Chapter 87: Disturbance

Borrowing money was just a small episode in Yu Xian's ordinary life, not enough to make him worry.

On the contrary, Zhao Shiwen was shocked when she accidentally learned about it after returning home. She privately expressed her dissatisfaction, feeling that such a large sum of one thousand spirit stones should not be handled so hastily.

But when she saw Yu Xian's furrowed brows, she wisely changed the subject.

Only Yulan remained clueless and unaffected by the spirit stones.

For her, even if they were to lose everything, including the one thousand spirit stones, they could still return to Yue Country and live their original lives.

In addition, Wang Jie from next door started visiting more frequently.

Upon learning that Yulan was practicing martial arts, she would bring dozens of fresh monster beast meat every time Lige returned from outside.

In terms of market value, it could be worth several spirit stones.

The Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range was a great treasure trove, and Lige's heavy demonic energy mostly came from the contributions of monster beasts. Their main source of income also relied on hunting monsters.

While it brought high returns, it also came with high risks.

Therefore, Wang Jie was unwilling to waste spirit stones on her own cultivation. She only relied on the power of the spirit veins to absorb spiritual energy for cultivation.

For her, with her mediocre aptitude, using fewer spirit stones meant her husband would take fewer risks.

For ordinary wandering cultivators, the difficulty of cultivation was not some abstract understanding of the heavenly path, but rather the calculation of every bit of spirit stones in their daily lives.

One more spirit stone meant a slightly higher chance of achieving enlightenment.


Time passed like water, and in the blink of an eye, another month had passed.

In the courtyard.

Yu Xian broke off a tree branch, tied a thin line to it, attached a hook, and added some small pieces of meat. He was fishing in the small pond in his own courtyard.

The fish he was trying to catch were called Cold Pool Silverfish.

These fish needed to live in cold ice water, so Yu Xian deliberately bought a piece of mysterious ice stone and threw it into the water.

The mysterious ice stone continuously emitted a cold aura, making it an auxiliary item for some ice-based spiritual arts.

In terms of value, the mysterious ice stone was even more expensive than a nest of silverfish.

But it didn't matter, what mattered was that he enjoyed it.


Ripples appeared on the water's surface. Yu Xian flicked his wrist, and a silver-white slender fish leaped out of the water.

It had fine teeth and was tightly biting a piece of meat. Its body was straight and emitted a cold aura. Under the shining light, it looked like an ice blade.

"You're unlucky, this hook works too." Yu Xian held the silverfish in one hand and with a flick of his fingers, the fish skin peeled off, revealing the transparent flesh inside.

Swish swish!

Yu Xian formed his fingers into a sword shape, and several ripples appeared in the air. The fish flesh turned into sashimi and fell into a white jade plate.

No need for any seasoning, the fish melted in the mouth, sending a cold sensation straight to the stomach, just like ice cream.

"It's delicious, just a bit lacking." Yu Xian enjoyed his wine with the fish meat, living a comfortable life.

But soon, his comfort was interrupted by a series of urgent knocks on the door.

"Boss, the boss's wife is in trouble!"

Outside the house, a Qi Refining early-stage cultivator dressed as a servant knocked on the formation array.

In the next moment, the servant felt like he was flying.

"What's going on?"

A gentle voice sounded in the servant's ear.

He looked up and saw the boss holding onto his waist, performing drifts on the street.

He was uncontrollably following behind, with his feet three inches off the ground.

There was a flight restriction formation in Shangyang City, and only Foundation Building cultivators had the ability to resist the pressure of the formation and enjoy the freedom of flight.

Yu Xian didn't want to expose his Foundation Building cultivation, and since the spiritual sense warning he left on Yulan hadn't been triggered, he wasn't too worried.

The servant calmed down and immediately explained the cause of the trouble.

Things, well, it's quite cliché.

It's nothing more than someone buying something in the store, and after a few days, they claim it's a counterfeit product, causing them to be seriously injured in the Wanyao Mountains.

Now they want to seek justice and get compensation.

Although Yulan and Zhao Shiwen both have a cultivation level of Qi Refining Sixth Layer, they wouldn't stand a chance against these cultivators who have experienced life and death situations.

So while they keep the opponents at bay, they immediately send the store assistants to find Yu Xian.


Number 5 shantytown.

Lan Shi's small shop.

Yulan stands behind the counter, her face pale, holding the life-saving card given to her by Yu Xian, not knowing what to do.

Zhao Shiwen stands in front, although there is some fear in her eyes, she doesn't back down.

"I've seen people like you before, trying to extort money with any excuse. The goods in our store come from the same channel as the Yingxian Pavilion in the city.

Are you saying that we sell fake goods, which means the Yingxian Pavilion also sells fake goods?"

At the store entrance.

Four cultivators with fierce expressions block the door.

Under their feet is a stretcher, on which lies a mummy wrapped in bandages all over its body, with large patches of blood seeping out, indicating severe injuries.

Upon hearing this, the leading cultivator spits a thick phlegm at Zhao Shiwen's feet.

"Spit! You think you can use the Yingxian Pavilion to intimidate us?"

"The Yingxian Pavilion naturally wouldn't sell fake goods, but did you buy your goods from the Yingxian Pavilion? It's just the same channel. They might have intentionally sold the good ones to the Yingxian Pavilion and deliberately sold the bad ones to you.

Can you guarantee that every item in your store is flawless?"

"It was my brother who bought the concealment talisman from your store and got into trouble. That talisman couldn't hide his aura at all.

If it weren't for my brother running fast, he would have been torn to pieces by that Silverback Barbarian Bear."

"Now you either compensate for my brother's medical expenses or close down the store. Don't harm people with fake goods here!"

"Everyone, come and see! This store sells fake goods and doesn't allow people to speak up!

We risk our lives in the mountains to earn spirit stones. We come to this store to buy spirit talismans because they are of good quality, even though the prices here are half as expensive as outside.

But even with such high prices, they can't guarantee the quality!

As a result, my poor brother, his newlywed wife, how will she live like this in the future?"

"Brother, you're so miserable!"

The onlookers immediately point and discuss the store, their voices making Zhao Shiwen's face turn red with anger.

"You guys?!"

"Shiwen, is it really our talisman that made a mistake? Otherwise, let's just compensate him with money."

Yulan whispers from behind. She has never encountered such a situation before and suddenly has the idea of resolving the conflict peacefully.

"That's right, this young lady is a reasonable person. We just want to seek justice for our brother. As long as justice is served, we will leave immediately."

A sneer flashes in the leading cultivator's eyes.

How can such people survive in the shantytown?

They can't admit their mistake in this matter, otherwise, if everyone starts making a fuss like this, even a huge family business won't be able to afford it.

"How much do you want?"

Zhao Shiwen asks, suppressing her anger.

"Not much, just two hundred spirit stones."

The leading cultivator rubs his fingers and smirks.

"My brother is done for in this lifetime. With two hundred spirit stones, you can buy his whole life. If you think about it, you're making a big profit."

Upon hearing the amount of two hundred spirit stones, both women fall into hesitation.

The leading cultivator is not in a hurry either.

His gaze lingers on the beautiful figures of the two women, thinking about enjoying both wealth and beauty.

With their timid and fearful nature, maybe scaring them a bit will make them willingly submit to him.

Today, it's his lucky day.

(End of this chapter)

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