Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

206. Chapter 205 As We All Know, Spirit Beasts Are Also Part Of Their Own Strength (6K Chapter)

Chapter 205: As is well known, spirit beasts are also a part of their own strength (6k big chapter).

Two sword peaks faced each other across the sky.

Li Liangyu and the cultivators each occupied one peak.

Cotton-like clouds rolled at the halfway point of the mountain peaks, and invisible momentum collided in the air. It seemed as if the clouds were being cut by sword blades, revealing a large empty space.

Around the mountain peaks, hundreds of spiritual lights floated, all cultivators who came to witness.

Being able to fly with a flying vessel, their cultivation level must be at least at the Qi Refining stage. It can be said that the essence of the entire Qiufeng County has gathered here.

They remained silent, just waiting quietly.

Even some people's eyes showed an almost devout light.

Occasionally, one could see some people's lips moving, apparently communicating with the cultivators beside them, not daring to speak out loud.

The life-and-death battle between the two cultivators is not a monkey show in the zoo, nor is it a performance in the beast arena.

No matter how they joked privately, it seemed that even a Gold Core cultivator could not be considered a big shot in their mouths.

But when they stood here, they needed to show enough respect to the two cultivators.

And if they said something wrong and offended the cultivators, they might bring disaster upon themselves.

It can even be foreseen that when they start fighting later, the aftermath of the battle between the Gold Core cultivators will cause many unfortunate souls to lose their lives.

But when the location of the battle was announced, the cultivators who had the ability to come still came.

Asking about the path of cultivation, one can die in the evening.

Even back then, even the naturally timid Yu Xian couldn't help but be fascinated by the battle between the two Foundation Building cultivators from the Yue Kingdom and took the risk to go and watch.

Of course, he also received generous rewards afterwards.

But there is no doubt that for cultivators, being able to witness a higher level of scenery is their greatest pursuit after stepping onto the path of cultivation.

This is the pursuit of dreams.

The practical reason is that the battle between the two Gold Core cultivators will determine the future situation of Qiufeng County.

If the cultivators win, it's just maintaining the status quo, as if Li Liangyu had never appeared.

However, if Li Liangyu wins and kills the cultivators, the recently formed balance of power will be broken again, and those forces and families close to the cultivators will undoubtedly suffer retaliation.

And some frustrated cultivators and forces will have the opportunity to rise.

The entire Qiufeng City will be reshuffled once again.

The victory or defeat of the two cultivators is related to their own lives, as well as the honor and disgrace of their families. They cannot afford not to pay close attention and be present at the scene.

Everyone has their own interests and demands.

Except for Li Liangyu.

At this moment, there was only the cultivator in his eyes, and the fire of hatred burned in his heart.

In this month, in order to disturb his Dao heart, the cultivator used a highly cost-effective method - using loved ones as leverage.

The helpless cousin of the same clan fled to the front of his cave, and Li Liangyu had no choice but to come out and take her in. While he couldn't focus on preparing for battle, he was also secretly plotted against by his cousin.

Clearly, he was already a Gold Core cultivator, and his cousin, who hadn't even reached the Foundation Building stage, couldn't possibly harm him.

But his cousin still did it.

Because his cousin also had her own parents, her own husband and children, and for them, she had to do this.

The cultivator promised her that as long as she stabbed him with a knife, he would let her and her family go.

Li Liangyu knew that the cultivator was deliberately provoking him, telling him that the remaining bloodline members of the Li family had long become puppets in his hands.

Even if he broke through to the Gold Core stage and became a cultivator on par with the cultivator, he couldn't change any of this.

The people he loved, the people who loved him, were all gone.

Just at this moment.

Li Liangyu spoke.

This was the first sentence he said today, his voice hoarse and full of vicissitudes.

"Old thief Xiu Yuan, there's no use in saying more. In today's battle, the outcome will be decided, as well as life and death!"

"County magistrate, please begin."

County magistrate Yan, who was much closer than the onlookers, was a giant man standing at eight feet tall, nearly three meters. Just standing there, he seemed as heavy as a mountain.

It is said that County Magistrate Yan had the bloodline of the giant race, and his ancestors had produced a giant king, equivalent to a Nascent Soul cultivator of the human race.

However, after the bloodline passed down to his generation, it had been almost completely suppressed by the human bloodline, and there were no characteristics of a non-human in his daily life.

It was not until County Magistrate Yan broke through to the Foundation Building stage that his body underwent a transformation, unintentionally triggering the bloodline of the giant race. Since then, his talent and potential had greatly increased, laying a solid foundation for his subsequent breakthrough to the Gold Core stage.

At this moment, he looked at the cultivator with a serious expression and said, "Fellow cultivator, do you have anything else to say?"

The cultivator looked at Li Liangyu and still maintained an elder's posture.

"Liangyu, I don't know what cards you have, but I can give you another chance. Come back, the Li family and I were originally one family. If we cooperate, we both stand to benefit. If we continue this fight, we will both suffer."

Li Liangyu sneered, "It won't be both of us suffering, it will only be your death and my survival!"

As the last word fell, Li Liangyu took a step forward, and the surrounding air suddenly trembled.

Then, as if the mountain under his feet came alive, it made a loud rumbling sound, and a sandy yellow giant python emerged from the rubble, carrying him as it climbed upwards.

Afterwards, it flew up, passing through the gap between two mountains, and pounced towards the cultivator.

Advanced Spirit Technique - Summon Earth Spirit!

Transform decay into magic, allowing the ubiquitous bricks and stones to become spell materials, imbuing them with simple spirituality and transforming them into disposable combat puppets.

This is one of the three advanced spirit techniques in the Li family's inherited technique, "Three Profound Earth Spirit Technique," and it is the only advanced spirit technique that Li Liangyu currently knows, although he is not proficient in it.

He lacks sufficient cultivation and does not have the standard treasures of a Gold Core cultivator, so he can only rely on spirit techniques to fight against his enemies.

However, the cultivator is already familiar with the Three Profound Earth Spirit Technique and remains calm when Li Liangyu makes his move.

He pinches his fingers and releases his spiritual energy, causing a bright light to appear in his dantian. It then separates from his body and transforms into a bead emitting a faint yellow light.

The bead flashes in the air and quickly approaches Li Liangyu.

"Earth Spirit Bead, immobilize!"

The ferocious flying python is instantly immobilized in mid-air, but after a moment of stalemate, it disintegrates like ashes and dissipates in the wind.

The Earth Spirit Bead is a treasure passed down in the Li family. Since the cultivator took control of the Li family, he has done everything possible to obtain this treasure. After years of refinement, he can already control it at will.

As the ancestral treasure refined by the previous patriarch of the Li family, the Earth Spirit Bead not only naturally enhances the Li family's inherited techniques but also has a hidden restraining effect.

At this moment, Li Liangyu, a legitimate member of the Li family, is experiencing difficulties.

"What I know, you also know, but what I know, you don't!"

The cultivator sneers and changes his finger technique again. He manipulates the Earth Spirit Bead with his divine sense, causing it to spin rapidly.

Countless dust particles in the air are attracted, and a strong gust of wind forms a huge sand tornado, directly engulfing Li Liangyu as he approaches.

The scene changes rapidly, and the space between the two mountains is enveloped by the sandstorm, making it difficult for outsiders to see what is happening inside.

Some Foundation Building cultivators take the risk of approaching and use their divine sense to investigate, wanting to see what is happening inside. However, they find that the storm has a corrosive effect on their divine sense after a moment of investigation.

After a brief investigation, their divine sense power is depleted by more than half, forcing them to quickly retreat.

Some daring Qi Refining cultivators approach without fear of death, but in an instant, their spiritual energy is completely torn away from their bodies.

Immediately after, the suction force of the sand tornado pulls them into the center of the storm, and their life or death becomes unknown in the blink of an eye.

On the other side...

The cultivator flicks his sleeve again, and a silver light flies out. It is a silver fish-like flying sword, hovering between the sand tornadoes.

The originally hazy storm suddenly shimmers with silver light, like the surface of a lake under the moonlight, adding a touch of beauty to the killing intent.

Li Liangyu, who is in the center of the storm, lacks foundation, spiritual energy, divine sense, treasures, and spirit techniques, all of which are characteristics of a novice Gold Core cultivator.

In addition, he is only a false Foundation Building cultivator.

Facing the cultivator's attacks, which come one after another, he struggles to resist. His spirit technique is almost instantly crushed by the storm, and he can only use his spiritual energy to protect himself.

However, this method is destined to make him unable to hold on for long.

"Is it really that simple?"

The more it is at this moment, the more cautious the cultivators become.

Li Liangyu dares to have a life-and-death battle with him, so he must have his own trump card.

Although he has been investigating for a month and found that Li Liangyu has been renting a high-level cave on Qiufeng Mountain for the past three years without leaving, it is unlikely that he would prepare any means while breaking through the Gold Core stage.

But it is still necessary to be cautious.

He approaches step by step, manipulating his flying sword, and using the Earth Spirit Pearl to further restrict Li Liangyu's range of activity. He is like a hunting spider, calmly weaving his own big net.


The cultivator's heart jumps, sensing a premonition of a great disaster. He focuses his gaze and hears a thunderous roar.


The storm is torn apart, the flying sword groans, and the earth trembles. A large hand covered in silver hair stretches out from the storm and clenches in mid-air.


A giant white energy ring explodes at the fist, directly breaking the spiritual technique cast by the Earth Spirit Pearl with brute force.

Then, a silver-haired giant ape, nearly twenty meters tall, like a small mountain, falls from the sky with Li Liangyu, bringing an unstoppable impact like a falling meteor.


The cultivator doesn't even have time to recall his flying sword. A breeze appears under his feet, and he flies upwards.

But the air seems to solidify, and every movement he makes at this moment requires ten times more spiritual power than usual.

Fortunately, he avoids it in time.

At the critical moment, he manages to escape the center of the explosion, and only a slight residual shockwave is easily absorbed by the protective spiritual power within his body.

"Lord Yan, Li Liangyu has invited outside help, which violates fairness. Please intervene in time!"

The cultivator looks at the collapsed half of the mountain with lingering fear.

Countless rolling stones fall from the sky, and countless dust and smoke sweep up like earth dragons.

A huge crack extends from the mountaintop downwards, spanning thousands of meters. The stone walls are covered with spiderweb-like fine lines, as if they could collapse and crumble at any moment.

The lush mountaintop just now is now reduced to ruins and countless large pits, with a grinning and snarling demon king ape.

So this is Li Liangyu's trump card.

A demon king!

The cultivator is well aware of his own strength. As a son-in-law of the Li family, he is not qualified to cultivate the Li family's inherited techniques.

Therefore, he has only been practicing a fragmented high-level technique, which reached its limit in the early Gold Core stage.

Over the years, he has considered changing his cultivation technique, but the cost of doing so is too high, and he has never been able to make up his mind.

Later on, he became more inclined to find a complete version of the technique.

So the Earth Spirit Pearl in his hand and his own cultivation technique are not very compatible. Moreover, the Earth Spirit Pearl is just a low-grade magic treasure, and it is only an auxiliary magic treasure with insufficient offensive capabilities.

In the face of such a tough and thick-skinned demon king, it would take quite an effort to break through his defenses with just the flying sword in his hand.

The impact just now was incredibly powerful. Look at the demon king, jumping around without any signs of injury.

County Magistrate Yan also became wary when he saw the sudden rise of the demon king, Bao Yuan.

How could a real battle suddenly have a demon king jumping out?

Moreover, Autumn Wind County is adjacent to the Jin Peng Demon Vein, and it is also responsible for monitoring the movements of the demon clan on a daily basis.

"Friend Li, what is going on?" County Magistrate Yan asked with a frown.

Li Liangyu stood on the shoulder of the Silverback Bao Yuan King, feeling the violent power surging within it. He seemed to be infected by it, with a mocking smile in his eyes towards the cultivators.

"County Magistrate, can my spirit beast not be considered my strength?" Li Liangyu took out a beast control token and laughed, saying, "Senior Xiu Yuan, I'm afraid you didn't expect that I, Li Liangyu, would have such luck to be able to form a contract with a demon king and make it my spirit beast."

This Bao Yuan King was naturally borrowed by Li Liangyu from Yu Xian as a hidden card.

Otherwise, relying solely on Li Liangyu's own strength, no matter how he used his strategies, he wouldn't be able to resist absolute power.

Not only was there this Bao Yuan King, but there was also a Queen Bee as a reserve force in secret.

Even if the cultivator could temporarily explode with power and fight against two opponents, they would still not be able to withstand a third demon king.

County Magistrate Yan carefully sensed the connection between the beast control token and the ape king, and there was nothing more to say.

"Friend Li, it is indeed your spirit beast. Let the battle continue," he said without suspecting that Li Liangyu had invited the demon king to help.

If a demon king was willing to sacrifice its freedom to assist Li Liangyu, then it was also a display of its own strength.

Otherwise, if the cultivator had some friendship with the Fushan Demon King, why couldn't they persuade it to become their spirit beast?

Cultivators have various means, such as treasures, puppets, formations, elixirs, etc., which can all be considered part of their own strength, and spirit beasts are naturally included.

If a cultivator has the conditions, they will usually raise a spirit beast as an auxiliary.

In the cultivation world, there is even a profession called Beast Tamer, and most of their abilities are focused on their own spirit beasts.

If a Beast Tamer doesn't bring their own spirit beast to a battle, then that would be considered playing dirty.

However, the cultivator refused to continue.

During this month, while he was disturbing Li Liangyu's state of mind, he did indeed prepare a hidden card.

But his hidden card was just a one-time secret treasure called Fire Thunder, which could be instantly activated and unleash a power comparable to a mid-stage Gold Core cultivator's attack.

Caught off guard, a newly promoted Gold Core cultivator like Li Liangyu would be seriously injured on the spot.

But if it hit the demon king, it would probably only be a minor injury.

The demon clan excavates the potential of their bloodline, which is stronger than their physical bodies. Even the human cultivators initially imitated the demon clan's cultivation methods before finding their own path.

If it's a one-on-one situation, he doesn't fear much.

The Ape King belongs to the land-based demon kings. Although his physical body is strong, his mobility is severely lacking.

In simple terms, he can't fly.

Even if a third-stage human cultivator has a body as strong as a diamond, it would weigh at most tens of thousands of jin. By activating their own mana and neutralizing the magnetic force of the earth, they can fly with their physical bodies.

However, these land-based demon kings weigh millions of jin, and it would require them to exert a speed comparable to that of cultivators to lift such a massive weight into the sky.

The power required for this is far beyond what a demon king can possess.

On the other hand, when a demon king transforms into a human form, they can fly.

However, the physical strength of a human form demon king cannot compare to their original form, and their flying speed is inferior to that of human cultivators who can control magical tools. They lose their advantages.

Of course, the flying bird demon kings are an exception. Not only do they have flying speeds comparable to flying swords, but their physical bodies are also extremely powerful, with almost no weaknesses.

Therefore, once a flying bird demon achieves the status of a demon king, they possess formidable strength and are considered geniuses among the demon clan.

Returning to the current situation, facing the combination of Li Liangyu and the Ape King, their combined strength is greater than the sum of their individual strengths.

Cultivators are not so reckless as to challenge them both at the same time.

"Li Liangyu, this time you have the superior skills. I, the old man, admit defeat. You have won."

The cultivator who has lived for two hundred years does not value his reputation more than his life.

As someone who married into the family, he had long lost his dignity, but later regained it after breaking through to the Gold Core stage.

So he understands very well that reputation is a very illusory thing.

As long as he remains a Gold Core cultivator, his reputation will not be lost.

However, Li Liangyu firmly refuses.

"Old thief Xiu Yuan, don't forget, today is a battle of life and death between you and me. Do you want to go back on your words in front of so many people and betray your integrity?

Oh, I forgot, this isn't the first time you've done something like this.

County Magistrate Yan, as the witness, do you allow such a thing to happen right under your nose?

Xiu Yuan, your actions are simply trampling on your own reputation!"

The cultivator looks at County Magistrate Yan, his gaze somewhat uneasy.

Although he believes that he is more useful alive to County Magistrate Yan, he can't be sure that County Magistrate Yan doesn't have other ideas.

If we add the fact that County Magistrate Yan is from a prestigious sect and has mysterious strength, then he might not be able to escape this time.

Fortunately, County Magistrate Yan's behavior is as he expected.

"Friend Li, this official is just a witness.

This is a family matter that you have been waiting for. I, as an official, have meddled in it without permission. If you bring up old accounts in the future and report me to the sect, I will have grievances that cannot be expressed."

County Magistrate Yan shook his head and took a few steps back in the air, giving up his position to indicate that he would not interfere.

As mentioned before, there is a connection between the sect and the local government. Even if County Magistrate Yan is confident in his strength, he is no match for Li Liangyu and the cultivators working together.

But there are some taboos that he cannot violate.

The sect has rules.

If everyone acts recklessly based on their own strength, then Xuan Yang Sect would have long been divided into various local forces, only concerned with their own interests, and would not have been able to rule Xuan Yang Territory for such a long time.

So during his time in Qiufeng County, although everyone respected him, it was still a bit empty to say that he had absolute authority.

Now is the perfect opportunity.

Once the cultivator escapes, Li Liangyu will definitely not let him go.

Unfortunately, the cultivator now has local support and Li Liangyu's strength surpasses that of an individual, resulting in a strange balance of overall power between the two.

This gives him the opportunity to intervene.

When two tigers fight, it is the monkeys below who suffer casualties. At that time, his prefectural government will be the best refuge.

He hopes that the two will fight for as long as possible.

When he completely controls the lower-level forces and wins the loyalty of local families, the scattered cultivators with Gold Cores, if they dare to disobey, he can easily eliminate them.

Thinking about this, County Magistrate Yan couldn't help but sigh.

He used to be an elite of the sect, but unfortunately, his talent was slightly weaker, so he was not selected as a reserve disciple and couldn't stay in the sect to cultivate wholeheartedly. He had to take another path.

That is to guard a territory for the sect.

His local achievements are his merits in the sect, and only with enough merits can he have the opportunity to exchange for a Nascent Soul spiritual object.

This is also a relatively safe way, although it is laborious in handling government affairs, he doesn't have to worry about losing his life.

If he were selected for the Law Enforcement Team and became a senior enforcer of the sect, although it would be more exciting and have more merits than the local government, the casualty rate has always been high.

Xuan Yang Territory has never been calm.

Seeing County Magistrate Yan's attitude, the cultivators also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Li Liangyu again.

"Li Liangyu, today I lost to you because of your good luck, but I am willing to admit defeat. The Li family can be returned to you."

Li Liangyu sneered, "Are you really so kind? I'm afraid what you will leave me with is just an empty shell and a mess. Your Yan family has long taken advantage of me, eating up all the assets of my Li family. Today's battle is not over yet!

I said there will be a death, Old Thief Xiu Yuan, don't run away!"

Li Liangyu flew up, his body filled with spiritual power, and yellow light spots appeared within hundreds of meters, gathering together to form thorny, earthy yellow crystals resembling sea urchins.


Crystals surged upwards like bullets, bombarding the cultivators in the sky.

The Monkey King on the ground lifted a huge rock and threw it with great force!

The high acceleration caused the surface of the rock to rapidly rub against the air, creating sparks. The originally uneven surface of the stone quickly became smooth.

The size of the stone seemed to decrease in a peeling manner, becoming oval-shaped, diamond-shaped, conical...

In the blink of an eye, the rock burned in the air, turning into a spear!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Layers of air exploded, unexpectedly hitting the protective spiritual power of the cultivators.

However, the cultivators used this impact to increase their speed and flew far away. When Li Liangyu arrived at the previous location, he saw a rough and cracked spiritual weapon shield floating in mid-air.

The cultivators had used this shield to mitigate the impact.

"You can't escape!" Li Liangyu slapped the shield that was on the verge of breaking, looking at the disappearing light, his eyes deep.

The shield in front of him shattered into countless pieces and fell.


The cultivator clutched his chest and forcefully broke through the formation of his clan. Then, he ordered his people to open the clan's protective formation, and only then did he escape back to his usual cultivation courtyard.

When he landed on the ground, an abnormal flush appeared on his face.

Even though he had a spiritual weapon shield to block the attack, even though he was already a true cultivator, comparable to a second-stage body cultivator, the Monkey King's attack still caused him great impact and inflicted minor injuries.

"What a lucky kid!"

The cultivator remembered how he had calculated for a hundred years and even killed his close brother in order to snatch the Foundation Establishment spiritual object from him.

On the other hand, Li Liangyu, a stray dog, managed to break through to the Gold Core realm in just three years and even had a demonic beast at the level of a Demon King as his mount.

In comparison, how could he not be jealous and resentful?

"But now it's only the first half. We still have the second half! The Li family is already mine, and I will never allow anyone to take it away again!"

The cultivator swallowed a healing pill and quietly waited for his injuries to recover. His gaze turned towards the distance, knowing that Li Liangyu would never give up and would definitely cause a big disturbance.

But that's exactly what he wanted.

The industry on Qiu Feng Mountain involved various families and clans. If Li Liangyu caused trouble, he would lose the support of the people. Without anyone's help, with only the Li family that he had already infiltrated, what could Li Liangyu use to fight against him?

However, suddenly, the cultivator felt that something was not quite right.

"Where did this fog come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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