Chapter 42: A Stirring Storm

The mundane time always passes in the blink of an eye.

On this morning, Yu Xian pushed aside the lotus arm in front of his chest, and his gaze traveled upwards, revealing a fair and tender complexion.

But he remained expressionless, calm as water.

Nothing out of the ordinary, just used to it.

Yu Xian got up and put on his clothes, pushed open the window, and a gentle breeze brushed against him, still carrying a hint of end-of-summer dryness, followed by a faint osmanthus fragrance.

It turned out that the osmanthus tree in the courtyard had bloomed, with deep yellow flowers scattered among them, exuding a light and elegant fragrance.

Only then did Yu Xian suddenly realize that he had been in the Wang Mansion for over a year.

His gaze moved downward, and a simple panel appeared in his field of vision.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining Ninth Layer (18/550)]

[Soulmate: Yu Lan (1/1)]

"After more than a year of arduous cultivation, I am getting closer to Foundation Building."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yu Xian's mouth. Who could have imagined that he, who had exhausted his savings to retire in the mortal world, would make such great progress in such a short period of time.

In the blink of an eye, Foundation Building was within reach.

"I heard that ordinary Qi Refining cultivators who want to break through to the Foundation Building realm have only a one in ten chance of success without the protection of Foundation Building Pills. I wonder if I can succeed in one go?"

As for how to Foundation Building, Yu Xian knew nothing and could only wear a confused expression.

The information about Foundation Building Pills was obtained from an auction held in a small market near him. It was said that a Foundation Building Pill was sold for a high price of over ten thousand spirit stones.

This made him and his group of low-level scattered cultivators envious, discussing how they would use the Foundation Building Pill if they obtained one.

Typical of planning how to spend five million before buying a lottery ticket.

As for him, he couldn't afford to buy Foundation Building Pills, nor did he have the courage to do so.

So he could only rely on the power of his cultivation.

After all, a golden finger shouldn't be such an inconvenient thing. Foundation Building should not be looked down upon and relied on external objects.

Yu Xian began to daydream again.

Li Gonggong, a broad and fat man downstairs, had walked over without him noticing. Seeing Yu Xian leaning against the window enjoying the breeze and flowers, he felt a sense of familiarity for no reason.

The last time he came, Yu Xian was just a newly appointed Tier-level worshipper, with his reputation just beginning to rise. Now he was already in charge of the Wang Mansion, and Li Gonggong could only be his deputy.

"Manager Yu."

Li Gonggong called out softly.

Yu Xian snapped back to reality, "Li Gonggong, what's the matter?"

Li Gonggong forced a smile, "Lord Zhai, Lord Cui, and General Di have come to the Wang Mansion to discuss matters with the Madam. The Madam asked me to invite you to join them."

"What are they discussing with the Madam?"

Yu Xian jumped down from the window directly.

Li Gonggong was startled, but quickly calmed down and said with a bitter smile, "The rebels from Guangnan recently captured three cities. Now the army is less than a hundred miles away from Changning County. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of refugees gathering outside the city, and there is a possibility of riots at any time. They want the Madam to issue an edict in the name of the Wang Mansion, calling on the surrounding prefectures to send people to defend the city and repel the rebels."

"The rebels came so quickly?"

Yu Xian was also surprised.

He remembered that when he first heard about the chaos in Guangnan, it was less than a year ago, and the rebels were a thousand miles away from Changning City.

But in such a short period of time, not only were the rebels not suppressed, they had grown stronger and had reached their doorstep.

Li Gonggong sighed, "Now more and more people are following the rebels. It is said that many cities surrendered without much resistance, and some of the defending officers were assassinated without even being able to organize an effective defense. The court's response has been slow, and now the rebels control the three southeastern counties, becoming an unstoppable force."

"Cough, sorry, Manager Yu, we have said too much. You should go and see the Madam first. The Madam is currently indecisive and wants to seek your advice."

Yu Xian nodded, "I'll go now."


Conference Hall.

The princess held the young prince, Jiang Heng, in her arms, sitting behind the curtain. The voices of the three giants of military, political, and legal affairs in Changning City could be heard in front.

"Mother, they are so noisy. I want to go out and play."

The young prince, who was still a few months away from turning nine, snuggled in the princess's arms and couldn't understand what the adults outside were arguing about.

"Heng'er, you are the prince now. Everyone is watching you. You can't act like a child anymore."

The princess whispered in her son's ear, "Your master is coming soon. Behave yourself."


Jiang Heng's eyes were filled with fear as he reflexively touched his buttocks.

"Heng'er, be good and listen to your mother."

Jiang Heng was genuinely afraid of his master, whom he had only known for a few months.

He used to be a notorious little tyrant in the Wang Mansion. Anyone who saw him would receive two big slaps, and everyone had to indulge and pamper him.

Except for his master.

His master really hit him.

On their first meeting, his master smiled and gave him a candy, but he slapped it away and made his master kneel down to be his horse.

And then his buttocks were shattered into eight pieces.

Jiang Heng remembered that his throat was hoarse from crying that day. Later, he went to his mother to complain, but his mother sided with his master.

So he cried and shouted to find his father, which made his mother cry in anger.

And then his eight-piece buttocks turned into sixteen pieces, so painful that he forgot to cry.

Then, his master had the doctor Huang, whose body was full of medicinal scent, apply medicine to his buttocks. It was cool and soothing, and his buttocks quickly healed.

But the next day, when he didn't listen, he was beaten again.

Jiang Heng recalled the days he spent with his master, which were like a history of tears and blood for his buttocks.

Now, upon hearing that his master was coming, Jiang Heng immediately straightened his posture, so as not to give his master a chance to hit his buttocks.

In the hall, the debate among several adults came to an end, and a middle-aged official with a mustache bowed towards the curtain.

"Your Highness, the rebels are close at hand, and the refugees are showing signs of unrest. Please make a decision early!"

The princess recognized him as Changning County Governor Zhai Run. When the prince was still alive, he was a yes-man, doing whatever the prince said.

But as soon as the prince left, he began to neglect the orders from the Wang Mansion.

The rebels broke through the city, causing a surge in refugees. Now they were gathering outside the city and wanted to enter. He actually wanted her to order the dispersal of hundreds of thousands of refugees in the name of the Wang Mansion.

If she dared to make such a decision, she would undoubtedly be condemned by the people in the future.

But when she thought about the city being breached and the Wang Mansion being the first to bear the brunt, if the refugees were not dispersed, there would be a risk of losing the city's defenses.

The princess was suddenly at a loss.

"Changshi Cui, what do you think?"

Her gaze went through the bead curtain and looked at another civil official in the field, who was none other than the Wang Mansion's Chief Secretary, Cui Qingyuan.

Cui Qingyuan bowed to the princess, showing respect.

"Your Highness, this humble official believes that Governor Zhai's words are reasonable. The number of refugees is large, and if not dealt with promptly, it could lead to a rebellion. However, violent expulsion is not advisable. It would be better to distribute porridge to appease them first, and then gradually relocate them to nearby prefectures and counties. This way, it can also prevent the refugees from causing trouble by entering the city."

The princess was immediately intrigued.

This approach seemed good.

Zhai Run sneered, "Chief Secretary Cui is truly kind-hearted. Let's not even mention whether the rebels will attack us in the near future. Even if we want to distribute porridge for disaster relief, where will the money come from? We're talking about hundreds of thousands of refugees, not just dozens or hundreds of people. Even if we give them a bowl of thin porridge a day, we would need tens of thousands of stones of grain. And where will the manpower come from to relocate them? We are currently in need of manpower to defend the city, and Chief Secretary Cui's approach is weakening our defense."

"The Wang Mansion can provide the money."

The princess almost blurted it out.

The Fu Wang Mansion had been managing Changning County for many years, and this little amount of money was not a problem. If it could help defend the city, she was willing to give more.

She even said that she would let go of the power of the Wang Mansion, let alone a little money. She was a typical person who didn't care about her own property.

"I thank the princess on behalf of the people outside the city!"

Zhai Run immediately changed his mind, knowing that with this money, he could at least get a thirty percent share.

"Furthermore, the matter of the Wang Mansion's decree will be fully entrusted to Chief Secretary Cui. I am just a woman with limited knowledge. The defense of the city will rely on the wisdom of several adults. From now on, there is no need to consult me on these matters."

Behind the bead curtain, the princess sighed.

"I'm a little tired. You may all leave."

"Your Highness, you are wise. This humble official takes his leave."

Everyone bowed and could barely conceal their joy.

This trip could be considered a harvest.

Not only did they obtain money and grain from the Wang Mansion, but they also completely stripped the princess of her power. Now they could do whatever they wanted in Changning City.

After everyone left.

The princess looked towards the other side and asked, "Supervisor Yu, why did you make me agree to them?"

Yu Xian walked out from the shadows and smiled, "If the princess has no interest in power struggles, why not completely stay out of it and let them do as they please? If we really can't defend the city in the end, it's just fate. At that time, I am confident that I can protect the princess and Heng'er and leave Changning City."

The princess was stunned for a moment, looked at Yu Xian's confident appearance, and touched the head of the child in her arms. She nodded.

"I entrust everything to you."

(End of this chapter)

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