Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

255. Chapter 253 Mopping Up

Blood Sea secret realm.

Before the entrance.

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts, who is now the Blood Sea's person, stood with his hands behind his back, floating in mid-air. Behind him, there were streams of sinister aura following him.

These streams of aura were all Devil Dao cultivators that he had subdued in recent years, with at least a Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base, totaling two to three hundred people.

Originally, there should have been more people.

Unfortunately, they suffered heavy losses in their battle against Blood Devil Patriarch, and only these few remained.

However, the cultivators who could still stand here did not feel that anything was wrong.

High returns mean high risks.

If you want to gain benefits, you have to pay a price.

They had been fighting against Blood Sea's person and Blood Devil Patriarch for several years. Their cultivation bases had all improved to some extent, with many breaking through to a small realm. There were even a considerable number of lucky ones who, with the help of Blood Sea's person, broke through to the Gold Core Realm.

Although most of them had a false pill cultivation base, for ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivators, a false pill was already beyond their expectations.

The gaze of the True Person was profound, as if he could see through the reality of the secret realm through the silent formation.

The original Blood Devil Patriarch's eldest disciple, now the Blood Sea's person's number one subordinate, Fei Yi, stood below and to the left of the Blood Sea's person, his voice spreading in all directions.

"The person above has great power. Blood Devil Patriarch is no match for him. Now he is hiding in his lair. Today, we will go all out and accomplish everything in one battle!"

"The person above has given the order. He only wants to take the life of Blood Devil Patriarch and all the treasures in the secret realm are yours to take!"

"Please make a move, person above, and break the secret realm!"

With a thought from the True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts, a majestic blood sea domain surged, with countless waves pressing down, even staining the sky with a hint of red.

The cultivators behind him all cheered in support of his power.

Only a crack was heard.

The Blood Devil secret realm shattered in response, revealing a huge hollow in front of everyone.

As the current number one subordinate of the Blood Sea's person, Fei Yi naturally took the lead. He raised a serrated Flying Sword, emitting a crimson light.


The cultivators all raised their Spiritual Weapons and rushed into the Blood Sea secret realm.

After everyone had entered the entrance, the True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts leisurely walked in, and then... casually closed the door.

Gurgle gurgle!

A strange sound, like a water ghost coming ashore, echoed in everyone's ears.

Someone turned around and saw that the entrance that had just been broken by the Blood Sea's person had somehow healed again, causing them to scream in shock.

"The entrance... the entrance disappeared!"

"This is a trap!"

"Don't panic!"

Fei Yi, seeing that the Blood Devil secret realm had turned into a prison, also had a bad premonition.

Blood Devil Patriarch was already seriously injured and didn't even think about escaping. He had actually taken the time to set up a trap.

But thinking about the secret technique bestowed upon him by the person above, which had cut off his connection with the Blood Soul, Blood Devil Patriarch could no longer control his life.

He couldn't help but feel a bit confident.

"The person above is still here. Even if Blood Devil Patriarch has a few tricks up his sleeve, he is no match for the person above. You all can rest assured."

The True Person of Ten Thousand Beasts passed by expressionlessly, as if taking a leisurely stroll, giving everyone great confidence.

Until... he stopped beside Blood Devil Patriarch.

"Good disciple, I didn't expect you to have the guts to betray your master?"

Blood Devil Patriarch's complexion was rosy, showing no signs of the near-death experience he had three years ago. This was thanks to the blood food sent by many Devil Cultivators, which greatly accelerated his recovery.

He looked at Fei Yi with a smirk, like a cat playing with a mouse.

Fei Yi's expression changed, and he forced a smile on his face as he fell to his knees heavily.

"Master is above, your disciple endured humiliation and survived, and finally returned to your side!"


Blood Devil Patriarch burst into laughter, his eyes coldly looking at the terrified Devil Cultivators brought by the Blood Sea's person, as if looking at a group of pigs and dogs.

"If you want to blame someone, blame your own greed, blame your own lack of strength, blame your cultivation of the Devil Dao, blame your unfortunate encounter with me."

The blood waves covered the sky, rolling up waves one after another, dragging each Devil Cultivator into the water, never to be seen again.

Fei Yi's head hung low, motionless. The slippery blood slowly flowed down his body, and his vision became blurred and blood-red, without making a sound.

Even if he had a vivid imagination, he never imagined that the people on the blood sea and the Blood Devil Patriarch were actually working together.

This is outrageous!

Could it be that the countless Spirit Stones he had spent in the past few years meant nothing to the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs?

It was precisely because he saw the heavy price paid by both sides that he dared to fully support the people on the blood sea and even dug into the Blood Devil Patriarch's territory.

The current scene made his calculations look like a clown's joke.

But he dared not have any complaints.

He still wanted to live.

He didn't know if his feeble reasons could convince his master, but he couldn't fathom the thoughts of such a figure.

Perhaps because of his ridiculous performance, his master found it amusing and might spare his life.

It's unclear how much time had passed.

For Fei Yi, every minute and every second had never felt so long.

He felt like he was walking on the edge of a cliff, afraid to stop, but unsure if the next step would lead to a fall.

The surroundings were calm, and the blood sea returned to nothingness.

The Devil Cultivators were nowhere to be seen.

"My good disciple, you have betrayed me and must be punished, but I can give you a chance."

The voice of the Blood Devil Patriarch was like a lifeline pulling Fei Yi out of the water.

"Master, I will never forget your great kindness. If I ever have any other thoughts, I will be punished by Heavenly Punishment and completely destroyed!"

Fei Yi looked up in surprise and saw a blood-colored vortex slowly opening behind the Blood Devil Patriarch, like a giant beast opening its mouth towards him.

"Go in."

Fei Yi staggered to his feet, which was quite incredible considering his cultivation base.

But he felt weaker than the most ordinary mortal, and his steps became unusually heavy. However, under his master's smiling expression, he still stepped forward step by step.

The world suddenly became clear.


A gust of wind blew by, and the silent formation stopped working. The world changed, and the Blood Devil secret realm ceased to exist from that moment on.

The land beneath the feet of the two demon lords turned into ordinary wilderness.

Wan Shou Zhen Ren looked at Yu Xian, who walked out from behind the Blood Devil Patriarch, in astonishment.

"You actually broke through. Could it be that you really have some kind of incomplete Immortal Body?"

Yu Xian smiled faintly, "Perhaps. Although I've always felt that I'm extraordinary since I was young, it's still a good thing after all. So there's no need to pay too much attention to it."

"Now that everything is settled, the Blood Devil Patriarch and the people on the blood sea have fought a fierce battle and disappeared without a trace. It's not a bad ending."

"But our hands are already stained with blood."

Wan Shou Zhen Ren sighed.

In the past, when he was the Wan Shou Soul Banner, he only passively absorbed blood. But in recent years, he had sent batches of Devil Cultivators who came with hope to their deaths.

Although these people were Devil Cultivators, who were traditionally considered unforgivable, just like himself, there were always some who had taken this path due to unbearable reasons.

But now almost everyone was dead.

They had become nourishment for him and the Blood Devil Patriarch, and stepping stones for Yu Xian to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, Yu Xian didn't care.

"At least we killed those who deserved to be killed. These guys were all practicing demonic techniques and were covered in blood. They used the weak as materials for their own cultivation, so they naturally had to be prepared to become materials for others."

"And from a certain perspective, killing one to save a hundred, I've only killed hundreds or thousands of them. In the future, there may be tens of thousands or millions of people born because of me."

"But these are just comforting reasons."

"You also practice demonic techniques. If someone uses this as a reason to kill you one day, would you think it's only natural?"

Wan Shou Zhen Ren was a conflicted person.

He is a Devil Cultivator and has killed many people, including many innocent ones.

But he also wants to be a good person, to be a righteous and upright person.

Even if he cannot become a good person himself, he still wants to see Yu Xian become a good person, as if this can bring him some comfort.

Yu Xian nodded, "Otherwise, why? There is no reason in this world that only I can kill others and others cannot kill me.

If one day I am killed by someone claiming to be eliminating demons and upholding justice, it is because of my own lack of strength.

Because I know that even if there is no reason to eliminate demons and uphold justice, it may be because I glanced at him too much."

The Beast Master seemed to be deep in thought, nodding slowly.

"Perhaps it was destined by heaven to pass on the inheritance of the Blood Devil technique to you through my hands.

You have never fallen into demonic cultivation, but you have long been a demon."

But this kind of demonic nature is still within his acceptable range.

If one day, Yu Xian reaches out his demonic claws towards innocent ordinary people, then he will probably fulfill the promise he made on the day he became a spiritual being.

"I just want to live a more relaxed life, without thinking about all these strange things."

Yu Xian did not respond to the Beast Master's accusation.

Although he practices demonic techniques and uses Devil Dao Magic Treasures, and has killed many people, he is still a good person in a non-traditional sense.

After all, he has received nine years of compulsory education and was born in the spring breeze, growing up under the red flag as a successor of socialism.

But in this world where power is respected, it seems that it does not intend to reason with him.

However, one day, he hopes to make the world quiet down and listen to him slowly explain his reasoning.

"Of course, everyone still prefers the positive image of a hero. So starting today, I have decided to turn over a new leaf and become a good person.

First, I have to start with the transformation of your image."

Yu Xian flicked his finger.

The Beast Master's face twisted, as if he wanted to say something, but it had already turned into a blood-red flag floating in the air.

And the Blood Devil Ancestor had no objections either. Holding the Blood Sea Flag, he jumped into the blood sea domain behind Yu Xian.

Yu Xian silently closed his eyes, and the surrounding Spiritual Qi was drawn in, becoming the energy for his domain to operate.

Under the effect of the Deceiving Heaven Technique, the blood sea domain disappeared without a trace, silently, with only occasional waves echoing in his ears.


Sizzle sizzle!

The Blood Sea Flag transformed into a human form, and the Beast Master felt as if his body had fallen into a frying pan, with oil being squeezed out bit by bit.

But deep in his soul, there was a difficult-to-express sense of comfort, as if his soul was sublimating.

In short, it was painful and pleasurable at the same time.

Not far away, the Blood Devil Ancestor rose and fell in the blood sea, his eyes closed tightly, and strands of black and crimson Blood Qi rose from his body.

The Beast Master faintly saw the jade-like skeleton on the Blood Devil Ancestor's body, and the evil aura and Devilish Qi on it were gradually being expelled.

No, not expelled, but purified.

However, this kind of purification made people feel like it was cleansing, gradually making it impossible to sense the demonic aura on it, only the extremely pure Blood Qi remained.

It had been cleansed!

The Beast Master was filled with infinite shock.

How did Yu Xian do it?

The image transformation he mentioned turned out to be this.

The Beast Master quietly felt the complex Blood Qi contained in the Blood Sea Flag, the messy Devilish Qi being removed, and his power weakened.

But his potential became even stronger, with the potential to advance to a higher level.

It should be noted that although the Blood Devil Dao's Magic Treasures are simple and easy to use, because of their poor foundation, the limit has already been determined, and the Spiritual Treasure is the limit.

After becoming the spirit of the Blood Sea Flag, the Beast Master also vaguely sensed that his current state was his limit.

If he wants to continue to evolve, he needs a great opportunity.

Now, a great opportunity has come uninvited.


The Beast Master felt the gradually deepening power imprint within the Blood Sea Flag, and an inexplicable admiration for Yu Xian appeared in his mind.

He suddenly realized that within this great opportunity, there was also great terror.

If he completely recognized Yu Xian as the master and made his own will as his own, would he still be himself?

Almost at the moment his resistance consciousness appeared, the comfort in his soul disappeared, replaced by endless pain and torment.

"What a wicked technique!"

The True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts couldn't help but shudder in his heart, but he resisted the power that distorted his thoughts in the sea of blood.

"Uh, sorry, this thing is passive and happens at the same time as the baptism. If you can't resist, I'll pull you out."

Yu Xian's voice sounded in the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts' ears.

The True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts refused, "But I can feel its benefits to me, I want to hold on a little longer."

After a moment.

The True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts couldn't hold on any longer, shouted, and let Yu Xian pull him out.

"So this is your Nascent Soul domain? I have never heard of such a dangerous domain."

Although there is no obvious danger, it is actually very beneficial to people, but the poison is taken with the candy.

If someone becomes addicted to it, they will probably become your puppet completely, and I feel that this power seems to restrain the power of the Blood Devil Dao.

Especially for treasures like me, it is even more tempting.

If I weren't your artificial spirit, I probably wouldn't have thought of resisting."

The True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts gasped for breath, his face pale, still trembling with fear.

Yu Xian secretly noted the user experience report, thinking that in the future, when encountering fellow Magic Treasures, he could use the Nascent Soul domain to collect them.

When the Blood Puppet was also baptized by the sea of blood domain, Yu Xian felt that his magic power had been consumed by about eighty percent, almost to the point of exhaustion.

Obviously, with his current realm, baptizing both a Spiritual Treasure and a Rank Four Blood Puppet at the same time was a bit difficult, and even this Magic Treasure had not been fully baptized.

After a while.

A young man with a strong aura and high spirits walked out of the domain, it was Fei Yi.

His eyes were calm, but there was a hint of fanaticism when he looked at Yu Xian, most of the time he looked like a puppet without thoughts.

"Was the baptism too thorough, erasing its original thoughts?"

Yu Xian frowned, what he needed was a loyal subordinate, not a puppet who obeyed orders.

"But after all, it is a Nascent Soul domain born from a high-rank demonic technique, I can't expect too much, I'll upgrade it later."

He waved his sleeve, and the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts turned into the Blood Sea Banner and was collected by him, while the Blood Puppet returned to its original appearance and followed behind him.

At this moment, anyone who saw him would only think that he was a powerful body cultivator, and would never think that he was an old demon.

"Just a little bit left."

Yu Xian flew into the sky and completely disappeared.

The battle between the Blood Sea Man and Blood Devil Patriarch became an unsolved case, and many cultivators who were lucky enough came here to search for the treasures left by the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs, but naturally, they found nothing.

Over time, it became a topic of conversation for the old people in the Moyafang market.

It was the end of a Devil Cultivator era, the appearance of the two old demons did not promote the rise of demonic cultivation, but instead caused heavy losses to the Devil Cultivators in several mansions in Mingyue Tiancheng.


Moyafang market.

A certain high-rank Immortal Cave.

Zhan Hong woke up groggily, leaning on his forehead, feeling like he had slept for a long time.

"It seems like I was ambushed by Junior Sister?"

"My Primordial Spirit Magical Item!"

He sensed it slightly, and a golden bell sat firmly in his sea of consciousness, but it was a bit unfamiliar to use.

"What is this?"

Still confused, Zhan Hong saw the Jade Slip placed beside him, casually scanning it with his Divine Sense, his face immediately stiffened.

"Junior Sister broke up with me?"

"No, when did Junior Sister and I get together?"

"I must still be dreaming!"

Zhan Hong held his head, feeling dizzy, unable to distinguish between dream and reality.

ps: A bit late, sorry sorry. (End of this chapter)

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