Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1029: Rules made with laws

"He found us?"

"What's going on? Didn't they say that this person has lost all his cultivation?"

"Not good! Get back!"

Outside the surrounding walls, the light and shadow suddenly twisted, and then a series of figures emerged. They were all cultivators, but for some reason they were able to hide in the inner city. \u003c

However, the reason why they showed up now was not because they were voluntarily, but because they were covered by the scattered stars, and the magic used to hide their bodies was directly torn apart!

Afterwards, these cultivators all felt something was wrong and turned to leave, but then they felt an invisible force covering their bodies, as if many people were holding them down with their hands!

In this way, the true essence and spiritual consciousness that were stimulated were actually rebounded, causing all these people to groan and fall from mid-air.

Then, a voice came from the courtyard——

"Since we are here, we should make the best of it. You have come to the Qiu Mansion, why don't you just pass by the door? Now Qiu is welcoming you, you can stay here for a few years, so that I, Qiu Yan, can show my hospitality!"

"What a guy? Let us stay for a few years? Who in this world stays for a few years as a guest? He is clearly trying to catch us all!"

"Okay, okay! We are here with orders to catch Qiu Yan, but now he is threatening us. Now that we have been exposed, we might as well go all out and catch him directly!"

"That's right, do it!"

Qiu Yan's words changed the thoughts of the cultivators, and then they all made up their minds. The man was still falling, but before he landed, they stimulated their true essence and spiritual consciousness one by one, and displayed their magical powers, pointing directly at Qiu Yan!


Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The entire wall on the west side of the Qiu Mansion exploded, and several figures rushed over. It was eight figures, four of whom used their divine consciousness and four of whom controlled their true essence!

"Eight cultivators at the peak of the third realm! This lineup is already an amazing combination in the entire Da Rui Dynasty, and even in the entire Donghua level. If it were not for the suppression of the humanitarian order, it would even be enough to overthrow a country. As a result, they are now sent to deal with me, which can be regarded as a reflection of their importance to me..."

Looking at the eight figures rushing over quickly, Qiu Yan thought about this in his mind and tasted the deep meaning behind it.

"However, they can burst out magical skills at the edge of the imperial city and deep in the inner city. Such an action is definitely not easy. From the outside world's perspective, I have already lost my magical power to deal with such a useless person. They still have to send out eight such people. They really think highly of me..."

As he spoke, the human bead in his body suddenly vibrated, as if endless true essence and divine consciousness gushed out. A strange figure emerged on the surface of the bead. At first glance, it looked like a glowing Yin God, but inside it there were shadows of meridians, like a Nascent Soul!

"If I am remembered like this, there will definitely be a steady stream of people with magical powers coming to assassinate me in the future. Isn't that the same as before? How can I truly experience the humane officialdom? Therefore, I should take this opportunity to directly shock all directions and make those cultivators extinguish their thoughts!"

As he spoke, a violent whirlwind broke out, with Qiu Yan as the core, spreading rapidly around, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped the eight people who rushed over!

Then, in the whirlwind, a force of order appeared, changing the rules between heaven and earth, revealing many mysteries in heaven and earth, and then performing the humane scenes, gradually merging!

"This is..."

Not far from here, the five people who were watching the battle suddenly frowned.

"Take the human order as a rule to comprehend and observe, thus showing the power of the first level of the fifth realm, being able to create something out of nothing and project it into reality. Now simply simulate the order into the scene of the human world, simulate the rules, condense the law, and use it to guide the human order for your own use. Isn't this the same as the second level of the fifth realm!"

After this, the people around looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes!

"The fifth realm of sexual cultivation is to show the law. This name represents the essence of it. The so-called law is to restrain, control, and restrict. It is formulated by people and implemented. Therefore, the sexual cultivators of this realm actually restrain those unformed rules between heaven and earth. These restrained rules are laws, which are rules controlled and implemented by law!"

One of them said in a deep voice, and the faces of the others gradually became serious.

"There are three stages in the Manifestation Realm. The first stage is to touch and discover a rule, then to keep approaching it through observation and research, and to a certain extent, to use it. In this regard, those great scholars and masters who pursue humanity, once they think of the order, are actually similar to the fifth stage. It's just that they skipped the practice link in the middle, so they are lacking. However, they can accomplish great achievements that cultivators can only complete in hundreds of years in just a few decades. Even most cultivators can hardly reach this step! From the third stage onwards, every step forward has nothing to do with hard work, talent, and skills, but more about fate, luck, courage, and will!"

"Yes, every major realm is a transformation for the monks. Countless people have fallen on the way. This is especially obvious in the fifth realm. Watching a rule and then borrowing from it is the first stage. , and the second stage is to use one's own power to simulate the rules, and then obtain similar power, but the power is very small, and the power of heaven and earth must be combined to explode more power, but because the simulated rules are the core, Therefore, it can constrain the rules of heaven and earth. As time goes by, the simulation rules are gradually filled with rules, and finally the rules are condensed! "

"Once the law evolves, every move seems to drive the entire world, and its power is almost the same as what Qiu Yan is showing now. However, what we should really worry about is if he not only has the fifth The combat power of the second level is one step further, and it is not that easy to deal with! The third stage is to combine the law with the Yinshen and turn it into a law!"

"How careless! Rumors say that this person's cultivation has been abolished, but now it seems that he has stripped away his cultivation in order to avoid the rejection of heaven and earth! People who have cultivated in the fifth realm have used too much power. He will be ostracized by heaven and earth and leave the mortal world, but now it seems that he has hidden a lot. Such a dangerous person must have a conspiracy to sneak into the court! "

"It's just that in this situation, our evening plan has to be changed. In the short term, it's best not to deal with this person..."

The five people chatted quickly, and then they were about to leave. While they were talking, the storm in Qiu's mansion calmed down, and the eight people who took action had disappeared.

"Without further ado, let's go!"

Seeing this scene, the five people felt anxious. Although they had backup options and escape routes within the capital city, they still couldn't help but feel nervous when facing someone with unpredictable methods like Qiu Yan.

"You guys, are you leaving without saying hello?"

But after they took a few steps, they immediately heard a voice ringing around them, and then they were even more surprised to find that although they were moving rapidly and the wind was whistling in their ears, the scene around them was not moving at all. !

"This is falling into some kind of law!"

With just one glance, these five people understood their situation. They stopped and looked at the sound. It was Qiu Yan's face that came into view. But when they saw the outline of his figure clearly, all five people's pupils were dilated. , showing a surprised look.


This Qiu Yan's figure is ethereal. You can see a little light in the center of his body, which is vaguely like a bead. Beside his body, there are even more vague dragon shadows entwining and a violent ape beating his chest!

This was not the first time that the five people present had seen such a scene, but it also came from a very long memory. Although it was different from Qiu Yan's current appearance, the key points were actually quite similar.

"Dharma?" Qiu Yan, whose figure was vague, shook his head slightly after hearing these words, "Xing cultivates Dharma, life cultivates soul. Only by thoroughly understanding the laws and the mysteries of the universe can we truly condense them. Qiu is now It’s just a trick.”

The leader of the five people was an old man with gray hair. He narrowed his eyes and said: "Trying to take advantage of others? It's also a great step. At least your fifth-level cultivation can't be faked. It seems that you used cultivation." In order to separate from the physical body, this method was previously used by Yan Dongting to stay in the court. You have had contact with him. It seems that he taught this method to you, and then with the help of the luck of passing on the skills, you can After condensing the last step, he soared away."

"It turns out that someone knows about Yan Xiangguo's affairs." Qiu Yan looked at the figures of several people and said nothing. He raised his hand and grabbed it, and a billowing scene gathered in front of him. It was a projection of the truths in many classic articles. The entity wants to trap the five people in it, "However, now that I'm here, I have to go to Qiu's house to sit down. Otherwise, I can come and leave as soon as I want. If others know about it, they will think that it is easy to plot against Qiu." "

"You are trying to scare the monkeys! Could it be that you don't see where we are coming from?"

The leader of the old man said something, and combined with the other four people's auras, they condensed into a set of bright yellow divine dragons. They turned in the air and drew a circle, and actually stopped many projections that were spreading over!

"This time, we were reckless, but since you have not really cut off the path to immortality, you should make an agreement with us like Yan Dongting, not to take action against our Darui royal family in the future..."

After forcing away the many projections, the leader of the old man spoke calmly, stretched out his hand, and characters jumped out, turning into a text in the air.

"You just need to infuse your consciousness here and sign your name."

After speaking, the five people remained silent, waiting for Qiu Yan's response.

Qiu Yan shook his head and smiled: "What a loud tone, it's the Darui Dynasty when you open your mouth!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: Thank you "0-4" for your monthly vote!

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