Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1021: Make a move!

"My Lord! The old monkey is dead!"

Early in the morning, a series of chirping and squeaking sounds echoed in the valley, and then a group of agile monkeys shuttled between the cliffs and branches, speaking words that they could distinguish and understand. {

These words were transmitted with the howling wind in the canyon, and echoed repeatedly throughout the canyon.


Suddenly, a sharp voice came from the wind, followed by a gust of wind, which was black and turned in the air, and then condensed into a ball, revealing a figure inside.

This was a monkey with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks. The black wind under it swirled and lifted it up. The monkey's body was extremely long and its skeleton was large. The muscles, bones, skin and flesh on its body were tightly stretched on the bones, making it look thin, but as long as it moved, there would be a crackling sound of muscles and bones, which showed that the body was full of explosive power!

This monkey also had a pair of slender eyes, with a brilliant light flashing inside. Its fur was also different from that of ordinary monkeys, and was dark in color.

As soon as the black-haired monkey appeared, the other monkeys present were terrified, and many of the monkeys who looked young were still shaking all over.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, and then the black wind monkey opened his mouth, showing his fangs, and asked: "When did he die?"

Hearing the question, the monkeys started chirping again: "Just now!"

"Another one left?" The monkey riding the black wind heard the words, and the brilliance in his eyes dimmed a lot. Then he waved his hand and let the monkeys disperse. Then he moved his body and merged with the rotating black wind. With a whistling sound, he sped through the canyon and reached the bottom of the canyon in the blink of an eye.

On both sides of the canyon, there were cliffs made of cold and hard rocks. They were steep and monotonous. Only birds could enter and exit at will. Even the monkeys had to rely on the limited branches in the cliffs to move. But at the bottom of the canyon, it was a completely different scene -

The water was gurgling, the scenery was green, and in the gentle breeze, many monkeys were playing in the forest, carefree, clean and dust-free.

However, with the arrival of the black wind, all the activities of the monkeys stopped, and they showed awe.

However, the black wind did not stop, but went straight into the forest. It set off a gust of wind and finally stopped in front of a hill deep in the forest.

The small half of this hill was rocky, and there was a cave inside, deep but not dark, and the cave wall was always shining, which could illuminate the things in the cave.

The black-haired monkey rode the black wind and moved forward, and finally came to an open place. There was a monkey lying here, its body was dry and old, exuding death, and there was no life in its shell.

The soul was gone. Only the skin was left.

"I came here with you at the beginning, but now I am the only one left." The monkey that came with the black wind fell to the ground, and the air flow dispersed, blowing away a little bit of the gloom in the cave. Then the monkey's eyes, shining with brilliance, stared at the dry body, and a little sadness appeared in his eyes.

"I was born from the wind. I drifted with the tide in the world, and I don't know how many years have passed. I kept seeing my companions die one by one, and I saw the originally lively body turned into a lifeless flesh and blood. When the soul left, the flesh was no longer meaningful, and I didn't know when it would be my turn to face it."

It turned out that this monkey had a strange origin. It was bred by a wisp of black wind in the world. It was born with the ability to control the strong wind. It also traveled in the mortal world. Some mortals regarded it as the son of the wind god and worshipped it with the gift of the gods.

However, it is not a true god after all. It has not been inherited by any of the four parties, such as the heaven, orthodoxy, heaven and earth, and the people. It is not a natural god. Such behavior is obscene worship. At the beginning, there were few people, and no gods stopped it. But as the number of believers gradually increased, it eventually violated the law domain of other gods. The final outcome was that many gods and their cultivators and believers worked together to expel the monkey.

Then, it was years of escape until the monkey met several other monkeys and finally retired here, becoming the king of this canyon and settling down.

However, there is never only one kind of danger in the world. Even if there is no pursuit by the gods, and there are other dangers approaching, as the six monkeys who traveled together gradually aged and died one after another, it aroused great waves in the heart of this monkey.

At first, it was just pure sadness, but later, it gave rise to a trace of numbness and fear.

The fear of death often devours its soul.

Born from the wind of heaven, it was born with supernatural powers. In terms of cultivation, it has reached the peak of the second realm, but these talents cannot make it immortal. The monkey can feel that its life span is also declining bit by bit.

"Could it be that I will also step towards death in this comfort? My extraordinary body born from the wind will eventually turn into meaningless flesh and blood?"

The monkey retracted his gaze and looked down at his hands. He clenched his fists and the power flowed in them. This power can split mountains and break rocks, but it can't help it get out of fear.

"There must be a way in the world that can make me feel at ease!"

It remembered the gods who drove it away. According to legend, the gods are immortal, but it does not expect the gods to tell it, but wants to find the secrets between heaven and earth, so it stays with the wind all day, flying in the canyon, to feel the eternal world.

However, with the death of the last old monkey who followed it, there is still no answer.

Now, what exists in the monkey's heart is an even stronger fear, as well as the loneliness and emptiness after losing its companions...

This thought and emotion slowly devoured its mind, making it feel that the light around it was slowly dimming, and the colors around it were gradually fading.

Instead, there was darkness!

"Huh?" Suddenly, the monkey woke up suddenly, looked back, and found that the scene around him had changed drastically. It was no longer an empty cave, but a dark place!

"Are those gods taking action again?" The monkey thought about it, and did not panic. Instead, he raised his hand and waved it. A stream of black wind gathered and wrapped around it, bursting out with terrifying power. While lifting its body, it also tried to tear the surrounding darkness apart!


At this time, a slightly old voice came from the depths of darkness——

"Supernatural powers can defeat enemies, gallop, and be free, but they cannot make you feel comfortable, let alone get what you want. It's like the things outside of your body, living in the world, like crossing the sea by boat, how difficult it is to reach the other side, a wave hits, the boat outside of your body is overturned, and there is no place to live, only then you know how fragile the soul is!"

While speaking, the monkey suddenly trembled all over, and then found that the black wind he relied on disappeared in an instant, and his body could no longer be supported, and fell down.

It's just that this darkness seems endless, no matter how he falls, he can't reach the bottom, but this makes him more and more afraid, the fear in his heart keeps accumulating, and finally reaches the limit!

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?"

"It is better to rely on yourself than on others, but sometimes you may get guidance. Since you want to know the way forward, don't be complacent. Go out and find it yourself!"


The next moment, in extreme fear, the black-haired monkey suddenly opened his eyes, and saw two little monkeys with worried faces. When the two little monkeys saw the black-haired monkey wake up, they immediately showed joy, and then hurriedly pushed over, and kept squeaking in their mouths to express their joy.

"My king, you are finally okay!"

On the side, several adult monkeys staggered around.

"I..." The black-haired monkey touched his forehead and looked again. What he saw was still the empty Shandong, but the body of the old monkey who died before was gone.

After thinking for a while, the black-haired monkey asked, "What's going on? Why did you suddenly appear here? Where is the old monkey's body?"

"My king, you really can't be in a hurry. It has been seven days since the old monkey died and you suddenly fainted in the cave. The old monkey's body stinks and can't stay here."

"Seven days?" The black-haired monkey was stunned and sat up suddenly from the ground. "You said I was in a coma for seven days?" Its words were very urgent, making the other monkeys nervous and unconsciously taking a few steps back.

"I was in a coma for seven days without knowing it. Is my end coming?"

On the other side, the black-haired monkey's fear became stronger and stronger. Then he remembered the scene he encountered in the dark before, and muttered to himself: "Are those also nightmares in the coma?"

Thinking of this, it raised its hand and waved, and immediately a black wind surged over, circling around it, blowing the eyes of other monkeys so hard that they could hardly open them.

"Listen to my command again..." When the black wind came, the black-haired monkey immediately felt relieved. It has been able to control the black wind since the day it was born, as if it was instinctive. It never thought that it would lose this ability. In the nightmare before, it could not control the black wind. Now when it thinks back, it still feels empty in the heart, without any sense of security.

"Yes, what the dream said makes sense. What if one day I can't control the black wind? Moreover, this coma may be a sign. I remember that the voice seemed to say some messy things, but in the end it asked me to find it myself. What to find?"

The more the black-haired monkey thought about it, the more confused he became. In the next few days, he lost his appetite and frowned every day, but he still had no clue.

Finally, on the seventh day, it made a decision.

"Children, I have decided to leave the valley to find the answer to one thing. When I am not here, hide the entrance to the canyon to avoid any accidents."

The words of the black-haired monkey immediately caused a commotion among the monkeys. These monkeys have been blessed by the black-haired monkey for many years, so how could they leave?

However, after a dispute, the monkeys were unable to convince it after all, and could only watch the monkey's broad back disappear at the entrance of the canyon.


"In this way, it can be regarded as a start. Placing a chess piece may not be a big deal compared to others, but I am no longer a bystander..."

Looking at the scene in the canyon, Qiu Yan's thoughts gradually became clear in the black evil half body. (To be continued...)

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