Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 77 City University, It's Not Easy To Live In (Read More!)

Chapter 77: City Life is Not Easy (Seeking More Chapters!)

Half a month later.

Xiaomi District, No. 44 Courtyard.

In front of the courtyard gate.

"Friend Yu, this is the receipt, please keep it safe."

Two cultivators from the city defense patrol smiled and accepted two spirit stones, politely bidding farewell to Yu Xian.

Yu Xian casually threw the receipt into his storage bag, closed the door, and shook his head.

"Living in Shangyang City is not easy."

Buying a house in Shangyang City doesn't mean one can live here peacefully. Each person must pay a monthly spirit stone to the patrol team, called the "spiritual energy tax."

The patrol team is responsible for providing security protection and maintaining public areas.

For example, if the warning formation outside the courtyard is triggered, cultivators from the patrol team will come to inspect and prevent further losses for the homeowners.

As for the maintenance of public areas, there is much more to it.

This includes maintaining basic formations, protecting the spiritual plants in the area, and repairing the practice field, among other things.

In Yu Xian's understanding, the patrol team is like a combination of property management, neighborhood committee, street office, and police station.

Of course, in actual management, the patrol team has much less power.

Especially when facing cultivators like Yu Xian in the later stage of Qi Refining.

Even to collect fees, the deputy team leader of the patrol team must come forward to avoid giving the impression of a bad attitude and causing unnecessary trouble.

After all, once someone holds a grudge, the cultivators from the patrol team cannot stay in the city forever.

Moreover, most of the cultivators in the patrol team do not have permanent residency rights, so they still live in collective dormitories.

If they receive too many complaints, they will be kicked out of the patrol team and lose the opportunity to stay in the city.

Therefore, most of the cultivators in the patrol team, despite their low status, are very passionate about their work and even take the initiative to work overtime.

When dealing with cultivators like Yu Xian who have capital and strength, they naturally become even more polite.

One complaint from Yu Xian is more effective than a hundred complaints from ordinary people.

After all, for a Qi Refining cultivator like Yu Xian to follow the proper procedures and file a complaint is giving face to the patrol team.

If the patrol team doesn't respond, there's no guarantee that he won't solve the problem in his own way.

The lesson of a master's anger resulting in bloodshed has happened countless times in the patrol teams of various districts.

In summary, those with strength are respected wherever they go.

Like the nearby No. 57 Courtyard, it is a group rental house where a group of cultivators who want to cultivate in Shangyang City but cannot afford to buy a house live.

They rent a room, obtain a temporary residence permit, and in addition to the monthly rent, they must also pay two spirit stones per person as the "spiritual energy tax."

These people have low status and are very polite when facing the members of the patrol team, to the point where their attitude can be described as humble.

Some of them cannot afford the spiritual energy tax and cry and beg the patrol team to give them a few more days, but they are still mercilessly driven out of the city by the patrol team.

These people have complained to the patrol team ten times, but not only have their problems not been solved, they are lucky if they are even acknowledged.

Yu Xian shook his head and dismissed these distractions from his mind.

Just at this moment.

"Sir, I heard from the neighbor, Sister Wang, that there is a job raising silkworms at the Linlang Garment Pavilion. They will provide us with silkworm seeds for free, as long as we sell the silk to them in the future, and the price is fair.

We have such a big yard, we can raise silkworms and increase our income."

Yulan stood in the middle of the courtyard, with pink petals falling behind her, her voice gentle.

"I also want to help you, sir."

She added.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian rolled his eyes and said impatiently,

"I asked you to go out and socialize with the neighbors, make some friends. I didn't ask you to go out and find someone to introduce you to a job.

What cultivation level does your husband have? Others don't know, but don't you know?

In a couple of years, we will move to the inner city. By then, you can see how a Foundation Building cultivator's partner should live."

Xiaomi District is located on the edge of the spiritual vein, ultimately still a commoner district.

For cultivators like him who have a detached courtyard, they are already considered big shots, and many people have inherited their ancestors' blessings.

Just like Zhou Fan, who served as their guide before.

Most of their ancestors were elite Qi Refining cultivators, struggling their whole lives and finally buying a house in Shangyang City.

But in the end, they themselves did not break through to Foundation Building.

If the younger generation is not competitive, but they are reluctant to sell the house and leave Shangyang City, they can only rent out the house and find a job to make a living.

As a result, the mixed residence of mortals and cultivators in Xiaomi District has formed complex interpersonal relationships.

The neighbor Yulan mentioned, Sister Wang from No. 45 courtyard, is a mid-stage Qi Refining cultivator.

She looks like a young beauty, but she is actually in her fifties and belongs to the kind with no hope on the path of cultivation.

Her husband, on the other hand, is a peak Qi Refining cultivator.

Nowadays, the couple is saving spiritual stones to buy a Foundation Building spiritual object, hoping that her husband can achieve Foundation Building.

Although Foundation Building spiritual objects are not as effective as Foundation Building pills, they can still help cultivators in their Foundation Building process.

So Sister Wang's cultivation has long been stagnant, and she does several part-time jobs on weekdays, not willing to spend a single spiritual stone more, just to save a few more for her husband.

Yu Xian has been here for half a month and has only seen her husband once.

That was a man with a dark complexion and an ordinary appearance, looking to be around thirty years old. He exuded a strong aura and was said to spend most of his time outside the city, engaged in some dangerous activities.

His ordinary appearance indicated that this person was wholeheartedly cultivating and was a person with a firm Daoist heart.

Seeing Yu Xian frown, Yulan lowered her head, feeling a bit wronged, and stammered, "I understand."

Yu Xian suddenly felt like he was coaxing a child to study hard and helplessly smiled, saying, "It seems that I can't let you and Sister Wang stay for too long. Otherwise, you'll end up learning from her and become foolish. Unlike her husband, I need the spirit stones you earn.

In the future, if others find out that I, a dignified Foundation Building cultivator, have to rely on my Dao companion to raise silkworms and earn spirit stones, I don't know how they will laugh at me.

Tell me, how can I continue to mix in the Foundation Building circle?

Don't think too highly of cultivators. They are not much different from ordinary people. They are all human beings with desires and emotions, and they have their own social circles and hierarchies.

Think about it, after we arrived in the capital, even though the Wang Mansion had no income, did you see the Wang Consort going out to earn money?

Even if she could earn a lot of silver with just a wave of her hand.

No, why is that?

Because the Wang Consort cannot allow others to look down on her. Even if the Prince's Mansion is in decline, it is still the Prince's Mansion, an upper-class family.

The House of Ice-Cutting does not raise cows and sheep. That is the pride of the Prince's Mansion.

Similarly, I don't need it either.

If you really do that, it won't be helping me, but harming me."

The more Yulan listened, the paler her face became. She felt clumsy and useless, as if she couldn't help with anything.

"Husband, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"Hey, don't cry, I'm not blaming you."

Yu Xian took a few steps forward and hugged Yulan, comforting her, "I know you lack confidence in yourself and think you are a foolish person, and that cultivating is a waste of my spirit stones.

But so what?

I'm willing, I want to accompany you on the path to immortality."

"Do you really have the heart to let me cultivate alone in the future? You think treating a husband like Sister Wang does is love, but you are not Sister Wang, and I don't like that kind of love.

And if you don't cultivate properly and grow old in the future, I really won't like it."

"When that time comes, don't blame me for leaving you. I, a great cultivator, won't have a Dao companion who is an old woman.

Tsk tsk, let me see, when you cry like this, I can see the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes."

Yulan was deeply moved and cried loudly in Yu Xian's arms.

As the saying goes, "One becomes red by being close to vermilion, and black by being close to ink." She had indeed seen Sister Wang's selfless dedication to her husband and reflected on herself.

Love is beautiful, but also heavy.

She couldn't enjoy Yu Xian's kindness with a clear conscience and always wanted to do something for him.

Coincidentally, Sister Wang provided her with a template for being a good wife.

Naturally, she started to imitate her.

And she had a little idea.

By doing this, she wouldn't have to cultivate in the future.

"I... I won't cry. I will definitely cultivate diligently in the future. Husband, you... you can spank me, I was thinking too much again."

Yulan sobbed in Yu Xian's arms, and her Daoist heart was once again firmly swayed.

The top student will never understand the pain of the bottom student.

Clearly, she worked so hard to cultivate, but the results were so meager.

She didn't have any dreams of longevity or vision for survival and life. For her, the level of cultivation didn't matter at all.

If cultivation couldn't bring positive feedback and instead suffocated her, she naturally wouldn't want to cultivate.

Yu Xian had noticed this problem a long time ago.

However, in the face of Yulan's evasion and slackness, Yu Xian didn't feel angry or resentful.

He never thought that just because he provided good conditions for Yulan's cultivation, she should obediently and diligently cultivate.

Even though many cultivators outside were willing to risk their lives and even die for a slight improvement in their cultivation or for a bit of resources.

But the good conditions he provided were only good in his opinion.

Yulan might never need them, and they might even be a kind of pressure for her.

Therefore, he would only coax her in the name of love, whenever her Daoist heart wavered, he would ask her to hold on a little longer.

And then hold on a little longer...

Perhaps she would hold on like this for the rest of her life.

At least for now, the effect seemed to be very good.

Half an hour later.

Yu Xian felt his cultivation steadily improving once again.

He plucked a grape from the tree and threw it into his mouth, savoring its sour and sweet taste, feeling that today was another day of diligent cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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