Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

213. Chapter 212 Mid-Term Gold Core

Chapter 212: Mid-stage Gold Core

Elder Yan from Xuan Yang Sect left quietly, just as he had come. His arrival and departure did not bring any changes to Autumn Wind City.

It only provided the local cultivators who had attended the Lord's Mansion banquet with something to talk about. In the future, when entertaining guests from afar, they could boast about how they had once shared a table with a certain elder.

Other than that, Autumn Wind City continued to operate as usual, following the inertia of hundreds of years, starting each day with its usual calmness.

The Li family gifted Yu Xian a high-level cave mansion on Autumn Wind Mountain. It was one of the only two high-level cave mansions the Li family had, allowing direct access to third-grade spiritual veins. Even if a Gold Core cultivator were to cultivate there, they wouldn't have to worry about insufficient spiritual energy.

Yu Xian did not refuse, but instead went along with it and moved out of the Li family. He planted a three-mile peach blossom forest in front of the cave mansion and named it "Peach Blossom," firmly rooting himself on Autumn Wind Mountain.

Time passed by quickly. Yu Xian gradually became a local, and no one mentioned his background as an outsider anymore. It was as if his ancestors had lived here for generations.

Even the city lord, who had been paying attention to Yu Xian's every move, gradually relaxed and accepted his presence, treating it as a non-issue.

The city was bustling with people coming and going, and the county magistrate was busy with his duties.


Five years later.

In a valley, a Foundation Building cultivator from a certain family, who had a second-grade spiritual vein, looked at the naturally gathering thunderclouds in the sky and weakly instructed the elders of his clan.

"They're here again. Call the clan members who want to witness the Gold Core Tribulation."

When did he start getting used to the Gold Core Tribulation? Probably around seven years ago, when wave after wave of quasi Gold Core cultivators began transcending their tribulations in this remote valley.

Could it be that there was something in the clan's land where he had lived for hundreds of years that could assist people in transcending their tribulations?

However, he had almost turned the valley upside down in his search but found nothing.

Afterward, he became accustomed to it and numb to the situation.

As for reporting it, he couldn't think of a reason. The Gold Core cultivators borrowing the land for their breakthroughs was giving him face. If they didn't give him face and he got upset, his entire clan would lose their lives.

Furthermore, who could he report it to, and what reason could he give?

Although he knew that there must be something suspicious about so many Gold Core cultivators coming here to transcend their tribulations, he didn't dare to ask or investigate. He simply acted like a deaf and blind person.

Fortunately, his silent efforts did not go unrewarded.

The Gold Core senior who often brought people here to break through had recently seen that he had advanced to the late stage of Foundation Building. It seemed like he was in a good mood and said that when he reached the peak of Foundation Building, he would give him an opportunity.

An opportunity to break through to Gold Core!

He didn't doubt the senior's words.

After all, the thunder tribulation that occurred in the sky above the valley at regular intervals couldn't be faked.

"I wonder when it will be my turn?"

The Foundation Building cultivator of the clan looked at the thunder tribulation in the sky, which was nearing its end, and a fervor for cultivation surged in his heart. At the same time, he silently prayed that nothing unexpected would happen halfway through.

The thing people fear the most is having no hope.


In the valley.

The True Beast cultivator, who was familiar with the process, guided the heavenly spiritual energy of the Heavenly Tribulation into the pill furnace.

After a short while, the aura inside the furnace quieted down, and he pretended to ignite the pill fire outside as a cover.

Inside the pill furnace.

Yu Xian absorbed all the heavenly spiritual energy and then exhaled a breath of turbid air. His spiritual consciousness, which had just broken through to the mid-stage of Gold Core, had reached nearly ten thousand meters, which was a range of twenty li, an increase of almost fifty percent.

With his inner vision, he could see that there were six mysterious inscriptions on his dantian's Gold Core, which were the signs of a third-grade divine ability. Outside the Gold Core, there was also a dazzling solid Gold Core, like a blood diamond, surrounded by a ring of solidified mana.

The power of nearly a thousand Gold Cores adorned his dantian like a starry sky, and compared to the early stage of Gold Core, his power had increased by nearly sixty percent.

Under the blessing of the Heavenly Dao, it was the highest-level spiritual object for assisting in cultivation, allowing him to improve his Gold Core abilities without any bottlenecks.

In Yu Xian's field of vision, a green panel appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Mid-stage Gold Core (4396/2600000)]

[Soulmates: Yu Lan, Luo Han (2/3)]

"Rooted in Autumn Wind City for three years, helping Liang Yu regain the Li family, settling for three years, establishing the Great Unity Society to assist in my cultivation, and then developing for five years, finally breaking through to the mid-stage of Gold Core."

"Unfortunately, cultivating Gold Core is a step-by-step process. Even if I maintain my current progress, I'm afraid it will take about fifty years to break through to the later stage of Gold Core."

With the help of his soulmates and the advanced dual cultivation techniques, on average, he could accumulate over twenty thousand cultivation points per year.

He had been in Autumn Wind City for eleven years, accumulating over two hundred thousand cultivation points. Combined with the one hundred thousand cultivation points he had accumulated in Shangyang City, he had already satisfied half of the cultivation point accumulation required for the early stage of Gold Core.

In the first two years of the Great Unity Society, there were only Qi Chunshen, Lao Gui, and Liang Yu, who contributed nearly forty thousand cultivation points of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

The following five years were the explosive years of the Great Unity Society.

On average, six prospective members were recruited each year.

In five years, there were thirty pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators. However, even with the external path of Gold Core, there was no guarantee of a hundred percent breakthrough rate.

However, during those five years, only twenty-six pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators appeared.

Among them, one was completely destroyed by the thunder tribulation of Gold Core, and even the Five Elements Yuan Dan was destroyed by the thunder tribulation.

Now, thinking back, Yu Xian still felt a bit distressed.

He had done his best to investigate beforehand.

Although the Foundation Building cultivators he selected were all hopeless in their breakthroughs or nearing the end of their lifespan.

But the qualifications of those who could cultivate to the peak of Foundation Building were not bad. With the help of the external path of Gold Core, they had a sixty to seventy percent chance of success.

Coupled with his own one or two percent chance, it was a sure thing.

But unfortunately, that failed Foundation Building cultivator had cultivated through unorthodox methods and was very deceptive, disguising it well in daily life.

As a result, under the thunder tribulation, any deception came at a price.

The remaining three were guys who benefited but didn't want to pay.

After breaking through to Gold Core, they actually refused to hand over their soul power. He had no choice but to take it painfully, collecting the three of them into the Ten Thousand Beast Soul Banner, barely recovering some of the costs, but still at a loss.

However, the twenty-nine pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators were twenty-nine portions of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

According to the rules of upgrading divine abilities from first to seventh grade, it allowed him to steadily advance on the path of third-grade divine abilities.

It's just that the cultivation points given were a bit less.

But the main reason was that the cultivation points provided by the Heavenly Dao spiritual energy in the past two years had been decreasing. Otherwise, he would have already broken through to the mid-stage of Gold Core.

According to his speculation, these missing cultivation points should have been offset by the auxiliary spiritual objects for cultivating Gold Core abilities, so there was no surplus to support his cultivation.

The higher the grade of divine abilities, the more precious the various auxiliary spiritual objects needed.

His eldest uncle, Chen Xiao, had once told him that the value of the spiritual objects needed for Chen Yi's cultivation of Gold Core abilities was calculated in terms of top-grade spirit stones.

And he had cultivated his divine abilities to the third grade without using any spiritual objects. It seemed that the Heavenly Dao spiritual energy had offset these spiritual objects to some extent.

And the third-grade Deceiving Heaven divine ability had already entered the ranks of the upper third-grade divine abilities. The specific power was uncertain even to Yu Xian.

But based on his previous experience of resisting blood curses, he was confident that when he used this divine ability, the blood curse would never find his true body again.

In a sense, it could be considered as half avoiding karma.

As for the effect of concealing his aura, let alone mentioning it.

As a purely auxiliary divine ability without any combat ability, the Concealing Qi divine ability could be said to have taken the path of survival to the extreme.

Even when he was in the lower third-grade, he could hide from the later stage of Gold Core. Unless a Nascent Soul cultivator paid close attention to him, they would not be able to detect his true and false forms.

Now that he had reached the third grade, he was confident that even if he was thrown in front of a Nascent Soul cultivator, they might not be able to discover his true and false forms.

Of course, this is just his speculation. He hasn't had the audacity to actually go and wander in front of the Nascent Soul True Immortal.

But Yu Xian believes that day is not far away.

The rapid development in the past five years, with nearly thirty Gold Core cultivators in the Da Tong Hui, has inevitably attracted some attention.

This is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that the Da Tong Hui has gained a certain level of fame, making it easier to recruit new members in the future without resorting to deception and threats like in the early days.

The bad thing is that once targeted, it may incur the wrath of the Nascent Soul True Immortal, against whom he has no resistance.

The Da Tong Hui, rumored to be under the protection of a Nascent Soul cultivator, is ultimately a lie.

"Sigh, I've been faithfully exterminating demons for the human race, why can't they just turn a blind eye?" Yu Xian sighed, thinking about the recent news.

The Lord of Wang Shu Fu City has already noticed the existence of this abnormal organization under his jurisdiction, and his undercover agents have started contacting members of the Da Tong Hui.

After all, the rumors of a Nascent Soul cultivator protecting the Da Tong Hui are quite intimidating.

And to create so many Gold Core cultivators in such a short period of time is equally unbelievable. No one believes it without a certain background of strength.

But no one knows that it is someone's entire fortune.

So even the Lord of Wang Shu Fu City, with the backing of Xuan Yang Sect, has chosen a policy of appeasement in the first step of contact, in order to avoid creating a formidable enemy for himself and his sect.

Fortunately, all the prospective members have been implanted with Blood Soul Charms, making betrayal an unbearable cost. Otherwise, they would have betrayed long ago and would not have voluntarily reported the undercover agent's information to the Lord.

However, secrets cannot be kept forever, and the true nature of the Da Tong Hui will eventually be exposed. At that time, it will be difficult for the Da Tong Hui to continue its development.

No one likes to suddenly have an uncontrollable force under their command that is constantly growing in a barbaric manner.

"Damn it!" Yu Xian's eyes flashed with cold light as he planned to make a decision that went against his ancestral conscience.

"As long as we make a big fuss, no one will pay attention to such an underground organization."

Coincidentally, the Jin Peng Demon Clan has lost nearly twenty Demon Kings in recent years, and the Jin Peng Demon Emperor is furious.

It is said that he has gone to Ming Yue Tian City several times to demand an explanation and has fought with the Lord of Tian City, True Immortal Jiuyue.

But it is precisely because of his repeated harassment that True Immortal Jiuyue couldn't bear it anymore and ordered his subordinates to investigate and give the Jin Peng Demon Emperor a plausible explanation.

This is how the Lord of Wang Shu Fu City ended up in his current situation.

Of course, the Lord of Wang Shu Fu City is unaware that the Da Tong Hui is the culprit behind the Jin Peng Demon Emperor's madness. It was just during the investigation that he happened to notice the Da Tong Hui.

Otherwise, the Da Tong Hui could have remained hidden for a little longer.

As for how he knows so much, it is because the undercover agent has become one of his own. The Lord cannot promise the undercover agent a chance to reach the Gold Core stage.

So if he kills a few more direct descendants of the Jin Peng Demon Emperor, it is guaranteed to drive the Jin Peng Demon Emperor crazy and provoke a large-scale beast tide, leading to a decisive battle with Ming Yue Tian City.

At that time, no one will have the time to investigate the Da Tong Hui, and all their energy will be focused on dealing with the beast tide.

He will also gain more time for development and even find an opportunity to cooperate with the Lord of Wang Shu Fu City.

For example, hunting Demon Kings for the city, killing two birds with one stone, and maybe even becoming a semi-official organization, with Xuan Yang Sect endorsing him afterwards.

The more Yu Xian thought about it, the more feasible it seemed.

After all, the beast tide in the Wan Yao Mountain Range appears every once in a while, and by accelerating this process, he would be setting off the explosive barrel in advance.

As for the consequences caused by this...

It would be the innocent lives of millions of people and countless shattered families.

Yu Xian couldn't help but fall into silence.

Although he knew that everything was inevitable, he didn't want to personally push the events forward.

There was a time when he seemed to face a similar choice.

That time, he chose to wait and watch everything unfold.

This time...

"Damn it, you soft-hearted fool, why are you cultivating as an immortal?"

"But I'm cheating..."

Yu Xian asked and answered himself, finding the answer in his heart.

After half a lifetime, his occasional bursts of conscience were not lost.

Outside the pill furnace.

A newly promoted fake pill true person, who relied on the power of the Gold Core Thunder Tribulation to restore his youth, reluctantly handed over his divine soul power.

With this, a hasty initiation ceremony came to an end.


Autumn Wind Mountain, Peach Blossom Cave.

After some tossing around.

Yu Xian rested his head on Yulan's leg, the thin and transparent gauze sliding over his face, giving him a slightly itchy feeling. He lazily opened his mouth.


Yulan fed him a pink spirit pill, a bit worried, and said:

"My lord, you've made a breakthrough in cultivation, why aren't you happy? Did something go wrong in your cultivation?"

Yu Xian paused for a moment, "How did you figure it out? I thought I performed well just now."

Yulan's cheeks blushed slightly as she whispered:

"In the past, I wouldn't have the energy to talk to my lord at this time."

Yu Xian stopped pretending and a worried expression appeared on his face.

"I'm just worried about my spirit stones. I've never seen so many spirit stones in my life, and they could disappear just like that."

If the Great Unity Society is exposed as a sham, he would have to abandon those twenty-odd fake pill cultivators and treat them as expendable, to avoid trouble knocking on his door.

But after all the hard work and the slaughter of so many demon kings, the plundering of so many resources, and the exchange of so many spirit stones, he didn't dare to spend a single extra one.

He invested everything again and again, gaining one fake pill true person after another.

Just when the situation was looking great, someone started watching him, and suddenly his future became uncertain.

But he didn't want to lose his conscience and play tricks with disaster.

So how could he be happy? He couldn't even muster the enthusiasm for his favorite cultivation anymore.

Yulan gently stroked Yu Xian's cheek, her eyes gentle, her voice gentle.

"My lord, you once said that it's a waste of effort to be sad about something that's already lost. Instead, it's better to think about the happy times in the future. And then ask yourself, is it really something you can't bear?"

Yu Xian looked confused, "When did I say these things?"

Yulan's eyes showed a hint of recollection, thinking of the past.

"It was when we were separated, I was very sad, and my lord comforted me."

"You remember."

Yu Xian didn't remember the chicken soup he casually said.

Yulan softly hummed, her expression serious and determined.

"Yulan remembers every word my lord said."

Yu Xian stared at Yulan, suddenly feeling the effect of the pink peach blossom pill he had just taken.

Threads of pink aura continuously emanated from his body, and the air was filled with the scent of hormones.

He wasn't good at talking, so he could only prove himself through actions.

The updates in the past two days haven't been very good. One reason is that my mind has been empty lately, and I haven't figured out the subsequent plot. The other reason is that today, the college entrance exam results were released in Hunan. My cousin, who was in his final year of high school, lived with me for the whole year (we rented a house near the school). After a year of supervision and tutoring from me, he achieved a shocking score of less than 300 points, which surprised everyone. Well, I feel like I deserve a little bit of blame.

(End of this chapter)

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