Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

245. Chapter 243 The Situation Is Good, Sneak In Undercover

Chapter 243: The Situation is Great, Undercover Infiltration

On the second day after the name of Blood Hand Demon spread, Yu Xian was drinking in a small shop by the street, listening to a blind woman who was selling her talents with a beautiful appearance and a great figure, living a leisurely life.

"Stealing half a day of leisure, today is as happy as a god."

Yu Xian raised his glass to the blind woman, with a warm and gentle smile, giving off a feeling of sunlight shining into a dark corner.

The blind woman nodded at him, revealing a slightly shy smile on her face.

Obviously, the blind woman was just a persona.

Don't be fooled by her innocent appearance, she had already experienced countless battles and had the courage to fight against any man.

As a performer who had been selling her talents for many years and also worked as a prostitute, the blind woman knew that some people liked this kind of style, so her business had always been good.

Not only did she receive free meals, but she also had to pay for being taken advantage of, a win-win situation.

A win-win situation, meaning she won twice.

But after observing the young master in front of her for a few days, who listened to her music every day but showed no interest in her body, she was planning to put in more effort and find an excuse to take down this young master today.

Not for anything else, just to prove herself.

At worst, she wouldn't charge him, she had never tasted the taste of such a man before.

Dragging a seemingly righteous cultivator into the dark quagmire was one of her few evil pleasures.

Because of a smile from Yu Xian, the blind woman started to daydream.

Just at this moment.

A tall figure carrying a frail old man blocked the entrance of the small shop, casting a huge shadow that dimmed the light inside, making it difficult to see his face.

The old man's feet were dangling, showing an awkward but polite smile to Yu Xian.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, someone wants this old man to bring him to meet you."

Using the alias Zhou Bo, Yu Xian calmly poured a glass of wine and pushed it over gently.

"It seems that you are not here for a good reason, but unfortunately, this is the Moyafang Market. No matter what you want to do, please sit down and talk."

The tall figure sat down, a rough-looking man with a wide nose and a plain appearance.

He obviously had no intention of beating around the bush and went straight to the point.

"I heard that you have a way to obtain the Blood Demon Order?"

Yu Xian looked at the old man.

The old man smiled awkwardly, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, it was this old man who said it."

Yu Xian smiled, "It's okay, I did happen to come across a Blood Demon Order by chance, and I intend to sell it for some resources. I wonder what price you have in mind?"

The big man said coldly, "The current market price for the Blood Demon Order is 20,000 spirit stones, I'll give you 50,000."

Yu Xian couldn't help but pause.

Although the price of the Blood Demon Order had rebounded due to someone appearing and testifying, reaching 20,000 spirit stones, it couldn't rise any further at this point.

After all, the person who appeared was an old demon who had been hiding for many years, and it was just a temporary example, not enough to gain complete trust from others.

He estimated that it would take another year or so for the reputation to slowly rise after the disciples inside the Blood Demon Secret Realm broke through one by one.

It would probably take a year or two.

Now that he had only sent out his eldest disciple, could the feedback come so quickly?

The eldest disciple had only been out for a few days.

Seeing that Yu Xian didn't speak, the big man thought he was dissatisfied with the low price and his face darkened.

"I'll give you another 50,000, a total of 100,000 spirit stones. Fellow Daoist, don't be too greedy, be careful not to choke!"

Yu Xian didn't argue with the big man, but directly took out a Blood Demon Order and slapped it on the table.

"200,000 spirit stones, you can take it!"

The big man's gaze became even colder, but considering the rules of the Moyafang Market, he took a deep look at Yu Xian and put down a storage bag.

"I hope I don't meet you outside."

Yu Xian swept his divine sense over the storage bag and knew that there were many more spirit stones inside than 200,000.

With a thought, a pile of spirit stones appeared on the table.

"Yu Lao Dao, this is your reward. This young master always keeps his word. Although the client you introduced to me seems a bit difficult to deal with, it's yours, not a single bit less."

This old man was a professional intermediary he had found, or rather, his subordinate, who helped him spread the news about the Blood Demon Order.

Otherwise, it would be beneath his status as the Blood Demon Ancestor to sell the Blood Demon Order openly on the street.

The old man's eyes immediately lit up and he quickly put the spirit stones into his bag without any hesitation.

After he was hunted down in his early years and took refuge in the Moyafang Market, he had no chance of going out again, and basically lost the possibility of advancing further.

The city of Moyafang is peaceful and harmonious, but the territory is limited, and the available resources are fixed.

The cultivators sheltered in Moyafang can use their skills to serve the hermits of Moyafang, earning resources to maintain their cultivation progress.

Cultivators like him, who have no specific skills but possess cultivation, can only sigh with envy and do nothing.

Fortunately, after living in the city for a long time, he has become somewhat influential and can barely make a living by doing some intermediary work.

He can also show care and warmth to female cultivators like the blind woman.

For cultivators like them, living one day at a time is enough to be happy.

As long as they don't intentionally cause trouble, and with the rules set by the hermits of Moyafang, at most they will be beaten up, but they won't die.

Therefore, he takes the spirit stones given by Yu Xian without feeling grateful or indebted.

Of course, he still has to put on a show.

"Thank you, Young Master Zhou!" The old man respectfully bowed.

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Old Daoist Yu, judging from the appearance of the guest just now, the market for Blood Demon Tokens has been rising recently. What's going on? Is there any new information?"

The old man was taken aback.

"Young Master Zhou doesn't know?" he asked.

"Should I know?" Yu Xian replied.

"Then why did you raise the price so aggressively just now?"

The old man couldn't help but gasp.

"That person just now is notorious for being ruthless. He has taken countless lives. It's fortunate that I can't leave the city, but I remember that Young Master Zhou occasionally goes to the city."

"If he dares to buy, why wouldn't I dare to raise the price?"

Yu Xian said confidently.

After arriving in Moyafang, he completely adopted the style of a demonic cultivator. If he wanted to play a role well, he had to become that role.

Having practiced demonic techniques, he knew that there was no innocent cultivator who practiced the demonic path. Their hands were all stained with blood.

So he felt justified in his deceit, even proud of it.

To deal with villains, one could only be more villainous, more ruthless, more cunning, and more brutal than them.

The old man gave him a thumbs up.

"Young Master Zhou, I truly admire you today."

After saying that, he told the story of the Blood Hand Demon and sighed at the end.

"Who would have thought that the Blood Demon Ancestor was actually here to do good deeds? Those who obtained the Blood Demon Tokens before, I suspect they had already received the Ancestor's benefits and are now hiding to digest them. That evil-eyed cultivator who appeared briefly before, I suspect what he said about the Nascent Soul opportunity might be true. If it weren't for the Blood Hand Demon revealing his identity for revenge, we might still be in the dark. You sold the Blood Demon Token for 200,000 spirit stones just now, it seems like a profit, but in reality, you suffered a big loss."

Yu Xian's face turned cold, ready to turn against him.

"Old Daoist Yu, I have been sincere to you, but I watched as I fell into a trap just now, and you didn't even give me a warning. It seems that our cooperation doesn't need to continue."

Saying that, he put down a few spirit stones to settle the bill and left, afraid that the smile on his face would become too obvious.

Damn, genius!

A born marketing genius!

Yu Xian never expected that this disciple who came to him would have such talent.

A soft advertisement without a trace, combined with his own life experience, could resonate with countless people's emotions.

The writing style of the popular articles on public accounts that were once all the rage was actually mastered by a cultivator from another world.

Indeed, some things are universal.

The oppression of the privileged, the counterattack of the lower class, and even the emergence of ethical stories about villains, all the eye-catching hot topics are present.

Those who are interested in gossip can only watch the excitement, but those who are observant can see that the Blood Demon Token is the key to the counterattack.

Otherwise, no matter how much grievance and hatred you have, you can't seek revenge and can only let your enemies live happily.

To counterattack, find the Blood Demon Token!

To change your destiny, find the Blood Demon Token!

To succeed, find the Blood Demon Token!

The sudden surge in the Blood Demon Token market reveals this trend.

Observant people have already started to collect Blood Demon Tokens.

Of course, those who don't believe will never believe.

But as long as one-tenth, or even one percent of people believe, the Blood Demon Token will become the hope pursued by countless cultivators who want to change their destiny.

Yu Xian knew that the time he had been waiting for had finally come.

The old man behind him looked confused, not understanding why Yu Xian had turned against him, but after thinking for a while, he didn't care.

Instead, he looked at the blind female cultivator with a wicked smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, have there been any new tricks recently?"

The blind female cultivator rolled her eyes and didn't respond at all.

This old man was weak and feeble, and she was afraid that he would take advantage of her. Moreover, her Zhou Young Master had just left in anger, so why would she give him a good face?

But the old man waved his hand, which held a storage bag containing spirit stones.

"Accompany this old man well, and I'll give you half," he said.

The blind woman's eyes immediately brightened, and she eagerly reached out.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm not after your spirit stones. I just think you speak well and are interesting," she said.


Laughter echoed in the small shop.


Blood Demon Secret Realm.

Yu Xian looked at the Blood Demon Token in front of him, held by the newly recruited disciples kneeling in a row. Among them were Gold Core demonic cultivators. He also thought about the over five million spirit stones he had earned in just two months.

He couldn't help but suppress a laugh.

Since the Blood Hand Demon incident spread, the value of the Blood Demon Token had skyrocketed, and there were even counterfeit versions on the market, which had deceived many cultivators.

A small Blood Demon Token had caused chaos among the demonic cultivators.

But all of this didn't affect the current market price of an average Blood Demon Token, which was five hundred thousand spirit stones.

As a supplier, even if Yu Xian limited the supply and only released ten Blood Demon Tokens to the market each month, he was still making a fortune.

Of course, this amount of spirit stones could only be considered a pleasant surprise.

What truly made him happy was that his "leek field" had finally taken off.

Those who could afford to spend five hundred thousand spirit stones were mostly peak Foundation Building demonic cultivators and Gold Core cultivators. There would no longer be scenes of Qi Refining cultivators coming to their deaths.

If you were to ask why peak Foundation Building demonic cultivators had so many spirit stones, it could only be said that it was easier for bad people to make money than good people in this day and age.

The righteous cultivators were honest farmers, miners, and occasionally dabbled in some shady business. Most of their income was accumulated bit by bit.

On the other hand, demonic cultivators were mostly loners who didn't engage in production. Most of their resources were obtained through plundering.

It was a profitable business without any investment.

This was also one of the reasons why demonic cultivators were despised.

"So, all in all, I'm still doing a good deed... right?" Yu Xian asked himself, lacking confidence.



Fei Yi stood under a wild pear tree, listening to the thunder in his ears and looking at the Transcending Tribulation area that had been turned into a forbidden place by his master. He couldn't help but smile with a hint of inexplicable meaning on his face.

Since his Blood Hand Demon incident became widely known, more and more fearless people had come.

Especially with the emergence of fake Nascent Soul cultivators and Gold Core cultivators coming out of the secret realm one after another, the reputation of the Blood Demon Secret Realm and the Blood Demon Token had become even more prominent.

Even the skeptical demonic cultivators couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts. Even if they didn't use it themselves, they wanted to get a Blood Demon Token to study.

Suddenly, Fei Yi's expression changed as he looked ahead.

After a few breaths, a portal opened, and a woman dressed in a black dress with a cold expression walked out.

Fei Yi went forward to greet her.

Now, he had been appointed as the senior disciple by his master, and his duty was to welcome the future junior disciples at the entrance.

This was undoubtedly his master's trust in him and a way to establish his authority.

Obviously, his previous actions had pleased his master, which was the reward and protection he received.

In the Blood Demon Secret Realm, even if the Demon-Slaying Squad came, he didn't have to worry too much about his life being in danger.

"Junior sister, welcome to the Blood Demon Secret Realm. I am Fei Yi, your future senior brother," Fei Yi said.

The female cultivator seemed to be not very good with words. She nodded lightly at Fei Yi, appearing aloof.

Fei Yi looked at her appearance. Although she wasn't extremely stunning, she had an inexplicable aura that made him feel inferior.

It was as if she was superior, a born noblewoman.

"She's not one of us," Fei Yi thought to himself, and then greeted the female cultivator.

"Master is currently protecting me during the Transcending Tribulation. I'll take you there later."


A newly built palace.

"Master, this is the new disciple who arrived today," Fei Yi said, standing below the forty-nine steps with the female cultivator.

At the top of the steps was a solitary throne, and sitting on it was a figure that exuded a terrifying aura, causing fear to emanate from within.

Because the figure sitting on it was a true demon lord.

With more disciples, it was time for the master to establish his authority.

Yu Xian rested his chin on his hand, looking lazy. His state and mood were both good.

He had made a fortune in these past few months.

He had used up more than half of the dozen or so demonic Gold Cores in his possession, which meant that he had gained nearly a million cultivation points, bringing him closer to the Nascent Soul realm.

Soon he would face an awkward situation.

He had many eager disciples, but without the assistance of the Gold Core technique, they couldn't break through. As their master, he felt the pain of seeing this. He had no choice but to use a pirated version of the Blood Transformation technique to urge them in their cultivation, while also omitting the dangerous Soul Ignition technique.

After all, delaying for a while was better. Fortunately, as a large market with a true immortal presiding over it, the Mo Cliff Market was not lacking in third-tier alchemists. He had already prepared the materials and placed an order.

As for why he didn't go to the Mingyue Heavenly City to find an alchemist, it was because the trouble caused by the Datong Society had not yet subsided. Occasionally refining one or two Gold Cores wouldn't be a problem. But once a large number of orders for Gold Cores appeared on the alchemy market, anyone familiar with the Datong Society would easily associate it with him.

When Yu Xian left the Wangshu Mansion, he cut off all contact proactively. He still didn't know that the Lord of the Chu Mansion had repaid his kindness with enmity, and had not revealed his true identity.

The threat he faced was not as great as he had imagined. But the Mo Cliff Market was different. As a notorious market for illicit goods, it had the most black market items. Even if someone discovered a hint of the existence of Gold Cores, it wouldn't be a big deal. There was just the risk of being cheated.

That's why Yu Xian always placed one order at a time, to avoid the alchemists' greed and the possibility of them taking the money and running away. He never easily tested people's character. Although he had the means to retrieve the money, it was always better to avoid trouble.

Of course, it was a bit expensive. On average, the cost of one furnace of pills increased by two hundred thousand spirit stones, and if the pills were ruined, there would be no compensation. But generally, alchemists wouldn't do something that would ruin their reputation. If they did, it was no wonder he resorted to cheating them.

Since his debut, no one had dared to cheat him out of his spirit stones.


Yu Xian's thoughts were interrupted by his eldest disciple's call. He glanced at the female cultivator below the steps and suddenly made a sound of surprise, but he remained calm on the surface.

"Continue cultivating the Gold Core, according to the old rules."


Fei Yi bowed, flipped his palm, and presented a jade token.

"Please also offer a portion of your soul power to prove your sincerity as a disciple."

The female cultivator's expression changed, and she finally spoke. Her voice was clear and transparent, like a mountain spring, which seemed incongruous with her cold temperament.

"I heard that Blood Sea Ancestor accepts many disciples and spreads the reputation of the demonic path. That's why I obtained the Blood Demon Token and came to pay my respects. I didn't expect the Ancestor to be so demanding. Please forgive me for not complying. I will return the Blood Demon Token and go back the way I came."

Fei Yi's expression turned cold as he stared at the female cultivator. His previously kind and gentle demeanor suddenly changed, and a bloody aura filled the air.

"Junior sister, you want to enter the secret realm and then leave? Do you think this is a place where you can come and go as you please?"

The female cultivator couldn't help but take a step back, her voice trembling.

"I... I..."

She was like a little white rabbit exposed to the mouth of a big bad wolf. Her cold temperament disappeared, replaced by a trembling vulnerability.

Fei Yi couldn't help but laugh.

She dared to come to the Blood Demon Secret Realm with this level of ability. Who gave her the courage?

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

After the female cultivator took two steps back, her expression suddenly turned cold. A purple spiritual talisman in her palm exploded with a bang.

"Damn you, demonic cultivator!"

Fei Yi's face showed a look of horror. He felt the power contained in this talisman was something he absolutely couldn't resist.

He was going to die!

At the critical moment, his blood condensed and a blood shadow remained in place, while his true body had already appeared a hundred feet away.

It was the Blood Shadow Divine Ability, a fifth-grade divine ability of the Blood Demon Dao that Yu Xian had planned to cultivate as a means of self-preservation.

The cultivation of the Blood Demon Dao's divine abilities didn't require many heaven and earth spiritual objects, just enough blood essence. As the chief senior brother and a disciple of the Blood Demon Dao, his junior brothers and sisters had privately given him treasures like the Hundred Spirit Blood Bead and the Thousand Spirit Blood Bead as offerings. He naturally didn't hesitate to use these treasures as his cultivation resources, and he had achieved some success in the cultivation of the fifth-grade divine ability.

But his divine ability had not yet reached its peak. Now, forcibly using it not only severely injured his vitality, but also rendered his previous cultivation useless.

At this thought, Fei Yi's gaze towards the female cultivator became extremely resentful.

As the female cultivator activated the spiritual talisman and prepared to escape, a pair of indifferent and lofty eyes appeared before her.

With just one glance, she froze in place, like a puppet.

The Eyes of Shock!

(End of this chapter)

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