Chapter 46: Boarding the Ship

The next morning.

Changning River Port.

Dozens of horse-drawn carts stopped in front of a large ship, and armed guards were busy loading goods onto the ship.

There were also people guarding from a hundred meters away, preventing anyone from approaching.

This was the convoy of the Fu Wang Mansion.

Years of accumulation were not to be taken lightly. Even though the guards of the mansion were all cultivators, it would still take a couple of hours to transport everything onto the ship.

Yu Xian stood on the deck, with the Seven Star Sword hanging from his waist and leaning against the railing, enjoying the breeze from the river. Beside him was Huang Daifu, who was about to bid him farewell.

"Huang Daifu, the day of the city's fall is approaching. If you stay, it will be a matter of life and death. Why not come with us to the north? The mansion could use someone like you."

Huang Daifu stroked his goatee and said, "Brother Yu, I am fifty-six years old this year. Over the years, I have experimented with various medicines on myself and have suffered many illnesses. I probably won't live for many more years.

As the saying goes, it's hard to leave one's homeland. I would rather die in my own hometown.

Besides, I am a doctor. Even if the rebels come, they probably won't give me too much trouble."

As he spoke, he took out a slightly worn book from his pocket.

"However, things are unpredictable. In case I meet an unfortunate end, it would be a pity for my medical skills to be lost. I ask you, Brother Yu, to find a successor for me.

Otherwise, my research will have no one to carry it on in this lifetime, even if I go to the underworld."

Yu Xian paused for a moment, accepting Huang Daifu's inheritance, and sighed, "It's a pity that I won't be able to taste your medicinal wine in the future."

Huang Daifu smiled in response, "To have my wine appreciated by a kindred spirit is already an honor. The journey ahead is long and treacherous. Brother Yu, may the wind be at your back. Farewell, until we meet again."

He bowed and turned away, walking down the ship with a somewhat graceful figure.

Yu Xian put away Huang Daifu's medical inheritance and turned his gaze to another person nearby.

"Ding, you are an elder of the Changle Sword Sect. Why do you want to follow us? I have already given the antidote to Chief Zhou. As long as you cooperate with him, I believe he won't withhold the antidote from you."

Ding smiled bitterly, "Lord Supervisor, I do want to stay, but I'm afraid that if I do, my life will be in danger.

Chief Zhou already has the intention to destroy the city. Even if he promises to hand over the antidote after defending the city, the others in the sect won't be so obedient.

I have no attachments or obligations. Instead of following him to my death, it's better to follow you north, at least my life will be guaranteed.

Moreover, I was first an elder of the Changle Sword Sect, then joined the Immortal Slayer Alliance, and was later recruited by the Azure Dragon Society. Now I have joined the mansion and am being commanded by you, Lord Supervisor.

Where else can I go after this? If I go back, I won't be able to explain to anyone."

Yu Xian smiled, "You are indeed straightforward."

After Ding's identity was discovered, he willingly revealed his background.

He grew up in the Changle Sword Sect, then went out to gain experience and accidentally learned about the existence of cultivators.

After breaking through to the Innate Realm, he joined the Immortal Slayer Alliance, hoping to obtain the inheritance of a cultivator by killing them.

However, after several failed attempts by the Immortal Slayer Alliance, he almost lost his life but gained nothing.

So he returned to the sect, only to register with the Immortal Slayer Alliance to gather information and never forget about the inheritance of cultivators.

It was only two years ago that the elder of the sect introduced him to the newly established Azure Dragon Society, a powerful organization.

It was said that the president was a cultivator, and as long as one could contribute enough, there was a chance to become a cultivator. Ding didn't know how many martial arts masters had been recruited through this method.

Ding received a mission from the Azure Dragon Society to infiltrate the mansion.

Originally, he wanted to establish his authority in the mansion through Yu Xian, in order to improve his position in Prince Fu's heart and gain access to the mansion's secrets.

The result was that Yu Xian slapped him and made him look miserable, so he had no choice but to stop and wholeheartedly serve the Wang Mansion.

Finally, after waiting and making contact with the contact person, he received intelligence from the Wang Mansion and looked forward to cooperating with external forces to complete the mission and become an immortal cultivator.

Unexpectedly, the contact person turned around and wanted to kidnap and insult the princess, and almost burned him alive.

Then, his undercover identity was exposed by Yu Xian. For the sake of his own life, he had to change his allegiance again.

It can be said that he didn't gain any benefits and was only used by others.

Now he just wants to find a place where no one knows him and live the rest of his life freely.

"I will give you the antidote to leave after protecting the princess to the capital."

Yu Xian saw that Ding Le wanted to stay, so he let him and even made a promise to appease him.

Ding Le's face brightened, "Really?"

Yu Xian honestly said, "You are already a person of the Four Clans. Even if you have been poisoned by me, I don't want to keep such an unstable factor by my side. So rest assured, your value is not worth me breaking my promise."

The poison on Ding Le's body is incurable for ordinary martial artists, but it is not very effective for immortal cultivators. Even a mid-stage Qi Refining cultivator can help him remove the gu worms by touching his body.

He doesn't have any position, and after the poison is removed, he will betray again in minutes. Keeping him around is just to see his strength as a Martial Master and to use him as a helper on the journey north.

Ding Le was belittled by Yu Xian, but he didn't mind. Instead, he said happily, "Master, rest assured, I will protect the princess and the young prince on this journey."

"I'll wait and see," Yu Xian said indifferently.

Ding Le left with hope and rolled up his sleeves to help the guards of the Wang Mansion move goods, showing a dedicated and responsible appearance.

Yu Xian looked into the distance and saw many common people on the riverbank kneeling towards the port, hoping that the nobleman would pity them and give them a way out, allowing them to stay on the ship.

Now that the city gates are closed and the waterways are blocked by the officials and soldiers, it is difficult to obtain a ship ticket.

These people cannot afford the money and cannot find a way, so they can only resort to this method.

In a short while, several stewards of wealthy households came down from another ship. They picked and chose from the crowd, selecting some beautiful girls and pulling them onto the ship.

Others watched in a daze, and some even pushed their own children onto the ship, hoping to go together.

"The rebels won't massacre the city, these wealthy households are afraid of losing their homes. Why are you so anxious to follow them? Bringing all your belongings onto the ship, with no one to rely on, do you really think you can stay until the end?" Yu Xian sighed inwardly. He couldn't save everyone, and he himself had to run away. He didn't have the confidence to persuade others, so he could only retract his gaze as if he hadn't seen anything.

However, just as he was feeling a little annoyed, he heard the cries of a girl in his ears.

"Please, I don't want to board the ship, let me go, I want to find my father!"

He turned his head and saw at the entrance on the other end of the deck, a pale-faced young master looking proudly at the girl being dragged up by two servants.

"You came here on your own accord, it's not this young master forcing you. Since I'm feeling lonely on the journey, I might as well accept you. Take her to this young master's room first, and we'll have fun later tonight."

The young master laughed arrogantly and instructed the steward beside him, "Wu Liu, go down and pick more for this young master. It's not easy to find a virtuous lady to play with on ordinary days."

Damn it, they sent up a punching bag!

Yu Xian twisted his neck, his wrist swirled with sword energy, and he walked forward, slapping the young master on the shoulder with his sword.

"Let her go."

(End of this chapter)

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