Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1,332: Xiang!

The changes in the military system involved many things and were more difficult than ordinary reforms because they related to the violent organ of the dynasty - the army. \u003c\u003cTop\u003e\u003e\u003c\u003cPoint\u003e\u003eNovel

This is the group that truly holds the power to overthrow the dynasty, and is also one of the important tools to suppress the fate of the world.

Li Kun sent Qiu Yan to Jiannan. One of his big purposes was to prepare for the reform of the military system. He wanted to use Jiannan Road as an experimental place, which reflected the emperor's determination and will.

When Qiu Yan left the capital at the beginning, it was also the emperor's protection of Qiu Yan's career, preventing him from having a direct conflict with powerful officials and wealthy families before he had achieved fame and wings.

Before the White Lotus Rebellion, Qiu Yan quelled the scourge of the swamp, and used peasant methods supplemented by military means to almost eliminate the threat of the swamp people. All that was left was to wait for generations to pass on, and the life of the swamp people gradually improved. As farming gradually replaced fishing and hunting, the food rations of each tribe gradually increased, which would inevitably change some of the original habits and cause fundamental changes in the social structure.

However, in this process, scholars from the Central Plains will also play an important role. Qiu Yan has long been prepared for this, and has also made arrangements in the army. He will coordinate scholars with soldiers and horses, and use the guard station as a unit to carry out education layout. And on the side of the commander, he set up the post of civil envoy and submitted a letter to the court. Only after the reward was awarded, and after his luck and official position were confirmed, could the measures he set up be truly implemented and become customized and passed down. in later generations.

However, this seemingly simple step is actually not simple. The key lies in today's imperial edict.

According to the imperial edict, Qiu Yan's slight adjustments to the military system in Jiannan Shu were counted as merit and political achievements. This also shows that the emperor, the aristocratic family, and the groups with vested interests gained the power to further reform the military system through games.

This was because Qiu Yan was looking at Li Kun's ability. If the emperor didn't have the ability to get this opportunity, he wouldn't be able to take the initiative to pull chestnuts out of the opponent's fire, and vice versa. If he could succeed, Qiu Yan wouldn't mind going deeper into the understanding of humanity and experiencing the changes brought about by the changes in the system.

Of course, this is just a breakthrough. Even if the emperor can succeed and make the governors of the two palaces and the ministers of the six ministries compromise, the real restructuring process will still be filled with many struggles. As long as there are people . There are different interests, and things move forward in a game and with the joint efforts of all parties.

In this situation, Li Kun sat on the dragon throne and praised Qiu Yan. The words quickly transitioned to the main topic and asked someone to read out the imperial edict.

The civil and military officials standing here are all used to hearing edicts and edicts, but they can't help but concentrate because they know what's behind this edict. What a condensed meaning.

"...Determine the foundation of the national war in Northern Territory, eliminate the troubles of the Anmarsh people, and wipe out the White Lotus Demon Sect..."

Naturally, the imperial edict cannot be like a storytelling script, where everything is explained in detail. Most of them just mention the key points, and then add some rhetoric to compare with the great achievements of the ancients to show the legitimacy of the reward. The civil servants and generals present could clearly distinguish the key information——

"The merits of the battle in Northern Xinjiang, the contribution of pacifying the swamp people, and the indelible contribution of Ping Lian..."

They noticed the most important points in the decree and also knew it. There is one key point that has not been stated, and that part is related to the future direction of government affairs.

"Does this reform of the military system count as merit? Will it be praised?"

Just when everyone was thinking about this matter in their hearts, the person who read out the imperial edict finally read a sentence: "...the method of garrisoning military posts in southern Xinjiang can provide peace, and there are also transfers to determine the army's food, pay, and equipment. , and supervise the sowing of the people in the marsh, and have a cultural system to coordinate their use, educate them in the way of saints, and create a peaceful world..."

"It's coming! It's coming! After all, there is still something! The emperor has made up his mind to launch a military reform!"

After hearing this, the civil and military officials in the court calmed down. How could they still not know the emperor's attitude? This also shows that on this issue, the two governments have compromised with the emperor, but I don't know what benefits the emperor used in exchange.

Now that things have come to this, they still can't help but make calculations.

"Huh?" Qiu Yan, who was standing in the center of the hall, was refreshed, and many thoughts suddenly came to his mind. It turned out that they were flowing from the hearts of the civil servants and generals in the hall after the fate was connected -

"The reform of the military system will definitely come to an end, and there will inevitably be another turmoil, but I think it is still not as good as the reform. The reform faction did not have many people at the beginning, but the black-faced gentleman has a few close followers, plus his own reputation , and with the support of the emperor and hard work for many years, the new party is now completely new, and its power is not weaker than that of the old party. Although Qiu Yan is now unparalleled, there are not many available people. "

"When Qiu Yan was an official in the capital, he was quite aloof and did not make friends with others. Even though he had some connections, after serving abroad for these years, he gained this reputation and qualifications, but there may not be many available people. The reform of the military system , it’s not that easy to implement.”

"Those prime ministers seemed to be tolerant of this matter. They should have taken this step as a retreat, letting the emperor get the title first, and then delaying and hindering the implementation. In the end, the goal was achieved, and what else can be done? Got extra benefits.”

"Now that everything is peaceful, it is time to enter a peaceful and prosperous era. Any kind of reform or military reform is really the source of chaos."

"I don't know what kind of position the emperor will give Qiu Yan to facilitate his actions."

"Qiu Yan usually doesn't form any cliques or cling to each other. Maybe it's an opportunity. If I can join him, I might be able to take advantage of the trend and rise like Cen Bo and Zhang Hou!"

"What Qiu Yan did is exactly what he has done to rejuvenate the country. The more the army is strong and the horse is strong, the less vigilant it is to let down. If we cannot take advantage of this moment to formulate a new military system in one go, the will of the army will be solidified in the future. Come down, it’s hard to shake.”

"In fact, there were many problems in the Northern Xinjiang National War. It was only because the battle situation went smoothly and the decisions made almost no mistakes that we finally won. However, this does not cover up the problems. The reform of the military system is indeed necessary. This is just a move. After all, it is really contradictory to hurt the foundation of our military strategist..."

"The complexity of the human heart is indeed difficult to fully account for."

All these thoughts follow the flow of luck, wandering back and forth between civil servants and military generals, imperial edicts, and Qiu Yan.

"It's strange that when I don't use the Human Dao Pearl, my human body is just a mortal body, and the Jinluan Palace is a place with strong dragon energy. There is actually a resonance of will, but the content in it is still relevant to the present. , information beyond this scope will not be fed back, so to speak, it is also a kind of humane pulling..."

Just when Qiu Yan was thinking, he suddenly felt a shock all over his body, and then he felt a surge of luck coming and pouring into his body!

But it was the person who announced the decree who finally revealed the specific official position——

"...well-informed about military affairs, he was promoted to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, and was in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of War. The former Minister Zhou Xian worked hard and made great achievements, so he was transferred..."

As soon as these words were said, even though the people in the palace had been prepared for it, they were still surprised.

"The Minister of the Ministry of War of the second rank, the speed of promotion is really shocking to others. If it were another person, no one in the civil and military affairs of the court would be convinced, but it is more interesting to fall into this Qiu Yan's body."

"During the national war, although the Minister of War was not in charge of the war, he still benefited from the glory, so he was promoted. The new Minister who came up later had not had time to make achievements, but he happened to catch up with the White Lotus Rebellion. It was unfair. Now that Qiu Yan is in this position, there will be good things to do in the future. "

"The fifth grade and the fourth grade jumped to the second grade in just four years, let alone being an official in the capital. This speed is really amazing. Even people in the court know that with Qiu Yan's achievements in the past few years, this position It is more than enough, and there will definitely be people who will jump out. After all, officialdom is all about gradual progress. If you move too fast, without enough connections and influence, the foundation is not strong enough. Even if you get to a high position, you will not be able to stand firmly. At most, you will gather some speculation. People who are like this will be pulled by others..."

Everyone listened to the reading of the imperial edict and thought about it individually, but there were still some people in the crowd who had extraordinary insight and realized the problem.

"In terms of Qiu Yan's merits that the emperor often mentions, the position of Minister of War is not enough to reflect all his merits. I'm afraid there will be a follow-up to this imperial edict!"

For these people, in the past four years, they have roughly figured out the emperor's behavior style, and they know that if they cannot give appropriate official positions in one go, it means that the emperor wants Qiu Yan to extend his hands to multiple fields!

This was the case with the last official appointment. It allowed Qiu Yan's influence to reach the Hanlin Academy, the Imperial College and other places in one go. It can be said that he achieved multiple things with one stone. However, the superposition of power brought by this was not comparable to that of a single official position. .

Sure enough, these people's worries were later confirmed——

"...Xu Qiuyan entered the Political Affairs Hall to discuss matters."

A simple sentence, but it made the entire hall fall into silence.

"Enter the political hall to discuss affairs? Good guy! This is not bad! This is not a title given to Qiu Yan as Minister of War, but it is to prepare him to join the two houses as prime minister! This is not bad? This Qiu Yan is not in his prime this year, why? To be treated like this!”

In shock, many officials looked towards the front row of the prime ministers and found that these few were silent, as if the matter had nothing to do with them.

After seeing this scene, how could others not know this result? Several ministers had already known this result from the emperor's mouth.

"Even so, it is so surprising that Qiu Yanfu entered the Political Affairs Hall to discuss matters as soon as he returned to Beijing. Many people long for that place, but they are not able to get it. It is not possible for him to be in his prime and not supported by aristocratic families. That’s a good thing.”

During the Darui Dynasty, officials with power in the two governments could all be called prime ministers, so the emperor's decree actually gave Qiu Yan a position! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "The Blasphemer in the Cloud" for the tip!

Thanks to "private nsam", "honest man", "love moon fluttering", and "cross the dead man" for their monthly votes!

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