Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

204. Chapter 203 Invitation To Fight

Chapter 203: Invitation to Battle

Silence fell upon the scene!

No one could have expected that the mysterious newly ascended Gold Core cultivator in their hearts would be Li Liangyu, the runaway young master of the Li family who was only at the early stage of Foundation Building three years ago.

In the eyes of everyone present, there was only the young man standing proudly in the air, exuding a crazy aura. Various thoughts flashed through their minds, but no one doubted his determination.

The True Immortal Xiu and Li Liangyu were destined to have a battle!

Unconsciously, they held their breaths, waiting for the response of the cultivator.

The matter of a newly ascended cultivator breaking through had already attracted the attention of the entire audience. They didn't believe that the cultivator would not take notice.

Not to mention that Li Liangyu had just called him out by name. If the cultivator didn't come out with a response, it would mean that he was feeling guilty, weakening his momentum and giving Li Liangyu the advantage in public opinion.

Although the Li family had now become the Xiu family, everyone had already accepted this fact. But who among those present didn't know that the Xiu family had swallowed up the foundation of the Li family?

Now that the rightful owner had returned, the situation of the cultivator became somewhat awkward.

And that was the truth.


Xiu family.

The cultivator who had been sitting securely on the fishing platform, thinking about preparing gifts to visit this newly ascended cultivator, had a grim expression on his face at this moment.

"Damn it!"

The cultivator slapped the tea table in front of him with a palm, angrily saying,

"Zhong Yun betrayed me!"

Zhong Yun was the late Foundation Building cultivator who had pursued Li Liangyu back then, acting as the hidden card for the Li family.

He was originally a guest of the Li family, but when the cultivator took control of the Li family, his position became difficult to maintain, and he inevitably leaned towards the other side.

In order to smoothly take over the Li family's foundation, the cultivator naturally had to win over the hearts of the people and not use excessive violence. That was why he had been relatively polite to Zhong Yun, even promising to give him treasures like the token of the secret realm, in exchange for Zhong Yun's loyalty.

After all, the county magistrate next to him was watching closely, ready to suppress these local powerhouses at any time and make the city lord's mansion the sole dominant force.

In these years, he had been able to replace the Li family with the Xiu family so smoothly because the pressure from the county magistrate was too great, and others urgently needed a Gold Core cultivator to come forward and lead the way.

Otherwise, with the Li family's heritage of hundreds of years and its intricate network of relationships that extended all the way to the Xuan Yang Sect, how could he, an outsider Gold Core cultivator, easily take over?

The Autumn Wind County had sent many disciples to the Xuan Yang Sect over the years.

Among them were young disciples who had entered the inner sect, as well as Gold Core cultivators who had become elders of the outer sect.

They were all from Autumn Wind County and had close ties to the local forces.

If they were pushed by the local forces and filed a complaint, attracting the attention of the sect, what could a small Gold Core cultivator like him do?

Wherever there are rules, one cannot act recklessly according to one's own wishes, unless one has the strength to overpower all opposing voices.

He obviously did not have that qualification.

Otherwise, he would have directly exterminated the Li family's bloodline long ago, to eliminate future troubles. Why would he need to spend decades slowly weakening the Li family's power, allowing the main branch of the Li family, where Li Liangyu came from, to disappear completely?

Even now, the power of the surrendered faction of the Li family still accounted for a small portion within the Xiu family.

But most of these people had already formed marriages with the Xiu family, and in another generation or two, they would consider themselves as members of the Xiu family rather than the Li family.

So when Zhong Yun brought back Li Liangyu's personal belongings and the token of the secret realm, he didn't have much doubt.

Even if the token of the secret realm was lost, even if Zhong Yun spared his life out of soft-heartedness, Li Liangyu alone was not enough to be taken seriously.

The Gold Core realm was not so easily broken through.

Even if it took hundreds of years for Li Liangyu to break through to the Gold Core realm and return, the Xiu family would have long become a local powerhouse.

Li Liangyu would be all alone.

If anyone dared to make a move against him, it would be tantamount to provoking the entire local forces of Autumn Wind County. For the sake of local order, the county magistrate might even help him.

Moreover, the Li family bloodline that he kept could easily become his hostages.

So the cultivator remained calm and didn't care about Li Liangyu's life or death.

Who would have thought that it had only been a few years.

Li Liangyu had already grown to the point where he posed a threat to him, completely disrupting his plans.

"Damn it! If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have cared about what others thought and should have personally taken action to eliminate this scourge!"

The trusted steward who had been called over by the cultivator stood by, observing with his eyes and heart, pretending not to have heard anything.

Just now, the cultivator was still happily discussing the preferences of this new cultivator with him, whether he was just passing through, breaking through with borrowed land, or planning to stay permanently, and whether there was a chance to win him over to the Xiu family.

As a result, before the gifts were even chosen, this new cultivator gave them a big surprise.

But in the next moment, he saw his master instantly suppress his anger and put on a gentle look as usual.

Not many cultivators have poor looks and a bad temperament.

And cultivators are no exception. His current image is that of a mature and handsome middle-aged man in his thirties. He has a refined appearance and exudes a scholarly aura, which makes people have a good impression of him.

Without this appearance and temperament, he would not have been able to receive help from influential people multiple times and go from being an ordinary commoner to the present Gold Core cultivator.

"Haha, why are you so angry, Liangyu?

Back then, I heard that you ran away from home, and I was quite saddened. I couldn't eat for several days. Now that I see you return safely and achieve Gold Core in just a few years, it is as if our ancestors in heaven have a spirit. They must be pleased."

The cultivator took a step forward and was already in the air, facing Li Liangyu from a distance of tens of miles, like a close elder teaching and advising.

"Liangyu, since you have returned, why don't you go home?"

"Home, do I still have a home?"

Li Liangyu laughed heartily, the madness and hostility in his eyes almost uncontrollable, as if he wanted to fight desperately on the spot.

But reason told him that he was no match for the cultivator.

The cultivator had nearly two hundred years of cultivation, and in his youth, he expanded the territory for the Li family and had much more experience in battles. Moreover, the cultivator had achieved a legitimate breakthrough in Gold Core and had consolidated his Gold Core realm for decades. During these years, he had surely mobilized the resources of the Li family to cultivate his Gold Core abilities.

Even if he only mastered a third-grade Gold Core technique, his strength would surpass Li Liangyu, who was an outsider with a Gold Core.

Not to mention that the Li family's ancestral treasure had fallen into the hands of the cultivator. If Li Liangyu fought desperately now, it would only give the cultivator a legitimate opportunity to retaliate.

Therefore, the young master's plan for him was not to act impulsively and fight desperately, but to use this highly anticipated opportunity to challenge the cultivator.

"Old thief Xiu Yuan, right and wrong, I think everyone present is very clear. You have occupied the foundation of my Li family for so many years, and it's time for you to return it!

When our ancestor passed away, you took over the Li family and promised in the presence of all the uncles and elders that when the Li family's Gold Core appeared, you would step down and return the Li family.

Now that I have returned, shouldn't you fulfill your promise?"

Li Liangyu sneered.

The cultivator's heart sank immediately.

Back then, he had used the power of his Gold Core to force the Li family. In order to avoid a complete falling out with the Li family, he gave them a glimmer of hope and promised that as long as the Li family had someone who broke through the Gold Core realm again, he would step down and return the Li family.

But over the years, any talented offspring of the Li family either died prematurely or joined other families, doing a lot of dirty work for them and giving them leverage.

If not for this, why would Li Liangyu pretend to be a dandy young master and deceive others with his lack of ambition?

Seeing the cultivator remain silent, Li Liangyu continued to provoke him.

"Could it be that cultivators, despite their noble status, are forgetful? Can they really take back the saliva they once spat out with their own mouths?

Although I, Li Liangyu, am of a younger generation, I have heard the elders mention it before. There are many cultivators here who have experienced the events of the past. If you want, I can invite a few of them to recount the scenes of that day."

"No need."

The cultivator no longer pretended and spoke in a calm tone.

"I did indeed say those words back then, but times have changed. The Li family is currently experiencing internal turmoil and unrest among the people. Changing leaders in the midst of battle will only lead to further decline for the Li family.

Our ancestors treated me with great kindness, and even if I have to endure some rumors, I will still uphold the honor of this family for their sake.

Of course, if you can convince the Li family to accept you, then what harm is there in giving up my position to you?

It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't."

Li Liangyu laughed indignantly, "What a silver-tongued speaker you are! No wonder my great-grandmother was willing to die for you.

Since talking is useless, let's settle it with our hands.

Cultivator Xuyuan, you and I shall fight to the death! Do you dare to accept?"

The cultivator's heart was moved.

He was confident that his decades of experience in the Gold Core realm were not something Li Liangyu, a newly advanced Gold Core cultivator, could compare to.

Li Liangyu probably hadn't even had the chance to condense his Gold Core divine abilities.

Moreover, he had already obtained the Li family's inherited techniques, and he was well aware of their weaknesses and restraints.

Li Liangyu had almost no chance of winning against him in a fight.

But the questions he could think of, could Li Liangyu not think of them? Since he dared to propose this challenge, he must have his own confidence.

"What's wrong, cultivator? Are you afraid of a younger generation like me? Are you too scared to accept the challenge, or are you feeling guilty?"

Li Liangyu sneered.

The more Li Liangyu acted this way, the more cautious the cultivator became. However, on the surface, his emotions remained steady, and he calmly responded,

"Since Liangyu still misunderstands my intentions, then I have no choice but to accept.

However, Liangyu, you have just made a breakthrough, and your aura is unstable. I won't take advantage of you. I'll give you one month to consolidate your cultivation.

After one month, you can choose the location, and I will fight you."

One month was enough time for him to investigate Li Liangyu's trump cards.

At the same time, he was also worried that Li Liangyu was bluffing and intentionally trying to scare him. By giving him a month, it was neither too long nor too short.


Li Liangyu agreed on the spot and invited Yan Xian, the county magistrate, to be the notary in the mountain.

In a elegant mansion in the mountains, a hearty laughter came, and it was the local county magistrate, Yan You.

"Haha, as the ruler of this place, I have never presided over a battle between Gold Core cultivators. Li Daoist friend, I agree to this matter."

"This battle will be a grand event in Qiufeng City. Fellow cultivators, please make sure not to be absent."

Yan You, the county magistrate, was indeed a disciple of Xuan Yang Sect. With a sweep of his divine sense into the mountain, he instantly suppressed the entire scene.

The other Qi Refining and Foundation Building cultivators could only nod in agreement.

"Yes, yes, what the county magistrate said is true. We must attend such a grand event."

"It is our honor to witness a battle between cultivators in our lifetime."

"It has been a long time since Qiufeng City has been so lively."

"Let's go together!"


Seeing everyone giving face like this, Yan You's divine sense quickly subsided.

When Li Liangyu descended from the cave and the cultivators returned to their residences, the tense atmosphere in the air suddenly dissipated.

Only the gossiping hearts of the onlookers were burning fiercely.

The collision and communication of divine senses in the air became even more intense.

"Li Liangyu, the young master of the Li family. I didn't expect that when the Li family was about to be destroyed, such a character would emerge. The fortune of the Li family is not yet exhausted."

"Releasing a tiger back to the mountain, now that the young tiger has grown, it's time for it to bite back."

"But if I remember correctly, he is the spoiled young master of the Li family. He had a conflict with my grandson over a brothel woman before, and was taught a lesson by my grandson's bodyguard."


Dozens of divine senses fell silent instantly.

After a while, a divine sense spoke up.

"Friend, you can stand here and speak so calmly. I really admire you."

"I suggest you cut ties with your grandson as soon as possible."

"By the way, the person who almost had a conflict with the extraordinary young master Yu just now, was also your friend, right?"

"Friend, with such a trouble-making grandson, it's really surprising and admirable that you can still be alive."

An old man among the onlookers turned black and had no mood to continue the conversation. He turned around and left.

As for whether he went home to discipline his child, no one knew.

The remaining people were still discussing Li Liangyu, the newly promoted Gold Core cultivator.

"Just a few years ago, Li Liangyu was still a playboy in the county town who needed to cover up his own flaws. In the blink of an eye, he has become the Gold Core cultivator we look up to."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought I was dreaming."

"Yes, I remember Li Liangyu is not even forty yet. With such talent, if he could join Xuan Yang Sect, I'm afraid he would have already soared to the sky."

"To be precise, he is thirty-seven years old, and he was only in the early Foundation Building stage three years ago when Li Young Master escaped from Qiufeng City."


"What kind of opportunity could allow a cultivator in the early Foundation Building stage to break through to the Gold Core stage in just three years?"

When Li Liangyu's age and cultivation level were presented to everyone, they suddenly lost interest in gossip.

This kind of progress could no longer be described as monstrous.

They seemed to see a vortex suddenly appearing behind Li Liangyu, devouring everyone.

Some people's eyes flickered with greed.

If they could figure out the reason why Li Liangyu made such rapid progress, then it meant that they also had a chance to break through to the Gold Core stage.

Li Liangyu used three years, and with their slightly inferior aptitude, thirty years should be enough.

Because of a new Gold Core cultivator, the peaceful Qiufeng City suddenly became filled with countless undercurrents.


Yu Xian walked out of the cave and keenly noticed that there were many eyes outside, observing the movements of the cave.

Some people walked out and pretended to bump into him and strike up a conversation, probably trying to extract information about Li Liangyu from him.

But he just took out his folding fan and ignored them, behaving in his own way. He swaggered down the mountain and went to a tea house he often visited, where he booked a private room.

When the waiter served pastries and tea, he bowed and left, closing the door. A formation rose from outside the private room, isolating the inside from the outside.

"Why wait for another month? We could have just killed that cultivator directly. Why create unnecessary trouble?"

Without any outsiders present, the Beast Master couldn't wait to come out.

He was the most interested person in seeking revenge against Li Liangyu. In a sense, he and Li Liangyu were the same kind of people.

Yu Xian calmly took a sip of tea and said, "Let's be civilized and not resort to violence so easily. We're not in Shangyang City anymore. There, I was the supreme ruler and could kill anyone without consequences. But here, there are too many spies. I can't kill them all. Giving him a month is to see what cards this cultivator has. If he's too powerful for us, it will be convenient for us to leave. Although the probability is low, I'm still willing to give him a month."

In these three years, they had been investigating the cultivator, but found nothing. His life trajectory was clear, with almost no gaps in time.

The high probability of him achieving Gold Core was probably due to seizing the opportunity of the deceased Li family cultivator's Gold Core cultivation method, rather than joining some mysterious force.

After all, according to the protagonist's consistent plot, after seeking revenge, they would usually discover a mysterious organization behind their enemies, revealing a secret behind the great revenge. Then, they would embark on a magnificent journey of the protagonist's life.

So, it's not about fearing ten thousand things, but fearing the one thing that might happen.

Li Liangyu's high-profile appearance was meant to startle the snake in the grass.

After all, if Li Liangyu could break through to Gold Core in three years, why would the cultivator think that his life was at stake just after breaking through? If he had any cards, he should have revealed them by now.

Outside the Xiu family, a group of diligent little bees were collecting nectar. They were the eyes of the queen bee. If anything happened in the Xiu family, it wouldn't escape their surveillance.

The Beast Master was taken aback and asked, "Is it about Li Liangyu's revenge?"

Yu Xian rolled her eyes and said impatiently, "I'm not his nanny. Why should I care if he dies? I haven't even calculated the investment I made in him. Do you think the third-grade cave mansion on the mountain is cheap? It costs ten thousand in rent per year. Most importantly, when did I promise to help him seek revenge?"



The Beastly Immortal carefully recalled and realized that he really didn't have any.

Throughout, Yu Xian's words to Li Liangyu were always about giving him an opportunity for revenge.

Opportunity represents the possibility of success or failure.

"So what about my revenge?"

The Beastly Immortal felt a bit hurt and uncertain.

Yu Xian remembered that the Beastly Immortal still had some use, and over the years, he had indeed taught him a lot. He quickly put on a smile.

"You, Yang, are different from Li Liangyu. He is penniless and still owes me a large sum of money, but you have a lot of wealth. I can't mistreat anyone, especially not you. Rest assured, when I develop well, I will definitely help you with your revenge."

As for what exactly constitutes "developing well," only he himself knew.

The Beastly Immortal wasn't so easily fooled. Instead, he said with a hint of sarcasm:

"Yu Xian, what if seeking revenge could provoke a Nascent Soul True Lord?"

Yu Xian was taken aback, took off the Beastly Soul Banner, and slapped it on the table, sighing:

"Yang, you're being unfair. Since it involves a Nascent Soul True Lord, then the price has to go up. You get what you pay for, and you can't expect me to work for free."

Upon hearing Yu Xian's mercenary words, the Beastly Immortal didn't get angry. Instead, he felt a warmth in his heart.

Because Yu Xian didn't directly refuse him.

However, he forced a bitter smile and said:

"I thought we could have some camaraderie."

Yu Xian sneered, "Sentimentality costs money. Otherwise, why don't you pay a deposit? I remember you still have three third-grade demon pills."

Yu Xian was just joking, but the Beastly Immortal regarded his last remaining inheritance as more valuable than anything else. It was his aspiration and hope.

But this time, the Beastly Immortal surprisingly didn't refuse. Instead, he said, "If you can answer a question, I can give you a demon pill."

Yu Xian asked, "What question?"

The Beastly Immortal asked solemnly, "Why do you need someone else's Heavenly Dao spiritual energy?"

(End of this chapter)

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