Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

305. Chapter 302 When People Are Pushed Into A Hurry, They Will Fight Tooth And Nail!

Not long ago, Yu Xian saw that in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain range adjacent to Mingyue Tiancheng, there was a continuous migration of Demonic Beasts coming out. He sent the Monster Emperor, Jinpeng, to investigate deep into the demonic veins.

According to past conventions, the beast tide should have ended by now.

Even if it hasn't ended, the intensity of the beast tide should have greatly decreased.

After all, at this point, even the Monster Emperor's bloodline curse should be mostly suppressed.

However, now even the Monster Emperor Jinpeng, as the owner of the demonic veins, cannot stop the continuation of the beast tide.

Unusual things are demonic.

But he didn't expect that the Monster Emperor Jinpeng would tell him this answer - the beast tide will not end.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian did not feel any joy, but instead felt an uncontrollable heaviness.

If it were before, he would have wanted the beast tide to continue for a few more years.

Because these Demonic Beasts are the source of his spiritual stone veins.

But at this sensitive time, a change in the rules of the beast tide means that he may not have much time left to break through.

"Damn, do I have to run again? Can't you give me a little more time?"

Yu Xian felt heavy-hearted.

Since rising in Yueguo, he has always gone with the flow, going wherever he goes.

Until he entered the Xuan Yang Realm, his fellow cultivators' help became less and less. In order to avoid embarrassing death before his lifespan dried up due to not breaking through to a higher realm, he had to embark on the path of entrepreneurship.

This is a career that he takes very seriously, and he has put in countless efforts and calculations.

Now that he finally has his own foundation, he has enjoyed stability for a while.

Seeing his career thriving and Soul Formation within reach.

But unexpected complications have arisen.

Yu Xian asked in a deep voice, "Did something happen to the Phoenix Monster Lord?"

Only if the Phoenix Monster Lord has a problem would other Monster Races dare to disrupt this hidden rule that has lasted for thousands of years.

But he hopes it's not the case.

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng's face became serious and nodded:

"The Lord has completely closed herself off. It is said that her Cave Mansion is enveloped in radiance for hundreds of miles, and no one, human or monster, can approach it. The news of her Nirvana has also spread."

Several Beast Realms nearby have had Monster Race generals come, carrying the orders of several other Monster Lords, driving the local Monster Race in the Phoenix Beast Realm to continuously migrate outward.

This beast tide is likely to last a long time.

If the Lord cannot hold on this time, then soon, not only the Xuan Yang Realm, but also the neighboring Xuan Yin Realm, the Beast Taming Realm, and so on, the border areas between the Nine Yang Domain and the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain range, the sects and aristocratic families of seven or eight human tribes will all become battlefields for humans and monsters."

The Monster Emperor Jinpeng sighed:

"When that time comes, we will no longer have such carefree days. I heard that the other Beast Realms are fighting fiercely. Even the Monster Emperor will have to change in a few hundred years. I don't know how tragic the scene will be."

It should be noted that the battle between the Monster Emperor and the True Monarch was so fierce, but in the end, they did not determine life or death.

But the low-level cultivators and Demonic Beasts affected by their battle suffered casualties in the millions.

If this place really becomes a battlefield, even the Monster Emperor cannot guarantee his own life, let alone the possibility of survival for ordinary people and low-level cultivators.

Yu Xian fell into silence and once again asked himself in his heart.

Do I really have to run again?

With his Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation, and the powerful killing technique he has cultivated, comparable to the geniuses of the human race, even in a war between humans and monsters, he can still live a comfortable life.

As long as the Monster Lord does not appear, and the Venerable does not come, even if three or five Nascent Soul cultivators come, he is not afraid.

And he also has the ability to deceive the heavens, a First Grade Divine Ability. With his aura hidden, even if a Soul Formation cultivator comes close, he has some confidence in hiding.

Not to mention simply running away, no one can find his trace.

But he has a strange feeling in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Xian asked the Monster Emperor Jinpeng:

"Monster Emperor Yue, can you contact the Phoenix Monster Lord?"

He wants to buy himself some time, and also for the land he has cultivated for so long.

In the face of the suffering of the lower levels, he was indifferent.

Because he knew that with his current strength, what he could do was insignificant, and getting too emotional would easily cost him his life.

But now he is standing at the peak of a realm, controlling the lives of billions of people, just like the tall person he once said would hold up the sky.

Although his conscience is faint, it still exists.

No matter what means he used, he has been absorbing the essence of blood from this land, which has led to his current cultivation level.

He doesn't want to run away, but there is a voice in his heart telling him that he can't just run away like this.

Even if he has to run away, he still has to do something.

Jin Peng, the Monster Emperor, smiled bitterly and said, "President Bai, you overestimate me. I am just a small Monster Emperor. Under the command of the Lord of Monsters, there are not five hundred Monster Emperors like me, but at least three hundred. Moreover, in such a critical time, no one would believe her."

"Well, forget it then."

Yu Xian was also hesitant and said, "In the future, I will trouble Monster Emperor Yue. If there is any news from the Phoenix Lord, please inform me immediately. Whether it's fighting or retreating, I will leave a place for Monster Emperor Yue."

"No problem."

This time, Jin Peng, the Monster Emperor, agreed readily.

He was also a lazy person and did not like war.

But as a member of the Monster Race, it was difficult for him to avoid participating.

If there was a chance to follow President Bai as a Spirit Beast and seek refuge in the human territory, he would be willing.

After all, the bloodline curse on his body was no longer a trouble.

Jin Peng, the Monster Emperor, turned into a golden light and once again went far away, not only infiltrating the Monster Race as a spy, but also going home to pack his belongings.

He heard that the consumption level in the human territory was very high, so he needed to prepare more savings.

Yu Xian's gaze returned from afar and looked at the Green Phoenix standing on one leg on a nearby tree, basking in the sun.

He had raised the Green Phoenix for five years, but it had not received any special treatment. It only absorbed the spiritual energy from the spiritual veins and occasionally received the baptism of the Great Love Law Domain. Its current size was about the same as a rooster, and its Monster Qi was comparable to a Rank One Demonic Beast.

For a Demonic Beast, this progress was ordinary.

But he still hadn't completely given up his suspicion of the Green Phoenix.

He didn't know if he was too suspicious or if the Green Phoenix disguised itself too well. Until now, he hadn't seen any flaws.

He lightly tapped the Green Phoenix with his finger.

The Green Phoenix turned its head in response and flew over with a "puchi" sound.

Yu Xian raised his arm and let it stand, muttering to himself, "It would be great if you were really the incarnation of the Phoenix Lord. Then I would have a way to suppress the bloodline curse on you and let you hold on for a longer time."

The Green Phoenix nodded its head, its eyes innocent.

Seeing this, even though he had revealed his secret, the Green Phoenix still showed no reaction.

Yu Xian finally sighed disappointedly.

"In fact, I have known one thing for a long time, that is, a person must rely on themselves!"

He threw his arm up and released the Green Phoenix.

At the same time...

Zhao Shiwen, who was handling documents at the headquarters of the Great Unity Society, heard Yu Xian's voice in her mind.

"Prepare thirty fake pill spots for tomorrow."



Thunder roared continuously from day to night, almost without stopping.

The people in the city of Great Love, from being accustomed to it at first to being absent-minded later, would occasionally look towards the direction of the Great Love Peak.

Although they couldn't see anything, this abnormality made them suddenly feel uneasy.

It was a feeling that a storm was coming.

Night fell, and the stars were scattered.

Yu Xian sat high on the mountain, closing his eyes, like a statue. But the aura on his body was like the wind in the mountains, the clouds in the sky, making it unpredictable and mysterious.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, and the light in them became brighter and brighter.

But his aura rapidly weakened, and his temples even turned gray.

"The 'Soul Burning Life Sacrifice Technique' was originally a secret technique used by the Devil Sect to create low-level cannon fodder. It has little effect when used in the Gold Core realm. But today, I used the 'Soul Burning Life Sacrifice Technique' as the foundation and spent thirty strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy to forcefully derive it into a peak Rank Four secret technique.

Even a Nascent Soul True Monarch who practices this secret technique will make rapid progress in cultivation, but the price is a significant reduction in their own lifespan.

One day is equivalent to one year. Even though I am already a Nascent Soul cultivator with a lifespan of fifteen hundred years, I can only hold on for less than five years at most.

Ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarchs, even Nascent Soul cultivators, naturally cannot break through the Soul Formation Realm in just five years.

But I am different. I can use my Dao companion to restore my life force!"

Yu Xian's eyes sparkled with rare determination.

The idea of exchanging lifespan for cultivation had been vaguely conceived when he was replenished by Yue Jiuyue.

Since his Dao companion helped him cultivate and restore his essence, thereby restoring his lifespan.

Then, could he create a technique to exchange his own life for cultivation?

However, Yu Xian has always cherished his own life the most.

As soon as this thought emerged, he extinguished it.

Now he can peacefully cultivate and make money, all the way to the Soul Formation Realm, easily and safely. Why should he risk his life?

Especially after witnessing the bizarre Divine Ability of the Monster Emperor who can kill with a single word.

He is determined to replenish his lifespan.

Otherwise, even if he becomes the strongest in the world, with only a few years left to live, he would be cursed to death before he has a chance to be arrogant. That would be too unfair.

Of course, this is an extreme situation.

He wouldn't be foolish enough to leave himself with only a few years to live.

But the fact is, when people are pushed to their limits, they can do anything.

Including risking their lives!

This is what he thought of as the difficult struggle in his heart, what he can do for this land.

Before the war between humans and demons broke out, he devoted all his efforts to cultivation.

If he can break through to the Soul Formation Realm, then he can stop all of this. Even if he can't defeat the Demon Monarchs, he can at least protect the Bright Moon Heavenly City.

If he fails to break through, then he will flee far away.

When the time comes, he will sacrifice the lives of countless Monster Race beings to honor the people who died on this land.

He always puts himself first in his heart.

But within his capabilities, he doesn't mind showing a hypocritical side to appease his occasionally guilty conscience.

At this moment, "The Great Unity of the World" is operating at full capacity!


Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the air.

Upon closer inspection, it was not just wind, but a rapidly expanding vortex, a huge vortex that continuously drew in the surrounding spiritual energy.

First, within a few miles,

Then within dozens of miles!

A hazy white light emanated from a super-sized vortex of spiritual energy, spanning across the sky, as if obscuring the heavens.

All the spiritual energy was being pulled in by one person, rapidly entering his body and being refined into mana, contained within his dantian's domain.

Yu Xian's aptitude is no longer the same as before when he was considered trash.

In fact, he can use the Great Love Domain to help ordinary cultivators achieve a physique comparable to a Spirit Body. How could his own physique be inferior?

After all, he is the core of the Great Love Domain.

But for a Nascent Soul True Monarch, a Spirit Body aptitude is equivalent to that of an ordinary person.

For a cultivator with Spirit Body aptitude, even if they manage to break through to the Nascent Soul realm by chance, their future cultivation will still be extremely difficult. Without special opportunities, it is highly likely that they will stagnate in the early Nascent Soul stage for their entire life.

However, for a cultivator with Spirit Body aptitude, coupled with several hundred times the cultivation speed, they can also unleash great potential.

At this moment, all the cultivators in the Great Love City woke up.

Some had already flown into the sky.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the spiritual energy in the air gone?"

"Damn it! Who stole my spiritual energy? I was about to break through!"

"Forget it, the spiritual pill I was refining just exploded."

"I'm so unlucky. I've been bathing, burning incense, and fasting for two months just to draw a spiritual talisman. It was about to be completed!"

"Oh my god! Who is cultivating up there? Why is there such a huge commotion?!"

"I've never seen such a phenomenon in my entire life of cultivation!"

"That's the location of the Great Love Peak. Could it be that the Great Love True Monarch is cultivating?"

"The cultivation of the Great Love True Monarch, who is only in the early Nascent Soul stage, is not enough to cause such a phenomenon. Could it be the September True Monarch? Only a Nascent Soul cultivator like her can plunder all the surrounding spiritual energy so dominantly."

"Can someone tell me when the September True Monarch will stop cultivating? If the September True Monarch doesn't stop, when will we be able to resume normal cultivation?"

"The September True Monarch has a Rank Four Cave Mansion on the Bright Moon Heavenly City. She won't stay for long. It must be that she suddenly had an insight and had to cultivate on the spot."

"That's good."

The cultivators discussed eagerly.

When it comes to news about such important figures, everyone's interest is high. They chatted in pairs and threes, discussing various gossip and rumors they had heard about.

After all, everyone knows that the Great Love True Monarch has a great love in her heart, but she is not idle in her personal affairs. Not only does she have the September True Monarch, a Nascent Soul cultivator, as her partner, she also keeps several others in her mansion.

Men envy the Great Love True Monarch, while women envy the Great Love True Monarch's partner.

Until the fog-shadowed soldiers who maintained order appeared with their patrol teams, the others gradually dispersed.

But tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

The revenue of the city's taverns and teahouses was unexpectedly higher than during the day.

Most of the discussions were about the sudden emergence of cultivation and the continuous false Thunder Tribulation during the day.


One night passed.

Yu Xian felt a sense of exhaustion and discomfort.

It wasn't that he couldn't handle it, but rather that the spiritual energy environment couldn't keep up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the withered and yellow Da'ai Peak, full of autumn colors, as if it had suddenly become deep autumn overnight.

Upon closer inspection, the spiritual energy in the air was like thin threads, intermittent.

Fortunately, new spiritual energy was continuously flowing towards Da'ai City, but it would take at least ten days or more to restore the previous concentration of spiritual energy.

And that's assuming there are no other major disturbances that absorb spiritual energy during these days.

"Did I do this?"

Yu Xian had an inexplicable feeling.

Because he had never paid attention to the spiritual energy environment in his cultivation practice. After all, he had never seriously practiced before.

This time, practicing at a speed hundreds of times faster, even though Da'ai Peak was a Rank Three spiritual vein node, it couldn't bear the burden.

If he continued to practice, I'm afraid the entire spiritual vein would be forcibly drained by him.

"For a Nascent Soul cultivator, a Rank Three spiritual vein is barely enough, but it's too strenuous for me."

"It seems like I'll have to go to Mingyue City later and mooch off my own wife's Cave Mansion."

"But the effect of cultivation is indeed good."

Yu Xian's gaze looked ahead.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Nascent Soul Late Stage (3.6e/11.1e)]

[Soulmates: Yulan, Luo Han, Yue Jiu (3/4)]

Although the data was quite general, as the owner of the panel, he could keenly feel the subtle changes in the numbers.

"One day of cultivation costs me a year of lifespan, but it's equivalent to half a year of cultivation effect. It has brought me at least several hundred thousand cultivation points."

"By this calculation, if I sacrifice a thousand years of lifespan, I can cultivate for about three years and gain two billion cultivation points, which is over sixty million per year."

"When Yulan and the others helped me recover, it took them about two months to restore nearly thirty years of lifespan loss. In other words, one day is equivalent to recovering half a year of lifespan."

Theoretically, if I cultivate for one day and recover for two days, the round trip would mean I haven't lost anything and gained over ten million cultivation points for free.

If I cultivate without any loss, I can increase my cultivation points by over twenty million on average each year."

"Perhaps this is the correct way to use the Goldfinger. Previously, I only used the characteristics of the Goldfinger to avoid the Heavenly Dao and embarked on another path of advancement."

But when comparing the two...

Yu Xian still preferred the method of harvesting leeks, suffering first and then enjoying the sweetness, and it had greater potential.

Once the framework of the Datong Society was established, all the leeks in the world would fall into his hands.

He could level up just by lying down.

This method of cultivation that sacrifices lifespan almost turned him into a bitter cultivator, with most of his time devoted to continuous cultivation.

Once he stopped the bitter cultivation, the cultivation points wouldn't increase for free.

But now it was a special situation, and it required special treatment.

Now he had to seize the time to break through, and this method of sacrificing lifespan came at the right time.

"According to the current data, I can't afford to have less than four hundred false Dan each year. Even if I use the reserve funds from the Da'ai Project and the Hope Project, I still need to prepare enough external Daoist Gold Cores in advance."

But it would be difficult to continue growing.

This is not my limit, but the limit of the Datong Society.

Coupled with the gains from bitter cultivation, I can increase my cultivation points to nearly seventy million per year. I still need about 1.64 billion cultivation points, which means I can bring forward the breakthrough to Soul Formation within twenty-five years.

If in the last three years, I push myself to the limit and don't need to recover lifespan, I can even advance the breakthrough by another year."

"Twenty-four years!"

Yu Xian looked up at the sky, the dawn faintly appearing, and secretly said,

"Let me gamble with fate and see if I still have these twenty-four years."

"If I win, all beings will live under the Datong Society."

"If I lose, the fate of all beings is predetermined, and I have no regrets." (End of this chapter)

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