Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

240. Chapter 238 Blood Demon Order

Half a month later.

Moyafang Market, Chunfeng Teahouse.

The teahouse is closed today, reportedly reserved by a prominent figure in the market, and only invited cultivators are allowed to enter.

Such occurrences are not uncommon in Moyafang Market and have not attracted much attention.

The unique rules of Moyafang Market have made underground transactions rampant here, even to the point of being openly conducted.

Ordinary people would not investigate the truth out of curiosity, unless they never wanted to leave the market for the rest of their lives, as it would easily invite disaster.

This is also why the True Demon Sect has established its stronghold in the market.

By noon, the guests in the teahouse gradually arrived. The sunny young man who had received Yu Xian that day was responsible for welcoming and checking at the entrance.

He had a bright smile on his face and clear eyes, and no one would associate him with a demonic cultivator.

But he was indeed a demonic cultivator, and also a disciple of an old demon.

Liu Xing tiptoed and stretched his neck to look ahead.

The figure that seemed like a nightmare lingering in his memory did not appear, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Could it be that the senior True Immortal did not come?

After waiting for a while, no one else entered.

While Liu Xing complained inwardly, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that these old monsters of the demonic path were capricious and often broke their promises.

With such a style, how could they compete with prestigious sects like Xuan Yang Sect?

No wonder Xuan Yang Sect sent a team to hunt them down.

Liu Xing closed the teahouse door and retreated inside.

A formation at the entrance flickered with brilliance, accompanied by prohibition symbols, serving as an internal warning and an external deterrent.


Inside the teahouse.

Numerous seemingly ordinary guests gathered around the teahouse courtyard, each finding their own seat.

Apart from colleagues, they mostly sat at separate tables, with a hint of vigilance.

The demonic elder from Zhengqi Fang stepped onto the stage of the teahouse storyteller, looked around, cleared his throat twice, and began his introduction.

"I believe you are not unfamiliar with me, so there is no need to explain the rules. In this exchange meeting, I, as a representative of the True Demon Sect, will vouch for everyone."

"But before the exchange meeting begins today, allow me to introduce a senior to you all."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xing, who was acting as a waiter in the corner, felt a sudden unease.

He looked up and saw a middle-aged man appearing on the stage with his master's introduction.

The man was dressed in a blue robe, with a touch of frost at his temples, a gentle expression, like an ordinary teacher, refined yet somewhat pedantic.

The man's face was unfamiliar, but it gave him a strange sense of familiarity and fear.

"When did he come in?"

Liu Xing's legs trembled involuntarily.

This was the fear of the powerful, the awe of strength.

In fact, Yu Xian had not displayed any power at this moment, but he had already frightened himself.

On the stage, Yu Xian no longer had the arrogant posture he had when he first arrived in the market.

Instead, after staying in Moyafang Market for half a month, he unexpectedly found that the order in the market was exceptionally good, worthy of its reputation as a peaceful market.

Those cultivators who were said to be notorious and extremely evil had restrained their aura here and played the role of a gentleman.

The hermits of Moyafang Market didn't care whether the cultivators they sheltered were good or bad, righteous or demonic.

As long as they were on his territory, they had to abide by the rules.

Therefore, rare sightings of demonic cultivators in the outside world seemed ordinary here, living like ordinary people.

The old woman selling tea eggs on the street, the butcher with a pig-killing knife on the counter, the tofu beauty selling tofu on the street, the old beggar sleeping on the street corner, the famous actor performing on stage...

Others couldn't see through their true identities, but they were almost transparent under his Nascent Soul's divine sense.

The suppression of low-level cultivators by high-level cultivators is comprehensive.

Usually, only combat power is compared because combat power is the most easily discernible criterion.

Unless these cultivators are on par with him and have crazily cultivated auxiliary spells like the Qi Concealment Technique to the point of achieving the Gold Core Divine Ability, it is possible for them to hide themselves from the Nascent Soul True Immortal.

Most of the cultivators here are in the Foundation Building realm, while Gold Core and Qi Refining cultivators are rare.

After all, demonic cultivation emphasizes quick progress. If one spends their whole life in the Qi Refining realm, then practicing demonic cultivation would be in vain.

But once they reach the Foundation Building realm, demonic cultivators find it difficult to hide themselves.

Because at this stage, practicing demonic techniques is no longer child's play and often requires hundreds or even thousands of people as sacrifices.

Naturally, this attracts the attention and pursuit of righteous sects.

Therefore, the majority of Foundation Building demonic cultivators escape to the Moyafang Market.

And the demonic cultivators who are able to cultivate to the Gold Core realm in the outside world have different methods of hiding. They have a practical and feasible way of remaining hidden until it is absolutely necessary to reveal themselves.

Most of the masterminds behind demonic calamities are Gold Core demonic cultivators.

Because they hide so well on ordinary days, they are naturally undefendable when they strike.

Yu Xian has always emphasized blending in with the crowd. After half a month of field investigation, he put away his arrogant and domineering demonic style, and his temperament became gentle and amiable.

But his actions were extremely overbearing. A powerful spiritual storm swept through the entire venue, unabashedly displaying the strength of a Nascent Soul True Immortal, while his tone remained indifferent.

"You may address me as Blood Demon Ancestor."

"I have heard that the local Daoist priests have disappeared, and we demonic cultivators are like rats crossing the street, forced to live in the darkness. I am truly angry about this."

"So, I intend to give a little hope to the local demonic cultivators."

The cultivators remained silent, neither daring to agree nor oppose.

Indeed, seniors were seniors, and if they couldn't win, they couldn't win. But saying that they would give hope to demonic cultivation was purely a joke.

Everyone present was accustomed to the ups and downs of human relationships. Otherwise, who would be foolish enough to practice demonic cultivation in the territory of the righteous path? Most people had no choice.

People like them even had to scrutinize the goodwill of those around them, let alone a stranger who was a senior expert.

Demonic cultivators have always been selfish and have never heard of any noble style of helping others.

Seeing this, Yu Xian couldn't help but shake his head.

Indeed, these guys were harder to fool than ordinary cultivators.

The slogan of the Great Unity Society was more attractive, striking at the goodness in people's hearts. Even if they didn't believe it, they still felt that there was no harm in giving it a try.

But he didn't care whether they believed it or not.

What he wanted to do was to attract willing participants and find a few more accomplices. The greed in people's hearts would automatically make them come to him.

"I am looking for someone with fate to bestow the supreme Blood Path. Today, I have come here to find those with fate."

With that, Yu Xian casually tossed three blood-red jade tokens into the air, where they floated.

"That person."

An elderly member of the True Demon Society reluctantly stood up.

"I am here."

"This token is given to you as a reward for your service to me during this time. The remaining two tokens will be kept by you, and the spiritual stones obtained from the auction will be left in your possession. I will come to collect them when I have the time."

Yu Xian's figure slowly faded away on the stage, just as he had appeared.

"Those who possess the Blood Demon Token can seek me out to receive the great Dao bestowed by me and become my named disciple."

His faint voice echoed in the void.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Then, slightly hurried breathing sounds followed, as numerous fiery gazes stared at the three Blood Demon Tokens suspended in mid-air.

Even though they knew that this thing was poison, the last sentence spoken by the Blood Demon Ancestor still had an infinite allure to them.

They didn't believe in receiving the great Dao, but the temptation of becoming a named disciple was irresistible to them.

Being a named disciple of a demonic True Immortal, even if they were only Gold Core cultivators, would give them face. With this identity, they would have a protective talisman.

Even if they were just given a few pointers by the True Immortal, it could save them decades of detours in their future cultivation. If they were to receive some treasures as well, it would be a lifetime of endless benefits.

The pain of not inheriting a master's lineage can only be understood by Independent Cultivators.

And what they pay is at most their own lives.

Without the determination to disregard life and death, what's the point of cultivating the demonic path? Most demonic cultivators are those who deviate from the norm.

The old man's expression froze. He never expected that Yu Xian's so-called auction would be auctioning off three tokens.

He didn't want anything for himself. Where would you find such a demonic cultivator?

No, it's precisely because of this that he is a demonic cultivator.

Demonic cultivators are inherently capricious and unconventional. The higher their cultivation level, the more peculiar their temperament becomes.

Moreover, from the few words spoken by the senior just now, it can be inferred that this person is not a local demonic cultivator, but an outsider cultivator.

Of course, it could also be intentional deception.

But he couldn't help but be tempted.

This is a chance to receive guidance from a Nascent Soul True Immortal, even though he is already a Gold Core cultivator.

But precisely because he is a Gold Core cultivator, he hopes even more for someone to guide him and see the direction ahead.

Besides, there are three tokens.

First, let someone else go and try it out. If there are benefits, he can go himself.

"Cough cough, what the senior said, this old man dare not disobey. I will take this first Blood Demon Token without hesitation."

The old man completely forgot about his envy and jealousy towards Yu Xian when they first met.

Saying that, the old man reached out and grabbed a jade token, putting it into his bag.

Then he quickly said again,

"The remaining two Blood Demon Tokens will now be auctioned. Is there anyone willing to bid?"

The people on the scene weighed the pros and cons, but for a moment, no one responded.

Without waiting for the crowd's reaction, the old man spoke quickly,

"The senior invited me, so these tokens cannot go unsold. I will offer ten thousand spirit stones to buy these two Blood Demon Tokens. Is there anyone willing to raise the bid?"

"Alright, if no one objects, I declare the deal."

The old man reached out again to grab the tokens.


A small flying sword cut through the air, almost severing the old man's entire palm.

"Old Corpse Demon, you're too greedy. The senior said that the highest bidder gets the token. Do you think you can get it with just ten thousand spirit stones?

I offer twenty thousand!"

"Thirty thousand!"

"One hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"


Seeing the old man's enthusiasm, several Gold Core cultivators in the teahouse became interested.

They didn't necessarily need the token for themselves, but they could give it to someone else. It was just a loss of a few hundred thousand spirit stones.

For a Gold Core True Immortal, this amount of spirit stones was nothing.

In the end, the two tokens were auctioned separately, with one selling for two hundred thousand spirit stones and the other for two hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones.

The qualification token for a secret realm in the market easily cost several hundred thousand spirit stones. Compared to that, this price was considered cheap.

But precisely because they were demonic path True Immortals, no one knew whether obtaining the tokens would bring fortune or disaster, so the price naturally didn't go up.

With three Blood Demon Tokens in hand.

The remaining exchange would proceed as scheduled, but many people were somewhat distracted, and the air was filled with fluctuations of divine sense.

Clearly, many people couldn't wait to leave and were privately connecting with each other.

But all of this had nothing to do with Yu Xian.

Bait is thrown, and the rest is up to the willing volunteers.


Two months later.

A small deserted mountain in the wilderness.

A young man dressed in a fur vest, resembling a wild man, swung out from the forest holding a vine, landing lightly on the ground.

There was a strong smell of blood on him, with a hint of fishy odor.

His name was Fei Yi, a Foundation Building demonic cultivator. The wild man disguise was only to conceal the aura of his cultivation technique.

As a demonic cultivator practicing Blood Refining demonic cultivation, he had no chance of obtaining high-level techniques like the Blood Transformation Technique. Instead, he practiced a low-level technique similar to the Blood Art.

Therefore, his cultivation method was quite primitive and barbaric. Over the years, the smell of blood naturally clung to him.

A cultivator like him would attract too much attention if he went to a normal city.

So he chose to live in the primitive jungle, consuming raw meat and blood, hiding himself with the habits of a primitive wild man.

Fei Yi took out a crystal-clear blood-red jade token from his pocket and muttered to himself:

"If this Blood Demon Token is as the legends say, then it must be my opportunity."

At some point, a rumor began to circulate among the group of demonic cultivators near the Moyafang Market.

It was said that a true immortal of the demonic path had come to this place, seeing the decline of the demonic path and decided to bestow three Blood Demon Tokens, recruiting three disciples to pass on his techniques and treasures, and revive the glory of the demonic path.

Fei Yi thought that this kind of rumor was too far-fetched for him.

But unexpectedly, one day while he was practicing in a tree hole, he saw two Foundation Building cultivators fighting over an object in the sky.

Having lived in the mountains for a long time and practiced the Blood Demon path, his aura had already changed, making him no different from a wild beast.

The two individuals were each on guard against the other and didn't notice him for a while.

Moreover, the two were evenly matched and couldn't defeat each other after a long battle.

Just as the two were both injured, he suddenly rushed out from the forest, killing both of them and taking the treasure from their hands.

And this treasure was none other than the Blood Demon Token!

Fei Yi raised the Blood Demon Token.

Suddenly, the Blood Demon Token flickered with brilliance, then flew out of his hand and imprinted itself on the nearby void.

Then the air rippled, and a transparent portal opened, like a giant beast opening its mouth.

As he approached the final step, Fei Yi no longer hesitated and leaped into the portal, only to find that the world had changed drastically.

In this wilderness, there was actually a sea of blood hidden.

As soon as he entered the portal, he fell into the sea of blood. With his mid-Foundation Building strength, he couldn't survive in the sea of blood. As soon as he touched the water, it felt like falling into molten lava, causing a stinging sensation on his body.

There was also a heavy force in the air. With his Foundation Building cultivation, he couldn't fly and could only sink downward.

"Could it be that the so-called transmission of techniques by the true immortal is just a trap?"

As Fei Yi's body gradually became submerged in the seawater, he couldn't help but feel despair.

He had lived a savage life, consuming raw meat and blood, and worked hard in cultivation for such a long time, only to end up with nothing.

At this moment, the Blood Demon Token that had helped him open the portal appeared again.

The Blood Demon Token fell on his body, and a thin film of blood-colored light enveloped him. The seawater automatically avoided him, and a path appeared in front of him.

Fei Yi's face showed a look of surprise, and he ran forward along the path.

He didn't know how much time had passed.

Fei Yi's body had become numb, and when he felt despair again, he finally saw a distant island.

The island was dark red, full of blood-colored stones, without a blade of grass, and filled with a primitive and savage atmosphere.

He moved his body little by little and climbed onto the island. A fragrant smell of soil came to his nose.

He looked up and found that there was no blood sea island in front of him, only an ordinary wild pear tree.

Under the tree stood a middle-aged Confucian scholar.

The scholar picked a wild pear and was about to take a bite. When he saw Fei Yi, he stopped and then extended the pear in his hand.

"Do you want to eat?" (End of this chapter)

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