Chapter 84: Zhao Shiwen

Time flows like water.

With the benefits of the formation master, Yu Xian's life has become more regular.

Every day, he wakes up late, ponders the inheritance of the formation master, makes formation discs, drinks tea in the courtyard at noon, and studies the art of brewing.

In the afternoon, he goes out for a stroll, and in the evening, he returns home to cultivate.

Shangyang City is not very big, and most of it is residential. The remaining areas are controlled by the eight major families, all blocked by formations, giving off an air of private territory where outsiders are not allowed.

The Shangyang Mountain in the center of the city is inaccessible.

There are only a few shops in the market, and what's absurd is that they are all exclusively operated by Dan Yang, the true person.

Perhaps due to the lack of competition and business pressure, the service attitude of the shops is neither good nor bad, giving off an air of indifference.

There is no need to worry about being tempted by wealth or encountering incidents of killing and robbing treasures.

Because the entire city is filled with warning formations, if someone is being chased, they can simply destroy one, and the patrolling cultivators will arrive immediately.

The troublemakers will be captured by the patrol team and can only be released after paying a fine.

There are a few spontaneously formed civilian markets in residential areas, but they don't even have proper shops and are not large in scale. They only sell affordable goods.

It is the place where Yulan and Wang Jie previously visited.

As for why there are no shops established by the eight major families, it is because there are too few markets in the city, and they cannot compete with the true person for business.

Their main market is still outside the city, which is also the main area where the reputation of the eight major families spreads.

After wandering around the city for a few days, Yu Xian began to feel bored.

So he decisively entered the slum area.

Fortunately, permanent residents do not need to pay fees to enter the city, otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to afford the constant coming and going.

The slum area sounds low-grade, but there are actually many options.

There are various arenas, sword fighting platforms, gambling houses, and entertainment clubs.

Especially the entertainment clubs, even Kun cultivators at the Qi Refining stage can be found inside.

And they are very dedicated, without any professional discrimination. As long as they can afford spirit stones, they are willing to serve even mortals.

Yu Xian secretly admired them.

They are good girls who work hard and are dedicated to cultivation.

So, in order to support them, he decisively contributed his own spirit stones.

That day, after he broke through to the Foundation Building stage, he tasted being drained for the first time and took several days to recover at home.

Life is just that simple.

The destruction of the Jindao Gang outside the city did not cause any waves, making Yu Xian secretly criticize himself for being timid and hiding for a month before daring to come out.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.


[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Mid-Foundation Building Stage (636/26000)]

[Soulmate: Yulan (1/2)]

Yu Xian half-lies under the pink tallow tree. The grapes on the tree are ripe, pink and white, with a taste similar to green dates, refreshing and sweet.

Whenever Yu Xian has nothing to do, he picks a few to eat, and now the tree is already half empty.

"It's been almost five months since I returned to the cultivation world. My cultivation has steadily improved, and breaking through to the late Foundation Building stage only took twenty years of cultivation.

If I don't consider Yulan's feelings, I can double this speed.

I can't help but feel reluctant.

Tsk tsk, I am indeed a sentimental person. After spending a long time together, I start to cherish and protect her."

Yu Xian touched his chin, self-mockingly, and then inspected his dantian with his divine sense.

In the middle of his dantian, more than fifty drops of Foundation Building mana gathered, each drop of mana shining like a blood diamond, emitting a crystalline light in his perception.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a high-level demonic technique, making his mana solidify like a solid state.

If the Foundation Building mana he cultivated with the innate Qi Refining technique is water, then after transforming into the Blood Transformation demonic technique, his mana has become mercury.

Both are liquids, but their quality and density cannot be compared.

There is also a green light swimming in his dantian like a small fish. Every time it passes through the Foundation Building mana, it absorbs a strand of red light.

Then the green light will have a hint of blood color, and its power will gradually increase.

"If this continues, when the Blood Jade Sword advances to a top-grade magic weapon, the word 'blood' can be removed.

What should I change its name to? Just call it the Blood Sword? Or the Blood-Drinking Sword? Or the Blood Transformation Sword?"

Yu Xian thought whimsically.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he looked towards the door.

As expected.

Behind the shadow wall, Yulan walked out with a smiling face, leading a pure-looking girl.

"Husband, Shiwen came to play again today."

Yulan has the habit of wanting to hug when she comes back.

Yu Xian lightly patted Yulan's waist and jokingly said, "Bringing a beautiful girl home every day to play, be careful that one day I can't control myself and get seduced away."

Yulan sweetly smiled and said coquettishly, "It's best if you can't control yourself. Then I'll have another sister, right, Shiwen?"

The young girl blushed and didn't say anything, just shyly glanced at Yu Xian.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Yu Xian believed that as long as he beckoned with his finger, this girl would willingly lie down on his bed.

But free things are the most expensive.

This girl's name is Zhao Shiwen, the distant niece of Zhao's steward.

After he frequently sold formation discs to Yingxian Pavilion and maintained a stable monthly output of a new type of formation disc, as well as an income of 500 spirit stones.

Zhao's steward, who had already given up, didn't care about his intentions anymore and directly brought his niece over, as if they just wanted everyone to get to know each other.

Naturally, Yu Xian didn't hesitate to refuse, with a dignified and upright manner.

But he didn't expect that this girl would actually take on the role of a wife and immediately "coincidentally" meet Yulan.

With her deliberate approach, Yulan couldn't resist, and in no time, the two became good sisters.

In addition to Yulan wanting to find a comrade-in-arms to share the burden, when she saw that Zhao Shiwen wanted to be her sister, she was even more willing than Yu Xian.

She even took the initiative to assist, bringing Zhao Shiwen home as a guest when there was nothing to do, and even intentionally avoiding them, leaving the space for the two of them.

So, after a brief intimacy with Yu Xian, Yulan quickly went into the kitchen, saying that she wanted to cook more dishes and would take a long time to come out.

"Brother Yu, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

The girl walked gracefully, her voice soft like a piece of cotton candy.

Her appearance was pure and lovely. Even though she was already twenty, she still seemed like a high school student, exuding the youthful charm that older men loved.

Yu Xian was half sitting on a recliner. When he looked up, he saw the girl bending over with an apologetic expression on her face, giving off a somewhat pitiful vibe.

The girl was wearing a low-cut dress, and with this bend, she had no defenses against him.

As everyone knows...

So, with desire growing, Yu Xian reached out and gently pulled her.

The girl let out a soft cry and had no resistance, falling down softly with a shy and coquettish look on her face.

"I've always believed in mutual consent. If you really have the intention to be with me, it's fine to accept you. But if you have any other intentions after being with me, I won't let you off easily."

He had long wanted to buy a new car.

After all, he couldn't always go to entertainment clubs.

Occasionally going once could be considered a bit of fun, especially since Yulan also had inconvenient times every month.

But it was always in the past.

Now that Zhao Shiwen had come to him, although it wouldn't be easy to get rid of her after accepting her, there were still benefits. At least, he had made connections with the Zhao family.

The Zhao family was one of the eight major cultivation families in the city. Although they had a small population and relied solely on an old ancestor for their strength, that old ancestor was a true disciple under a real person, with connections that reached the heavens and a position that was even more transcendent.

In another ten or eight years, when he broke through to Foundation Building as a matter of course, he would naturally enter the core of the Zhao family as a son-in-law and have another layer of protection.

By then, it would be much easier for him to get what he wanted.

Of course, the position of Dao companion wouldn't be given to her.

In Yu Xian's expectations, this second Dao companion had to be obedient, talented, and good-looking.

Hmm, good-looking was also important.

These three qualities ranked in the order of obedience, talent, and good looks.

After all, no matter how talented or beautiful she was, if she didn't listen to him and refused to help him cultivate, everything would be meaningless to him.

And Zhao Shiwen didn't meet any of these conditions except for being good-looking.

Hearing this, Zhao Shiwen's eyes lit up, feeling a surge of heat in her body, making her even more powerless.

She was shameless in pursuing him precisely because Yu Xian was too outstanding.

This outstandingness referred to the range of choices available to her.

Her talent was not high, she was just an unloved legitimate daughter of the Zhao family, destined to be used as a bargaining chip in the future, married off to another family as a marriage alliance.

On the other hand, Yu Xian was handsome, physically strong, morally upright, financially well-off, and had good talent, with a great chance of breaking through to Foundation Building in the future.

The key was that his attitude towards his own woman made her envious.

Yulan was easily deceived by a few kind words and became her sister, willingly helping her. This was enough to prove that she was too well-protected on a daily basis and unaware of the dangers in the back courtyard.

Such a partner was much better than being casually sent out for a marriage alliance.

If it weren't for Uncle Zhao's good relationship with her deceased father, she would never have had this opportunity.

"Brother Yu, if you don't mind, I have no reason to refuse."

"Do you really have no regrets?"

"I absolutely have no regrets!"

On the peach tree, a flower bud bloomed.

(End of this chapter)

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