Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1001: A plan for everything

"At about midnight, Prince Xing's palace was destroyed and the leader was captured."


The spiritual light in his hand was immediately crushed to pieces by Master Dong, and then he stared at the distant city of Tingzhou with an ashen complexion.

"What a great attack in the east and west, but I misjudged it. I didn't expect that besides Qiu Yan, there were people like this in the army! In order to kill Qiu Yan this time, I almost went out with all my strength, but Prince Xing's Mansion also We have not let down our guard. Almost everyone has means and restrictions, which are layered upon layers. Not to mention breaking through, even if an outsider steps in, we will know it immediately..."

In the planning and understanding of Grand Master Dong and others, they had long recognized the terror of Qiu Yan, and through various channels, they learned that Qiu Yan had extraordinary cultivation, and that the previous two armies and two camps had fallen, both in terms of layout and leadership. , were all done by Qiu Yan, and the ability of people who were deceived along the way to be liberated was also related to Qiu Yan.

Under such a situation, they knew that the ability of those five thousand soldiers and horses to have such combat power was inseparable from training, but after all, Qiu Yan was still in charge.

As long as Qiu Yan is killed, the five thousand invincible army may still have amazing combat power, but it will never maintain its current level.

Therefore, as soon as Qiu Yan said he was giving lectures and it was confirmed by Dong Taishi and others over there, they mobilized all their strength to kill Qiu Yan, almost at all costs, even the Yuezhou camp. I don't care about my safety.

Of course, on the other hand, this is also the other way out for the White Lotus Sect, which is to go south into the swamp and fight with the two armies on the sea to at least ensure that the fire of the White Lotus Sect can be passed on.

Not to mention, after several years of management, Lingnan Road has long been impregnable. Even if all the other major battalions fall, it will only be a complete dissipation of the results after the army was raised. It is still not difficult to defend the western part of Lingnan, the base camp.

But now there is a piece of news. But Master Dong realized that the situation was completely different.

"Now, in the entire south, there is no one with such ability except Qiu Yan. It's just that this person is still in the city. In this case, the one who takes action must be his soldiers and horses. It's a good deception." !”

A thought came to mind. Master Dong's body and the seat beneath him rose into the air, reaching a certain height in an instant, and then he looked toward the outskirts of Tingzhou Prefecture.

There was a barracks dotted there, with people coming and going in the camp. In the open space in the center, there were several teams of men and horses practicing, and bursts of slogans were heard from time to time.

This is the camp of the group of soldiers and horses led by Qiu Yan, counting back and forth. There are about 2,000 people among them.

After breaking through the Hongzhou camp, Qiu Yan divided the 5,000 troops into two, and the one he led was relatively small. The fighting along the way can be said to be overwhelming due to various factors, but in fact. His men and horses will inevitably suffer battle losses, but the proportion will be smaller.

On the other hand, marching and fighting. For a temporary raid, the soldiers only need to bring a few days of dry food, but those like Qiu Yan who move to the north and south need to have certain logistics. Even if they don't, then fighting to support war is the way to go.

But this army and horse, to put it bluntly, is to liberate the place occupied by the White Lotus Army. It is not a bandit army, so it cannot plunder along the way as it wants. Fortunately, as the soldiers and horses attack, they liberate cities one after another. Returning the deceived officials and generals to normal can also ensure supply to a certain extent.

Just like the current military camp, it was actually built by some local soldiers and horses, and also used some of the original facilities of the White Lotus Army, so that thousands of people could settle down in a short period of time.

However, in this way, the original effectiveness of this army as a surprise force no longer exists. From a mysterious army that is difficult to find and figure out, it becomes traceable.

This also contributed to the determination of Grand Master Dong and others, making them feel that they had grasped Qiu Yan's movements, allowing them to dare to gather troops to attack!

"It seems that turning the troops from darkness to light is clearly Qiu Yan's plan! We were so careless that we developed a blind spot in our thinking!"

Thinking of this, Grand Master Dong suddenly raised his hand and flashed, and immediately a ball of black wind flew out of his sleeves. Ghosts howled and howled in the wind, and howled straight towards the military camp on the outskirts of the city, covering it in the blink of an eye!

Suddenly, the barracks was filled with sand and rocks. The barracks that had been built with great difficulty was blown to pieces and tilted here and there. When the black wind dissipated, it was almost razed to the ground.

But this scene made Master Dong's eyes twitch.

"It's a fair and honest empty city plan. If the ghost wind blows over, the energy and blood of all the soldiers and horses in the camp will rise up to resist. Now, without touching anything, the camp will be blown down. Among them is actually There's not even anyone left behind! It's ridiculous. I first told the people here to pay attention, and even went to investigate personally when I came. But I didn't go further because I was worried about alerting others. It was such a small oversight that actually caused what is happening now. situation!"

The more he thought about it, the more irritated Grand Master Dong became.

"Is all of this Qiu Yan's plan? Can't even escape my little thoughts? Then this person is too scary. With such a mind and the ability to lead troops, he dares to regard himself as a Bait, in the name of lecturing, to tempt us to take action and lure the snake out of its hole, eh?”

Suddenly, Master Dong's thoughts moved and he found that he was suddenly entangled with many causes and effects, and many sins were coming!

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, his expression changed, he concentrated on his eyes, and then looked towards the barracks below. At this look, his field of vision suddenly changed, and he saw that among the broken wooden piles of the barracks, there were actually layers of The dark things are like evil spirits.

"Good guy! Even this is included!"

Seeing this scene, Master Dong's mind changed and he understood the reason.

"That Qiu Yan, he figured that if I received the information, I would definitely come to the barracks to take a look, and even destroy it, so I set up restrictions and traps inside in advance. As long as I take action, I will be entangled in him! This thought, simply……"

After thinking about it, Grand Master Dong suddenly felt a shudder. Then his eyes moved again and fell on the city. He saw that the flame formation had dissipated, and the figures of Bafang, Five Elements, Will-O-Wisp and so on had long since disappeared. The seventy-two agreed upon The puppet only made some movement underground at first, and then became silent again.

I know the situation is over.

At this time, a voice came down the wind——

"When you planned it before, you said it was foolproof, but what happened? Not only did all the masters in the teaching fall into it, but I think you yourself are also in trouble. This so-called plan was broken by Qiu Yan from the beginning."

The speaker was Yu Zhanguo, who was observing the situation on another hill. This man summoned many sharp stalactites from the soil, but before he could really release the power, the offensive in the city had collapsed and the situation changed.

This result in the battle inevitably gave rise to a feeling of sadness. Thinking of the same hatred and hatred that everyone had when they came, looking at the current situation, he also had the intention to retreat. He also saw that the White Lotus Sect was gone, but before leaving, he still had to explain something to Grand Master Dong. of.

Upon hearing this, Taishi Dong did not reply, but just shook his head. He knew very well that since Qiu Yan had calculated everything so completely, why would he let the two of them leave? Not to mention anything else, the black evil that was currently entangled in his body caused his cultivation realm to fluctuate rapidly. Once his energy was involved, the strength he could exert was suddenly reduced by several percent.

In the distance, Na Yu Zhanguo opened his mouth and sucked in the stalactites all over the floor. The power contained in it was accumulated in his belly, causing his belly to bulge high. Because he was already thin, it looked like this. It's extremely weird up there.

In fact, this approach had a considerable impact on his longevity and physical body, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was really frightened by Qiu Yan's methods, and was also afraid that Qiu Yan had no backup plan, so By cultivating this power in your body, you can explode at any time, avoiding being unable to react in time when sudden changes occur.

After he finished doing this, he was about to leave, but suddenly he frowned. There was someone blocking the way.

"You are..." Yu Zhanguo had never seen this person before, but he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt that he and this person seemed to be vaguely entangled in cause and effect, but it was hidden so deeply that it was difficult to figure out without careful consideration.

"Qiu An, I have some entanglements with you. If we don't cut it off, your future achievements will be limited. Therefore, I have asked you to wait here."

Although he felt strange, Yu Zhanguo still understood this sentence and sneered: "You want to stop me?"

Qiu An shook his head and said, "It's about settling grudges."

"You and I have never met, so what grudges can we have? Huh? No, you and I do have a connection, but they are different. Is it a grudge accumulated in the past life? Is it the reincarnated person? Or is it a rebirth?"

Yu Zhanguo said, shook his head, and spat out a ball of surging energy and blood, whizzing away like a strong wind. In the blink of an eye, it covered Qiu An's entire body, and then rubbed and disappeared, and the surrounding mountains and land were completely annihilated!

"I have gathered the strength of everyone, and in terms of strong energy and blood, even the fifth realm of life cultivators may not be able to compare with me. If Qiu Yan comes over, there may be two things to say, you are a nobody..."

The words stopped abruptly midway through.

However, the raging wind suddenly dissipated, and a bit of blank divine power shot out. It turned into a long sword in the air, and was caught in Qiu An's hand. He didn't say much, and stabbed with the sword!

For a time, Yu Zhanguo and Qiu An were fighting together, while Grand Master Dong was concentrating on driving away the evil spirit from his body. As for Master Na Shu and others, Qiu Yansheng suppressed them and gave them lectures.

On the other side, in the hinterland of Lingnan, a group of soldiers and horses were escorting the leader of the White Lotus Church away at a gallop.

In a sense, the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect have been wiped out in one fell swoop, and this White Lotus Rebellion is no longer a cause for concern. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Muzi Fengdao" for the reward!

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