Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

209. Chapter 208 Tier 3 Formation, Datong Association

Chapter 208: Third Tier Formation Disk, Datong Society

Another busy day.

Yu Xian bid farewell to his beloved servant and concubine with a smile on his face, silently thanking his ex-girlfriend in his heart.

Thanks to the dual cultivation technique she gave him, he now had the confidence to stand tall.

Not long after Zhao Shiwen left, Yu Xian resumed his formation cultivation.

He had been stuck at the second-tier high-grade formation master level for quite some time.

The reason was simple: he was lazy.

After dealing with his women every day, he would casually wander outside, play around, or simply daydream and enjoy the scenery.

He would then practice cultivation casually, slightly increasing his mana.

The whole day would pass by in a blur.

He didn't have time to improve his secondary occupation.

In the end, he was not a diligent cultivator.

Without external pressure, he couldn't give up luxurious enjoyment and focus solely on cultivation. He didn't have that kind of temperament.

Surpassing Chen Yi was a long-term goal. He estimated that it would be good if he could achieve it within a thousand years.

Even if he couldn't, it didn't matter.

Winning or losing against a woman, especially his own woman, was meaningless.

Winning wouldn't change anything, would it?

It was a joke. He could achieve the same result by saying a few sweet words, so why bother with the effort? Moreover, the latter option would even lead to a more harmonious relationship.

But now, facing a financial crisis, Yu Xian had to actively reduce his leisure time to improve his formation cultivation.

Cultivation knows no years.

In just a moment of trance, half a year had passed for Yu Xian.

The spring breeze had become desolate.

In the small courtyard, however, there was still a sense of vitality, warm as spring.

Yu Xian's hair was disheveled, with deep eye bags. He was only wearing a loose coat, half-kneeling on the ground barefoot, muttering words with a devout expression on his face.

A formation disk the size of a palm floated in front of him, covered with intricate patterns that would make an ordinary person dizzy with just one glance.

At this moment, with the last stroke of the formation pattern, the sixteen high-grade spirit stones embedded on the disk emitted a faint glow.

Centered around the formation disk, seventy-two formation flags rose, faintly connecting to form a mysterious formation.

"It's done!"

Yu Xian lay down on the ground, gasping for breath. A deep exhaustion surged through him. Each line on the formation disk required the use of his divine sense as a brush.

And as he progressed, the mental pressure he endured became greater.

During these days, he would experience mental exhaustion at regular intervals.

If it weren't for the company of Yulan and Luo Han, he would have to consume a large amount of precious materials just to recover.

Since he comprehended the advanced formation technique of the Mist Prison Formation three months ago, he had been contemplating how to simplify and engrave this formation onto the formation disk.

The third-tier formation technique was also known as the Divine Ability Formation, meaning that it could unleash the power comparable to a Gold Core's divine ability.

For example, the initial design basis of the third-tier Xuan Yang Golden Light Formation in Shangyang City was the fifth-grade Gold Core divine ability, the Xuan Yang Golden Light Finger.

If Yu Xian's deceitful divine ability hadn't reached the seventh grade, providing him with a reference, he would have almost no chance of upgrading the Mist Prison Formation to a third-tier formation.

The function of this formation was to conceal movement and avoid attracting attention. It was designed for hunting demon kings.

Demon cores were too expensive, so he could only rely on his own abilities.

However, the encounter with the True Beastman was no joke, so he could only try his best to conceal his movements.

Originally, he wanted to upgrade the entire Mist Prison Formation, but it was too difficult to simplify a third-tier formation onto a palm-sized formation disk. At least, it was beyond his current level as a newly promoted third-tier formation master.

Fortunately, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

Since he couldn't simplify the entire formation, he decided to simplify each function one by one.

Then, he created a combination formation, even though it made the formation more complicated to set up and the power of the formation was not as strong as the original, it was still a way out.

So he fought on.

Yu Xian finally engraved his first set of third-tier combination formation disks in his life.

The formation disk was still called the Mist Prison Formation, but it had been upgraded to the third tier.

When opened, it contained three sets of quasi-third-tier formations. When combined, it became the third-tier Mist Prison Formation.

Each formation disk was powered by sixteen high-grade spirit stones and assisted by seventy-two formation flags.

Combining the three formation disks required forty-eight high-grade spirit stones and two hundred and thirty-six formation flags. The cost was enormous, and he could only afford this one set for now.

But the effect was excellent.

Even without relying on spiritual veins, relying solely on the power of the formation, he could temporarily trap a demon king.

"Damn, I'm really tired."

After a short rest, Yu Xian put the formation disk and formation flags into his storage bag, then threw out a sound transmission talisman to inform the Li family steward that he wanted to take a bath.

His current identity was a distinguished guest of the Li family, in simple terms, a freeloader.

This time, he didn't even want to bring any offerings or use the title of a guest. He was all about freeloading.

Li Liangyu just thought it was the young master's perverse taste and didn't pay much attention to it. However, he instructed the servants behind him to do their best and fulfill all the requirements.

But in a moment, several young and beautiful maids from the Li family came in, each holding a tray.

The first maid's tray contained a white jade bottle with a short neck and a large body. The maid poured the water from the bottle into the bath, and clear flowing water poured out from the bottle.

The small jade bottle poured out a pool of water, incredibly clear. If it weren't for the ripples on the surface of the pool, it would be hard to tell that there was water in it.

This water was taken from a spiritual spring in the mountains, full of spiritual energy. It was usually used for alchemy and tea making, and was quite valuable.

The second maid's tray contained a flower basket with various petals inside. These petals were taken from the Li family's medicinal garden and, with the professional arrangement of the pharmacist, were no different from medicinal herbs.

The maid poured the petals into the bath, and they blended with the spiritual spring, emitting a faint fragrance.

These maids with Qi Refining cultivation could feel their mana rapidly increasing just by smelling it.

The trays of the third and fourth maids contained various bathing tools. When the maids threw pieces of flint into the pool, hot air began to rise from it after a while.

Under the service of the maids, Yu Xian changed clothes and comfortably soaked in the pool. The maids knelt behind him and began their work.

He enjoyed all of this, and the expenses were covered by the Li family's hospitality budget, so he didn't have to spend any spiritual stones. It was a burden-free enjoyment.

After a while...

Half a month later, Yu Xian walked into the Li family's pill room and saw Wu Laozu, whose eyes were bloodshot and body was surrounded by fiery qi.

"Wu Daoist friend, I heard you have good news."

Wu Laozu sat in front of the pill furnace, his originally elegant white beard and hair now covered in black ash. When he saw Yu Xian, he quickly stood up and saluted.

"Young master, I have not failed your trust."

As he spoke, he presented two five-colored spirit pills that were shining brightly. They were the Five Elements Yuan Pills.

During this half year, Yu Xian had been diligently cultivating, and the others had not been idle either.

Wu Laozu collected auxiliary materials for refining the Five Elements Yuan Pills through the Li family's channels. In addition, there were demon pills contributed by Wan Shou Zhenren and a demon pill purchased by Zhao Shiwen from the capital as the main material. Finally, all the materials for refining the Five Elements Yuan Pills were ready.

In theory, the difficulty of refining the Five Elements Yuan Pills was not high, and for him, who had already succeeded three times, it should have been almost certain. But the difficulty increased significantly when he attempted to refine two pills in a row.

Within half a year, he hardly left the alchemy room.

In order to ensure a stable success rate, he had to spend a lot of time on selecting auxiliary materials and researching demonic pills.

Thanks to him already being a Gold Core True Immortal and having the Queen Bee Spirit Honey given to him by Yu Xian as a supplement, otherwise he might not have been able to withstand such high-intensity work.

Once the furnace exploded, he didn't know how he would compensate.

Fortunately, he finally succeeded.

Elder Wu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Xian put away the Five Elements Pill, sealed the pill bottle with a spiritual talisman to prevent the leakage of medicinal power, and patted Elder Wu's shoulder with satisfaction.

"Wu Daoist friend is mature and prudent, with outstanding alchemy skills. I am very reassured to leave things to you."

"Take a good rest during this time, don't stop collecting raw materials, deduct the spirit stones from the dividends of the Li family in the future. When you have rested well, I will give you more responsibilities."

The smile that had just appeared on Elder Wu's face instantly froze, and it took a long time for him to stiffly nod.

"Young master, in fact, Master Luo's alchemy level is not inferior to mine. Perhaps she can also share some of the burden for you."

Yu Xian shook his head. "Han'er's level is indeed not low, but she still lacks experience in this area. You also know how expensive these demonic pills are. If she were to explode the furnace, the loss would be no joke. So at this stage, it still requires your efforts, Wu Daoist friend."

"Don't worry, I remember your contributions. When you have free time, you can rest as long as you want. Well, let's consider it a day off now."

Elder Wu looked puzzled, "A day off?"

He really wanted to ask what a day off was, but Yu Xian, who had received the Five Elements Pill, had already walked away, leaving only his carefree figure behind.


In the autumn wind county town, in a private room of a restaurant.

When Yu Xian walked in, there were already two people sitting inside, one of them was Wan Tianchou in disguise, and the other was an unfamiliar old man.

When they saw Yu Xian walk in, they quickly stood up.

"You are the new member that Cang Lang introduced to join the association. Do you know the rules of our association?"

Yu Xian casually found a seat and sat down, asking somewhat casually.

His current appearance was that of an ordinary young man, specifically referencing the character Bai Gu from a certain martial arts TV drama.

Under the effect of the Deception Technique, the old man at the peak of Foundation Building cultivation couldn't see through Yu Xian's cultivation level at all. At a glance, he seemed just like an ordinary mortal.

This actually made the old man even more in awe.

It is said that the mysterious organization that has been passed down for thousands of years is truly remarkable. If it weren't for his chance encounter with Senior Cang Lang, how could he have had the opportunity to witness such extraordinary individuals?

"I know, I know."

Before the old man came over, he had already done some mental preparation, which is commonly known as deceiving oneself.

With a preconceived notion, no matter what Yu Xian says at this time, he can only agree.


Yu Xian glanced at the old man with a hint of disdain and said indifferently,

"If it weren't for the rules of our Da Tong Hui, which are to teach without discrimination and treat everyone equally, and if it weren't for the establishment of this branch in this place, lacking manpower, someone like you who has exhausted their potential would kneel before me, I wouldn't even spare a glance."

Da Tong Hui is the organization that Yu Xian established specifically for his cabbage business.

At present, there is one president in the organization, which is himself, and there are four members, Wu Lao Zu, Wan Tian Chou, as well as Yang Hou and Feng Hou, the two demon kings.

The purpose of the organization is to attract those Foundation Building peak cultivators who have exhausted their potential and have no hope for the future, help them break through the False Core stage, and achieve the ultimate goal of "I am for everyone, and everyone is for me", which is for the greater good.

Of course, external propaganda is another matter.

Their Da Tong Hui is a mysterious organization that has been passed down for thousands of years, spanning several domains, with a Nascent Soul cultivator presiding over it, and countless hidden members joining, with influence throughout the world.

In short, it's awesome.

And the old man in front of him is the first beneficiary (deceived), and also the first service target of Wan Tian Chou.

Wu Lao Zu, as a third-grade alchemist and a Gold Core cultivator, took advantage of the Li family's reputation to infiltrate the upper circles of Qiu Feng City.

Zhao Shiwen established a caravan and also used the Li family's channels to travel far and wide, opening up an intelligence route.

Wan Tian Chou disguised himself as a lone cultivator, mingling in the circle of scattered cultivators around the capital city, and together with Zhao Shiwen, they searched for suitable cabbage targets.

As for Yang Hou and Feng Hou, they were after all demon clan members, and it was easy for them to be taken as materials by other Gold Core cultivators if they acted alone.

So the former stayed by Yu Xian's side, obediently being a thug, while the latter followed Zhao Shiwen, and the intelligence network of the Queen Bee couldn't be more compatible.

To get back on track, even though the old man had done some mental preparation beforehand, he was still angry at being insulted like this.

He was also the patriarch of a family, usually praised and flattered, but being belittled like this by someone, even if the person speaking was a mysterious and unpredictable senior, he still felt a sense of resistance in his heart, but he dared not act on it.

Yu Xian pretended not to notice the old man's dissatisfaction and said jokingly,

"But even waste has its uses. Since you were introduced by Cang Lang, it's no harm to help you break through to the Gold Core stage."

The old man suddenly trembled, and the anger that had just risen vanished in an instant, not feeling insulted at all.

If this is also considered an insult, he hopes to experience it every day.

"I am willing to devote myself to the organization and die for it if it can help me break through to the Gold Core stage!"

"You don't have the qualification to die for the organization yet."

Yu Xian's suppression came as soon as he opened his mouth, but the old man felt that it was only natural. Such a mysterious and powerful organization should have this kind of confidence.

"Furthermore, one of the principles in the association is equivalent exchange. After breaking through the Gold Core, you must make an equal contribution to the association."

The old man nodded vigorously.

"Of course, of course."

"Alright, three days later, the association will prepare an initiation ceremony for you. You will break through first and then join the association. The specific details will be told to you by the Azure Wolf Association."

After speaking, Yu Xian got up and left decisively.

Inside the room, the old man and Wan Tianchou stared at each other in silence.

Seeing the old man's dumbfounded expression, Wan Tianchou couldn't help but laugh and curse,

"Why are you staring at me? Are you eating vegetables?"

A table full of dishes had been served, but not a single chopstick had been touched.

The old man ate the delicacies cooked by the restaurant's chef, but didn't feel much taste.

"Senior Azure Wolf, isn't this a bit too hasty? Isn't it said that the Great Unity Association has been passed down for thousands of years, mysterious and unpredictable, with a Divine Transformation Elder presiding over it? Why is the initiation into the association so rushed and hasty? Aren't you afraid that the junior is a spy from another power?"

The calm old man couldn't help but feel anxious.

Wan Tianchou coldly snorted, "Are you saying that this old man doesn't know how to judge people?"

The old man realized his mistake and quickly shook his head, "Senior Azure Wolf, please don't misunderstand. What I mean is that this initiation ceremony has loopholes and it might make it easier for others to infiltrate in the future."

Wan Tianchou sneered in his heart. If he hadn't observed the old man for several days in advance and found out about his identity, how could he have casually extended the invitation?

But at this moment, he couldn't reveal anything. He had to maintain the high standards of the Great Unity Association.

"With so many experts in the association, do you think they wouldn't have thought of the problem you mentioned?"

"Yes, yes."

The old man buried his doubts.

Wan Tianchou knew that the old man wouldn't be easily convinced.

But after breaking through the Gold Core, he wouldn't have a say anymore.


Three days later.

In a valley outside the city, there was a second-grade spiritual vein. Originally, it belonged to a Foundation Building family, but Wan Tianchou temporarily borrowed it for a few days.

Facing the oppressive aura of the revealed Gold Core, the family in this place obediently retreated to their homes, praying that this senior would keep his word.

The place with the densest spiritual energy in the valley.

The elderly man who had spent three days adjusting his cultivation stood before the True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts. Seeing the eerie appearance of the True Person, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

He never expected that even the Ghost Clan would be involved. Judging from its appearance, it was a fierce and evil ghost.

Therefore, the elderly man became even more awed, suppressing all his other thoughts.

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts glanced at a large alchemy furnace in the distance, thinking that Yu Xian had sacrificed himself to absorb the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao.

He looked coldly at the elderly man and said, "Today, I will preside over your initiation ceremony. No idle talk. If you cannot break through, everything will be in vain."

After speaking, he flipped his palm, revealing a jade bottle sealed with a spiritual talisman.

"This is the Great Unity Gold Core. After taking it, you can form an External Path Gold Core. This is your last chance to change your mind."

The elderly man had long heard from Senior Cang Lang about how the sect could help him break through. It wasn't some demonic secret technique, but a legitimate External Path Gold Core. Although there was no way to advance further, a False Core True Person was still a True Person.

The elderly man eagerly looked at the jade pendant and nodded repeatedly.

"I understand. I won't regret it."

He took the jade bottle with both hands, tore off the spiritual talisman, and a burst of colorful spiritual light emerged.

The elderly man took a deep breath and swallowed the invisible elemental pill, activating his cultivation technique, stimulating his mana, and silently refining the Five Elements Elemental Pill.

The thunder tribulation from the depths of the universe responded.


The thunderclouds gathered, and a Gold Core thunder tribulation descended.

The family cultivators who were originally fearful and thought that the Gold Core senior was engaging in some dangerous activity were dumbfounded and pleasantly surprised.

It turned out that the senior was borrowing the land to break through to Gold Core!

"Quick, call the outstanding disciples of the clan. This is an opportunity for them to witness a True Person's breakthrough. They can also benefit from it."

The Foundation Building cultivators of the clan quickly instructed their fellow clan members, while they themselves stared at the changing thunder tribulation, completely captivated.


The elderly man was obviously not as crazy as Li Liangyu when he broke through. He honestly offered up the partially refined Five Elements Elemental Pill to weaken the power of the thunder tribulation.

Twenty-seven thunder tribulations descended, and the elderly man only suffered minor injuries.

Then, the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao descended.

The elderly man unconsciously looked at the True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts. Seeing his gaze suddenly turn cold, he obediently stepped aside and allowed the True Person to guide the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao into the alchemy furnace.

Soon, sparks of spiritual fire ignited in the furnace, concealing all prying eyes.

According to what Senior Cang Lang had said before, the sect had been researching the Enlightenment Pill, which used the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao as the main ingredient.

This pill could help people gain enlightenment and obtain a profound understanding, similar to receiving a divine revelation.

So, as a False Core True Person joining the sect, the first thing he had to do was contribute his own spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao as a research material for alchemy.

After all, False Core True Persons couldn't inscribe magical powers, so absorbing the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao was better than nothing.

The elderly man sighed silently, honestly recovering from his injuries and consolidating his cultivation.

Regardless, his Gold Core realm was still real and not illusory.

After about two hours.

The elderly man looked at the jade plaque in front of him that contained the power of the divine soul, his expression unpleasant, and asked, "Is this my initiation ceremony?"

Wan Tianchou said indifferently, "Friend Qi, didn't you say that you would be willing to pay any price as long as you could break through to Gold Core? Now the sect has shown its sincerity. Do you want to go back on your word?"

His brows furrowed, and a murderous aura filled the air.

Thoughts raced through the elderly man's mind.

As someone who had already reached the Gold Core realm, how could he willingly fall into someone else's hands?

But precisely because he had broken through to Gold Core, seeing his lifespan greatly increase and having several hundred more years of good life ahead, how could he be willing to burn his jade and stone?

This was where Yu Xian's scheming lay.

Get on the bus before buying the ticket.

Except for people like Li Liangyu, who harbored great vengeance and were willing to give up everything for the chance of revenge, most people would struggle between freedom and future for a long time.

After all, if they had never possessed it, then giving it up wouldn't matter.

However, after experiencing the power of the Gold Core realm, few would be willing to give it up.

The elderly man pessimistically realized that his chances of escaping through resistance were infinitely close to zero. At this moment, he had no other choice.


The elderly man reluctantly offered his power of the divine soul.

He didn't know what his power of the divine soul would be used for, but it was clearly not something good.

Wan Tianchou accepted the jade plaque with satisfaction and handed a sign that said "Great Unity Society" to the elderly man, along with a prepared line.

"The principle of the Great Unity Society is equivalent exchange and mutual assistance. If you can make enough contributions to the sect and want to leave the sect, regain your power of the divine soul, and gain freedom, it is not impossible. I'm just afraid that by then, you won't be willing."

A glimmer of hope rose in the elderly man's heart.

"What do I need to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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