Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 40 Who Is In Favor And Who Is Against? (Down)

Chapter 40: Who Supports, Who Opposes? (Part 2)

"Brother Ding?!"

Ding Gongfeng, who had just recovered from his injuries, had an expressionless face as he slowly put down his hand. It was he who had disabled Yan Hongfei's leg with his sword energy.

The gap between a congenital warrior and a postnatal warrior was huge, and he had launched a sneak attack, so he wouldn't miss.

"Old Yan, Supervisor Yu is also considering the safety of the entire Wang Mansion. Why bother being the scapegoat?"

He and Yan Hongfei were friends, good friends even. But when Yu Xian came to him a few days ago and revealed his biggest secret, he resolutely surrendered and joined.

Since he had surrendered several times before, this time didn't make much difference.

"Don't ask too much, or you'll die."

Ding Gongfeng's lips moved slightly, his voice like a mosquito, but exceptionally clear.

Yan Hongfei bowed his head and said nothing.

Ding Gongfeng then loudly declared, "I, Ding Le, can honestly say that I believe Supervisor Yu would never wrongly accuse someone. I will demonstrate by taking this poison pill first!"

He grabbed the Seven-Day Death Pill that was still floating in the air and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Everyone, I have taken the poison pill. If I am to die, it will be in front of all of you."

"Please, Supervisor Yu, give another poison pill so that I can give it to Yan Gongfeng and take him for treatment."

Yu Xian looked deeply at Ding Gongfeng, said nothing, and then flicked out another poison pill.

Ding Gongfeng's heart jumped to his throat. He knew that he hadn't followed Yu Xian's plan and had likely angered him.

But Yan Hongfei was his sworn brother, they had fought side by side, and he couldn't personally take his life.

On one hand, it was a betrayal of his conscience, and on the other hand, it was cutting himself off from the martial world. What kind of person could betray even their closest friends and brothers? What was there left to trust?

So he chose to take a risk and give it a try.

"Thank you, Supervisor Yu."

In front of everyone, he fed the poison pill to Yan Hongfei and then helped him walk out.

Just as they left the gates of the Wang Mansion, Yan Hongfei couldn't help but grab Ding Gongfeng's arm and ask, "Brother Ding, what's going on?"

Ding Gongfeng sighed and said, "Old Yan, I risked my life just now to save you. Remember this leg of yours. When we used to roam the martial world together, we couldn't beat others, we could only crawl through their crotches. Now, there's nothing we can't bow our heads to. You have no idea how terrifying Supervisor Yu is."

Yan Hongfei touched his injured leg and said bitterly, "What does this Supervisor Yu want to do?"

"When the prince died, everything in the Wang Mansion changed. The princess trusts Supervisor Yu very much, and I heard that she even made the young prince his disciple. Today, Supervisor Yu took the opportunity to take control of the Supervisor's Hall. We will all be under his control, and I'm afraid the Wang Mansion will be surnamed Yu in the future."

Ding Gongfeng revealed what he knew and consoled, "Supervisor Yu is terrifyingly powerful, even I am no match for him. Just think of it as finding another backer. The situation is turbulent now, but it's not necessarily a bad thing."

Although Ding Gongfeng still hadn't figured it out.

He, as an undercover agent, hadn't done anything yet, so how did the prince die?

But when he thought of the unpredictable nature of those cultivators, and the fireball spell that had hit him without hesitation that day, he felt relieved.

In their eyes, he was simply not a person worth considering. They didn't need to inform him before taking action, nor did they care if he would be exposed. They didn't even bother using any means of control on him.

"Well, it can only be like this."

Yan Hongfei sighed, "It's just that this Supervisor Yu is too domineering. He didn't give us any warning or preparation. There will probably be a lot of bloodshed today."

Inside the courtyard.

The guards had already surrounded the Supervisor's Hall, and no one thought they were joking.

Even Ding Gongfeng, who was a celestial-level supervisor, had surrendered. Did they really think they could match a martial arts master?

So more and more supervisors voluntarily requested to take the medicine, praying that it was truly to find the mole, although they didn't believe this reason themselves.

Yu Xian accepted all who came, one person, one pill, but he sighed inwardly.

"Yulan, oh Yulan, I have broken my vow for you."

Originally, he avoided getting involved in cause and effect, and would steer clear of any trouble. But now, he actively involves himself in the power struggles within the Wang Mansion, using poison to control life and death, regardless of the potential consequences, all in order to quickly gain control over the entire Wang Mansion.

With Yulan's assistance, he doesn't have such an urgent need for cultivation resources. But it's different for Yulan. In order to ensure her cultivation doesn't regress and even continues to progress in the mundane world, she needs various resources to support her.

Otherwise, in another ten or eight years, Yulan's bones will age, her vitality will decline, and her cultivation will slow down day by day. By then, he will still be in his prime, while Yulan will be old and feeble.

Damn it, how can he bear to do this? Does he still want to advance in his cultivation?

The thought of having to struggle with an old woman just to advance in his cultivation fills him with a strong desire to kill.

Until he finds another partner, anyone who dares to hinder Yulan's cultivation will die!

As for why he didn't bring Yulan to the cultivation world, it's the same reason. The cultivation world is full of big shots, and he, a small shrimp, can't withstand any storms there. In the mundane world, even if his progress in cultivation is a bit slow, it is still within his control.

There are more than thirty worshippers in the Shrine, involved in various professions. By controlling them, he has countless pairs of eyes to provide him with information and obtain mundane resources. If it weren't for the Wang Mansion's reputation, it wouldn't be easy to control them.

Finally, there are eight worshippers who remain indifferent, including Xia Zhu. They all have an attitude of confronting Yu Xian to the end.

Yu Xian calmly asks, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Xia Zhu sneers, "They are afraid of you, but I am not. If you dare to harm me even a bit, my uncle will report to the court, and not even the princess can save you."

"Oh, may I ask who your uncle is?"

"He is Xia Shiming, an inspector from the Imperial Censorate!"

Xia Zhu raises her chin slightly.

Yu Xian nods and says, "It seems that you are indeed related to the case of the prince's assassination. Take him away, feed him the pill, and throw him into the dungeon until his uncle comes to claim him."

They don't even care about the prince being killed. There must be a big problem with the court. What does it matter if he makes some small moves in the Wang Mansion?

"What do you want?!"

"Don't! Don't! Mmm..."

Xia Zhu's jaw is twisted by a guard, dislocating it and leaving her mouth wide open. She is then forcibly fed the poisonous pill and dragged away.

"What about the rest of you?"

Yu Xian scans the others.

The other seven worshippers immediately change their tune, saying, "Supervisor Yu has a discerning eye and won't wrongly accuse us. We will take the pill."

"No need to force it?"

"No need!"

"That's good." Yu Xian stands up and bows, "I consider myself a close friend of the prince, so this assassination case must be thoroughly investigated. I apologize in advance for any inconveniences or requests that may arise during the investigation. Once the truth is revealed, I will apologize to all of you."

"We will cooperate, we will cooperate."

"Please rest assured, Supervisor Yu."

"We understand."

Everyone speaks in unison.

"Then let's disperse."

Yu Xian waves his hand, looking uninterested.

"I thought there would be some bloodshed."

Everyone's hearts skip a beat and they quickly take their leave.

This worshipper Yu used to seem very gentle. We even drank together before. How did he suddenly change like this? Could it be because he was traumatized by the prince's death?

But the most important thing now is to go back and find someone to try to detoxify. After taking the poisonous pill, something feels off in his whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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