Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

211. Chapter 210 Expansion Plan, Inner Sect Elder

Chapter 210: Expansion Plan, Inner Sect Elder

With the first successful experience, the Da Tong Society has officially embarked on the right track and has stable profitability.

However, Yu Xian did not rush to recruit new members.

Instead, he treated Qi Chunshen and Lao Gui as the beta testers of the first version of the Da Tong Society, gradually improving various mechanisms through them.

After all, as an organization in its early stages, he was not a genius with exceptional intelligence, but rather a boss who often came up with ideas on the spot.

In this situation, there would definitely be various loopholes in the organization's rules.

Now what he needs to do is to try to fill these loopholes through the two preparatory members, at least roughly meeting the standards of a mysterious ancient organization.

As for whether Qi Chunshen and Lao Gui will have doubts and discover something, that is up to them.

At present, besides cooperating well, they have no other choice.

After all, the cost they have incurred has already been recovered, so there is no need to feel sorry even if they are killed directly.

And so, day and night passed.

Two years flew by in an instant.

In the Golden Peng Demon Vein, four third-grade lower-ranked Demon Kings disappeared silently in their respective territories.


Autumn Wind Mountain, Li Family's alchemy room.

As Wu Laozu skillfully pinched the formula and collected the pill, a colorful and radiant five-colored elemental pill rose slowly from the pill furnace.

He carefully guided the pill into the pill bottle in his hand, then attached a talisman to prevent the loss of medicinal power, and respectfully handed the pill bottle to Yu Xian sitting beside him.

"Young Master, the pill is ready."

"Thank you for your hard work, Daoist Wu."

Yu Xian played with the pill bottle for a while, then put it into his storage bag, and turned to look at Luo Han sitting next to him.

"Han'er, how do you feel?"

"After all, it's a third-grade spiritual pill, I only have a 50% certainty."

Luo Han, who had been observing the alchemy process, looked at Wu Laozu with some disdain. She hadn't forgotten the incident when Wu Laozu used her as a hostage to blackmail Yu Xian.

Although her husband was magnanimous and trusted people, she had always kept it in her heart.

Of course, Wu Laozu knew what Luo Han's gaze meant.

But who knew about his grievances? If it weren't for him being the matchmaker, how could the two of them have ended up together?

Not only did they not appreciate him, but they also looked at him as if he were an enemy.

But this matter was destined to never be revealed.

Otherwise, if their relationship were to break because of him, he didn't think he would survive.

Especially after estimating it based on the five-element elemental pills he had refined over the years, there were more and more fake pill cultivators available to Yu Xian now.

If he didn't have alchemy skills, he would probably have no status by Yu Xian's side.

So at this time, he could only take a step back with an expressionless face and silently become a transparent person.

Hearing Luo Han's answer, Yu Xian smiled and said, "It's alright, alchemy naturally has successes and failures. We'll try harder next time. But I'm worried if this alchemy will delay your cultivation?"

After two years of accumulation, he not only initially sorted out the future development direction of the Da Tong Society, but also successfully accumulated a considerable amount of development funds. It was time to expand.

Considering that with the development of the Da Tong Society, the demand for five-element elemental pills would increase. Relying solely on Wu Laozu, even if he treated him like a machine, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to supply enough.

After all, it takes forty-nine days to refine a pill, and after the pill is refined, one needs to rest and recover for at least half a month to restore their state. In other words, the time cost of refining one pill is more than two months.

Even if Wu Laozu worked without a break for a whole year, he could only refine five invisible elemental pills.

But he wasn't an unscrupulous boss. Every year, he had to give him a few months off. After all, if he didn't get enough rest and his energy was insufficient, the failure of alchemy would result in even greater losses.

Calculating this way, Wu Laozu could only provide four five-element elemental pills per year.

But four pills were far from what he estimated for the future development.

Currently, the Da Tong Society is still in its early stages, so having a few more fake pill cultivators is not a big deal.

But as he increases his investment in the future, there may be dozens of fake pill cultivators in a short period of time, and it may not attract much trouble.

The larger the number, the more uncontrollable variables there are.

Even though these cultivators have been implanted with Blood Soul Seals, he can only control their life and death, but he cannot restrict their behavior too much.

So he must seize the opportunity of the upcoming wild development period to maximize his own strength.

By doing so, even if Datong Society is uprooted in the future, he has already tasted the meat and will not suffer too much loss.

However, the refining of the Five Elements Yuan Dan cannot be done by others.

So Luo Han is the best employee.

Before, she was not allowed to participate in the refining of the Five Elements Yuan Dan. One reason was that the materials were scarce and expensive, and could not withstand failure.

Another reason was that her alchemy level was ultimately weaker than Wu Laozu, but after years of tempering, her level has improved and she can barely handle it.

But Luo Han doesn't feel like she's being squeezed for her remaining value, but rather quite moved.

As an alchemist, the experience of refining high-level elixirs is hard to come by, especially this Five Elements Yuan Dan, which is extremely precious.

She has already seen the elixir formula, and just the raw materials for one furnace of elixir require one to one and a half million spirit stones.

And only one pill is produced at a time.

Once it fails, it's like pushing a mountain of spirit stones into the water, not even a splash.

But in her husband's eyes, he seems to be more concerned about his own cultivation and is unwilling to burden himself.

She couldn't help but make up her mind not to let her husband down.

"Husband, don't worry, my cultivation method of focusing on both the heart and the pill is beneficial to my alchemy practice and will not delay it."

Saying that, she looked at Wu Laozu, expressionless, and said, "Master Wu, I still need your guidance on the refining of the Five Elements Yuan Dan."

Although she already has a lot of confidence, considering the preciousness of the Five Elements Yuan Dan, she still suppressed her discomfort and planned to consult Wu Laozu.

Wu Laozu was somewhat surprised and quickly said, "Luo Dan Shi, please rest assured, the refining of the Five Elements Yuan Dan may seem difficult, but it is actually equivalent to a larger Foundation Building Pill.

Since you were able to stabilize the refining of the Foundation Building Pill before, as long as you pay attention to the attributes of the demonic pill and the mutual assistance of the ruler and the minister, you will definitely succeed."

Seeing Wu Laozu being so polite and humble, Luo Han couldn't help but soften in her heart.

But when she thought of the day when this guy threatened her and her husband with her master's descendants, she suppressed this feeling.

"Since that's the case, there's no time like the present. Let's do it today."

Yu Xian pretended not to see the unpleasantness between Luo Han and Wu Laozu. It's best to just let these confusing matters go and not try to explain them clearly.

One careless move could drag oneself into a quagmire and easily break the relationship.

He reached into his waist and took out a storage bag.

"There happens to be a set of materials for refining the Five Elements Yuan Dan here. Luo'er, you can check it and prepare for alchemy.

Rest assured, I've been with you all these days."

Luo Han took the storage bag and couldn't help but smile sweetly.

"Husband, you're so good."

Wu Laozu, standing aside, roared in his heart - you stupid woman!

But in reality, he showed a slightly pleasing smile.

"Luo Dan Shi, let me help you."


So in the following days, Yu Xian really didn't go anywhere and accompanied Luo Han in the alchemy room.

The Li family's alchemy room was set up with a fire array that could draw the underground fire to gather in the furnace and assist in alchemy.

But Luo Han had the alchemy spirit fire given by Yu Xian - the Yellow Mud Fire, a kind of earth attribute spirit fire obtained by Wan Shou Zhenren in a dangerous place in the Wan Yao Mountains.

The Yellow Mud Fire can greatly preserve the medicinal power of the herbs and nourish the elixir. If an inferior elixir is nurtured by the Yellow Mud Fire for a period of time, it can be turned into a superior elixir.

Of course, the higher the grade of the elixir, the longer the time it takes to nurture with the Yellow Mud Fire.

This is also one of the reasons why Luo Han is confident in refining the Five Elements Yuan Dan on her first try.

The flames in the furnace rose, and Luo Han threw the herbs into the furnace according to the elixir formula, occasionally reminded by Wu Laozu.

Luo Han's talent in alchemy was already excellent, and with the assistance of Wu Laozu, she often made connections and learned from them.

At first, she was a bit unfamiliar with the practical operation of the elixir formula, but soon she didn't need Wu Laozu's reminders.

Wu Laozu was also happy and relaxed, drinking tea and playing chess with Yu Xian every day, chatting about everything, and didn't feel bored.

In short, the days without work are good times.

Heaven is merciful. The young master doesn't care about the unspoken rules of alchemists. He doesn't even give him a single spirit stone for each alchemy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be mentally and physically exhausted.

The spirit stones he has now are all given by the Li family and occasionally doing some private work.

Of course, according to the young master, it's just the difficult early stage of starting a business, so he should save as much as possible.

But everything he's doing now is not in vain, every bit of merit is being recorded.

When the organization grows stronger in the future, if there are any talented descendants from the Wu family, all these merits can be invested in him.

Hmm, the young master calls this "stock options".

Wu Laozu doesn't quite understand, but he is greatly shocked.

It's the first time he's seen someone talk so confidently and elegantly about "freeloading", and it's impossible to argue against it.


On this day.

Luo Han's refining of the Five Elements Pill is coming to an end.

Yu Xian is reading a travelogue.

The travelogue was written by a Gold Core cultivator and is called "Red Cloud Travelogue", which tells the story of a cultivator named Xu Chixia who traveled through various realms after breaking through to the Gold Core stage.

Xuanyang Realm is located in the southernmost part of the Jiuyang Domain, just south of the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

To the west is the Yuling Realm, ruled by the Yuling Sect, with thousands of spirit beasts under its command. It is also closely related to the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

It is said that the Dao companion of the Yuling Sect's Elder is a Yao Emperor who has transformed into a red python, and the title of a hero is widely spread among the people.

To the east is the Xuanyin Realm, ruled by the Xuanyin Sect. Because it borders the Taiyin Demon Domain, this sect's actions are both righteous and evil, with a mysterious style.

But due to the large number of female cultivators and the unique cultivation techniques of the sect, it is highly sought after by many surrounding sects.

The author of the travelogue also nostalgically recounts his brief journey with a Gold Core cultivator from the Xuanyin Sect.

He self-deprecatingly says that the other person was radiant and made him feel ashamed. When they parted, he didn't even have time to ask for the other person's name.

To the north is the Tianjian Realm, ruled by the Tianjian Sect. This realm is dominated by the path of sword cultivation, and their actions are straightforward. It is common to see cultivators fighting with swords on the roadside.

The author of the travelogue sadly tells the story of two sword cultivator geniuses who fought for three days and three nights and both died, and expresses his lack of understanding of the spirit of dying for the sword as a cultivator seeks immortality.

Further ahead is the legendary Jiuyang Realm, which is the core territory of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect and the center of the entire Jiuyang Domain. It is said to have a sixth-grade spiritual vein.

But the author of the travelogue didn't stay in the Jiuyang Domain for long, only saying that he was nearing the end of his life and wanted to return to his hometown.

Yu Xian speculates that he must have been struck by something in the Jiuyang Domain, which is why he returned home with a heavy heart.

This travelogue is rich in content, and many of the stories and legends in it have inspired him and made him understand the various means of cultivators.

For example, it records a rare profession called "Dream Master", similar to an illusionist, but specializing in dream path spiritual arts. They can create countless dreams, borrow false cultivation to achieve true cultivation, and turn dreams into reality, as if their words become law.

The author of the travelogue witnessed a Gold Core cultivator Dream Master manifesting the illusion of a Nascent Soul True Immortal in his dream into reality, actually displaying some of the power of a Nascent Soul True Immortal, and fighting head-on with another Nascent Soul True Immortal in reality before being seriously injured and fleeing.

Yu Xian is greatly shocked by what he sees, and becomes even more cautious of people in the world.


Yu Xian's eyebrows twitch, he puts away the travelogue, and walks outside the pill room, where Li Liangyu, who he hasn't seen for a long time, appears in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Li Liangyu's anxious expression, Yu Xian furrows his brows.

In recent years, Li Liangyu has been relatively obedient and respectful towards him.

After all, his life is still in Yu Xian's hands, and he also needs to rely on his power to stabilize the Li family.

But Yu Xian knows that Li Liangyu and him are ultimately not on the same path.

A flame has been burning in his heart.

This flame has not dimmed even a bit because of the fall of cultivators.

Perhaps in a few years, Li Liangyu will seek a way to free himself from Yu Xian's control.

But he pretends not to know.

After all, it's unreasonable to take action against someone before they betray you.

The truth is, he still needs the Li family as a cover for now, and Li Liangyu can still be a scapegoat for him in the future.

Li Liangyu nervously says, "An inner sect elder of the Xuanyang Sect is returning to Qiufeng City to pay respects to his ancestors. The county magistrate has invited us to a banquet and specifically requested our presence."

It is said that this is the intention of that inner sect elder.

Yu Xian is taken aback, "Qiufeng City has an inner sect elder of the Xuanyang Sect?"

As far as he knows, the position of an inner sect elder in the Xuanyang Sect is not something an ordinary person can hold.

First of all, they must have a clean background, having entered the Xuanyang Sect from a young age, and secondly, their cultivation level must be in the late Gold Core stage.

The former represents connections, and the latter represents strength.

Combining the two, even ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators would have to give them some face.

Li Liangyu says, "Actually, that elder is just from an ancestral family in Qiufeng City, almost a thousand years ago.

Their branch moved to Xuanyang Tiancheng a long time ago, leaving only a branch to guard the ancestral tomb here.

If it weren't for the county magistrate mentioning it, I wouldn't have known that our Qiufeng City still had such a great figure."

Yu Xian nodded knowingly, feeling a bit guilty in his heart.

Could it be that something happened to the Datong Society?

No, that's not right. He has never shown his face from beginning to end, so how could he be directly named to meet him?

Moreover, this small and weak folk organization shouldn't attract the attention of a powerful entity like the Xunyang Sect.

He looked at Li Liangyu suspiciously and said, "He mentioned you specifically, is it because you did something behind his back?"

Li Liangyu smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know, that's why I came to discuss with you."

"Could it be related to that old thief Xiu Yuan? He somehow got involved with an inner sect elder?"

Yu Xian shook his head.

The cultivator had long since died, his body fed to the blood puppet, and his soul became a puppet in his Ten Thousand Beast Soul Banner. He didn't even have the chance to communicate through dreams.

And he had searched his soul, the cultivator was just a template for a commoner's counterattack, and he hadn't even had the opportunity to contact an inner sect elder.

"If it's related to the cultivator, how could it take several years for him to come, and why would he need to invite us to a banquet? With his identity and status, does he need to have a Hongmen feast with you?"

Yu Xian reassured him, saying, "Just go to the banquet with peace of mind."

Li Liangyu's eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly said, "But I'm afraid he came for you, otherwise why would he invite you besides me?"

He knew that Yu Xian had been doing some things behind the scenes.

When he first met Yu Xian, there were still a few guards and women in the Li family's mansion, but now there were not many left.

And Yu Xian had always been doing private work through his Li family's channels, and he knew about it.

Facing Li Liangyu's probing, Yu Xian said lightly, "Perhaps my reputation has reached his ears, and he is curious about me. Don't think too much about it, as long as you haven't done anything wrong, there's no need to fear him. Even if it's the Xunyang Sect, they still need to be reasonable. Otherwise, if I, this young master, don't play by the rules, even an inner sect elder of the Xunyang Sect is not worth my attention."

He was no longer a weakling who would run away at the slightest scare.

Now he had a handful of Gold Core cultivators under his command, and most importantly, he had the parting gift from his ex-girlfriend - a fourth-grade Lingfu that contained the full power of a Nascent Soul late-stage True Immortal.

Not to mention a Gold Core late-stage cultivator, even if a Nascent Soul True Immortal came, he dared to put on a big show.

Of course, after the show, he would have to run away.

By then, his many years of cultivation in the Deceiving Heaven Divine Art would not be in vain.

Li Liangyu felt the strong self-confidence in Yu Xian's words and even an inner sect elder of the Xunyang Sect was not worth his attention.

What background did he have?

And why did he suddenly appear in Autumn Wind City?

Li Liangyu had the desire to become independent, so how could he not investigate Yu Xian's background?

Unfortunately, that friend Wu seemed to be involved in wine and women, but he was not loose-lipped. Every time they talked about this topic, he would avoid it, making his efforts in vain.

But now, he seemed to see a little bit of the mysterious background behind Yu Xian.

But this understanding made him even more desperate.

If someone is not afraid of even an inner sect elder of the Xunyang Sect, how can he escape their control?

"Since the young master says so, then I will go and reply to him."

Li Liangyu nodded and left with a heavy heart.

Yu Xian watched Li Liangyu's figure recede into the distance and sighed softly.

"Young man, don't make any mistakes."


That night.

In Autumn Wind City, the lights were just beginning to come on.

A group of lights rose from Autumn Wind Mountain, flying on flying treasures or riding flying spirit pets, and slowly descended above the city lord's mansion in Autumn Wind City.

After all, Autumn Wind City was just a place where mortals and low-level cultivators lived, and there was no need to spend a lot of money to build any defensive formations, so there were no flying restrictions.

Yu Xian and Li Liangyu mingled in the crowd of guests, both feeling relieved.

Since the city lord's mansion invited so many people, it's highly likely that they didn't come specifically to target the two of them.

"Please come in."

After the gatekeeper checked the invitation, he politely led the two of them into the banquet hall.

(End of this chapter)

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