Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 23: Emotional Investing Is Investing

Chapter 23: Emotional Investment is also Investment

Upon hearing that the Bai Bao Lou was robbed, Yu Xian immediately remembered the premonition he had yesterday, never expecting it to come true so quickly.

Under his questioning, Yu Lan recounted the information she knew.

It turned out that a group of thieves attacked the Bai Bao Lou today, looting all the silver and precious gemstones and jade inside.

Many people lost their lives because they resisted.

Even the martial arts master who secretly presided over the Bai Bao Lou died on the spot, not to mention the guards of the jade merchants who were ordinary martial artists and had no ability to resist.

It is said that among the thieves, there was a golden-armored general who, after uttering a true mantra, was enveloped in golden light, as if wearing golden armor that was impervious to weapons.

The arrows shot by the soldiers who came to capture them had no effect at all, as if they were shooting at an iron plate.

There was also a powerful deity who, with his own strength, forcibly pushed open the closed city gate, like a giant spirit god, driving away hundreds of pursuers and covering the retreat of his companions.

There was also a divine fire lord who could control divine fire. When the divine fire descended, it was like a meteor falling, igniting everything.

The martial arts master of the Bai Bao Lou was burned to death by the divine fire.

Preliminary estimates put the losses from this Bai Bao Lou incident at one million taels of silver, not to mention the countless precious gemstones and jade.

Now the entire city is under martial law, and the people in the city are in a state of panic, even more nervous than when they caught the assassins targeting the Wang Mansion.

"Master, we're really lucky."

Yu Lan rubbed her head against Yu Xian's chest, still trembling with fear, like a little cat seeking comfort from its owner.

However, Yu Xian was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

Because after hearing Yu Lan's description, various spiritual spells and charms automatically came to mind.

Golden light spell, divine power charm, fireball spell...

Is this still the mortal realm?

Please don't be so outrageous.

A group of cultivators relying on powerful spiritual spells and charms actually came to rob a group of ordinary people. This is even more excessive than him cheating in stone gambling using his spiritual consciousness.

At least he still had his face covered.

It's barbaric, really too barbaric!

But here's the problem, why would a group of cultivators rob silver?

Do they want to use silver as material for refining?

Yu Xian couldn't figure out their purpose for a while. He couldn't even think of why a group of cultivators would make such a big fuss.

Do they really think they're invincible?

Don't listen to Yu Lan's description of how powerful they are, as if they can kill gods and buddhas. If they were truly invincible, they wouldn't have run away.

In the mortal realm's spiritual environment, they probably exhausted their internal energy and had to leave.

Otherwise, when others react, they might be weaker than innate martial artists.

Risking their lives just to rob silver that is of no great use to themselves?

But Yu Xian has a habit, which is to not think about problems he can't figure out. In life, why bother seeking trouble?

"With me here, what golden-armored general, divine fire lord, I can handle them with just one hand."

Yu Xian patted Yu Lan's head, but in his heart, he thought he should quickly refine his own magic weapon.

Otherwise, if he encounters fellow cultivators, the outcome is uncertain with his half-baked skills.

"Yeah, yeah, Master is the most powerful."

Hearing Yu Xian boasting about himself, Yu Lan laughed foolishly.

"I slept for a whole day, and I'm a little hungry. Yu Lan, go to the kitchen and see if there's anything to eat, bring me some."


Yu Xian dismissed Yu Lan and walked up to Chen Yi.

"Did you succeed in Qi Refining?"

Although it was a questioning tone, Yu Xian's expression was very confident.

In his eyes, Chen Yi at this moment was outstanding, like a firefly in the dark night. The sparse spiritual energy around her continuously flowed into her body, like a personal vortex.

Obviously, she has a high affinity for spiritual energy.

Even in the mundane world, it shouldn't be a problem for her to break through one or two realms.

Thinking about how spiritual energy ignored him when he was cultivating, Yu Xian cursed under his breath, "What a dog's eye view of people."

Chen Yi nodded silently, wanting to speak but hesitating.

Yu Xian found it amusing and said helplessly, "I thought with our relationship, we should have been open and honest with each other a long time ago. I've said that I won't interfere with your freedom, so are you worried about the prince?"

Chen Yi's voice lowered, "I have a sister, she's in the prince's hands, and I haven't seen her for a long time."

Yu Xian nodded, "So I have a sister-in-law, and you want me to help you save her?"

Chen Yi said seriously, "If you help me save her, I owe you my life!"

Yu Xian rolled his eyes, "If I don't save her, your life is already mine. Instead of owing someone your life all the time, why not be practical?"

Chen Yi looked troubled, "I don't have any money."

"Don't you know how to offer yourself? Isn't that how it's written in plays?"

Yu Xian's gaze slowly swept up from the bottom, his eyes full of teasing.

Only he knew how big the fruit on this seemingly delicate branch was, but it was always tightly wrapped and hidden from the world.

Chen Yi blushed and felt as if she had been stripped naked, but she stammered, "I have been yours for a long time."

Yu Xian smirked, "That's right, since you are mine, why be so distant from me?"

He took a step forward, his hands holding the corners of Chen Yi's mouth, and pulled them up, revealing a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Your sister is my sister-in-law, so who else would save her if not me? I'll take care of the prince's side. But you have to wait a bit, I need some time."

He needed to refine his own spiritual embryo. By then, even if the prince didn't want to save face, he could help him save face.

Once his strength was in place, problems would no longer be problems.

At this moment, he was eagerly approaching, and with the grand event at the Bai Bao Tower, who knew what the Prince of Fu would ask him to do.

Wasn't that just asking for trouble?

Chen Yi nodded silently, "I can wait."

"Don't worry, it will take no more than three months."

Yu Xian set a deadline, then suddenly sighed, "You are a pearl buried in the gravel. I happened to pick you up by chance, but I know you won't belong to me forever.

Is three months okay?

During these three months, you will just be yourself, without any identity. Let's try to be friends or lovers.

If we are destined to separate, why not be happy when we are together and give each other a beautiful memory?"

He couldn't provide material investment, so he could only invest emotionally.

Yu Xian didn't know if Chen Yi, who had gone to the cultivation world, could survive, but playing a cultivation game wouldn't hurt.

How did that saying go? True happiness comes from the fusion of spirit and flesh.

Of course, this kind of behavior that deceived a girl's feelings was despicable.

Chen Yi looked at Yu Xian, who was confessing to her with deep affection, and suddenly let go of all her burdens. She smiled lightly, her eyes curved like a crescent moon, and nodded slightly.


In an instant, the coldness on her disappeared, just like their first meeting when she was still Chen Xiao's nominal sister, a gentle and helpless, gentle as water girl.

That was her disguise, but also her truth.

"You look beautiful when you smile."

Yu Xian didn't hesitate to praise her.

He held the young girl's cold hand, embraced her, and accompanied her to watch the sunset on the horizon, confidently straddling two boats.

Thank you to this era for giving men the greatest tolerance.

(End of this chapter)

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