Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1335 Discussing the Dao with the Master, Ask the Disciple First

"Come to see Yan'er?" Liu Huai frowned, "Didn't I already tell the concierge to tell them that Yan'er isn't here? Why are there still people who haven't left?"

After saying this, he turned to Qiu Yan and said: "Yan'er, these people are here to give gifts according to what is written in the play. This is ruining your reputation. You must not be careless. You must know that you In such a high position now, there must be many people who are jealous and want to find fault with you all the time, so be more careful and tread on thin ice. —{2}{3}{w}{x}]"

This shows how much Liu Huai values ​​Qiu Yan's reputation.

However, Qiu Yan also knew that his student would not come to report for no reason. If he was really an ordinary gift-giver, he would probably not attract his attention at all. But now, he can see that Some clues were found on Zheng Yun's face.

"Uncle, don't worry, Yan knows what he knows." He first comforted Liu Huai, and then Qiu Yan asked Zheng Yun, "Who wants to discuss matters with me?"

"This man has some background, and he can be regarded as a scholar. His name is Li Mengqi." After listening to Qiu Yan's words, Zheng Yun felt calm in his heart. He lost his anxiety and replied calmly, "Li Mengqi is from the north of Guanzhong." The famous master has an academy in Dajie Mountain and teaches students. Everyone says that he is independent of the world, but his teacher is extraordinary and now teaches the prince in the East Palace. "

"I see, you have seen the mystery behind it, and you are worried that there will be discord between my master and the prince because of this matter." Qiu Yan nodded. This disciple of his is particularly smart and has a lot of wisdom. He could draw inferences from one instance and see through all the key points at a glance. Now it was obvious that he had seen some clues from Li Mengqi's identity and background, and that was why he showed the expression just now.

"So that's it," Qiu Yan pondered for a moment and smiled slightly. "How many problems are hidden behind this person and what their significance is. You don't have to care too much about these. You just need to study with peace of mind. Li Meng's coming here is actually an opportunity. Go and ask San Yi to come over and talk to him. Then Li Mengqi makes an appointment to discuss Taoism."

"Okay." Zheng Yun nodded in agreement and was about to leave. Suddenly he realized that there seemed to be an ambiguity in Qiu Yan's words, so he couldn't help but come over and ask again, "Teacher, you want me to call San Yi to make an appointment with Li Mengqi, and then you can Go and talk to him?"

Qiu Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "I am now the Minister of the Ministry of War, and I discuss matters in the political affairs hall. From now on, I will be busy with official duties. Even if I discuss matters with others, I cannot accept just anyone who comes over. You have to wait for me. Only when I have free time can I do this. Don't talk about Taoism. Even if Li Mengqi wants to come here to study, I can still teach him. But now, if someone at the level of a great Confucian or a master doesn't come forward, I won't stop. Let’s talk about official matters. Since you are my students and disciples, you should also serve me. This is also a rare training opportunity.”

These words sounded ordinary, but even Liu Huai could understand that Qiu Yan was secretly saying that Li Mengqi was not qualified to discuss matters with him. This was not because Qiu Yan was arrogant, let alone arrogant, because the words also said It became very clear that his identity as Qiu Yan was, after all, not an idler sitting in the mountains, discussing Taoism with others every day, but an important official in the court who had just obtained an official position and was at the top of the civil service. It was impossible for a random person to come and discuss Taoism. , you must show an approachable attitude and accommodate the other person.

But the meaning made Zheng Yun think.

"This..." Zheng Yun hesitated a little when he heard this. Although he was talented and intelligent, he was still young after all. His knowledge was already profound. He also had the experience of discussing, debating, and learning from each other with some Confucian scholars, scholars, and supervisors. Under Qiu Yan's guidance and request, I once went to the fields to do farm work, or went to the market to experience it. The experience was rich.

However, these things are not enough to make Zheng Yun feel that he and Meng Sanyi can discuss things with a person who has been famous for a long time. After all, he is still a young man, and his ambition is not necessarily very firm.

Qiu Yan looked at Zheng Yun, who was meditating, and said: "You will have to experience these things eventually. Stay with me, and my teacher will always be able to protect you from wind and rain. But life is not to rely on others. After all, You have to have your own path to follow, and discussing with Li Mengqi may help you gradually see your own path."

At this point, Zheng Yun also felt his teacher's ardent expectations from inside. He had been following Qiu Yan for a long time, but he had not been around for a long time, but he still understood some of his teacher's habits.

After Qiu Yan said this, Zheng Yun had a lot of enlightenment in his heart. When he thought about discussing Taoism with Li Mengqi, he was actually a little eager to try it.

Then he said goodbye to everyone and went forward impatiently, but before that, he had to call out Meng Sanyi who was studying in the backyard.

On the other side, looking at Zheng Yun's eager departure, Liu Huai also smiled and said: "Xiao Yun'er is the smartest, and I should be able to inherit your mantle in the future. I have also told others that it is Yan'er who you are now. The knowledge is very profound, and few people in the world can match it. This kind of knowledge cannot be cut off, and good successors should be found to pass it on. "

As he spoke, he changed the subject: "However, you shouldn't neglect your children's homework. I think Xiao Yun'er and the others are about to start learning. If you have time, you should also give some advice to Brother Ju. They are."

"Yes, Qiu Yan will remember it." Qiu Yan nodded quickly and followed the family to the courtyard. Someone from the Qiu family came to announce the good news just now. After Liu Huai knew about it, he quickly ordered to prepare a banquet and wait for Qiu Yan to come to celebrate.

Let's not talk about this, but Zheng Yun hurriedly called Meng Sanyi, and then went straight to the front door to meet Li Mengqi.

Other people who came to visit were ordered by Liu Huai to use Qiu Yan to send them away, and all the gifts they sent were rejected. Liu Huai was afraid that these things would ruin Qiu Yan's reputation.

In fact, the people who come to visit now are generally small officials and wealthy families, who know how to advance and retreat. They come to visit openly and openly, and most of the gifts they send are elegant things, which will not give Qiu Yan a pretext. Otherwise, if they come to make friends, if the gifts are not appropriate, wouldn't it become an enemy?

Besides, if you really want to send something, you have to wait for a while, until several circles in Beijing have a thorough understanding of Qiu Yan's preferences, so that you can cater to his preferences and use some more obscure gift-giving methods.

However, compared with others, Li Mengqi is obviously different. First of all, his identity is also well-known and cannot be easily referred to. Secondly, his purpose is not to please or flatter, but to discuss the truth. The foothold is different. Of course, the doorman dare not make a decision on his own, so he called Zheng Yun, who was close, to let him make a decision.

This is the scene where Zheng Yun went to find Qiu Yan.

"What? Scholar Qiu asked you to discuss the Dao with me?" Li Mengqi frowned and showed his anger after hearing what Zheng Yun said. "I have heard that Scholar Qiu is a scholar and his knowledge and practice are the key to writing. But today, I know that his reputation is not true. He actually used such means to humiliate me! Since Scholar Qiu is unwilling, I will take my leave. I just don't know how people in the world will look at Scholar Qiu after hearing this! Goodbye!"


After hearing these words, Zheng Yun stopped Li Mengqi.

"What? Is there anything else to say?" Li Mengqi stopped and turned to ask. His words were impolite, but he was handsome. When he spoke, he had a sense of power. According to his thinking, he must have said this to force Qiu Yan out, and then he could achieve his original purpose.

Zheng Yun said seriously, "Mr. Li, I respect you as a famous Confucian scholar, so I treat you with courtesy. Please don't use this to insult the reputation of Mr. Zheng."

"Hmm?" This answer was different from what he thought, but Li Mengqi still asked calmly, "I came here to discuss the Tao and discuss the mysteries of the human way with your teacher, but Qiu Xueshi sent you two yellow-mouthed children out. Isn't that bullying me?"

"Gan Luo Twelve can be used as an envoy, why does Mr. Li look down on us?" Zheng Yun responded seriously, "Besides, you came to discuss the Tao with my teacher, but my teacher is busy with government affairs. If anyone comes to discuss the Tao, and if it doesn't work, they go back and tarnish my teacher's name, then there is no need to do anything, let alone study, and debate every day."

"What a sharp-tongued person, well, well, even if Li is asking for trouble, I won't say much, but how the world evaluates it is not up to me." Li Mengqi said, and was about to leave.

At this time, Meng Sanyi stepped forward and said with a smile: "What? You are going to flee because you can't win the argument with my senior brother? This is great. If it really gets out, I don't know what others will say about my teacher, but I can still predict what they will say about you, Mr. Li."

"Huh?" Li Mengqi's eyelids jumped, and he looked at Meng Sanyi seriously for the first time.

Compared with Zheng Yun, who has been taught by Qiu Yan since childhood and has not experienced many hardships, Meng Sanyi obviously has the atmosphere of the market, so when Li Mengqi saw him for the first time, he just thought he was a errand boy of the Qiu family. Unexpectedly, this person suddenly came over and called Qiu Yan his teacher. Thinking of the rumors in the market, Li Mengqi knew who this person was.

"Are you the Meng Sanyi?"

"Who I am is not important, but how you respond is the key," Meng Sanyi smiled, "Speaking of which, I love the people you discuss with, all great scholars and masters. Even if it is your teacher, if you want to ask for advice, you should ask the prince to speak for you. When I heard that you were here today, I thought you were here to deliver a message for your teacher, but I didn't expect that you were going to discuss with my teacher. It's really surprising."

After saying this, Li Mengqi's face suddenly turned pale. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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