Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

237. Chapter 235 The End Of The Beast Tide, The True Monarch Is Coming

Chapter 235: The End of the Beast Tide, True Monarch is Coming

One month later, the auction of the Great Unity Association, Returned to Origin, came to an end.

The families in the capital city joined forces and split and acquired all the industries under the name of the Great Unity Association, using their accumulated wealth.

As for Yu Xian, all he received was a cold, hard sum of over sixty million Spirit Stones, as well as numerous debts left behind by the Great Love Project.

With the continuous decrease in the number of outsiders, the Great Love Project was almost at a standstill, no longer resembling the bustling scene of people queuing to deposit Spirit Stones.

Instead, they had to maintain the terrifying expenditure of a lottery ceremony every once in a while.

Anyone who had a slight understanding of the situation avoided it.

Those with discerning eyes knew that after the excitement, all that was left was a mess.

If the Great Unity Association had not implemented a mechanism to refund Spirit Stones, it would have been squeezed and forced to close down by now.

The chairman, Yu Xian, was no longer as spirited as before, staying secluded and rarely appearing in public.

The signboard of the Great Unity Association still hung high, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of desolation.

The capital city seemed to have returned to its previous state, but it was not exactly the same.

Because those outsider cultivators would not disappear out of thin air, and those Foundation Establishment cultivators and False Core cultivators who had benefited from the Great Unity Association would not disappear either.

They still owed a large amount of debt to the Great Unity Association.

It was their existence that made the Great Unity Association appear to be declining, but few dared to be the first to offend and take the risk.

Time passed again in the unspoken calmness of everyone's hearts for another year.



A white chess piece fell.

The black pieces seemed to be a dismembered dragon, dissected on the chessboard.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor held a black piece, frowned, and stared at the situation on the chessboard, motionless for a long time.


He threw down the black piece and conceded.

In September, a beautiful smile bloomed on True Monarch's face.

"Demon Emperor, you've been gracious. That Moon Dew Tea Tree will be mine."

In the nine years of the Beast Tide, they had played twelve games of chess in total, with five wins, three losses, and four draws. She had a slight advantage, but most importantly, there was the Moon Dew Tea Tree.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor did not randomly choose this spiritual tea tree; it was specifically chosen as bait for her cultivation technique, the top-tier cultivation technique of the Xuan Yang Sect, "Xuan Yang Tyrant's Domineering." It relied on the extreme impact of the Xuan Yang in the cultivation technique to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

But it also led to her downfall.

Since breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm, she had increasingly felt that the Yin and Yang in her body were not harmonious, often being influenced by the extremely dominant Yang in the cultivation technique.

The Moon Dew Tea collected by the Golden Peng Demon Emperor was infused with the essence of the moon, a natural cold and yin spiritual object that could help her balance her magic power and enhance her realm.

Therefore, being able to obtain the Moon Dew Tea Tree was a small but significant surprise for her.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor shook his head. "True Monarch's chess skills are superior. I am willing to admit defeat and will send someone to deliver the tea tree soon."

As he spoke, he suddenly felt a visible relaxation on his face.

"It's over."

Even though True Monarch had witnessed this scene several times before, she couldn't help but be amazed.

"Is the Bloodline Curse really so powerful that it cannot be avoided?"

In theory, the Vermilion Phoenix Demon Venerable had the intention to establish a good relationship with human cultivators. They had repeatedly promoted the harmonious cooperation between humans and demons, and even sent elite bloodline members of the demon clan to study at the Nine Yang Immortal Sect, which had been going on for over a thousand years.

The Beast Tide had caused harm to both humans and demons, and it should have been stopped long ago.

But it just so happened that even the Vermilion Phoenix Demon Venerable couldn't stop the outbreak of the Beast Tide. They could only watch as the already repaired relationship between humans and demons deteriorated again due to the Beast Tide.

After all, the Beast Tide was not child's play; it was a life-and-death struggle, not something that could be resolved with a simple experience.

The reason for this was rooted in the curse embedded in every high-ranking demon bloodline.

It is said that this is the curse of the highest Demon Emperor in the legendary Demon Clan before his disappearance, which will periodically slaughter the human race in order to eliminate its own curse with human blood and resentment.

Otherwise, once the curse erupts, it will lead to the decline of the bloodline and the loss of life.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor sighed, "Even His Majesty the Demon Lord cannot eliminate the curse, let alone us small characters.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Demon Lord is merciful and has bestowed a secret technique, which allows us to eliminate the curse without personally taking action, as long as we cause enough slaughter to achieve success.

Otherwise, there will be a battle between you and me, and someone will be injured."

This is also why the tide of beasts fluctuates unpredictably over the years.

If there is excessive slaughter, the duration will be shorter.

If you want to take it slowly, it will become extremely long, and even high-ranking demons will have to take action personally.

It is precisely because of the existence of this curse that the human and demon races can never coexist peacefully.

The True Monarch of September also sighed, "It's a pity that there is only one Phoenix Lord. When the Phoenix Lord ascends to immortality, this land will probably become the same as other domains."

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor recalled his thousand-year reign as a Demon Emperor and couldn't help but agree.

He had heard of the fierce battles in the neighboring demon domain, where even the Demon Emperor couldn't guarantee his own safety. The turnover rate was extremely fast, with a new generation every few hundred years.

"True Monarch of September, I hope that when we meet again, we can enjoy tea and chess together, rather than fighting for life and death."

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor put away the chessboard and cupped his hands towards the True Monarch of September.

The True Monarch of September nodded slightly and watched the Golden Peng Demon Emperor leave.

When she was about to leave as well, she suddenly looked down at the devastated land.

"It's no wonder that the Dead Demon Emperor only provoked a bit and the True Monarch of Reincarnation couldn't help but make a move. But doing so is too unwise."

She knew that the lower class was like wild grass.

Although this turmoil was intense, it would only take twenty years for a new generation to grow up, and the land would once again be full of vitality.

However, there are some things that will not disappear with time.

Everything that the Phoenix Demon Lord has done is like praying mantis trying to stop a chariot. When his lifespan comes to an end, people will die and the government will collapse, and the land will be filled with war again.

Of course, she would probably never see it.

It is said that the founder of Xuan Yang Sect was sent by the Nine Yang Immortal Sect to resist the Demon Clan, serving as the first line of defense and vanguard.

But later, after a long period of peace, Xuan Yang Sect gradually emerged.


Wang Shu Mansion City.

Dan Wang Street, a small courtyard.

Yu Xian was sunbathing with a shrunken Ah Miao in his arms, a fluffy big toy. He would play with it when he had nothing else to do, which was quite amusing.

Especially when he saw the desperate and resentful eyes of Ah Miao, it made him even more inclined to tease it.

"Little kitty, serve your master well, and the monster cores will be plentiful."

Yu Xian teased Ah Miao with his finger.

Originally, Ah Miao wanted to resist, but when it heard these words, it immediately obediently called out and carefully retracted the thorns on its tongue, licking its owner's finger.

It, Ah Miao, was well-versed in the three thousand books of the human race and was a tiger that could bend and stretch.

"So obedient, here's your reward."

Yu Xian laughed and flipped his palm, revealing a second-rank monster core.

For him, a second-rank monster core that used to cost thousands of spirit stones and required scheming to obtain, was now just a small snack for his pet.

Ah Miao quickly swallowed it, and its demonic power surged, as if it was intoxicated, its eyes dazed. It lazily lay on Yu Xian's belly, limbs spread out, exposing its soft belly, allowing itself to be ravaged.

On the side, Yu Lan was tending to the flowers and plants, her body slightly bent, her plump buttocks like a ripe peach.

Yu Xian felt a sense of accomplishment.

This was the excellent breed he had cultivated bit by bit over the years.

At this moment, he didn't want to think or do anything, just quietly watching, feeling that everything was beautiful.

As for the news of the end of the beast tide, it flashed by his ears and became irrelevant.


This is a mountain peak suspended in mid-air, as if there is no gravity.

Hundreds of peaks stretch continuously, surrounded by clouds and mist. There are pavilions and towers faintly visible, like the palace of the immortals.

Among them, there is a peculiar mountain peak called San Yang Peak. It has only one base but three peaks, resembling a trident with one tall and two short.

The peak is the tip of the trident, like a burning torch, with a bright red appearance.

On the highest peak is the Immortal Cave of San Yang True Monarch.

And San Yang True Monarch is the master of Chu Mansion.

On this day.

San Yang True Monarch woke up from his meditation and called a disciple under his seat, asking,

"The beast tide has ended. Has Tian Xing returned?"

The disciple under his seat honestly replied, "In response to Master, Senior Brother Tian Xing has not returned yet."

This disciple under his seat is named Tong Zi. In fact, he has been serving San Yang True Monarch for several hundred years, but his aptitude is not enough, so he has never been accepted as a disciple.

But he has always been addressed as a senior brother by the other formal disciples of San Yang True Monarch.

Hearing this, San Yang True Monarch couldn't help but furrow his brows, thinking of the message from Wan Bao Trading Company a few days ago.

"He asked me to help him contact the person in charge of Wan Bao Trading Company, but now he hasn't come in person. Could it be that he wants me to help him replenish the Spirit Stones?"

"Perhaps Senior Brother Tian Xing has been delayed by something. Senior Brother Tian Xing is always meticulous in his actions and would not break his promise without reason," the disciple cautiously replied.

Although Chu Tian Xing is not in the sect, he used to come to the sect frequently for the sake of his daughter. He was considered polite and observant of etiquette.

And the disciple knew that his master had favored this disciple the most back then. Otherwise, he would not have accepted him as a direct disciple before he became a true disciple.

But later, he couldn't compete with his fellow disciples and left the sect in disappointment.

So he not only wouldn't speak ill of Chu Tian Xing, but would also speak well of him.

San Yang True Monarch sighed.

"This child has always lacked a bit of determination. That's why he has been one step behind, leaving the sect for hundreds of years. I thought he would finally have a breakthrough and make a comeback."

"I didn't expect him to disappear at the last moment."

Forget it, forget it..."

San Yang True Monarch instructed the disciple,

"You go to Wang Shu Mansion and see what's going on with Tian Xing. Whether he has really been delayed by something or has given up halfway."

"Regardless of the situation, let him come and see me."

"In this auction of Wan Bao Trading Company, if he can show some spirit, I, as an old man, can help him a little."

"In any case, this is his last chance."

The disciple's breath almost stagnated, and he couldn't help but feel jealous of Chu Tian Xing.

He had served the master diligently for nearly three hundred years, but he didn't receive the same promise from the master.

But when he thought of his recent breakthrough to the middle stage of the Gold Core cultivation base, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Even if the master gave him a chance, he couldn't handle it.

"Yes, Master."

The disciple respectfully withdrew.

San Yang True Monarch closed his eyes again, his soul wandering outside the world, and resumed his cultivation.


Half a month later.

The dusty disciple stood in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, knocking on the door.

Dang dang!!

Although he is an envoy of San Yang True Monarch, Chu Xiong is the direct disciple of True Monarch, so he should still be respectful.

Therefore, he did not descend from the sky in a grand manner, using Divine Sense to communicate and search for someone, but followed the proper visiting procedure.


The door was pushed open, and a gatekeeper dressed in the attire of a Foundation Establishment cultivator, with a strong aura, looked at the youth warily.

"Who are you? What brings you here?"

"I am Fu Yan, a disciple under True Monarch Chu Tianxing. I have come on the orders of my master to seek an audience with Senior Brother Chu Tianxing, who is your lord."

The youth did not hide his identity and aura. As a cultivator at the Gold Core middle stage, he was considered a small expert in Xuan Yang Sect, let alone here.

The gatekeeper's heart skipped a beat and quickly changed to a respectful tone.

"Please wait a moment, senior. I will go and inform the lord of the city."

The youth nodded slightly.

"Hurry back."

In the time it took to brew a cup of tea, the gatekeeper opened the doors wide and invited the youth inside.

"Apologies for the delay, senior. The lord of the city is waiting in the inner hall."

The youth furrowed his brows slightly. How could Senior Brother Chu Tianxing not personally come to greet him when he was representing the master? It was a bit too disrespectful.

It wasn't until he entered the lord's mansion that he immediately felt the difference between the inside and the outside.

"It seems that a formation has been set up here?"

He released his Divine Sense for the first time, only to find that it was faintly suppressed, and his Divine Sense could only stay within the lord's mansion and could not extend outside.

The gatekeeper smiled apologetically. "Senior has sharp eyes. I won't hide it from you. A third-level formation has been set up throughout the lord's mansion, covering the heavens and the earth. Others standing outside the mansion cannot see what is happening inside."

The youth didn't doubt him, but shook his head. "Senior Brother Chu Tianxing is a bit too extravagant. Even with a third-level spiritual vein as the formation's energy source, the opening of this third-level formation will take away the spiritual qi of the spiritual vein, naturally affecting the cultivation speed."

The gatekeeper said, "The lord of the city has his own reasons for doing so. We servants dare not speculate."

The youth smiled faintly. "Senior Brother Chu Tianxing has trained the servants well, but the mansion seems a bit deserted."

He had hardly seen any servants along the way.

Even if he dared to imagine boldly, he would never have thought that someone would openly imprison the lord of a mansion.

After all, Xuan Yang Sect had ruled this land for too long.

But deep down, he always felt that something was amiss.

The gatekeeper smiled apologetically, foolishly not saying a word.

After a while.

The youth could already see the figure of Senior Brother Chu Tianxing from a distance, standing at the entrance of the main hall, with a bitter smile on his face.

"Senior Brother Chu Tianxing, Fu Yan has come to pay respects on behalf of the master."

The youth approached and bowed.

Chu, the lord of the mansion, sighed. "Junior Brother Fu, you shouldn't have come."

The youth was puzzled. "What do you mean, Senior Brother? Didn't you pass on the message to the master..."

His voice abruptly stopped as he looked at the bald man walking out from behind Chu, and the True Monarch's domain instantly suppressed him.

At the critical moment, the youth didn't have time to react and instinctively crushed a blood talisman that he had been secretly holding in his palm, causing his body to stiffen and become immobile.

"Quite a quick reaction."

The bald man sealed the youth's Dantian and sea of consciousness as usual, then searched him, finding a storage ring and a storage bag on him. At the same time, his gaze fell on the shattered blood talisman in the youth's palm.

"A Ten Thousand Li Blood Talisman?"

Seeing the bald senior's gaze shift to himself and gradually become dangerous, Chu, the lord of the mansion, couldn't help but show a look of despair.

The Ten Thousand Li Blood Talisman was an upgraded version of the Divine Sense jade talisman. Once it was shattered, the owner thousands of miles away would sense it. He never expected his master to bestow this talisman upon him.

Now it turned out that it couldn't save him, but instead cost him his life.

(End of this chapter)

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