Chapter 90: Intercepting

Three days later.

Under the cover of night, a small flying boat departed from Shangyang City. The boat was about five zhang long, shaped like a flat leaf, and soared through the wind at an extremely fast speed.

Outside the boat, the fierce wind was like a knife, but it was blocked by the light shield on the surface of the boat, causing ripples to splash.

On the deck.

A young man dressed in luxurious clothes, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, stood proudly. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the distant silhouette of Shangyang City as it receded.

The man's name was Zhao Zhongliu, the eldest son of the Zhao family, one of the eight major families in Shangyang City. He was currently on the run.

"Young master, are we really leaving like this?"

"We just returned to the city not long ago, and now we're leaving. The young master will be laughed at by the other families."

Beside Zhao Zhongliu was a man of similar age, who looked somewhat indignant.

"He's just an outsider son-in-law."

"I think our master is confused. He doesn't even help his own son, but wants to help an outsider."

"Shut up!"

Zhao Zhongliu's face didn't look good either, but he still reprimanded the man.

"How dare you question my father's decision? If it weren't for the fact that you have been following me for many years, I would have thrown you off the boat."

The man looked terrified and quickly slapped himself.

"Yes, yes, I deserve to be slapped. But I'm just worried about the young master. That's why I said the wrong thing. Please forgive me, young master."

Zhao Zhongliu's expression eased slightly as he said,

"An outsider son-in-law is naturally nothing, but he is a second-level formation master, and he is also at the Qi Refining stage, on the verge of breaking through to Foundation Building. That's different."

"I didn't consider this matter carefully. I just wanted to teach him a small lesson, but I didn't expect to bring trouble upon myself."

"The auction in the city is about to begin, and Dan Yang, the Foundation Building master, has also refined the Foundation Building Pill."

"As a disciple of the true person, the old ancestor has the opportunity to purchase a Foundation Building Pill at a fair price."

"Now the clan is in the process of distributing the Foundation Building Pills. Besides me, there are two other candidates. I can't let others find an opportunity to attack my father because of my actions."

"I'm going back to the clan's territory to avoid the limelight, which will also shut them up."

The man's eyes lit up with anticipation. "When the old master wins the Foundation Building Pill for the young master, the young master will break through successfully."

"At that time, what second-level formation master? He will only be a dog serving the young master."

Zhao Zhongliu's mouth curled into a cold smile as he said,

"If he is willing to join us, I will reward him with my cousin."

"Our Zhao family is thin in numbers, so it is necessary to absorb people from other families."

"But we'll have to see his sincerity at that time."

He treated himself as a future Foundation Building expert.

The man admired, "Young master, you are generous. If it were me, I wouldn't give him such an opportunity."

Just as the two were envisioning the future, the flying boat suddenly made a loud noise.

"What's happening?"

Zhao Zhongliu struggled to stabilize himself on the flying boat.

He saw a golden light in front of him, a golden dragon with a length of more than ten zhang, coiling in the sky.

The flying boat had just collided with the golden dragon.

"Where did this dragon come from?"

Zhao Zhongliu's expression was shocked. A monster dragon of such a huge size was at least a second-level demonic beast and couldn't be dealt with without Foundation Building cultivation.

At the same time, he immediately crushed the distress signal in his arms.

This place was only a hundred li away from Shangyang City. As long as he could hold on for fifteen minutes, reinforcements from the clan would arrive.

But when he looked closely, he found that the edge of the golden dragon's body was illusory, giving him a mirage-like feeling.

"No, it's..."

Zhao Zhongliu had a good relationship with the Lin family. The reason he provoked Yu Xian was because Zhao Shiwen had been promised to a young master of the Lin family while he was drunk.

After returning home this time, he was teased by others, and he couldn't let it go. He wanted to teach Yu Xian a lesson.

Therefore, he was quite familiar with many things about the Lin family.

Suddenly, he remembered a spiritual weapon that hadn't appeared for a long time in the Lin family.

"The Golden Scale Sword!"

"Which senior from the Lin family is ahead? I am Zhao Zhongliu, a close friend of Lin Xie, the fourth son of the Lin family. Senior, please don't misunderstand and mistake me for someone else."

However, there was no movement ahead.

The Golden Jiao had already coiled around the flying boat.

Crack! Crack!!

The protective shield outside the flying boat began to buckle under the strain. The shield shattered like glass, and specks of light floated in the air, on the verge of collapsing.

Zhao Zhongliu's eyes flashed with determination as he grabbed the man next to him and threw him out of the flying boat.

"Zhao Li, it's time for you to be loyal to this young master."

"No, young master!"

The man shouted as a layer of magical shield appeared around him.

Sword energy overflowed from the body surrounded by the Golden Jiao, and the man's magical shield was as fragile as paper, instantly torn apart by the sword energy.

But it also created a brief gap in the Golden Jiao's attack.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhao Zhongliu rushed towards the gap.

Then he bit his tongue, and a blood talisman exploded in the air, merging with his essence blood, transforming into a pair of blood-colored wings.

This talisman was called the Blood Wing Talisman. It used one's own essence blood as a catalyst and could unleash a flying speed surpassing that of an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator.

It was enough to allow him to escape from cultivators in the early stages of Foundation Building.

As a scion of a prominent clan, how could he not have a life-saving trump card?

"What's going on? Why is the Lin family's Golden Scale Sword here? Does the Lin family want to declare war on the Zhao family?"

Various thoughts raced through Zhao Zhongliu's mind. Suddenly, he felt his lips were dry and wanted to drink water.

He felt as if the qi and blood in his body were rushing out uncontrollably, like a dam bursting open.

He looked up and saw strands of blood threads spreading from the void, weaving into a large net without him realizing it.

He thought he had escaped, but instead, he had fallen into a trap.


The pair of blood-colored wings behind Zhao Zhongliu suddenly dissipated.

A dry corpse fell from the sky.

Then a streak of light flashed, and the corpse disappeared, along with all the chaos, as if nothing had happened.

Fifteen minutes later.

Two streaks of light flew from the horizon. It was a middle-aged man with a dignified expression and a young man with rosy lips and white teeth.

But the middle-aged man was behind, and the young man was in front.

The two of them were none other than Zhao Yuan, the patriarch of the Zhao family, and Zhao Qingfeng, the ancestral elder of the Zhao family.

"Elder, did something happen to Zhongliu?"

Zhao Yuan looked anxious.

He was already over sixty years old, past the prime age for Foundation Building.

And Zhao Zhongliu was his only son who had reached the peak of Qi Refining.

At this time, when the Foundation Building Pill was being distributed, his son's situation was not just a matter of life and death, but also the future power and wealth of their branch.

He couldn't help but be anxious.

However, Zhao Qingfeng didn't care much. It was just a descendant.

And he could sense a hint of danger from the residual aura here. Offending such a person, it would be deserved if he died.

Did he, as the ancestral elder of the Zhao family, have to fight to the death with a cultivator of the same level for an unworthy descendant?

He was the ancestral elder of the Zhao family, not a nanny for the Zhao family.

But faced with Zhao Yuan, who had lost his beloved son, he shook his head and said, "The residual aura here is very weak, indicating that the battle ended quickly. If you gave the Blood Wing Talisman to Zhongliu, perhaps he has already escaped."

Zhao Yuan's face was heavy, knowing that his son's chances of survival were slim.

But holding onto a glimmer of hope, he continued to search around.

Meanwhile, Zhao Qingfeng had already drifted away.

The life of a Zhao family scion was not worth his attention.

For him, the glory of the Zhao family rested solely on his shoulders, so taking care of the true cultivator was the top priority.

After all, there was more than one disciple under the true cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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