Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 146: Wolf's Ring

"Is it about the treasure of the Supreme God?"

After hearing this, whether it was Yuan Lue or others, their eyes shone brightly. !

People in the world all know a little about the legend of the Supreme God. They don’t know the details. They only vaguely know that everything in the world is related to the Supreme God.

Legend has it that all things were created by the Supreme God. After being ignorant for thousands of years and seeing no improvement, the Supreme God personally descended to earth and led the ancestors of all creatures to overcome obstacles and develop the principles of wisdom, which led to the current prosperity.

However, the ancestors had limited wisdom and had different understandings. They had different interpretations and understandings of the principles passed down by the Supreme God. This caused conflicts and eventually led to division hundreds of years after the Supreme God left.

As for the divine war hundreds of years ago, it was because several tribes passed down from the Supreme God each insisted on the principles they believed in and refused to compromise with each other, so there was a war!

"The principles left by the Supreme God are so profound. As long as you learn a little bit, it will be enough to serve as the foundation of inheritance. Therefore, it will be split into several Taoist traditions, and a divine war will break out. In the end, the group that adheres to the principles of order will win and establish a vast Temple, if the Barbarian Wolf King really has such a treasure, it will be of great value, no wonder it can last forever!"

The young general couldn't help but sigh, and his words were quite unkind to the temple. However, these martial nobles had never had a good impression of the temple, so no one was surprised, and they would not worry about anyone snitching on them——

Now that the situation has gradually become clearer, the nobles naturally know that even if no one informs them, the temple will still be hostile to them.

Moreover, in the eyes of the generals, the temple was just a secret that had been left behind by the Supreme God. It was kept secret and used as a trump card. It was not very sacred in itself. If there was a chance, they would not mind plundering the temple.

Now. Everyone learned from the general's mouth the truth about the Barbarian Wolf King, and knew that such a treasure might exist. How could they not be tempted?

With their hearts surging, several more generals spoke——

"The temple is so arrogant because it knows more than ordinary people, but these things are originally inherited by the Supreme God. I once read it in a book when I was a child. When the Supreme God preached, he emphasized: "There is no distinction between teachings", which shows that the Supreme God has no intention of cherishing the precious principles. Everyone should be able to learn them and everyone is qualified to receive them. The temple is clearly misinterpreting its meaning!

"Exactly like this, if we can obtain the treasure of the Barbarian Wolf King and show it to the world, we will be able to unravel the hypocritical face of the temple and let the world no longer be restricted by it!"

"This matter needs to be considered in the long run and we cannot act rashly."

Although the deeds of the Supreme God are vague, there are many classics to increase the convincingness. Or to establish legitimacy, one or two sentences will be quoted, many of which are fabricated, just in daily conversations. Where can anyone go to find out more? Consider it a golden rule.

It was just that they were tempted, but the general's next words made everyone give up their thoughts -

"You are thinking well, but people have known about this news before. Even among me, Da Yun, and many other princes, this matter is not considered a secret. I don’t know how many people have tried to make an idea for hundreds of years. But no one has succeeded. It can be seen that the Barbarian Wolf King The ability, or this matter is simply a lie, there is no such treasure, so no one can get it. "

Seeing that everyone had recovered from the excitement, he continued: "In any case, the key to this matter is to rescue the prince as soon as possible. As for what the king said about teaching the barbarians a profound lesson, it is secondary. After all, when the barbarians invaded the origin, because We have already suffered heavy losses while waiting for a counterattack..."

"Actually, whether or not the prince can be rescued is also a secondary concern..." At this time, Sui Lu, who had been listening silently, spoke up. His words made the people around him startled and cast doubtful glances.

The general frowned and scolded slightly: "Xianglue, it's best not to say such things casually. After all, the king is very affectionate, how can he not ask for the prince's life?"

The power of the Wuxun nobles comes from royal canonization, and unlike ordinary princes, those Conglong princes still retain their fiefdoms even if the royal family declines, which can be said to be a solid foundation. The fiefdoms of the Wuxun nobles are either located on the border or guard the royal city. No matter which one it is, the martial nobles who inherit the title need to live in the royal capital for a long time, and their interests are tied to the royal family. One glory may not necessarily bring glory to everyone, but if one loses, both will suffer.

Because of this, it is okay for martial nobles to say something to ridicule the temple, but if it involves the royal family, they must be more cautious.

But Xiang Lue didn't care at all and said with a smile: "The prince was originally stationed in the Northern Territory. He had been there for many years. When the barbarians who killed my family invaded, the prince was stationed in the Northern Territory. He was surrounded by barbarians, but the barbarians treated him badly. Before the barbarian army marched, they had no intention of attacking the prince. However, after being frustrated, they suddenly captured the prince and sent him to the territory of the Barbarian Wolf King. The reason for this gave me a feeling... "

He looked at the people in front of him, and his words became clearer: "That is the dispatch of troops this time. The royal family is more of a routine, not necessarily to rescue the prince. Otherwise, when the barbarians show signs of instability, the prince should withdraw Why don't you sit still and not increase your troops? It's like you don't worry about the barbarians coming."

"That's not what you said. It is a great tradition for a prince to sit in charge of one side. Even if there is danger, he cannot leave first. Otherwise, it will inevitably make people look down upon and cause morale to collapse." The general frowned and retorted, trying to pass the matter over. .

Nilue smiled and said no more. He changed the subject and said, "Now that things have come to this, we cannot easily enter the territory of the Wild Wolf King, otherwise there will be troubles. Therefore, the large group of people should not get involved. I am willing to lead a small team to go deep into the area to rescue the prince. I hope the general will agree."

"Oh? You want to take the risk yourself?" The general narrowed his eyes, looked at Nilue, and finally made a decision. He nodded and said, "I will allow you, but this trip is dangerous. The team you lead must be elite soldiers. You can choose the right person from the three armies."

"No need to go to such trouble. My personal guards will do." Nilue shook his head and was unwilling to choose others.

Then, things were quickly prepared. In the evening of the next day, Nilue set off with twelve people. These twelve people were his confidants and personal guards, including his wife's younger brother. They were all strong and powerful, and they were all brave generals.

Because it was a covert operation, there was no big farewell ceremony. Nilue only worshipped the Supreme God before leaving and prayed for blessings, and then he set off silently.

This is a difficult road, full of various obstacles. Ordinary barbarians and wild beasts are just ordinary, and there are also legendary beasts, as well as many unexpected natural dangers!

However, under the leadership of Nilue's bravery and strategy, after half a month, no one was injured, and they were closer to one of the destinations of this trip-

Along the way, they inquired everywhere and collected information about the captured prince. After repeated scrutiny and verification, they circled a range and then slowly narrowed it down.

The territory of the Barbarian Wolf King is different from that of ordinary barbarians. It is full of dangers and many strange beasts, but there are also human tribes.

The inhabitants of these tribes have been attached to the human race of the Wild Wolf King for hundreds of years. In fact, even the many barbarians who invaded Dayun did not have the courage to face the Wild Wolf King directly. They sent the prince of Dayun to the Wild Wolf King's forces, which was actually handing the prince over to a tribe on the land protected by the Wild Wolf King.

"The tribe you are looking for is not the top among the many tribes under the Wild Wolf King. It can only be said to be in the middle, and it doesn't even have the chance to get the wolf tooth ring!"

When they were about to reach the target, the companions of Nilue and others took the responsibility of explaining-

On the way, Nilue and others not only did not lose manpower, but also added several companions. The most special one was the person who was explaining.

This person was called "Chang Shanfu", a witch in the barbarian territory, who possessed wonderful abilities. Nilue and others were not unfamiliar with this name. The people in charge of sacrifice in the temple of the Dayun Dynasty also had similar abilities.

However, what makes Chang Shanfu different from others is that he claims to have understood the teachings of the Supreme God, and he took the initiative to come here and was willing to serve Nilue, claiming that he was granted the will of the God.

On the other hand, Nilue was also very curious about Chang Shanfu's surname. In the classics he had read, the name of the Chang Shan clan had been mentioned many times, and its descendants had left many traces in history.

However, due to their background, the people under Nilue's command could not access the bamboo slips, so they did not find anything unusual.

In addition, several barbarians also joined the team. This team, which originally had only thirteen people including Nilue, has now expanded to seventeen people.

"Over this hill, there is a forest. We sneak into it, slowly approach the tribe, and when the time is right, suddenly attack, we should be able to achieve our wish." Chang Shanfu was still introducing, but Nilue's mind had turned to other things.

"What does the wolf tooth thumb ring you mentioned just now mean? The thumb ring is used for archery, but since it was mentioned specifically, there must be a reason. Could it have other meanings in this land?"

Chang Shanfu was not surprised, or rather, he had expected Nilue to ask, so he replied: "Isn't there a legend circulating in Yuantu that the Wild Wolf King has a treasure given by the Supreme God? This rumor is not groundless, the source is a wolf eye thumb ring and ten wolf tooth thumb rings!"

Hearing this, Nilue stopped and said seriously: "Is the rumor true? Does the Wild Wolf King really have a treasure from the Supreme God? Is it that thumb ring? Is there the principle of heaven and earth hidden in it?"

Chang Shanfu shook his head and said: "It's just a rumor. Although those thumb rings are amazingly powerful, they are not from the Supreme God, but made by the Wild Wolf King himself!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Shu v Long" for the reward!

Thanks to "showss", "Falling Leaves", "Qu Jinyuan", "oceanpop", "wiler", "Moment of Style", "tilaf", "Skywalker_Xiang", "Bookworm", "darknight", "Bookworms Don't Eat", "Dafa", "Pandanumber1", "Idle Little Chi", and "Harmless Donkey" for their monthly votes!

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