Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

292. Chapter 289 Thirteen Years, Beast Tide (Please Subscribe!)

Boom boom boom!!

After a series of thunderous roars, the cultivators in Da'ai City felt a slight disturbance, looked up briefly, and then returned to their own tasks.

Since half a year ago, the Da'ai Project suddenly accelerated. Especially for the Foundation Building level projects, the probability of obtaining an External Dao Gold Core increased significantly from selecting three out of a hundred to selecting one out of ten.

Nowadays, almost every few days, someone would achieve the Perfected Being stage by transcending tribulation at the Transcending Tribulation point located at the Da'ai Peak.

Having seen it so many times, it was no longer a novelty.

Today, after a few rounds of thunder, they knew that the Da Tong Hui had added several more Perfected Beings, and several cultivators who were nearing their lifespan had defied fate and extended their lives by three hundred years.

However, this also meant that they now owed a huge debt to the Da Tong Hui, which they would have to repay with their entire lives.

But no one knew that these thunderous roars had also added tens of thousands of cultivation points to the Da'ai True Monarch, allowing him to take a firm step towards the Nascent Soul Late Stage.

"In the past, I was nothing to boast about, but today, my thoughts are boundless."

Yu Xian, who had just absorbed several strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy, stood alone on the cloud-shrouded mountaintop, exuding an indescribable sense of tranquility and loftiness.

"Soul Formation, I am not far from you."

Even though he was still a cultivator in the mid-Nascent Soul stage, theoretically far from the Soul Formation Realm, he had full confidence in himself.

The biggest obstacle had already been removed, and all that was left was to entrust it to time.

His gaze looked forward, and a green panel appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Mid-Nascent Soul (1456w/2.6e)]

[Soulmates: Yu Lan, Luo Han, Yue Jiu (3/4)]

"In just half a year, it has provided me with millions of cultivation points. It seems that I have a chance to advance to the Nascent Soul Late Stage before the beast tide arrives."

"It's just that there are too many Perfected Beings being created. Even though a batch is selected every year to replenish the Dao Soldier Corps, it is still a drop in the bucket in terms of overall quantity.

Fortunately, the organization is expanding, which can alleviate the pressure on the stock of Perfected Beings."

Millions of cultivation points meant that the Da Tong Hui had created nearly a hundred Perfected Beings in the past half year. And this speed would continue for many years to come and continue to increase.

This number would be explosive no matter where it was placed.

Perfected Beings were still Perfected Beings.

For some Foundation Building families, it took hundreds of years, or even generations of accumulation and effort, to achieve such a feat.

Once a generation was interrupted, they would have to start over.

Just like the former Elder Wu, it took nearly three hundred years of family accumulation, the efforts of several generations, and a bit of luck for him to finally become a Perfected Being.

However, what Elder Wu had struggled so hard to achieve could now be done in Da'ai City like an assembly line.

But this didn't mean that Perfected Beings were no longer valuable.

When they left Da'ai City, when they left Mingyue Tiancheng and went to other heavenly cities, such as Donghua Tiancheng, where the land was vast and sparsely populated, they could still dominate and be the king of the mountain.

They were only not valuable in Da'ai City.

After all, since the establishment of the Da Tong Hui, which was less than fifty years ago, and the settlement in Wangshu Fucheng, which was less than thirty years ago.

But the Da Tong Hui had already supported over four hundred Foundation Building cultivators in breaking through to the Perfected Being stage, costing nearly nine hundred million spirit stones.

Fortunately, nearly a hundred of them were demonic cultivators who had already been killed by the Blood Demon Ancestor and were not counted.

However, the remaining three hundred Perfected Beings were still a huge number.

If it weren't for the Da Tong Hui establishing eight other branches and the cooperation with the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, especially with the young and easy-to-please Qi Sha, even if Yu Xian now had sufficient funds, he wouldn't dare to do it all at once.

Otherwise, with so many Perfected Beings being kept in Da'ai City, not a single spirit stone would be produced, and they would consume his spirit stones every day.

Only by doing some bridge construction, road paving, and mountain opening work could they make some subsidies.

Even the landlord couldn't afford it.

Fortunately, Qi Sha was very considerate and willing to actively hire the Perfected Beings in Da'ai City and the Dao Soldier Corps as transport escorts.

In this way, not only did it generate income for the Da Tong Hui, but it also greatly reduced the burden on Da'ai City.

Another important issue was that as the number of cultivators residing in Da'ai City increased, especially the proportion of mid-to-high-level cultivators, it even surpassed Mingyue Tiancheng, a city with a Rank Four spiritual vein.

This led to the spiritual vein's load capacity reaching its limit.

To put it bluntly, the spiritual energy environment in Da'ai City was worse than that of Shangyang City in the past, and the spiritual vein was already operating in an overloaded state.

As a result, the Spirit Fields outside the city experienced a poor harvest for the first time.

Yu Xian even suspected that if this continued to increase, the spiritual vein would either degrade or collapse, and the entire Da'ai City would become a barren land.

So he had already started to actively relocate the population outward, persuading the cultivators who had been painstakingly attracted to leave.

The strategy of the more people, the better, in the beginning, ultimately couldn't withstand the increasingly severe reality.

He is a person who is brave enough to admit his mistakes and will not stubbornly continue with wrong plans just for the sake of personal pride.

Furthermore, what does the president of the Datong Society have to do with him, Yu Xian?

Of course, there are other ways.

For example, moving the headquarters of the Datong Society to Mingyue Tiancheng, taking over someone else's territory, so there is no need to worry about the spiritual environment.

But Yu Xian doesn't want to provoke the nerves of the Profound Yang Sect too much.

In case they have some nerves connected incorrectly, someone might see this as provocation and blasphemy against the Profound Yang Sect.

Or maybe they are attracted to the wealth that the Datong Society creates by producing two hundred fake pill cultivators every year, using it as an excuse to have a confrontation with him.

He would be shooting himself in the foot.

No matter what he does on his own territory, with Moon Jiuyou, a Nascent Soul cultivator, as a buffer, he can handle it.

After all, Da'ai City was voluntarily assigned to him as his private domain by the Profound Yang Sect.

But once he leaves Da'ai City, there will be more excuses for others to find.

"Staying the same is the biggest advantage, time is on my side, there's no need to rush."

Yu Xian buried his thoughts and looked up at the sky.

That is the direction of Mingyue Tiancheng.

According to past habits, today should be the day when Moon Jiuyou sends warmth from a thousand miles away.

Speaking of which, Moon Jiuyou has never been to his True Monarch Mansion, and he seems to ignore the existence of Yulan and the others.

But Yu Xian can also understand, the pride of a high-level cultivator.

"Here you are."

Yu Xian smiled and opened his arms.

A soft body fell into his embrace, and he held it tightly, looking at the clear and beautiful face in his arms, his voice gentle.

"Missed me?"


Moon Jiuyou softly hummed, her pale face slightly blushing, looking up at Yu Xian, revealing her slender and fair neck, her black hair cascading down, her eyes shimmering.

Yu Xian looked at the lips that were so close, crystal clear and moist, with an enticing luster, and couldn't help but take a sip.

"Not bad, a bit sweet."


Seasons come and go, time passes.

Another thirteen years have passed.

Supported by the profits of Spirit Rice Pills, the Datong Society has flourished, and the number of fake pill cultivators has skyrocketed.

And these fake pill cultivators, along with the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce's business routes, have unknowingly spread throughout the entire Xuan Yang Realm.

With heavy debts, life and death contracts, and the influence of the Da'ai Law Domain, these fake pill cultivators who have been placed in various places have become like nails embedded in the territory of the Xuan Yang Realm.

Perhaps the Datong Society will never need them.

But one day, when they are needed, they will give everything.

The consequences of excessive consumption are evident.

It is also worth mentioning that Qi Shaowei's family background is even deeper than Yu Xian thought, otherwise he wouldn't have taken on such a heavy responsibility at such a young age.

It is said that the Qi family's bloodline comes from the headquarters of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, and there are people above.

So after presenting impressive results, Qi Shaowei completely controlled the exclusive sales rights of the original Spirit Rice Pills.

Even after the sales in the western region became saturated, he began to use his connections to distribute the original Spirit Rice Pills to other territories.

In the face of overwhelming quantity, it completely covers other costs.

Although the Datong Society's share of the sales profit is not high, it is still a considerable number.

On this day.

True Monarch Mansion.

Yulan stood among the blooming flowers, like the king of flowers, making the many blooming flowers lose their color.

Her appearance is still youthful, like a young girl, but compared to when she was young, she is even more exquisite and beautiful, and her temperament has become more gentle and mature.

But there is not much sense of vicissitudes in her eyes, as if they are still as pure and clean as when she was young, without being contaminated by the world.

There was a time when her eyes were filled with exhaustion.

But when she bravely said that she didn't want to, her husband, the man she loved the most, never forced her again.

So Yulan has always been satisfied with her current life.

Even though she knows that she only occupies a small part of her husband's heart, she doesn't mind, as long as she sees her husband in her eyes, it is enough.

The more people desire, the easier it is for them to be unhappy.

Just like Xiao Yi, even though she is so outstanding, she receives far less love than she deserves. Even now, she is thousands of miles away, and I don't know if we will ever meet again.

Yulan recalls the scene when she first met her husband.

At first, all she wanted was for her husband not to abandon her.

She was used to such experiences in the royal palace.

They, the maids and dancers raised in the palace, were treated as commodities, often given to officials or martial artists who needed to be appeased.

However, they would only receive a short period of favor before being neglected and cast aside.

She even heard stories of so-called martial artists who sold the maids given to them by the palace to pay off their debts after a night of drinking.

Even though she was one of the personal maids of the queen, she was just a slightly more valuable commodity.

So when she was given to her husband as a reward, she didn't dare to resist, even during their first meeting.

At that time, all she wanted was to serve her husband well, be favored for a while, save some money for herself, and hopefully not be sold. Even if she had to live alone for the rest of her life, it would be better than being sold and tortured somewhere unknown.

She has always wanted very little.

Perhaps it is because of this that she has obtained things in her life that she never dreamed of.

Who would believe that a lowly maid sold into the city, a humble palace maid, would become a Gold Core Perfected Being, living for five hundred years, and even the True Monarch's Dao companion, high above all?

Now, wherever she goes, she encounters good people.

As a result, she is filled with goodwill towards the world and has become accustomed to a life of peace and love.

But she is not a pure innocent flower who has never experienced anything. She has followed her husband through ups and downs, running and hiding, and has witnessed the dangers of human nature and the treacherous world.

However, the comfortable life of the past few decades has gradually buried all her fearful memories.

But when news of the approaching beast tide reached her ears, she suddenly realized that all her beautiful fantasies were shattered in an instant.


There will be hordes of Demonic Beasts ravaging this land, countless lives torn apart, and slaughter will be the eternal theme.

This city, known as the city of great love, will also be filled with blood and violence.

She feels infinite compassion for this.

She wants to do something, but she realizes that she can't do anything.

Faced with the endless tide of Demonic Beasts, only her husband, a True Monarch cultivator, has the ability to change the situation.

But she cannot let her husband be in danger because of her compassion. She pities the weak beings, but she loves her husband more.

"My little sweetheart, why do you look so down today? I remember that when you reached this level of cultivation, your body would be flawless, and the Red Dragon would have been slain," a slightly teasing voice came from behind.

Yulan turned her head and saw Yu Xian standing not far away, smiling gently.

"Husband," Yulan said with surprise, but then hesitated. "Today shouldn't be... the day she comes."

That's just her personality, not fighting or competing, and she would even willingly give her beloved husband to other women.

This is also one of the reasons why the inner palace has remained harmonious, and the other women are willing to call her sister.

Of course, the main reason is that she has Yu Xian's support behind her.

All the women in the inner palace know who their husband cares about the most and dare not touch her.

The one who feels this the most is Zhao Shiwen.

She used to be extremely jealous and even had dark thoughts of harming Yulan. But before she could act, news of Yu Xian's Foundation Building cultivation came, and she dared not make any further moves. Otherwise, her family would not have been able to protect her.

The differential treatment of the two afterwards was blatant, and they didn't even bother hiding it from her.

She even lived separately in the Zhao family's market, silently protesting.

But Yu Xian only saw her as a tool to satisfy his desires, leaving after each encounter. When he didn't want to run between two women, he would ask her to go back and provide warmth.

Later, she just accepted her fate.

Because Yu Xian's cultivation became stronger and stronger, surpassing her understanding, it was as if he controlled everything and was omnipotent.

In the face of such a man, all she could do was submit.

Yu Xian knew that Yulan was referring to Yue Jiu.

He shook his head and sighed, "The beast tide is approaching, and the earth is crying out. She is the Lord of Tiancheng City after all and needs to make arrangements to avoid a tragedy like the one in the neighboring Chongming City years ago."

Even though the Phoenix Demon Lord restrains his Monster Emperor subordinates, when they go on a killing spree, who can control them?

So we must make arrangements in advance for rescue, otherwise once the conflict escalates, even the Monster Emperor and True Monarch on both sides will not be able to control it, and they may even be manipulated by their subordinates to engage in a life-or-death battle.

The fierce battle between True Monarch Chongming and Monster Emperor Gaosi, even though it happened hundreds of years ago, still has an impact to this day.

Yu Xian has heard Qi Shaowei complain about the business environment in Tiancheng in front of him more than once, saying that the cost is much higher than in other places, and even secretly cursing True Monarch Chongming to pass away quickly.

In this way, the Profound Yang Sect has enough reason to arrange for a new Lord of Tiancheng to succeed.

From this, we can once again see how poor Yuejiu's interpersonal relationships are.

True Monarch Chongming has managed Tiancheng in a chaotic manner, but no one in the Profound Yang Sect has proposed replacing him, they are just waiting for him to pass away.

And if Yuejiu fails to complete two sect missions, she will be impeached in minutes.

Fortunately, she is now a Nascent Soul cultivator, so there are no foolish people challenging her anymore.

Interpersonal relationships and personal strength, one is enough to survive, but having both means soaring to success.

If you have neither, well, just lie down and wait for death.

Various chaotic thoughts floated through Yu Xian's mind.

He took a few steps forward, pulled Yulan into his arms, and smoothed out her furrowed brow.

"You always care about others, who will care about you? Tell me, what were you thinking just now?"


Yulan hesitated for a moment, but still obediently expressed her concerns.

She would never deceive Yu Xian, whether it was something good or bad.

In front of Yu Xian, she was transparent, without secrets, her life had long been completely dependent on this man.

"...I'm sorry, husband."

Yulan looked like a child who had done something wrong, waiting obediently for punishment.

Yu Xian reached out and rubbed Yulan's head vigorously, his smile full of indulgence. "I thought it was something serious, but it doesn't matter. Whatever I want to do, I will consider it carefully before doing it. Regardless of the final outcome, it should be my responsibility to bear, and I shouldn't blame others for any bad consequences. As for you, just focus on doing your best. Because I love the real you."

Yulan felt her heart pounding, unable to even breathe.

Even though she had heard countless sweet words over the years, each time it made her tremble all over.

Perhaps this was one of the reasons why her love lasted so long.

If her love was not reciprocated, no matter how deep it was, it would gradually wither away.

"I will handle the matter of the beast tide."

Yu Xian looked into the distance as if he could see the scene of the Demonic Beasts surging forward in waves.

"I can't protect the whole world, but a city like Dà'ài will be simple."

"This time, no one in Dà'ài City will see a single Demonic Beast, as if nothing ever happened."

Yu Xian caressed Yulan's cheek, his expression gentle and affectionate.

"I don't want to see you upset because of this."

Moreover, this was something he had been looking forward to for a long time.

For the weak, the beast tide was an unquestionable disaster, even destroying a lifetime of hard work.

But for him, the beast tide was his opportunity to acquire goods.

This time, he would exterminate all the Monster Kings of the Golden Peng lineage, use them to refine pills, and even capture the Golden Peng Monster Emperor!

He had always been petty and held grudges.

When the Golden Peng Monster Emperor wiped out his Great Unity Society's monster hunting team, he was so scared that he had to hide for ten years before daring to reemerge.

This time, he would exact revenge on all of them.

A golden light flashed in Yu Xian's eyes, as if a pair of ancient pupils appeared, resembling dual pupils.

It was the Astonishing Divine Eyes that he had integrated thousands of fragments of will from the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi, and cultivated diligently for many years.

He couldn't predict how powerful this thing was now.

Only after actual combat would he know its true power.

But it was definitely not something that a Middle Grade Monster Emperor like the Golden Peng Monster Emperor could resist, even if he possessed extreme speed and a true spirit bloodline.

Not to mention that his current strength had long surpassed the Golden Peng Monster Emperor.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Nascent Soul Late Stage (2333w/11.1e)]

[Partners: Yulan, Luohan, Yuejiu (3/4)] (End of this chapter)

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