Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 57 War Clouds (2 In 1)

Chapter 57: The Clouds of War (Part 2)


Crackle, crackle!

Inside the imperial palace, as a giant firework burst in the sky, stars fell like rain, turning the night sky into a sea of flowers.

Following closely behind, fireworks of various colors shot up all over the capital, illuminating the dark night with people's enthusiasm.

Then came the sound of firecrackers, crackling like a grand gun battle. Even if one covered their ears, the sound still pierced through their eardrums.

Inside the Prince Fu's residence,

The young prince and Yulan each held a string of incense, setting off fireworks in the courtyard, their explosions accompanied by their screams and laughter.

The queen consort stood by, smiling gently, her gaze particularly tender.

But soon, the young prince threw a firecracker into the carefully tended flower bed, blowing up her favorite cluster of tulips.

Her gentleness was instantly shattered, and she lifted her skirt, chasing after her troublesome son throughout the courtyard.

The young prince had originally wanted to seek help from his master, but when he saw his master smile at him, he was shocked and forcibly stopped his approaching steps.

Then he ran towards Yulan, shouting for help, and started playing a game of "eagle catching chicks" with the queen consort, circling around Yulan.

Yu Xian sat on the steps, watching the three of them play, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

Compared to the gloomy atmosphere in the mansion during the previous New Year, and everyone's anxiety about the future, the mansion had now adapted to life in the capital.

People always have to look forward.

Time is also the best medicine for healing everything.

This was his third year celebrating the New Year in the mortal world, and his fourth year since he arrived in the mortal world.

Yu Xian extended his hand, and a green light flickered like a small fish swimming between his fingers. It was the transformed Bi Xue Sword after his breakthrough.

The Bi Xue Sword had now become a genuine low-grade magical weapon, possessing the ability to self-heal, unlike an embryo that could easily be damaged with a slight knock.

After a proper magical weapon was damaged in a battle, as long as it was nurtured in the dantian afterwards, it would slowly heal itself, as long as it wasn't completely destroyed.

Of course, the healing process took a long time.

However, for Yu Xian, a Foundation Building cultivator, a low-grade magical weapon was extremely shabby.

Not to mention a low-grade magical weapon, even a Foundation Building cultivator would look down on it, only the higher-level spiritual weapons were suitable for them.

But Yu Xian didn't despise his Bi Xue Sword at all.

He reached into his pocket and took out a piece of gold essence, and the Bi Xue Sword, like a cat smelling blood, swiftly enveloped and swallowed the gold essence.

After a short while, gray fine sand drifted down under the green light.

It was the impurities left after the Bi Xue Sword fused with the gold essence.

As mentioned before, although blood-refining a magical weapon had various shortcomings, it also had an advantage that ordinary magical weapons couldn't replace.

That was the growth characteristic of blood-refined magical weapons.

As long as the owner of the magical weapon was willing to pay the price to cultivate it, theoretically, a blood-refined magical weapon could grow together with its owner.

However, the price paid was enough to refine several magical weapons of the same level, and it would also delay the owner's cultivation.

That's why this method gradually became obsolete and became the refining method of low-level cultivators.

"I nourish the magical weapon with my Foundation Building mana every day, and now I've started to let it devour gold essence to enhance its foundation. In half a year at most, the Bi Xue Sword will be promoted to a middle-grade magical weapon."

Yu Xian estimated the strength of the Bi Xue Sword at the moment and made a rough judgment in his heart.

For a Qi Refining cultivator to promote their low-grade magical weapon to a middle-grade magical weapon, it would take at least ten to twenty years of accumulation.

But he was a Foundation Building cultivator.

This time would be greatly shortened.

In fact, besides him being a freak, no Foundation Building cultivator would be willing to spend their own blood and mana to nurture a low-grade magical weapon.

According to Yu Xian's estimation, in five years in the mortal world, it would be enough for him to upgrade the Bi Xue Sword to a high-grade magical weapon.

If the materials were sufficient, it was even possible to upgrade it to a top-grade magical weapon.

"Husband, come and play with us."

Yulan ran over with a smile, inviting him.

Yu Xian glanced at Li Gonggong, who stood like a wooden man at the courtyard gate, his gaze filled with resentment, and shook his head.

"Forget it, you guys go ahead."

Hmm, let's give him some face and not provoke him.

Getting old is not easy, especially at night.

"Well, I won't play either."

Yulan obediently sat down next to Yu Xian, resting her head on his shoulder and whispered softly.

"Darling, I always feel like everything now is like a dream. It would be so nice if every year could be like this."

"Am I being too greedy?"

Yu Xian smiled and said, "You can be even more greedy."

Yulan blushed and smiled shyly, then suddenly said, "I wonder how Xiaoyi is doing? I used to worry that she would steal you away, but now that she's gone, I'm worried about her."

"If she hadn't left, we would definitely be happier now."

Yu Xian paused, looked at her, and saw a hint of innocence on the girl's face as she gently prayed for the safety of her distant sister.

At that moment, a firework exploded in the night sky.

Under the blossoming fireworks, the night sky became beautiful.

Yu Xian gently kissed Yulan and whispered in her ear, "Let's wish her good luck together."


After the New Year, it seemed like Kyoto had pressed the accelerator.

The previous peace was briefly disrupted by a piece of news.

The Guangnan rebels took advantage of the lax defense on New Year's Eve and launched an attack with an army of 200,000, crossing the Cangjiang River. Three days ago, they had already crossed the river and the Cangbei County was about to fall.

Over a year ago, after the rebels captured Changning County, they continued to conquer eight southern counties in rapid succession.

Then the rebels were blocked by the natural barrier of the Cangjiang River and had to govern from across the river with the court.

Everyone thought that the rebels would take the opportunity to regroup and accumulate strength, at least for a few peaceful years.

But no one expected the rebels to be so bold, to gamble everything they had.

If Cangbei County fell, the next ten or so central counties would have no defenses, and the rebels would directly threaten the safety of Kyoto.

The urgent news spread over a distance of 800 miles, and Kyoto was suddenly in an uproar. The war was already so close to them.

Even Yu Xian, who was in the Wang Mansion, could feel the heavy atmosphere.

In the front hall meeting room.

"Manager Yu, we can't sleep at night now. How did the royal family, who ruled for hundreds of years, lose so quickly? We just started to live a peaceful life for a few days, sigh..."

Li Gonggong's hair had turned gray at some point, and he exuded an aura of aging.

But Yu Xian knew that the outcome of this war did not depend on the outcome of the battle.

No matter how powerful and invincible the rebel army seemed, as long as the old monster in the palace was willing to take action, the rebel army would collapse in an instant.

However, the rebel army had been gaining momentum for several years, and the Lin family cultivators had frequently made moves during this period. Why did the Jiang family have no reaction at all? What had delayed them?

The resources of the Yue Kingdom were not a small sum for a cultivation family. How could they easily give up?

After thinking for a moment, Yu Xian put aside this question.

Regardless of what calculations the two families had, with his current strength, he could barely qualify as a spectator.

And he didn't believe that the Jiang family would always be hiding like a turtle.

"Manager Yu, Manager Yu?" Li Gonggong woke up the distracted Yu Xian.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Yu Xian looked at Li Gonggong.

Li Gonggong sighed and said, "There are rumors spreading throughout the city now. How should our mansion respond? Manager, you need to come up with a plan."

Although he didn't want to admit it, the backbone of the mansion now was the little white face from the stories outside. That was also why he was willing to cover up for the Wang Consort and Yu Xian.

Yu Xian reassured him, "Don't worry, Gonggong. The Yue Kingdom has stood for over four hundred years. It has experienced all kinds of storms. Although the rebel army is fierce, their foundation is shallow and cannot last long.

And if even Kyoto is in danger, we have nowhere else to go.

So, it will be the same as before, both in the past and in the future.


Yu Xian touched his chin and added, "Some preparations are still necessary. It would be troublesome for you, Grandfather, to take people outside to purchase food seeds. We need enough to sustain the entire mansion for at least three years.

In addition, we should clear a few acres of land in the Wang Mansion to grow vegetables. Even if something happens outside, it won't hinder us from being self-sufficient behind closed doors."


Li Gonggong's face immediately brightened.

"Manager Yu is considerate, but should we call back some guards? We dismissed most of them before, and now the defense of the Wang Mansion may be insufficient."

Yu Xian waved his hand and said, "The Wang Mansion is safe with just me. Too many people will only cause trouble."

The Wang Mansion in the capital was not as large as the original Wang Mansion in Changning County, which covered tens of thousands of acres of land. In the past, having over a hundred guards, thousands of servants, and a shrine made the Wang Mansion feel spacious. Now, there were only a dozen maids and servants in the Wang Mansion, plus a small team of guards for appearances.

Seeing Yu Xian's confidence, Li Gonggong didn't ask any more questions and went to make preparations.


"Great joy, great joy!"

Li Gonggong rushed into the courtyard with excitement, only to see the Crown Princess and Yu Xian embracing in broad daylight. His voice immediately stopped.

"Cough, Grandfather, don't misunderstand. I am teaching the Crown Princess martial arts, so some intimate actions are inevitable."

Yu Xian withdrew his hand that was on the Crown Princess's buttocks and explained seriously, "After all, the world is dangerous now, and the Crown Princess, as a weak woman, needs to learn some martial arts to protect herself."

He was telling the truth this time. The Crown Princess had no foundation in martial arts, so he naturally had to feel her bones and correct her posture. Some of the movements went beyond what was necessary... but that was intentional.

Upon hearing this, Li Gonggong awkwardly forced a smile.

"We don't have any misunderstandings."

"It's good that you don't misunderstand. Grandfather, you mentioned great joy earlier. What is the good news?"

Seeing Li Gonggong's understanding, Yu Xian nodded with relief.

Only then did Li Gonggong remember the main matter and said, "General Yan Chunqiu led three thousand elite soldiers to rush a thousand miles to support Cangbei City. He fought against the rebels in the front lines and killed three rebel generals, forcing the rebels to retreat fifty miles. Our morale is high, and Cangbei City has been defended."

General Yan Chunqiu was a military god of our Great Yue. In his early years, he had led troops to pacify the Guangnan rebellion and the Miao people's uprising. He had even fought against the neighboring country of Chen's border troops. With him taking action this time, the rebels would never be able to act arrogantly again.

Although it was good news, Li Gonggong suddenly felt a sense of disappointment. If someone had been willing to come to the aid of Changning City, the Wang Mansion wouldn't have had to leave their hometown and rely on an outsider. Even the Crown Princess...

Li Gonggong secretly felt aggrieved. To convince himself, he even thought that the Crown Princess was compromising for the sake of the Wang Mansion.

"Cangbei City has been defended?"

Yu Xian's heart moved, and he smiled.

"Indeed, it's good news."

"But the rebels haven't been completely defeated. We still need to fill the several cellars in the mansion with food."

If the court really wanted to take action, they wouldn't let an ordinary general fight against the rebels. It would definitely be a forceful strike. However, he didn't want to dampen Li Gonggong's spirits.


One month later.

Li Gonggong returned to the Wang Mansion with a dejected expression, sharing the news he had heard outside.

"General Yan was assassinated. A master from the rebels made a move, and General Yan and his two hundred guards couldn't stop the assassination."

"What about our master?"

"Why is no one protecting General Yan?"

The innate martial arts grandmaster is incredibly powerful. If he were to wear heavy armor and lead an elite squad, he could easily maneuver through the enemy forces.

Li Gonggong is unaware of the existence of cultivators and believes that it is a martial arts grandmaster from the rebel army who has taken action.

"With General Yan gone, our army has lost its backbone. Who else can stop the rebels?"

Li Gonggong is extremely pessimistic.

However, Yu Xian silently casts his gaze towards the towering palace walls.

It seems that this old general did not receive support from the court and fought alone. He wanted to defend the country, but ended up dying before achieving victory.

In Yu Xian's opinion, if this old general could hold off the rebels for a month, it would already be a testament to the rebels' caution.

Perhaps it took them a month to confirm that the Jiang family cultivator did not intervene, and then they spent one night killing the old general.

So, what exactly held back the Jiang family cultivator?

Yu Xian's curiosity grew stronger.

But he quickly suppressed his curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat, and his current life rhythm was quite good; there was no need for a change.

"The court has abundant reserves and talented individuals. We must trust the court."

Yu Xian speaks some comforting words to Li Gonggong.

He can tell that Li Gonggong is under immense pressure and is likely suffering from some mental illness.

"Li Gonggong, you have worked hard these days. Why not rest in the mansion for a few days?"

"No need, I'm fine."

Another half month passes.

Li Gonggong returns to the mansion in a dazed state, muttering to himself,

"We lost, everything is lost!"


Li Gonggong spews a mouthful of blood into the sky and collapses on the spot.



In Li Gonggong's bedroom, there is a faint smell of urine in the air.

However, Yu Xian remains calm, retracting his palm. His spiritual power quickly returns to calmness.

His ability to conceal his aura becomes even more profound and unfathomable.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. Li Gonggong's condition is due to an outburst of internal fire. I have used my techniques to clear the blockages in his meridians. After a few days of bed rest, he will be fine."

"You've worked hard."

The princess walks forward, taking out a handkerchief to wipe the nonexistent sweat from Yu Xian's forehead.

"Heh, we are now strangers in a foreign land. Li Gonggong is one of the few old people in the mansion. If I don't help, who will? "

Yu Xian winks at the princess, holding her hand and saying,

"I didn't read Huang's medical books for nothing, and someone has already given me a reward."

"There's someone else here."

The princess blushes but doesn't pull her hand away.

"We are innocent, so we have nothing to fear even if someone is present. We still have work to do today, Your Highness, so we can't slack off."

Yu Xian takes the princess's hand and walks towards the door. Suddenly, he stops at the entrance and casually says to the princess,

"Li Gonggong is getting old. After he recovers, we should assign a young eunuch to serve him."

"I'll follow your lead."

Shortly after the two leave,

Li Gonggong opens his eyes and feels a warm energy flowing through his body, dispelling the exhaustion and soreness that had accumulated over the past few days.

It was Yu Xian who saved him.

Li Gonggong ponders for a moment, sighs, and silently says,

"Master, I apologize to you."

As soon as this thought is released, the pressure on his body dissipates, and his spirits are lifted as if he has been reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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