Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 3 Five Poisonous Palms, But That's All

Chapter 3: Five Poison Palms, Nothing More

Changning City, west of the city, Yunlai Inn.

As the sound of urgent horse hooves approached, a large group of soldiers appeared on the streets, converging from both ends.

In no time, the entire street was completely surrounded.

Looking around, on the rooftops and on the streets, there were soldiers in uniforms, some carrying swords and shields, some holding bows and arrows. There were a total of eight hundred elite soldiers who had been urgently transferred from the city defense camp.

On a tall building across the street from the inn.

Zhou Bai, the chief constable of the yamen, Wang Lang, the deputy general of the city defense camp, and Yu Xian, representing the Wang family, gathered together and could see the situation at Yunlai Inn across the street.

"Yu Gongfeng, I wonder if the Lord has given any instructions?" Zhou Bai, the chief constable, spoke. He had a strong and vigorous figure and a resolute temperament. He was also the overall commander of this arrest operation.

It had been two days since the summons from Prince Fu.

Yu Xian took the opportunity to find the Wang family's physician, Huang, and got several prescriptions for nourishing the body. After eating them for several days and regulating his mana, he had recovered quickly and now looked much better.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip, politely smiling, "Chief Constable Zhou is the protagonist today. When I came over, the Lord instructed me not to steal the limelight. This time, I'm here to support Chief Constable Zhou."

In short, whoever wants to take the lead can take the lead. It's fine to pick up some heads while watching the show, but being the main force is not suitable.

Zhou Bai was not surprised. He didn't expect Yu Xian, the Wang family's representative, to go all out. He turned to General Wang beside him and said, "General Wang, I'll leave it to you next."

This was the main force of the arrest.

"Order the soldiers, give the order!" General Wang, a burly figure, spoke straightforwardly. He clasped his fists towards the two of them and went downstairs to lead the troops.

As a signal flag waved in the hands of a messenger on the terrace, the soldiers on the street, who were ready to go, began to shrink the encirclement with Yunlai Inn as the center.

At the same time, the constables under Zhou Bai and the elite guards from the Wang family had already rushed into the inn ahead of time.

In less than half a cup of tea's time.

There was a clamor and shouts of killing coming from inside the inn.


The window on the second floor of the inn was smashed open, and a figure fell heavily to the ground.

It was one of the constables. His chest was caved in, his face was black and red, and his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose were all covered in black blood. He struggled in pain on the ground for a moment before falling silent.

A man in a black robe with long grayish-white hair, about thirty years old, appeared at the broken window. He first surveyed the soldiers around him, then quickly locked his gaze on Zhou Bai and the others across the street.

He snorted coldly, his breath thunderous.

"Zhou Bai, you were once a renowned iron-willed judge in the martial world, with a reputation that spread far and wide. How did you become a lackey of the imperial court, bringing shame upon the martial world? How did you find me?"

"To keep something a secret, one must not do it oneself!"

Zhou Bai's expression turned cold and stern as he shouted, "Chen Xiao, you have great courage to dare to assassinate the prince, disregarding the laws of the court. You should have surrendered early, as there is only a dead end for you!"

"Release the arrows!"

With the command given, arrows rained down like a dark cloud, instantly turning the entire second floor of the inn into a sieve.

Seeing countless arrows coming towards him, Chen Xiao laughed heartily, showing no fear.

"Zhou Bai, do you think these useless people can harm me?"

The air in front of him suddenly trembled, and a layer of black and red energy shield covered his body. The arrows struck it like mud cows entering the sea, losing their power in an instant and falling to the ground.

Then he leaped into the crowd, crashing down like a cannonball. Just the shockwave alone caused five or six soldiers to lose their combat effectiveness on the spot.

"Those who block me shall die!"

Chen Xiao's ferocity erupted, and in the blink of an eye, he broke through the formation of the city defense camp and rushed out for half a street. Although there were eight hundred soldiers, only a dozen or so could attack him.

With his strength, ordinary soldiers would be injured just by brushing against him, and they would die if they made contact.


Zhou Bai's expression slightly changed, "Mid-stage Foundation Establishment, protective Qi?"

Yu Xian, who was calmly drinking tea and watching the show, also showed a slight change. His calf muscles tensed, sensing the danger.

Although martial artists didn't rely on spiritual energy as much as cultivators, it was still extremely difficult to break through to the mid-stage in the mortal world.

A martial artist in the mid-stage Foundation Establishment was someone that even an ordinary cultivator in the early stage of Qi Refining had to take seriously, as a slight mistake could lead to failure.

But now, Yu Xian was already at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

Oh, then there's no problem.

So Yu Xian's body, which had just tensed up, relaxed lazily again.

"Deputy Yu, please take action quickly and don't let him escape the encirclement! This brute has already broken through to the mid-stage Foundation Establishment. If he escapes, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Zhou Bai looked at Yu Xian urgently.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xian didn't even make a move, but shook his head and calmly said,

"Deputy Chief Zhou, Chen Xiao has already reached the mid-stage Foundation Establishment and is arrogant. I am not his match. It would be better to..."

Just then, they heard a cry of surprise in their ears.

"Deputy Chief, Deputy Yu, Chen Xiao has been stopped by General Wang!"


Both of them were shocked and turned their heads to look down.

General Wang was seen wearing dark armor, riding a powerful armored warhorse. He held a thick black iron spear and managed to withstand Chen Xiao's charge. Behind him were seven or eight heavily armored cavalry.


The horses neighed and the cavalry pushed forward. Despite their small numbers, they seemed to be a mountain pressing down, even the air became stagnant.

Chen Xiao fought with bloodshot eyes, covered in blood. He did not dodge or avoid when the warhorses charged at him, but instead met them head-on.

In an instant, his palms were surrounded by black energy, and his figure almost tore through the air, narrowly avoiding the spear's edge in the moment of battle. He then struck the warhorse with a palm.

A muffled sound followed by consecutive echoes.

General Wang only had time to block a palm strike with his spear before he was thrown off his horse. The warhorse beneath him let out a painful scream, and black tears flowed from its exposed eyes on the armor.

The leading warhorse fell heavily to the ground, lying in the middle of the street. The cavalry behind it also faltered, and then their formation fell into chaos. Chen Xiao took advantage of the situation and charged, causing the soldiers to fall off their horses.

Charging on a straight street certainly had an unstoppable momentum, but once that momentum was broken, defeat would come just as quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the formidable cavalry lost their fighting power.

However, it was clear that Chen Xiao had also suffered greatly.

Facing another round of arrows from the archers on the rooftops, his protective energy fluctuated, and several arrows successfully pierced through, embedding themselves in his back. Fortunately, they were immediately clamped by his muscles, only causing superficial wounds.

"Seeking death!"

Chen Xiao pulled out the arrowheads, blood splattering, and threw them back. The archers on the rooftop fell one after another.

His aura rose to another level.

In front of him was a street covered in blood and flesh, with fallen armored warhorses, scattered weapons, and wailing soldiers.

This scene made him seem invincible, like a great demon king.

The psychological defense line of the city defense soldiers was on the verge of collapse. They knew that the enemy was running out of strength, but they didn't dare to take another step forward.


Chen Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood, a cold smile on his face, and was about to leave.

"Don't go!"

A sharp whistle sounded in the air, and an iron pen flew towards him. It was Zhou Zong, the chief constable, leading his constables to surround him once again.

Chen Xiao's face turned stern, and he gathered black energy in his palm, striking towards Zhou Bo.

"You can't stop me!"

Zhou Bo didn't say a word, holding the judge's pen, and with his subordinates, formed a formation to block Chen Xiao's path.

If one looked closely, they would see a layer of green energy covering the judge's pen, which was able to resist the corrosive poison energy of Chen Xiao.

This week, Zhou Bo turned out to be a congenital martial artist!

"Zhou Bo, you're a good person. I don't want to kill you. If you continue to obstruct me, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Chen Xiao threatened Zhou Bo while fighting him.

He realized that his true qi and physical strength were rapidly depleting. He knew that if he didn't leave soon, he might be stuck here forever.

"If you surrender, I, the head catcher, can guarantee your life."

Zhou Bo had no intention of giving in.

"Seeking death!"

Chen Xiao's expression turned completely cold. His moves suddenly changed, and his palm became crystal clear like jade, with a foul wind blowing in the air.

"Five Poison Palm!"

Zhou Bo's forehead suddenly felt a chill. He didn't dare to be careless. The green true qi condensed at the tip of his judge's pen, and he also used his own proficient congenital martial technique.

"Divine Pen Strokes!"

The two collided.

Zhou Bo felt a pain in his fingers, followed by his palm, wrist, and arm, as if thousands of ants were gnawing at them. The intense pain pierced his soul, making him unable to help but cry out.


The judge's pen slipped from his hand, and half of his body became numb. He fell backward, and black energy appeared on his face.

Chen Xiao was also in a bad state. The sharp edge of the judge's pen left a long gash on his chest, a deep wound that almost reached his internal organs.

"If my injuries hadn't fully healed..."

Chen Xiao covered his wound, harboring deep resentment. Just as he was about to escape, he felt a heat behind him and a warning sign in his mind.

"Protective Qi!"

"Crimson Flame Divine Palm!"


Chen Xiao felt his protective qi being easily torn apart like paper. This not only showed that his true qi was insufficient, but also demonstrated the strength of his opponent.

In the next moment, scorching flames climbed up his back, making him suddenly taste the cruelest punishment in the world, causing him to lose all consciousness to resist.

In a daze, Chen Xiao vaguely saw a figure in a green robe slowly approaching him, accompanied by a condescending voice.

"Heh, Five Poison Palm, nothing more than this."

Damn it! If you have the ability, fight me one-on-one!

Chen Xiao's anger overwhelmed him, his injuries flared up, and he fainted on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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