Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1339: Luck and energy converge into one point


The plan was quite worried around him. After all, this was a matter of his own future, and no matter how open-minded he was, he would inevitably worry about it.

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked: "But the future is bleak?"

Unexpectedly, the young Miao Zhu shook his head and said: "That's not the case, it's just that your destiny seems to be changed due to external interference!"

"Does something like this still happen? Can this destiny be changed by others?" Xiang Liao was surprised when he heard this, "According to your statement, there is a principle of order, so isn't everything destined to happen?"

The young man Miao Zhuze said: "The principle of order is not to arrange everything in the world, nor is it something erratic and mysterious, but a secret that grasps the key and maintains the operation of the world. As for my divination for you, what I use is It’s another kind of mysterious power.”

"So, what is the result of this divination? Do you want me not to join the army according to my great tradition?" Xianlue shook his head violently, "This is not possible. Not to mention being ridiculed by others, I cannot accept it. "Joining the army has been my dream since childhood. Sooner or later I will become a warrior who is not inferior to my elder brother and the others!"

The young man Miao Zhu said: "The change of fate does not mean bad things, but it is not ordinary for external forces to interfere with this. So after I go back, I will report it to the superiors, hoping to attract attention."

"Come on, I am a small person, and you are also a small person. There are countless similar people in this entire Great Fall. If there is a story focusing on us, maybe you will be taken seriously as soon as you report it, and then layer upon layer Step by step, they alarmed the higher-ups, and finally nipped the trouble in the bud. Unfortunately, this was just a fantasy. They were two unknown men, and they were both young and did not make any real achievements. Even if they were a little famous, they really made a difference. What does it matter to people?”

Xiali sighed with emotion, and then laughed helplessly: "For those big shots, we can only see a few rising stars every year. Even if I have a fairly famous father, after all, It’s not my own fault. It’s impossible for anyone to think that my son will be successful because his father is a good man. Besides, if he can’t make some achievements after joining the army, I’m afraid even my father will look down on me.”

"You can understand that this is enough, but the world has its own reasons. Even if it cannot bear fruit today, it is just brewing and preparing for the future."

During the conversation, the two of them glanced at the sun outside the shed and counted the time. Know it's time to leave.

Others also knew that the two of them were here just for fun, so they dispersed. As for the previous conversation between the two. But it also aroused the curiosity of some people and became a topic of conversation in the future.

Not much to say about these.

However, from beginning to end, the people in this shed. As well as other people in the city, they don't know that there is a will. Watching here silently.

"Here is a node of luck. The city lord Xiu Ya is the person where luck gathers. It is like a low-lying place. In comparison, his younger brother Xiu Lue is much inferior, but he can still be regarded as a lucky person. Human beings, it’s just that these two people are wrapped in the aura of death, and they are likely to die soon.”

In the past few days, Qiu Yan's inner demon, body and will, following the flow of luck, slowly moved from the city where it initially attached, from the border of the Great Meteor Dynasty to the Luoyu City.

"The current luck in this land of slough is born from thousands of creatures, and then flows and gathers in low-lying places, so I want to get enough luck to help Heisha break more obstacles and gain more strength. , you need to find enough people who live in low-lying places, or..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan focused his attention on the young Miao Zhu.

With the will of the city as the foundation, the inner demon's perception expands, and the veins of the flow of luck can be clearly detected. This is like a rock above the water in the flowing water. The water flow branches where the inner demon's body is, but The general direction of flow has not changed.

The water flow here refers to luck.

"The fortune of this abandoned land is like water on a hillside, flowing in one direction. Just like a low-lying land, the water will converge without any deliberate pulling. The difference is that right now, The flow of water is luck! However, the low-lying places where water flows are not stagnant water. The luck in the potholes is also flowing. "

The temple blessing that Qiu Yan paid attention to could be regarded as a person with good luck. It was considered a low-lying person, but it was obviously not as good as the one beside him. Therefore, a lot of the luck gathered on him was concentrated on him.

Similarly, the luck of Xiu Lue is also flowing, and it is converging towards the city lord, Xiu Ya, who is sitting in the center of the city. The Duke left.

In this way, a complete system is gradually formed.

"If I want to obtain luck, I cannot intercept it midway, otherwise it will have an impact on the entire luck system. It may affect the evolution of this world, but I can find another way and follow the trend, within the entire system. To obtain luck, you just need to choose a target..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan's attention returned to Xiang Lue, thoughtfully.

"This plan can be used as a candidate, but it still needs to be considered. In addition, since he wants to return to the royal capital in accordance with the tradition of this great fall, he can take me along with him, so that he can explore this abandoned place along the way. With the changes in the world, I always feel that this system of luck circulation was born quite suddenly. Even though the entire Land of Relics has developed a lot in the past three hundred years, compared with Donghua where Darui is located, it is still It seems short-lived. In such a short period of time, a divine authority like the temple was created..."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's inner demon body slowly changed and planted a seed directly into Chengchi's will.

"When we go to the royal capital this time, we may be able to find some clues. After all, judging from the myths and legends mentioned by the temple priest, it is obvious that someone has tampered with it, and the traces of the gods in the world have completely become legends. It seems that there are no This is not consistent with common sense. Three hundred years is not enough time to evolve such a change. Some force must have intervened, and it is likely to be an external force. "

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan recalled the foreign gods who had originally deployed in the Land of Relics. In the final analysis, the changes in the Land of Relics were all related to those foreign gods, and the root cause was the twelve-hour sundial.

"Last time I entered this place, I didn't see any traces of the sundial, but I got the memory fragments of the three guardian gods. I probably understood that when this land of slough changed, it expelled all foreign creatures and gods that did not bear the imprint of it. , but due to the closure of time and space, they did not return to Donghua and Xingkong. Instead, they fell into the gap in time and space, and were caught by an ancient will, which caused a series of changes and were unable to interfere with the land of relics. Since the foreign gods have treasures like the sundial and have evolved over the past five hundred years and the next three hundred years, there is no guarantee that something unexpected will happen, so we should be careful."

After understanding this in his heart, Qiu Yan also knew that his inner demon body, although his abilities have greatly increased, has not undergone any essential transformation, making it inconvenient for him to appear in the world in a big way, so as to avoid being discovered and plotted by people in the dark.

"Then, using this plan as a breakthrough, heading to the royal capital, and then starting from the inside of Da Rui, may be the most feasible way. After all, Da Rui's organizational structure has room for intervention."

The political structure of Da Yun was different from that of Da Xin and Da Xun, and it was also different from that of Da Rui.

The combination of Daxin and Daxun is similar to an alliance between political entities. Due to communication and transportation conditions, even the king of that dynasty cannot effectively manage the territory, so he is only a nominal co-owner. Every place in the country is still ruled by relatively isolated princes.

By the time of the Great Meteor Dynasty, after many years of development, there had been another change in the world. Coupled with the spread of temples and the expansion of various mysterious powers in the vast land, it was difficult to rule the entire country. Changed to some extent.

Therefore, the power of those princes was suppressed to a certain extent, causing their power to decline a lot. However, due to the rise of the temple, the divine power and the secular monarchy divided the ruling structure to a certain extent. .

These were all things that happened within a hundred years of the founding of the Great Meteor Kingdom. The four emperors within a hundred years shaped this situation, causing the four princes to be divided and weakened, and finally formed political entities similar to city-states.

However, with the rise of the fifth emperor and the rise of the Barbarian Wolf King in the north, the protracted war gradually weakened the dynasty's binding force on the local areas, and the nobles, who were suppressed by both monarchy and theocracy, began to fight in the war. Zhongjian made great achievements, continued to grow, and realized its own power, so they united and elected two people who made great contributions in that war to become their spokespersons in the royal capital.

This was originally a temporary move, but due to the amazing skills of those two people, who used their military exploits to gain influence in the royal capital, they gradually secured their positions and became custom-made, eventually evolving into a ruling structure.

The birth of these two rulers represented the princes from all directions, so the positions themselves were not hereditary, but elected by the princes, and gradually became the hub of the interests of the nobility. Behind the two, many noble forces gathered together. There is also a semi-open staff organization, which gathers many princes and nobles to manage operations, advises the two ruling princes, and helps them with administrative management and implementation of administrative orders. The father of Xiangya and Xianglue is one of them. one.

The influence of this organization continues to expand, and some people even call it the center of the dynasty in private, or simply the ruling cabinet. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thank you to "Xianjia Sanri" for your monthly vote!


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