Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

308. Chapter 305 Backstab, Transaction (62K, Plus One Thousand Monthly Votes)

Nine Yang Immortal Sect's envoy arrived at Profound Yang Sect six months later.

Mingyue Heavenly City.

Yu Xian stood at the highest point of Mingyue Peak, looking at the gradually diminishing crowd in the city and the super large airships crossing the sky, with people boarding from time to time, feeling a faint sadness in his heart.

"Damn it, Mad, running faster than me, damn Profound Yang Sect! Damn Nine Yang Immortal Sect!"

"The world is as dark as a crow, I can see through it. What a bullshit Immortal Sect!"

Although he was prepared to escape, it was not the last moment yet, so he did not give up.

After all, he was only six years away from breaking through to Soul Formation, to be precise, five and a half years.

Even though the Qinghuang Demon Venerable had confirmed Nirvana, and even though the Monster Race Demon Venerable could appear at any time, he believed that the risks were still within a controllable range.

He secretly dug a safe house thousands of feet underground with the help of Ming True Monarch's Earth Pearl.

Even if a certain Demon Venerable disregarded martial ethics and took advantage of the weak, suddenly appearing in Mingyue Heavenly City for a sneak attack.

With the Rank Four City Protection Array, he could withstand it for a moment no matter what. He could then take advantage of that moment to bring many women into the safe house and hide all traces with the Deception Heaven Law Domain.

But while he had considered the Demon Venerable, he had not expected that Profound Yang Sect would stab him hard at this critical moment.

Of course, he was a reasonable person and knew that he couldn't entirely blame Profound Yang Sect for this matter.

Half a year ago, the envoy of Nine Yang Immortal Sect suddenly arrived at Profound Yang Sect and then loudly proposed the Immortal Ship Plan.

This was a large-scale migration activity targeting the middle class in the Immortal Cultivation World. By purchasing a ship ticket, one could qualify for safe transfer to the rear.

Otherwise, the cultivators would have to rely on themselves to migrate through vast wilderness, avoiding the threat of Demonic Beasts, in order to have a chance to leave the Xuan Yang Realm, the future frontline battlefield.

A cautious Gold Core Perfected Being might be able to do it.

After all, although the density of Demonic Beasts in the wilderness was high, most of them were low-level Demonic Beasts and did not pose much of a threat.

However, solitary Gold Core Perfected Beings were still a minority.

Most cultivators had their own families, sects, and loved ones. They needed to find a safe way to transfer their lower-level cultivation friends and family.

Thus, the Immortal Ship Plan came into being.

The Immortal Ship Plan was endorsed by Nine Yang Immortal Sect and Profound Yang Sect, guaranteeing that after the cultivators migrated to the rear, they would be able to obtain a safe territory for development without being threatened by local cultivators.

With this promise, even though the price of an Immortal Ship ticket was high, with the lowest-grade ticket costing ten thousand spirit stones, there were still many cultivators willing to pay the price.

Especially after the Profound Yang Sect propagated the theory of the Monster Race threat, public fear surged, and everyone wanted to leave this place of controversy as soon as possible.

Many powerful families in various places sold their properties in order to buy more tickets for their clansmen.

The price of resources like Spirit Field, which cannot be taken away, kept dropping, and no one was buying even at dirt-cheap prices.

The disciples of the Profound Yang Sect, who were originally responsible for maintaining local order as county officials, mansion masters, gradually received orders from the Profound Yang Sect to withdraw.

As a result, chaos erupted completely.

Mingyue Tiancheng is the base of the Great Unity Society, and there are branches of the Great Unity Society in various places. After the disciples of the Profound Yang Sect withdrew, the Great Unity Society took over the ruling power without hesitation, and the local order improved slightly.

It is said that other Tianchengs have completely lost control of the cultivators under their jurisdiction. Everyone is plundering resources. Faced with the threat to their lives, their first thought is not unity, but to bully the weak and squeeze out the last bit of value in order to exchange for a ticket to leave for themselves.

Their methods are even more ruthless than the demonic cultivators.

In addition, the demonic cultivators who were already difficult to exterminate caused trouble, and many cities that had not been breached by Demonic Beasts for a long time collapsed on their own.

But regardless of this, both the various Tianchengs and the Profound Yang Sect remained indifferent.

Because they would also benefit from these tickets that were bought at great cost and effort.

Moreover, the Xuan Yang Realm is too vast. Unless the Profound Yang Sect is willing to send out all of its Nascent Soul True Monarchs to patrol day and night, it is impossible to guarantee order and stability.

But how could the lofty Nascent Soul True Monarchs, who reside high in the Nine Heavens, be willing to toil for ordinary people and low-level cultivators?

The True Monarch of Chongming next door, seeing that he couldn't wait for the auction of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, planned to migrate with his entire clan, but was rejected by Gu Qingqing, whom he had placed high hopes on. She said they should live or die together with Chongming Tiancheng.

In the end, although he was angry, the True Monarch of Chongming had no choice but to leave with his clan and about a quarter of the family's savings, which could be considered as preserving a spark for the Gu family.

As for the various chaos that erupted in a short period of time, Yu Xian didn't really care.

He was never a savior. Everything he did was just following his own heart.

But these bastards, although they left, completely disrupted the Spirit Rice pill sales network that he had painstakingly built.

Now that the Spirit Field is abandoned, people are fearful and clueless all day long, and they have no time or energy to cultivate.

Those who couldn't afford tickets and had some strength formed groups and embarked on a large-scale migration, moving towards the rear in a grand manner.

The remaining people who were powerless and had no wealth looked at the Spirit Field they had once dreamed of, but didn't know where to start.

Because even if they planted, they would first face the threat of Demonic Beasts that might emerge from anywhere.

Even if they managed to avoid various threats and luckily grew Spirit Rice, without those masters who used to exploit them, they didn't even know who to sell the Spirit Rice to. At most, they could only plant some for personal use.

The Great Unity Society has developed rapidly and has great influence, but manpower is simply not enough to cover every Spirit Field. They can only prioritize the territories of Mingyue Tiancheng and some large Spirit Field production areas in the neighboring Chongming Tiancheng.

But the most important thing is that everyone is saving money now and unwilling to spend it at all.

Even animals store food and reduce consumption when facing winter, let alone intelligent humans.

Although Spirit Rice Dan has better cultivation effects than Spirit Stones, it can only be used for cultivation and has not fully formed its currency attribute. Spirit Stones are the hard currency of the Immortal Cultivation World, which can be used to purchase various life-saving Law Weapons and talismans.

So now, not only is there a severe shortage of raw materials for Spirit Rice Dan, but it is also damn unsalable!

After cursing the Jiuyang Immortal Sect and the Profound Yang Sect a hundred times in his heart, Yu Xian couldn't change the fact that the Daitong Club had the largest profit cut.

This is the chain reaction brought about by the Immortal Boat Plan.

There are only so many leeks that can be squeezed for oil. If the Jiuyang Immortal Sect and the Profound Yang Sect cut another round, the Daitong Club will have less meat to eat.

He actually wanted to grab a wave first.

But this kind of behavior not only goes against his usual style of doing things, but also invites the envy of the Profound Yang Sect and the envoy of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect.

After all, these are customers who are going to give them Spirit Stones.

If he dares to move these people, I'm afraid that in a short time, a large number of True Monarchs from the Profound Yang Sect will rush to the battlefield.

They can't beat the Demon Venerable, let alone an Independent Cultivator True Monarch?

Yu Xian didn't want to attract any unexpected events at this critical moment, so he didn't even stop the spaceship sent by the Profound Yang Sect to pick up people, just didn't let them dock in Tiancheng.

"The only good news is that the people who left left in a hurry. The Spirit Stones they invested in the Daitong Club project will probably become bad debts and be given to me for nothing. Although even if they want to take the Spirit Stones, I may not be able to produce them now."

Yu Xian thought with a bitter smile.

Misappropriating funds is his old profession.

But he hasn't run away yet, because he feels that the situation is deteriorating rapidly, but it is not yet at the point of no return.

From ancient times to the present, the poor have always dominated society. The Moon City seems desolate, but that's because most of the cultivators who live here are either rich or noble, and those guys who only have a small house can't leave even if they want to.

In theory, their houses are worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones.

But at this time, only people with a confused mind would exchange Spirit Stones for houses.

So they can only hold on and pray that Moon City will not be lost in the coming days, and contribute their own strength to protect Moon City.

In addition, the local powerful clans have fled, leaving behind many Daitong Club cultivators who have been baptized by the Great Love Law Domain, which can more directly interact with those low-level cultivators.

In short, without middlemen, the cost of obtaining cultivation resources from the lower levels is lower.

Perhaps because they are used to being exploited, it is rare to see such reasonable people in the Daitong Club who are willing to pay Spirit Stones for acquisition, even if it is only a small amount of Spirit Stones, it still shocks people deeply.

Yu Xian had heard that some cultivators in Yu Xian had spontaneously offered themselves and made sacrifices when they heard that war was imminent, as a price for protection. It seemed that even the Da Tong Hui had evacuated out of fear. In short, the people's hearts were valuable.

For other high-level cultivators, the people's hearts were worthless. After all, no matter how angry and resentful these lower-level cultivators were, they couldn't change anything. This was a world where individual power dominated.

But for Yu Xian, the people's hearts were like spirit stones. As long as everyone offered him a spirit stone, he could make up for the spirit stones he lacked for his breakthrough. Borrowing to make a breakthrough was a completely new operation for him.

One year later, cultivators from various branches of the Da Tong Hui gathered in Mingyue Tiancheng and handed over the spirit stones they had raised.

"Da Tong debt, my husband, you always come up with such amazing ideas," said Yue Jiu, as she counted the spirit stones raised in this Da Tong Hui debt issuance. As the numbers grew larger, her face became more and more astonished.

"1,236,456,666 spirit stones, plus the 200 million spirit stones sent by the Gu family, and the remaining 700-800 million from the Da Tong Hui, it's enough," she said.

"In just one year, we were able to raise so many spirit stones. I didn't expect the cultivators under my rule to have such wealth," Yu Xian said, lightly releasing the tension in his heart and exhaling a breath.

"These are the life-saving money they paid. They will have to repay it in the future," he said with a bitter smile.

"To be honest, I don't know if I can save their lives. Taking away these spirit stones actually makes me feel even more guilty. After all, when the time comes, I might be the first one to abandon them," he said.

Yue Jiu shook her head and looked at Yu Xian, whose temples had turned gray without him realizing it, with a gentle gaze.

"Regardless, my husband, you have worked hard until the very last moment. If you still can't stop this catastrophe, then it is their fate," she said.

Yu Xian took a deep breath and stood up straight.

"We cultivators don't believe in fate," he said.

"Now it's time to meet the esteemed guests from the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce," he said.

The two of them descended from Mingyue Peak and met the vice president of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, Qi An, and the sales manager of the Spirit Rice Division, Qi Shaowei, in the Lord's Mansion.

"President Qi, it's better to see you in person than to just hear your name. Being able to cultivate such an outstanding successor like Manager Qi is truly impressive," Yu Xian said.

Yu Xian greeted with a cupped hand.

This Qi Hui Chang is the backstage support of Qi Shao Wei in the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce. In terms of relationship, he probably doesn't know how many generations apart they are. This time, Qi Shao Wei acted as the intermediary to do a big business deal with him.

"President Bai is too kind. It is thanks to President Bai's care for Shao Wei over the years that he can stand firm here. I have long wanted to visit President Bai, but I have always been busy on the other side. If it weren't for President Bai offering a big deal this time, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet President Bai." Qi An quickly returned the greeting with a cupped hand, while also greeting the veiled Yue Jiu beside him.

"This Fellow Daoist has an extraordinary appearance and temperament. You must be the True Monarch of September." Yue Jiu nodded slightly without speaking.

Qi An had long heard about the temperament of the True Monarch of September, but as a businessman with a smooth personality, he didn't feel neglected.

"I wonder if President Qi has brought what Mr. Bai wants?" Yu Xian politely asked, getting straight to the point.

"I have already prepared 2 billion spirit stones." He took out a string of storage rings, like a necklace.

A piece of Low Grade spirit stone is about the size of a quail egg, roughly ten cubic centimeters. If all 2 billion spirit stones were Low Grade, even without any gaps, it would take up a volume of 100 billion cubic centimeters, which is equivalent to 10,000 cubic meters.

The capacity of an ordinary storage ring is about 100 cubic meters, so it would take 100 of them.

Of course, there are only 50 or 60 storage rings here, indicating that some of them are Middle Grade and High Grade spirit stones.

As for Supreme Grade spirit stones, they are already strategic resources.

Even High Grade spirit stones are considered semi-strategic resources, and they are not easily brought out in large-scale transactions.

But Yu Xian was out of money.

When Qi An heard that the spirit stones were ready, his already polite smile became even more enthusiastic, and he also took out a storage ring.

"President Bai is straightforward, so I won't hide anything. Here are 2,000 high-grade inner cores. Although they are all Low Grade Demon Kings, I guarantee as a merchant that there are no inferior ones."

"Thank you, President Qi." Yu Xian handed over the money with one hand and received the inner cores in the other. His divine sense had already scanned through the inner cores in the ring.

"Not bad, the reputation of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce is indeed trustworthy."

"Haha, President Bai has done me a great favor with this order. If President Bai ever comes to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely welcome you with open arms."

Qi An also checked the spirit stones and confirmed that everything was in order, finally putting his mind at ease.

Although he easily took out 2,000 Demon King inner cores, this was still a huge deal worth 2 billion. Even as a Nascent Soul True Monarch, he couldn't afford it.

An ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarch would only have a fortune of a few hundred million, and he, as the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, didn't even have 1 billion.

If it weren't for his confidence in the identity of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, and Qi Shao Wei as the middleman, as well as the presence of a Nascent Soul cultivator as the receptionist, he wouldn't dare to come here for such a transaction.

Now that the deal was reached, his position as the vice president in the Chamber of Commerce would be even stronger.

In the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, cultivation level was indeed a hard requirement for positions, but the ability to make money was equally important.

The president of a branch of the Chamber of Commerce was not necessarily the strongest in terms of strength, but the one with the strongest business ability.

If he could make a few more big deals like this, he would dare to compete for the position of branch president.

"A fair trade, it's not about who helps who. I have to thank President Qi for trusting me and coming all the way here for the transaction."

Yu Xian smiled faintly, without taking on the attitude of the party in power.

"If President Qi is free, you can stay in Mingyue City for a while and enjoy the local scenery."

Qi An smiled and shook his head, "President Bai, I'm really sorry. The Chamber of Commerce has arranged for the evacuation of branches in various places recently, and I'm busy with it. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to appreciate the scenery this time."

"In that case, I won't insist on keeping President Qi." Yu Xian said with understanding.

"Thank you for your understanding. By the way, after the evacuation of our Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce's branches this time, we will hold an auction in about eight years. This is an invitation. If President Bai is free, please don't hesitate to come."

Qi An politely took out an invitation and handed it over with both hands.

Yu Xian was first stunned, then a smile involuntarily spread across his face.

"Definitely, I will definitely go! Hahaha..."

Qi An didn't understand why, but it didn't stop him from laughing along.

"It seems that I have invited the right person."

After the laughter, Qi An took his leave, not forgetting to transmit a message to Qi Shao Wei:

"Shao Wei, you and President Bai have a deep friendship. I'll wait for you outside. Take half a day to build a good relationship with President Bai."

Qi Shao Wei, who had been acting as a waiter, had a pleased expression on his face.

"Thank you, Elder."

After Qi An left, Qi Shao Wei eagerly said to Yu Xian:

"Senior Bai, you're confused."

Yu Xian, who was in a good mood at the moment, smiled and asked, "Shao Wei, why do you say that?"

Qi Shaowei sighed and said, "Do you know what news I heard when I went back this time, senior?"


"The ones who made a move against the Phoenix Demon Lord this time are the Mountain-moving Demon Lord, the Qingqiu Fox Lord, and the Black Dragon Demon Lord. These three Great Monster Lords are all ancient beings who have lived for nearly ten thousand years in the Monster Race. Their strength is unfathomable. They have agreed to make a move on the Jiuyang Domain in ten years, no, now there is less than nine years left. The Xuan Yang Realm will also be affected by that time."

At that time, the envoys of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect will be powerless and will want to take advantage of the chaos to make a profit. Why bother trying to stop them, senior?

I have heard about the reason why senior purchased Beast Cores, but what use are all these fake pill cultivators? Can they compare to a Nascent Soul True Monarch?

If senior could use these spirit stones for cultivation and advance further, that would be the right choice.

Unfortunately, the deal has already been made, and everything is too late.

Qi Shaowei felt regretful.

Yu Xian originally only had some guesses about the timing of the auction held by the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce. Now, with Qi Shaowei's confirmation, he felt that there was no better news than this.

"Shaowei, you don't understand."

A righteous light appeared on Yu Xian's face, pointing in the direction of the youth.

"For me, a fake pill cultivator is indeed like an ant, but for ordinary people, they are a great mountain that protects them, allowing them to have a bit of safety in troubled times.

I am only one person and cannot protect everyone in the world.

The purpose of the Great Unity Society has always been 'everyone for me, and I for everyone.'

Since I have the ability, I should help them. Even if I know that doing so may only allow them to live a little longer.

But as long as they are alive, there is hope!"


Qi Shaowei was completely stunned, and then a boundless sense of shame arose in his heart.

He was deeply influenced by the Great Love Law Domain, and coupled with his business dealings with the Great Unity Society, he had heard and seen the beliefs and principles of the Great Unity Society. Now, hearing Yu Xian's generous words, he felt a flame rising from his heart, making him excited.

"Senior Bai, I want to stay and help you! I also want to contribute to the Great Unity Society!"

Yu Xian looked at the energized Qi Shaowei and felt a sense of brightness and hope that always attracted people.

Young people are indeed easily swayed and prone to impulsiveness.

Although this young man is already eighty or ninety years old, it doesn't matter. There is still a lingering passion in his heart, making him a youth.

However, it is the right path for you to stay obediently in the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce as their insider.

"Shao Wei, I don't want to keep you from staying, but you are a member of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce and also the descendant of Chairman Qi. If you stay, it will only cause misunderstandings. If you really want to help the Great Unity Society, why not help me gather more information about those Monster Emperors?

If we can save others because of your information, it would be an admirable thing."

The Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce spans many domains, and its intelligence system is undoubtedly top-notch.

Take the matter of the Three Great Monster Emperors this time, they have Jinpeng Monster Emperor as their insider, but until now, they still haven't figured out who the real mastermind is, let alone the ten-year agreement.

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have had to worry about it at all.

And yet, a mere branch of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce has such clear information about the internal affairs of the Monster Race. They even dare to hold an auction at the end of the ten-year agreement, cutting off the last bit of wealth. This shows their boldness and skill.

This guy, Qi Shaowei, has been baptized by the Great Love Law Domain for more than thirty years. Now he is already in the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, and he comes from a prominent family in the Chamber. His aptitude is also good. He is already in the mid-stage of the Gold Core realm and can break through to the Late Stage in three to five decades, with hopes of reaching the Nascent Soul realm.

If he doesn't become an undercover agent, then who will?


Qi Shaowei's burning enthusiasm cooled slightly as he felt that Senior Bai's words made a lot of sense.

After thinking for a moment, he took off a storage ring from his finger.

"Senior Bai, I know these things are insignificant to you, but they are my heartfelt gift to the Great Unity Society. Please accept them."

He handed over the ring with both hands.

However, Yu Xian shook his head and said, "Shaowei, since you know that these things are insignificant to me, you should use these treasures on yourself. If one day you can break through to the Nascent Soul realm, not only can you fulfill the expectations of your family and bring glory to the Qi family, but you can also help more people."

"Go now, don't keep Chairman Qi waiting."

Only then did Qi Shaowei put away the storage ring, but he still looked back three times.

He made a firm resolution to work hard in his cultivation, climb to a high position in the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, and contribute to his ideal of the Great Unity Society.

"What a simple child."

Yu Xian looked at Qi Shaowei's figure and shook his head with a sigh.

Yue Ji couldn't help but laugh, "Husband, you are getting better and better at fooling people. No wonder so many people in the Great Unity Society are willing to sacrifice their lives for you."

Yu Xian said seriously, "This is not fooling, it is everyone's infinite longing for beauty and hope, and I am just the lucky one who helps them realize their hopes."

"The ten-year agreement, hehe, now we don't have to worry about not having a chance to repay the debt."

Yu Xian touched the storage ring containing the Monster King's inner core and smiled lightly.

"A bright future is waiting for each and every one of us." (End of this chapter)

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