.


As soon as the flame touched the flesh, it instantly blazed up, turning into a human-shaped torch.

After a short while, only a charred mass remained in place.

"Since you cooperated to some extent, I won't use your physical body to refine a puppet."

Yu Xian said a prayer to the remnants of Lin Zhanlong.

In truth, in order to perform the secret technique he had given, Lin Zhanlong had already burned all the essence of his physical body. This body was no different from rotten wood and had little value.

After saying that, Yu Xian turned and left.

No one would ever know that a Gold Core cultivator who had just become famous less than three days ago had fallen here.


Outside the room.

Wu Laozu is waiting anxiously.

In the previous battle, his peach wood staff was cut in half by a sword, causing him to lose his fighting spirit and become fearful, allowing Lin Zhanlong to severely injure Wan Tianchou.

If he had been there to distract Lin Zhanlong, he wouldn't have been able to unleash all his sword qi on Wan Tianchou.

If Wan Tianchou hadn't transformed into the body of a demon king, that one sword would have been enough to take his life.

Facing a fourth-grade Gold Core divine ability head-on, especially one focused on killing, his situation is not optimistic.

So Wu Laozu is very worried.

If the Lord Manager later investigates the responsibility for the cowardice of others, how will he respond?

"Lord Manager."

Seeing Yu Xian come out, Wu Laozu quickly approaches.

Yu Xian has no expression on his face, and it is difficult to tell his emotions. He didn't have high expectations for the strength of Wu Laozu and Wan Tianchou.

He is already an ordinary combatant among Gold Core cultivators, but if his combat strength in the Gold Core realm is a ten.

Then Wu Laozu and Wan Tianchou are between five and six.

After all, one cannot expect a person who has absorbed the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao and only has a false Gold Core formed through an unorthodox method to have any combat strength.

That's unrealistic.

If someone truly has extraordinary strength, they can just transcend the tribulation themselves, so why bother with a false Gold Core formed through an unorthodox method.

But strength is one thing, attitude is another.

"Wu Dao friend, we have known each other for more than ten years, but it feels like I know Wan Dao friend, whom I have known for less than half a year, better."

"You are responsible for treating Wan Dao friend's injuries. If you can heal him, I won't hold you accountable for what happened before."

"If you can't heal him, then accompany Wan Dao friend on his final journey. There will be a companion on the road to the Yellow Springs."

If it weren't for the fact that he can still refine pills, he would have turned him into puppet material by now.

Although the Gold Core of a false Gold Core cultivator is considered scrap, the person himself is a solid Gold Core realm cultivator, making him a high-level puppet material.

Wu Laozu's face turns bitter, but he doesn't dare to refuse.

"No problem, Lord Manager. I will definitely heal Wan Dao friend."

A true Gold Core cultivator has a strong vitality. Even without his help, Wan Tianchou would most likely be able to recover on his own, but it would definitely affect his lifespan.

But now that the Lord Manager has made a request, he must do his best to minimize the aftereffects of the injuries. This will require him to pay a heavy price.

But why did he hesitate at a critical moment?

Yu Xian is finally satisfied and nods, throwing out a storage bag.

"Also, prepare the auxiliary materials for a Five Elements Yuan Pill."

The storage bag contains Lin Zhanlong's belongings that he always carries with him, but it is seriously inconsistent with the belongings of a true Gold Core cultivator.

Not too much, but too little.

It's almost the same as an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator.

But considering that Lin Zhanlong can cultivate a fourth-grade Gold Core divine ability, he may have advanced a hundred years' worth of salary at the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

It's already good that he can save some money.

Wu Laozu takes the storage bag and scans it with his divine sense, almost crying.

"Lord Manager, I have realized my mistake. But this is completely not enough! Even if I empty the Wu family, it still won't be enough."

It's not that breaking through to the Gold Core realm will double his income. It depends on the environment.

In a place as small as Shangyang City, the total annual output has a limit.

Even though he has become a true Gold Core cultivator, his income has not increased much because the majority has been taken by the Lord Manager.

If he wants to increase his income, he can only snatch from others.

But he has someone watching over him.

And in the past two years, because of the Wu family's reputation, he almost had half of his bloodline wiped out by the Lord Manager. How could he dare to commit crimes openly?

"The Wu family is not enough. Can't you go to the Lin family?"

Yu Xian furrows his brows and says, "I promised Lin Laozu to spare his clan members, but I didn't say they could leave with spiritual stones."

"You are responsible for this matter. If there is a shortage of spiritual stones, make up for it from the Lin family. As for their clan members, send them all back to their clan territory."

Wu Laozu's heart trembled secretly.

Although Lin Laozu had lost his life for the sake of his clan, he still couldn't escape the Lord's blade.

The Lin family were not wooden puppets. How could they not resist when someone came to rob their property?

But once they resisted, wouldn't they be handing the Lord a knife?

The purpose of this move was to exterminate the Lin family's courageous clan members, leaving behind the weak ones who dared not resist. If they were let go, they were let go.

Wu Laozu thought he had understood the Lord's intentions, so he accepted the task and left with a deep sense of awe.

The lesson from the Lin family was right in front of him. He would be cautious in the future and not repeat their mistakes.

"What's with this old man's expression?"

Yu Xian didn't have as many thoughts as Wu Laozu did. He just thought that the Lin family, with their long-standing heritage, must have accumulated a lot of wealth. It was reasonable for him to take some before leaving.

As for extinguishing the Lin family's spirit of resistance, he didn't have the leisure for that.

The previous Lin, Lin Zhanlong, and the current Lin, Lin Zhen, had already exhausted the Lin family's hundred years of luck. He didn't need to worry about the Lin family's retaliation.

"Never mind."

Yu Xian stopped for a moment, unable to figure out Wu Laozu's change of heart, so he dismissed it.

Anyway, this old man would obediently refine pills for him in the future.

With a thought, two golden lights flew out of his storage bag, one large and one small. They were the two famous flying swords of the Lin family, the Golden Scale Sword and the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

"The Golden Scale Sword and the Dragon-Slaying Sword, the two most famous flying swords of the Lin family. After going through twists and turns, they have ended up in my hands."

One was a medium-grade spiritual weapon, and the other was a high-grade spiritual weapon. They had once achieved great fame in the hands of the Lin family's cultivators in Shangyang City, but now they no longer caught his eye.


Yu Xian suddenly exclaimed softly, realizing that the two swords were faintly connected.

He infused his spiritual power into the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

Under the powerful spiritual power refinement of his Gold Core, the Dragon-Slaying Sword, a sword without a master, had no way to resist. In just a moment, it let out a mournful cry and changed owners.

At the same time, a faint feeling of sadness surged up.

It was the emotional influence of the Dragon-Slaying Sword on him.

Yu Xian was not surprised but delighted.

"What a great Dragon-Slaying Sword. I didn't expect Lin Laozu to have nurtured your spirituality to such a degree. Even ordinary treasures cannot compare to your spirituality.

No wonder Lin Laozu carried you around. I thought he was showing off, but it turns out he was cultivating your spirituality."

"And also..."

Yu Xian placed the Golden Scale Sword beside the Dragon-Slaying Sword and activated his spiritual power.

With a swoosh, the Golden Scale Sword turned into a ball of golden light and entered the Dragon-Slaying Sword. The sword's blade now had an additional piece of pale golden dragon scale.

A brief message emanated from the sword's blade.

"The Flying Dragon Sword, a treasure-level flying sword embryo, only one step away from becoming a treasure-level flying sword, requiring the sacrifice of a Gold Core cultivator."

"So the Golden Scale and Dragon-Slaying Swords were originally one entity, and now they have revealed your true form."

"A commoner is innocent, but carrying a precious item is a crime. In a place like Shangyang City, a treasure-level flying sword is indeed eye-catching. Even a Gold Core cultivator would find it hard to resist."

"These cultivation families that have been passed down for hundreds of years each have their own trump cards."

"But now they are all mine."

Yu Xian dispelled the feeling of sadness in his heart and immediately felt invigorated.

Even the fused Flying Dragon Sword couldn't affect his emotions, let alone the Dragon-Slaying Sword from earlier.

The next moment, he received Lin Laozu's final gift.

His Gold Core inheritance!

Yu Xian turned around and returned to the main hall's gathering spirit array.


Three months later.

In the True Immortal Palace, in the main hall's gathering spirit array.

Yu Xian placed down the glossy and dim Gold Core. The inscriptions that once recorded divine abilities on it were now extremely faint, almost disappearing.

This meant that the inheritance contained within this Gold Core had been completely consumed.

Yu Xian lightly flicked his finger.

A sharp golden sword light appeared in the air, it was the Flying Dragon Sword.

Then the sword light flickered and fluctuated, the second sword light, the third sword light...

Until the seventy-second sword light appeared!

The entire hall immediately gained a sense of solemnity and killing intent.

Yu Xian had also comprehended the Flying Sword Technique before, with a record of being able to split into twelve sword lights.

But later, due to various trivial matters, he did not devote enough energy to swordsmanship.

After breaking through to the Gold Core realm, he could only split into twenty-four sword lights relying on his powerful divine sense.

Now, after comprehending the Gold Core inheritance left by Lin Laozu, his understanding of this Sword Art was steadily improving, not by leaps and bounds, but with steady progress.

"The division of sword lights is indeed one of the strongest sword techniques in the early stage of sword cultivation, and it truly deserves the reputation of a fourth-grade Gold Core divine ability. It is indeed powerful.

Each sword light contains twenty percent of my true strength. With this move, eighty percent of the cultivators in the early stage of Gold Core would not be able to withstand it head-on.

No wonder the body of the demon king transformed by Wan Dao You was severely injured with a single strike. This already surpasses the power of the early stage of Gold Core.

Lin Laozu's Gold Core divine ability is much stronger than my half-hearted division of sword lights.

However, they share a common flaw, which is excessive consumption."

In Yu Xian's inner vision, seventy-two strands of his Gold Core's mana disappeared out of nearly five hundred strands, all transforming into brilliant sword lights in the air.

It should be noted that his cultivation of advanced demonic techniques placed his mana quality at a medium level among Gold Core cultivators.

One division of sword lights would consume nearly one-fifth of his mana. Even if he exhausted all his mana, he could only release it six times.

But he never fought personally. When he had to personally take the stage, he wished for greater and more powerful strength, so he wouldn't care about excessive consumption.

Yu Xian casually dissipated the sword lights, and his immense mana turned into a dense spiritual energy that filled the entire hall. Then, the Gathering Spirit Array was activated, drawing back most of the spiritual energy.

It was truly a cycle of reuse.

With various thoughts in his mind, Yu Xian lost the desire to continue cultivating.

Lin Laozu's Gold Core inheritance had already been completely wasted by him. There was no meaning in sitting in meditation and cultivating anymore. It was better to listen to music and enjoy the dance.


After several days of entertainment activities.

Yu Xian felt relaxed both physically and mentally, and began to wrap up his work in Shangyang City.

According to Wan Shou Zhenren's information, what Lin Laozu said was not false. His status as a traveler for the Chamber of Commerce was equivalent to that of an outer elder of the Shang Sect, and there would be a soul lamp left in the Chamber.

So at this moment, news of his death should have been known by the Chamber of Commerce for a long time.

But according to Lin Laozu's dying words, the manpower of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce was insufficient, which was why they made special arrangements and used newcomers.

Even if the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce knew that Lin Laozu had died, they wouldn't be able to allocate manpower for a while.

After all, Lin Laozu had condensed a fourth-grade Gold Core divine ability and had considerable strength. The person who could kill him must be a strong cultivator in the Gold Core realm. It wouldn't be safe to send a mid-stage Gold Core cultivator to deal with such a strong person.

It was not easy to find a late-stage Gold Core cultivator, as they were only one step away from breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm. They couldn't be easily mobilized.

Of course, it would be best if a Nascent Soul True Immortal came.

But a True Immortal was such an existence that only the cultivators below served them. There was no reason for a True Immortal to run around for their subordinates, even if their subordinates died.

Just like when Wu Laozu was killed, he had to first see who the culprit was.

If the culprit was too strong, he would pretend nothing happened.

If the culprit's strength was average, he would consider whether seeking revenge was troublesome or not.

If it was convenient, he would take revenge, saying that even beating a dog depended on the owner.

If the culprit had escaped too far, he would offer a higher reward, just to show the others.

But just in case, once a high-ranking member of the Chamber of Commerce came, he would take a look at them.

Well, it was you who killed someone!

Of course, he had to see it with his own eyes.

The blood curse was just a mark. The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce only knew that Lin Laozu had died, but they didn't know where he died or who killed him.

But he wasn't stupid enough to go to the Chamber of Commerce for no reason.

If it weren't for the news about the inheritance of the venerable Huangsha, it would easily attract uncontrollable factors.

He still had to stay in Shangyang City for a few more days.

As for now, whether to run or not, he had a plan that had long been set.

(End of this chapter)

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