Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 44 Get What You Want

Chapter 44: Getting What One Wishes For

Not long after Zhou Zongbu left, a plump and beautiful woman emerged from behind the screen. It was none other than the princess.

It turned out that she had sneaked in to eavesdrop on their conversation.

At this moment, her face was slightly flushed, her eyes filled with shyness and timidity, and her gaze towards Yu Xian carried a hint of reproach.

"Manager Yu, what nonsense did you say to Zhou Zongbu just now? Will my reputation be ruined in the future?"

"When did you arrive, Your Highness?"

Yu Xian was taken aback.

The princess snorted coldly, "If I hadn't come, how would I know that Manager Yu had such wicked thoughts towards me?"

Yu Xian's face turned pale, and he quickly apologized, "Zhou Zongbu is not someone who spreads rumors. I would never speak recklessly. I was just in a moment of urgency and accidentally said... said the truth. If Your Highness blames me, I am willing to accept punishment. But these are my sincere words, even if Your Highness punishes me, I will not change."

Seeing Yu Xian's reaction, the princess affirmed her own charm, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Alright, alright, I'm not really blaming you. Just don't say these things in front of others in the future."

Yu Xian was initially stunned, but then pretended to be pleasantly surprised, "Your Highness, you're not blaming me?"

The princess snorted, "When have I ever blamed you? In the future, I still have to rely on Manager Yu for Heng'er."

She glanced at Yu Xian, her eyes filled with coquettishness, truly enchanting.

This expression made Yu Xian's heart sway, knowing that his relationship with the princess had taken another step closer, and the day he transformed into a traitor was not far away.

But he couldn't be too hasty at this moment, so he coughed lightly and asked about the princess's business.

"Your Highness, how are the preparations going?"

It turned out that when Zhou Bai came to see the princess, Yu Xian had already instructed her to pack up and leave. That's why he didn't want to let him meet the princess.

Unexpectedly, the princess was worried about the people in the city and came to eavesdrop. She accidentally heard the words that made her both embarrassed and happy.

The princess didn't answer, but instead showed a worried expression.

"Yu Xian, do we really have to leave? Perhaps the imperial reinforcements will arrive soon. If we leave, the city will truly collapse."

As Yu Xian had said, she was a sentimental woman, and Zhou Bai's words had already stirred her compassionate heart.

But unconsciously, she had changed from addressing Yu Xian by his title to using his real name.

Yu Xian smiled bitterly, "Your Highness, even if we stay, what can we change? Lord Wang died suddenly, everything is in chaos, the intelligence system of the Wang Mansion, and the military power have not been taken back. The Wang Mansion is now blind and crippled. Instead, the decades of savings have become a piece of fat. The Wang Mansion still has the deterrence of the imperial court, and the chaos in the city cannot reach the mansion. But once the rebels attack, the Wang Mansion will become a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh. Your Highness, even if you don't think for yourself, you should think for Heng'er."


The child was the princess's soft spot. Whenever the child was mentioned, the princess would put away her compassionate heart.

"I have already instructed Li Gonggong to pack up the things. They should be fully packed by tomorrow at the latest. By the way, I think I have found Lord Wang's secret room."

Yu Xian's face lit up, unable to help but take a few steps forward, "Really?"

The princess suddenly smelled the strong masculine scent emanating from Yu Xian and involuntarily tightened her legs.

"Yes, it's true."

The princess forcefully stepped back two steps.

"I'll take you to see it."


Yu Xian was attracted by the secret room of the Prince Fu, but he didn't notice the princess's unusual behavior at this moment.


Prince Fu's study.

Crack, crack!

The princess turned the candlestick, and the sound of gears sliding came from behind the bookshelf. Then, the bookshelf slid open, revealing a whole piece of stone wall, as if it was embedded in the wall.

"Ever since you mentioned that Lord Wang left a secret room in the mansion, I have been searching in the places where Lord Wang usually stayed. I actually found it."

The voice of the princess sounded somewhat triumphant.

"It's still impressive that the princess pays such close attention to details. I admire you," Yu Xian praised.

As Yu Xian praised, he opened his mouth, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness wanted to penetrate the stone wall to see what was behind it.

To his surprise, he found that his spiritual consciousness was actually blocked by the stone wall. If it weren't for what he saw with his own eyes, he wouldn't have noticed this stone wall at all.

No wonder he had been to this study several times and hadn't discovered anything.

He reminded himself silently.

Spiritual consciousness is not all-powerful. Even the Prince of Fortune has methods to conceal spiritual consciousness, not to mention the various means in the cultivation world.

"Princess, I'll go in first. If there's no danger, you can come in later."

Yu Xian pushed open the stone wall.

The princess hurriedly said, "Be careful."

"Princess, don't worry."

Yu Xian smiled, and after pushing open the stone wall, the scene inside could no longer stop his spiritual consciousness from exploring. It was an underground passage that extended downwards, with some delicate mechanisms.

He casually removed the mechanisms one by one.

"Princess, you can come in now."

With a few flicks of his fingers, sparks flashed, illuminating the oil lamp left in the passage.

The princess heard Yu Xian's voice and saw the light inside, so she gathered her courage, lifted her skirt, and went down. But whether it was because she was too nervous or not, she slipped when she stepped down.


The princess seemed to have already seen herself falling and becoming a mess.

Then a pair of broad and sturdy arms embraced her.

The princess looked up and saw Yu Xian's worried eyes. Under the reflection of the lamp, they seemed to be shining.

"Princess, are you okay?"

The warm breath that Yu Xian exhaled made the princess unable to help but hold onto his arm.

Last time, he held her like this too, and what he said to General Zhou just now, does it count or not?

The princess couldn't help but let her imagination run wild.

"I, I'm fine."

Yu Xian, however, straightened the princess without understanding the situation and said with a hint of reproach, "Be more careful next time."


The princess lowered her head, like a little maid.

As soon as Yu Xian spoke, he felt that he had been too harsh, but before he could change his words, he saw the princess's appearance of being moved by affection.

He reached forward with his arm, and the princess exclaimed softly as she threw herself into his arms, her head lowered enough to see the snowy white skin under her neck.


Yu Xian's voice became low, and his Adam's apple moved slightly.

"You still call me princess?"

The princess didn't push Yu Xian away, as if the dim environment had made her bolder.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian no longer cared about what the Prince of Fortune had left behind. The biggest treasure was already in his arms.


The princess's real name was Ning Xin, and only the Prince of Fortune and her parents used to call her Xin'er. But now there was one more person.

With the rustling sound, the two of them lingered at the entrance of the secret room for a full half hour.

"Xin'er, I'm not your enemy. You bit me too hard just now."

Yu Xian straightened his clothes and showed the princess a neat row of fine teeth marks on his shoulder.

Fortunately, his physical strength had been tempered by magic power, and his skin was as tough as cowhide. Otherwise, the princess would have bitten him until he bled.

The princess's face was as red as blood, and the corners of her eyes were filled with spring-like tenderness. She pouted and said, "It's all your fault."

"I'll go up first. You can take your time here."

The princess fled in embarrassment, thinking to herself that she must be crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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