Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 25 The Hero Saves The Beauty

Chapter 25: Hero Saves the Beauty

Backyard of the Wang Mansion.

At this moment, it was unusually quiet.

A young man in a red robe manipulated a ball of flames, walking leisurely as if he was in a deserted place.

Facing him were two guards of the Wang Mansion, protecting the princess step by step.

Although the guards of the Wang Mansion were a group of extras without even names, their strength should not be underestimated.

To be selected as guards of the Wang Mansion, they were at least martial artists who had cultivated true qi. In some small towns, they could easily become the senior brother of a martial arts school.

But this group of people couldn't even withstand a single round against the flames of the young man.

The flames were like heavenly fire, igniting upon contact and never extinguishing. Once touched, they would be burned to ashes.

Within the blink of an eye, more than a dozen guards with decent skills were swallowed by the flames, leaving only the two of them barely holding on.

The bodies of the two guards trembled, their knives becoming weak and powerless, on the verge of collapsing at any moment.

The princess's face also lost its color, her white skirt covered in dust, the hairpins on her head falling off at some point, and a few strands of hair in disarray, making her look somewhat disheveled.

She had never encountered such a situation before.

Even when Chen Xiao assassinated the Prince Fu, he only targeted the Prince Fu. As a woman, Chen Xiao didn't even bother to harm her.

But now, she finally understood what despair meant.

The young man in front of her was simply an unbeatable demon. The splendid flames in his hands were the flames of hell, devouring all life.

"You won't be able to escape even if you're holding me hostage!"

The princess pinched her thigh, using pain to force herself to calm down.

"If you leave now, I can guarantee that no one will chase after you."


The young man seemed to have heard a huge joke, laughing recklessly, his words full of contempt for mortals.

"A bunch of ordinary people, thinking they can make me escape?"

"I originally just wanted to play with you, but now I've changed my mind. I want to turn you into the lowliest bitch, making you strip naked and kneel down to lick my toes."


The princess's face turned red. She had never heard such filthy words before. Besides anger, there was also a fear in her eyes that she didn't even notice.

If she really became the despicable person he described, it would be better to die.

Thinking this, she silently took off her hairpin.

Then, the princess's long black hair cascaded down like a waterfall. Combined with her determined gaze, it added a touch of melancholy to her appearance.

She had made up her mind. If she couldn't hold on until the last moment, she would only protect her innocence with death.

"Don't hurt the princess!"

Ding, who should have been resting, was a brick of the Wang Mansion that could be moved wherever needed.

At this moment, he descended from the sky and stood in front of the young man in the red robe, his long sword emitting a cold light, like a war god.

The young man in the red robe frowned and asked, "Do you dare to stop me?"

Ding's momentum quickly became low and suppressed, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

"This is the Wang Mansion, don't cause trouble here."

"Hehe, if it weren't for the princess, I wouldn't be interested. I particularly enjoy watching these women tear off their lofty masks and become even more despicable than bitches."

The young man in the red robe sneered at Ding, then suddenly shouted loudly.

"Get out of the way!"

Ding seemed to be very afraid of the young man. His body trembled, and his footsteps almost moved aside to make way. But he still firmly stood in front of the young man.

"Go quickly, there are two powerful experts in the Wang Mansion who are even stronger than me."

"If that's the case..." The young man in the red robe coldly laughed, and the flames in his hands surged. "Then you shall die!"


Accompanied by a gust of wind, the fire followed the wind, like fiery snakes with bared fangs, entwining and devouring Ding's body.


Ding's eyes were filled with disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that the young man would attack him.

But soon, a familiar feeling came.


This experience of being burned by flames is quite familiar.

Ding suddenly remembered the scene of challenging Yu Xian that day. The damage caused by that strike of the Crimson Flame Divine Palm had not been forgotten.

Fortunately, it was the lesson from that strike that made him secretly seek out skilled craftsmen and spend a lot of money to secretly sew a set of fire-resistant and heat-insulating armor for himself.

Originally, it was prepared to defend against Yu Xian, but unexpectedly, it saved his life at this moment.

Ding screamed in pain, rolling on the ground. True qi continuously surged out of his body, protecting his vital points.

It wasn't until he rolled into a nearby pond and fell into the water that a hissing heat rose from the water's surface. Ding no longer made any sound.

"I can't delay any longer, my beauty. I will make you experience true happiness."

The young man in a red robe pressed closer step by step, and the two palace guards who gathered their courage to charge at him were swatted away like flies.

"What is this fragrance? Is it your body, my beauty?"

The young man had a lecherous look on his face, but suddenly his expression changed, and he actually let the queen, who was within arm's reach, go and took a few steps back.

Then, he flipped his palm and took out a green talisman, slapping it on himself.

A green light emanated from his body, a breeze blew, and then he leaped effortlessly over several zhang in height, soaring towards the outside of the palace.

His movements were skilled and swift, leaving people dumbfounded.

The queen, who had already despaired, saw the young man suddenly flee, and the tension in her body dissipated. She felt dizzy and nauseous in her head and chest.

Then her legs went weak, and she was about to fall to the ground, but was caught around the waist by a pair of large hands.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

The queen looked up and saw a handsome face smiling gently at her, giving her an overwhelming sense of safety.

"Yu... Yu Gongfeng?"

"It's me."

Yu Xian held the soft and fragrant queen in his arms, as if he could feel her delicate skin through her clothes. Then he flipped his hand and produced a small black pill, feeding it to the queen.

"In times of urgency, I used poison gas to drive away the thief, which inadvertently affected Your Majesty. This is an antidote pill. Please take it first."

The queen instinctively opened her mouth, but whether it was due to the influence of the poison gas or not, she ended up including Yu Xian's two fingers as well.

Her face immediately turned red, and she quickly pulled her head back, unable to say anything to blame him.

Yu Xian sensitively felt a tender and smooth tongue sweep across his fingers, causing his heart to tremble.

"Cough, cough. After taking the antidote pill, Your Majesty should avoid spicy food and cold water for three days. Take a few more days to recuperate, and the toxin will be mostly eliminated. If there are any discomforts, you can ask Doctor Huang for a check-up."

Yu Xian reluctantly let go of the queen.

Because the other palace guards had arrived.

If they were seen and the news reached Prince Fu's ears, he would be wrongly accused.

Although he was lustful, he had strong principles and respected married women.

Of course, if Prince Fu happened to have an accident one day, he would help take care of the widows and orphans. That would be a different matter. After all, seeing how hard Prince Fu worked on government affairs every day, coupled with his poor health, he didn't seem like someone with a long life.

Upon hearing the commotion of the guards, the queen suddenly snapped back to reality and jumped out of Yu Xian's embrace like a startled rabbit.

She brushed her disheveled hair from her forehead and bowed to Yu Xian.

"If it weren't for the timely arrival of Yu Xian today, I wouldn't know what kind of humiliation I would have suffered. This great favor of saving my life, I will never forget it."

Originally, the princess's fondness for Yu Xian was only based on his appearance, but after this heroic rescue, the more she looked at Yu Xian, the closer she felt to him.

Thinking about the ambiguous actions just now, as well as the information she learned from Yulan, the princess was very envious of Yu Xian's certain abilities, and also felt neglected by the prince.

The princess quickly shook her head, trying to shake off the messy thoughts.

Yu Xian waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "As a servant of the palace, it is only right for me to protect the safety of the princess. It is my duty to share the lord's burdens."

"The prince is still waiting for the princess. Knowing that the princess is safe, he must be very happy."

After saying that, Yu Xian was about to turn around and chase after the assassin.

Seeing Yu Xian about to leave, the princess hurriedly asked, "Yu Xian, where are you going?"

"I'm going to track the traces of that assassin. This person is powerful. If we let him hide in the dark, the palace will not be at peace in the future."

Yu Xian had the appearance of a loyal and righteous person considering the interests of the palace.

In reality...

"Damn it, this kid fell for my poison. His cultivation is not as good as mine, and he must have consumed a lot of energy in the recent battle."

Most importantly, this is a reasonable and lawful action to stop a crime. He seems to have some wealth, so it is right for me to eliminate harm for the people.

In conclusion, I have him under my control. Even if Jesus comes, he won't be able to save him.

If Yu Xian had said this before, the princess would not have believed it. After all, Yu Xian's previous behavior did not resemble that of a dutiful person.

But at this moment, her emotions were in turmoil. Seeing Yu Xian risking his life to pursue the assassin, she couldn't help but think, "Is he doing this for me?"

"Yu Xian, be careful in everything. If you can't catch up, neither I nor the prince will blame you."

The princess's tone was gentle, like bidding farewell to a husband about to embark on a journey.

But all Yu Xian left for the princess was a solitary and resolute figure.

With the spiritual stone ahead, he had no time or energy to flirt with a woman he could look at but not touch. He could distinguish between priorities.

A moment later...

The maids and guards who had rushed over escorted the princess to see the prince, leaving behind a mess on the ground.

A hand covered in mud reached out from the edge of the pond, followed by another hand. The two hands struggled to climb up, revealing a person covered in black soot.

Ding, who had been left behind, rolled over on the ground, feeling the burning pain all over his body. He struggled to speak.

"Hey, is there anyone here to help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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