Chapter 97: The Four-Color Bamboo Formation


The flying sword emitted a loud explosion, echoing throughout the entire Zhao Family Valley, instantly waking up the entire Zhao Family.

"I am the newly appointed guest elder of the Zhao Family, entrusted by the Ancestor Zhao to take over the family's territory."

"You all should quickly open the formation!"

Yu Xian's voice spread throughout the valley, startling all the members of the Zhao Family.

Inside the protective barrier, in the Zhao Family ancestral hall, a group of elderly people with white hair gathered together.

They looked up at the sky, where Yu Xian, who appeared majestic and unparalleled, like a divine being, was floating. Their expressions were filled with dissatisfaction and anger.

"So, this is the guest elder mentioned in the Ancestor's letter. How arrogant."

"He's just a newcomer who has just entered the Foundation Building stage. How dare he be so presumptuous in front of our Zhao Family."

"The Ancestor has lost his mind. He actually wants to invite a wolf into our home and entrust the foundation of the Zhao Family to an outsider!"

"Don't pull me, I'm going to the Sun City to advise against it, even if it means death!"

"Hey, why aren't you pulling me?"


"We must not open this formation. If we do, it will make our Zhao Family appear weak and powerless."

"That's right, if he can't even enter the formation, what face does he have to continue?"

"The Four-Color Bamboo Formation was personally set up by the Ancestor. It is a second-grade high-quality formation that combines the four major formations of trapping, confusing, killing, and defending. Even if a late-stage Foundation Building cultivator comes, without a way to break the formation, they won't be able to break it."

"Haha, I want to see how he handles this. What will happen next?!"

"We need to make him understand our strength before we can cooperate with him. What the Zhao Family needs is a Foundation Building cultivator, not another master above us!"

"Exactly, exactly."

The more the elderly members of the Zhao Family spoke, the more excited they became.

Their demeanor seemed to have already seen Yu Xian helpless against the formation, and he could only cooperate with them obediently, even submitting to their authority, maintaining the old order of the Zhao Family's territory.

Outside the formation, Yu Xian waited for a moment, seeing no movement inside. Instead, the formation changed, and the shadows of bamboo shoots flickered in the air, turning the entire valley into a green bamboo forest.

In the blink of an eye, the Zhao Family's territory had disappeared beneath the bamboo forest.

This was the confusing formation of the Four-Color Bamboo Formation, which not only confused those who entered the formation but also concealed the entire Zhao Family Valley.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xian knew that he, as an outsider, was not welcome.

Zhao Shiwen, who was standing beside him, gradually lost her joyful expression upon returning home. She held Yu Xian's hand and said, "Master, let me go and persuade them."

Only Yulan looked confused. Didn't the husband say they were here for a vacation?

Why does it feel like they're going to fight?

Yu Xian withdrew his hand and said calmly, "You saw it too, they rejected my goodwill."

He wasn't confident about dealing with the Foundation Building cultivators in Sun City, but he was confident in dealing with the elderly members of the Zhao Family whose vitality was declining.

"But this formation was personally designed by the Ancestor. If they don't let us in, we can't break through," Zhao Shiwen advised.

Although she was already Yu Xian's woman, as a member of a prestigious family, she had been deeply ingrained with the family's education, always putting the family's interests first.

Even though she hadn't received much attention in the Zhao Family, the bloodline and the family's honor still resided in the hearts of every member of the Zhao Family.

Unless absolutely necessary, she didn't want to see Yu Xian in conflict with her own people.

However, Yu Xian looked puzzled. "Who said we're going to fight? If we break something, who will be responsible?"

He took out a four-color jade stone and activated his mana. The jade stone emitted a bright light, melting the formation in front of him like butter, revealing a gateway.

He held Yulan's hand and stepped forward.

Behind him, Zhao Shiwen wanted to say something but could only be carried away by Yu Xian's mana.

Her face turned bitter, knowing that she had lost points in her husband's heart.



Seeing Yu Xian effortlessly open the formation, everyone was shocked.

An elderly person recognized the jade stone in Yu Xian's hand and couldn't help but lament, "That's the key to the formation. It allows smooth passage through the formation. The Ancestor actually gave such an important thing to him. Ancestor, have you abandoned us?"

"Damn it, he was deliberately testing us!"

An elderly person of advanced age cried like a child.

Some of the elderly quietly distanced themselves from the few who had opened the formation.

"Someone! Someone!"

"Even if I have to die today, I won't let an outsider take over the Zhao Family!"

"All the Zhao Family members, follow me to face the enemy!"

"The Zhao Family will never surrender!"

Several elderly people were impassioned, rousing the Zhao Family members inside and outside the ancestral hall, making them ready to fight to the death.

"Let's fight!"

"Let's fight him!"

"The Zhao Family will never surrender!"


The grand slogan resounded throughout the entire ancestral hall.

But most of the members of the Zhao family were hiding in their own houses, indifferent to what was happening outside.

There were also some Zhao family members who clearly had cultivation and stayed far away from the ancestral hall, watching the scene as if it were a play.

Obviously, the Zhao family was not very united internally.

In the next moment.

Yu Xian descended from the sky with his two daughters, and along the way, the formation was extremely obedient to him, without any resistance.

"I heard someone wanted to fight me just now?"

His gaze fell on the leading old man who was shouting at him, and he smiled.

"Old man, you're very brave, huh?"

"Otherwise, why don't you demonstrate for everyone?"


The leading old man appeared to be in his seventies, with age spots on his face, and he leaned on a cane of the level of a magical tool.

He was willing to back down, but when he thought about his dignity in front of his clan members and saw Yu Xian's mocking gaze, he felt greatly humiliated.

"The ancestor doesn't know people well. I will never let an outsider take over our Zhao family's land. If you have the ability, then kill me!"

He raised his neck, looking like he was ready to sacrifice himself.

But he knew very well that as long as Yu Xian didn't want to provoke everyone's anger, he wouldn't kill him.

And once he gained the upper hand in momentum, then they could negotiate.

"Yulan, turn around first and remember to cover your ears."

Yu Xian didn't respond, but gently asked Yulan to turn around first.


A red light flashed through the air like lightning, and the old man's head flew high into the sky until it exploded upon landing, leaving everyone in shock.

"It's really strange, I've never heard such a request in my life."

"But since you're an old man, I respect the elderly, so I'll fulfill your wish."

Yu Xian spread his hands, looking helpless.

Only after his words fell did someone let out a mournful cry.

"He killed Elder Long!"

"Elder Long is dead!"

"I will avenge Elder Long!"



For a moment, the crowd was furious, as if they were about to rush forward and fight Yu Xian to the death.

The elderly had mixed reactions.

"Young man, you can kill one person, but can you kill all of us?"

"The ancestor invited you here to oversee the clan's land, not to kill people."

"That's right, you're so brutal, the ancestor won't let you off!"

"You, you, don't come any closer!"


Yu Xian remained calm and released his Foundation Building pressure, instantly suppressing everyone who resisted.

When everyone in the ancestral hall was silenced by the spiritual pressure, Yu Xian took a few steps forward and shook his finger at the crowd.

"First of all, Patriarch Zhao invited me here, giving me full authority. If I kill you, it's no different from squashing an ant.

Without the clan's grand formation, even if you all join forces, you can't harm a single hair on me.

Secondly, I don't need to kill all of you, just half or maybe a third, and the rest will probably obey obediently.

Of course, it's possible that I underestimated the courage of the Zhao family members.

So, shall we make a bet?"

Yu Xian asked kindly and sincerely.

Everyone he looked at took a step back, bowing their heads and not daring to meet his gaze.

Can we really bet on this?

Damn it, let's just give it a try!

Of course, the main reason was that Yu Xian had the moral high ground. He represented the ancestral ancestor of the Zhao family, and anyone who resisted him was considered rebellious.

If it were a true outsider at the Foundation Building stage, they would fight to the last drop of blood to defend the family's honor.

They opposed Yu Xian only because they were reluctant to give up their power and wanted to unite to pressure him.

Unexpectedly, he didn't buy into their tactics at all. As soon as he arrived, he used his cultivation level to suppress them, and he didn't even blink when he started killing.

Compared to power, life was certainly more important.

Seeing that no one dared to speak, Yu Xian smiled faintly.

"Lastly, the one who has achieved success is the teacher. From now on, remember to call me senior or honorable guest."

"Now, who agrees? Who opposes?"

No one spoke.


"I'll give you three days. Three days later, bring the Zhao family's account books to see me."

Yu Xian burst into laughter, his aura overwhelming hundreds of people, and he left the Zhao family ancestral hall with people on both sides.

Behind him,

The formation in the sky dispersed at some point, and the blocked sunlight poured in, casting a gloomy shadow over the ancestral hall.

I'm so stupid, really. I only knew that changing the book title would affect the number of collections, but I didn't know that changing the synopsis would be so serious. Now the collections aren't moving, and the person involved regrets it, especially regretful. So, are there any kind-hearted and generous readers who can vote and comfort the author's broken heart?

(End of this chapter)

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